LOL!!! i understand why rosie wants all her people to stay off this dang internet!!!!!........they should be posting a link from their site to this thread and learn a little about the "practical application"
Yo!.......Rosie!.......does this mean you've forgiven all of us greasespotters?......can we visit you now at the home where we spent years of our lives and millions of our dollars building your headquarters???.........can we visit our relatves buried in your woods without linder's gestapo running us off???........are you giving us a clean slate???
I know your 65th is coming up??? gonna ask us to forgive you for raping and plundering the many thousands of us that you so lovingly "marked and avoided" after we gave our "utmost for his highest"???.......maybe you'll forgive your former dancing president and let him back inside the walls of your promised land to conjure up some more present truth to continue your ministry of whited sepulchres????? can't wait for your posted reply rosie!!.....really looking forward to your apologies.......or have they all been settled out of court too???..............just wondering........god's best to you all.........can't wait to hear from you..........
hey there, i was referring to the 55th anniversary of rosie's ministry coming up in october........yeah.....she's way beyond the double nickle in her age bracket.............peace
yeah.....long overdo........actually october will be the by 10 years........oh well.......just 10 more years of torture!!!
This reads like a cheap tract... not the product of a "INTERNATIONAL research and teaching ministry."
Indeed, the whole SITE looks and reads like a cheap tract. Some of the photos look like reprints from a 1959 "Boys Life" magazine. I expect to see an ad of a woman in a dress, apron and heels leaning over a stove with a big smile saying "I just LOVE my Westinghouse oven and ALL my Westinghouse modern conVENiences! And the food tastes GREAT!" while over her shoulder "Dad" is leaning in holding a pipe and smelling the pot roast that the dog is eyeballing, tail wagging.
But that's another story, really. The Way loves it's past, as long as it doesn't include anything bad, in which case it's better to ignore it and "move on" and "freely give". You too can forgive someone today, just don't asnwer or ask any questions. and rainbows and puppy-dog tails.
Yet, do those corps teachings still drip with venom week after week?......lashing out at any staff corps woman who gets pregnant without twi's approval?......or, imposing a "mark & avoid" status whenever a leader buys a home?........or, what if a long-standing corps leader sends a letter addressed to twi's president raising opposition to its prevailing promised land bunk?
What about health and healing?.......does twi still heap truckloads of guilt and condemnation on its staff employees when health issues arise?.....or death occurs? Where was that high road of love when reynxolds was removed from the trustee level for health issues a few years back? Why are so many sent packing from staff when their health starts to fail?.....Are they driven from the beloved hq via brow-beating and guilt?
Seems that your sterilized internet presence misses the mark, doesn't it twi?.....Region coordinators still leaving your household; and limb coordinator clergy requesting branch work to get secular employment.......just doesn't make any sense in your "prevailing ministry" and window-dressing articles.....????
And, why do you, twi, still hide behind this "come and see" hq.......where you hold the advantage of control and manipulation at your fingertips? Long gone are the days of GO, STAND and SPEAK to the people all the words of this life -- that spirit-filled life of demonstrating God's power in action!!! You know, the Book of Acts action.....the Church Epistle ministering wherein the leaders get out amongst the people and WALK THE WALK.
And, really.....where is all that abundant sharing going? Does the bureacratic salaries at twi swallow up the majority of this hard-earned money week after week? C'mon let's be real.......twi's hq is bloated to the max to "create" an image of international importance, right? In actuality, probably a third of twi's staff could be trimmed from the ranks and sent out on the field....'cept that then, some perks at hq would be lost like the extra personnel fawning over the the valets, special assistants, bodyguards, confidants. You know.
Okay, I'm rambling.......but geez louise, now being far removed from this twi-light zone, it's just bizarre to still see some catering to twi's regurgitating rhetoric. For those of us who KNOW WHAT LURKS BEHIND THE CURTAINS, this fronting of pious platitudes is nothing more than plastic smiles and cheap veneer.
You know....if any one of us ever showed up to accept the forgivness due...I imagine many of those at hq would wet themselves.
I imagine walking into that place head held high, peace in my heart, no worries about being nailed for rediculous petty little nit picky excuses.
Think about how they have been stagnating in their little pool of inbred religion, while the rest of us out here in the real world have been enjoying participation in vibrant learning and growth in the various directions that we have been led since our departure....
I just don`t think they would know what to do if they met a genuine spirit filled christian....rather than one of their stooping and bowing minions who are terrified of slipping and allowing satan in..... or of maybe failing some little physical detail, and getting reamed by leaders.....or one of their arrogant blow hard bullies.
Seems like those are the only two types of people there.
What would they do with one of us who was unafraid and they were unable to intimidate? Well yeah, call the law...but I just think they have spent so many years in isolation they have become stagnated, they are atrophied in so many ways.
The idea of twi understanding a principle as simple as forgiveness is ludicrous.
I think we should start a new thread so that they know what the theme for October should be...
Maybe if they read here ahead of time, they'll let us do all the work for them and next month's article might have some substance.
I'm sure they feel WE are the ones that need to ask THEM for forgiveness. It's funny how all that reverse logic (ie stupidity) made sense when we were there at HQ. I wonder what they put in that familia anyway...
: I wonder what they put in that familia anyway...
I can't tell you what they put in it at HQ, but I can tell you what we put in it in Fellowlaborers.
(As if you really wanted to know )
Anyhoo----The Way promoting forgiveness has all the credibility of a guy telling his "kids" to quite smoking while he puffs incessantly on a Kool "shorty".
I have recently acquired over ten million dollars from the estate of my Great Uncle Fred, and am looking for a worthy organization to use it properly. I am eighteen years old, and have no health problems, and love to work in a groundskeeping position eighteen hours a day. I love my work so well that I refuse to be paid for it.
Please tender my application for association with your group, and I hope that I will be considered despite the many, many applications you must receive daily from those who desperately need said association more than me.
So do you think we can get Rosie to serenade to us. We're supposed to be the apple of God's eye - We could sing this at the next ROAQueen - "Love of my Life"And YES I see the irony of the whole thing here.....
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Welcome to Grease Spot, Don't Worry Be Happy!...I agree with the sentiment in your posts. When it comes to Christians dealing with one another over offenses - I think some folks forget about Jesus' wo
Linda Z
There's been a lot to chew on in this thread. I've enjoyed everyone's posts, but I especially liked what Socks and doojable had to say about this subject. The "I will forgive them if they apologize"
Well I guess that I just can`t see telling God...Hey HAVE to forgive us no matter WHAT we do whether we repent or not ..whether we cease the harm we are doing to others, or not .... becaus
LOL!!! i understand why rosie wants all her people to stay off this dang internet!!!!!........they should be posting a link from their site to this thread and learn a little about the "practical application"
Yo!.......Rosie!.......does this mean you've forgiven all of us greasespotters?......can we visit you now at the home where we spent years of our lives and millions of our dollars building your headquarters???.........can we visit our relatves buried in your woods without linder's gestapo running us off???........are you giving us a clean slate???
I know your 65th is coming up??? gonna ask us to forgive you for raping and plundering the many thousands of us that you so lovingly "marked and avoided" after we gave our "utmost for his highest"???.......maybe you'll forgive your former dancing president and let him back inside the walls of your promised land to conjure up some more present truth to continue your ministry of whited sepulchres????? can't wait for your posted reply rosie!!.....really looking forward to your apologies.......or have they all been settled out of court too???..............just wondering........god's best to you all.........can't wait to hear from you..........
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55th what? She's got to be older than 55, no?
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hey there wrdsandwrks.........i was referring to the 65th anniversary of rosie's outfit coming up this october..........
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Be a good time to retire...
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yeah.....long overdo........actually october will be the by 10 years........oh well.......just 10 more years of torture!!!
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Indeed, the whole SITE looks and reads like a cheap tract. Some of the photos look like reprints from a 1959 "Boys Life" magazine. I expect to see an ad of a woman in a dress, apron and heels leaning over a stove with a big smile saying "I just LOVE my Westinghouse oven and ALL my Westinghouse modern conVENiences! And the food tastes GREAT!" while over her shoulder "Dad" is leaning in holding a pipe and smelling the pot roast that the dog is eyeballing, tail wagging.
But that's another story, really. The Way loves it's past, as long as it doesn't include anything bad, in which case it's better to ignore it and "move on" and "freely give". You too can forgive someone today, just don't asnwer or ask any questions.
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Well - I bet if I asked them to forgive me (not that I would, of course ;)) they'd want to check my bank account first....
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Dot Matrix
Now, I cannot get the leaping Craig out of my mind.
Blinking won't even help.
AHHHhhhhhhh Crap!
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skyrider and rainbows and puppy-dog tails.
Yet, do those corps teachings still drip with venom week after week?......lashing out at any staff corps woman who gets pregnant without twi's approval?......or, imposing a "mark & avoid" status whenever a leader buys a home?........or, what if a long-standing corps leader sends a letter addressed to twi's president raising opposition to its prevailing promised land bunk?
What about health and healing?.......does twi still heap truckloads of guilt and condemnation on its staff employees when health issues arise?.....or death occurs? Where was that high road of love when reynxolds was removed from the trustee level for health issues a few years back? Why are so many sent packing from staff when their health starts to fail?.....Are they driven from the beloved hq via brow-beating and guilt?
Seems that your sterilized internet presence misses the mark, doesn't it twi?.....Region coordinators still leaving your household; and limb coordinator clergy requesting branch work to get secular employment.......just doesn't make any sense in your "prevailing ministry" and window-dressing articles.....????
And, why do you, twi, still hide behind this "come and see" hq.......where you hold the advantage of control and manipulation at your fingertips? Long gone are the days of GO, STAND and SPEAK to the people all the words of this life -- that spirit-filled life of demonstrating God's power in action!!! You know, the Book of Acts action.....the Church Epistle ministering wherein the leaders get out amongst the people and WALK THE WALK.
And, really.....where is all that abundant sharing going? Does the bureacratic salaries at twi swallow up the majority of this hard-earned money week after week? C'mon let's be real.......twi's hq is bloated to the max to "create" an image of international importance, right? In actuality, probably a third of twi's staff could be trimmed from the ranks and sent out on the field....'cept that then, some perks at hq would be lost like the extra personnel fawning over the the valets, special assistants, bodyguards, confidants. You know.
Okay, I'm rambling.......but geez louise, now being far removed from this twi-light zone, it's just bizarre to still see some catering to twi's regurgitating rhetoric. For those of us who KNOW WHAT LURKS BEHIND THE CURTAINS, this fronting of pious platitudes is nothing more than plastic smiles and cheap veneer.
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Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Headquarters

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You know....if any one of us ever showed up to accept the forgivness due...I imagine many of those at hq would wet themselves.
I imagine walking into that place head held high, peace in my heart, no worries about being nailed for rediculous petty little nit picky excuses.
Think about how they have been stagnating in their little pool of inbred religion, while the rest of us out here in the real world have been enjoying participation in vibrant learning and growth in the various directions that we have been led since our departure....
I just don`t think they would know what to do if they met a genuine spirit filled christian....rather than one of their stooping and bowing minions who are terrified of slipping and allowing satan in..... or of maybe failing some little physical detail, and getting reamed by leaders.....or one of their arrogant blow hard bullies.
Seems like those are the only two types of people there.
What would they do with one of us who was unafraid and they were unable to intimidate? Well yeah, call the law...but I just think they have spent so many years in isolation they have become stagnated, they are atrophied in so many ways.
The idea of twi understanding a principle as simple as forgiveness is ludicrous.
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I think we should start a new thread so that they know what the theme for October should be...
Maybe if they read here ahead of time, they'll let us do all the work for them and next month's article might have some substance.
I'm sure they feel WE are the ones that need to ask THEM for forgiveness.
It's funny how all that reverse logic (ie stupidity) made sense when we were there at HQ.
I wonder what they put in that familia anyway... 
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I can't tell you what they put in it at HQ, but I can tell you what we put in it in Fellowlaborers.
(As if you really wanted to know
Anyhoo----The Way promoting forgiveness has all the credibility of a guy telling his "kids" to quite smoking while he puffs incessantly on a Kool "shorty".
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It's not even that. They hide behind the little "contact us" statement.
Just write, da why is it international, New Knoxville, Ohio..
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Maybe I'll write..
naw.. wouldn't want to raise anyone from their state of boredom..
"ooh, ooh.. we actually got a LETTER.."
might give them some false hope that this prize winning internet site actually was getting some results..
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Dot Matrix
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"Dear Sir or Madam,
I have recently acquired over ten million dollars from the estate of my Great Uncle Fred, and am looking for a worthy organization to use it properly. I am eighteen years old, and have no health problems, and love to work in a groundskeeping position eighteen hours a day. I love my work so well that I refuse to be paid for it.
Please tender my application for association with your group, and I hope that I will be considered despite the many, many applications you must receive daily from those who desperately need said association more than me.
Mr. Illa Bendoverforit."
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So do you think we can get Rosie to serenade to us. We're supposed to be the apple of God's eye - We could sing this at the next ROAQueen - "Love of my Life"And YES I see the irony of the whole thing here.....
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Possible theme: "Cleanliness is next to godliness".
There's a whole bunch of old retread "teachings" the Way-bees could drag out for that. No work or thought required.
"How to brush and floss - put some teeth in your walk!"
"Airline packing - how to make your underwear fit iinto your shoes and other tips you'll need if you ever travel!"
"How to Mow the Grass - a life's work examined, cutting keys by our own Director of Grounds Crew"
"Top to bottom - How to Wash Your Walls - includes a weekly maintenance chart!"
"Soap - An Industrial Counterfeit" - alternative cost cutting products list provided inside!
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Dot Matrix
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The PROPER Way to Clean a Toilet - Getting all the Chit Out"
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Dot Matrix
"Don't string people along -- string chairs"
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how to build a clean life -- i mean -- how to clean a building -- brick by brick
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