yo!....bro!....................HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOMEZ!..........i bet that les paul does'nt look as big on you as it does on that kid from the previous post!......hehehe..........you still have your les paul?........love ya dude!..........
No, I don't have the gold top LP, but my Telecaster's a good fit these days.
I am enjoying each post, and want to thank you all again - in the words of someone I can't remember, a bad sign perhaps (he he) ... "this too has passed". As we get older easy passage is SO important. I would love to share a celebratory glass of liquor with you ADan, one and all, but beer isn't my thing, unfortunately. I've always kind of wished I liked it but it's always twisted my stomach the wrong way. I do enjoy a rock glass of ice, tonic, lime and a splash of Tanq or something similar when the occasion calls for it. If the day comes that we do, it will be an homor to tighten that bolt down one more time with each and every one of you fine folks.
Socks, you still haven't said which one you are in that old picture. I'm dying to know! I'm even gonna be nice and not crack a joke about the clothes everyone was wearing (especially the guys).
Sounds like you had a great birthday! 57 is a great number, trust me I know, I was born in '57!!! LOL. Tell your daughter happy belated birthday for me too. How cool you both share the same day. I did that with my neighbor kid, 2 yrs older than me, growing up and we had all our parties together and had a blast.
(If you don't want to post openly where you are in that pic, feel free to PM me the answer.)
That's John in the front row? Hahaha, I didn't recognize him! Let's put it this way, I have one of the original proofs of the children's songbook cover Meg did long ago for VP to give his OK to. (The other was lost in a house fire.) Obviously I'm not in touch since I think they are still in, but if I was, I'd be giving him a good teasing. I met them a good 15 yrs after this pic was taken and he looked totally different by then.
Ted looks great as always. Where are he and his new bride anyway, haven't seen much of them in here lately .... hmm, must still be doing the honeymoon thing. Woo hoo!!!
Now that I know which pic is you, I do remember your face, but I wasn't anything but intermed. grad, so was never allowed to even think about trying to sing with any of the groups, even having a good voice. Heh, such was TWI politics. You wouldn't know me, but possibly a family member who was/is still Corps and still in. I can reveal that in PM if you are curious. I don't say openly for obvious reasons.
I can't say enough about those matching suits you guys were wearing. How come Ted and John didn't have to wear them and got to look normal? Did they bribe someone? LOL. I do hope your wife has long ago burned that outfit for you and put a list of the new dress code up on the fridge for you to see. :P Haha. (I also won't ever post the pic taken of me at ROA '74 in my hippy garb or you could tease me back. Hah!)
Thanks for letting me know who you were in there. The years have gone by so quickly it seems.
BikerBabe, I'm wondering that myself, now. John K was such a nice person. Always, and I mean always, easy to work with and with a kind word. Gracious, that's the word. I can picture him now working away at one "divine design" project or another, working away.
Hippie garb? It should be shown. No reason not to. Hehhe hee he.
Those suits - we had some of the strangest outfits. Sorry Ted, but this ain't new information for you. Basically they were sweat suits. You'd wear them and sweat. Ventilation - what's that? They were like the desert suits in the movie "Dune" but without the ability to process the sweat and store it for drinking in "deep desert". Without storage pouches to capture, process and store the sweat, it would just evaporate, if you were lucky. Sweat suits.
Way back when, I think it was the "God in America" production - we needed something for stage set that would look good, and be easy to carry on the road and setup. John came up with this design for a portable, adjustable framework for the back of the stage that held a huge piece of black muslin fabric, think it was. On that was hung a scattering of tiny Christmas lights, showing like stars, lights in the sky. When we'd be on a full stage, we'd run the scrim in the back, and then that across the back, bring the "legs" in across the sides and it would form a kind of night sky of twinkly lights. "Lights of the world". Very effective and very Kish, 'magic" out of very little.
So as we criss crossed the country, John was out with us, and worked night after night setting it up, and he did a song, too.
The one I remember him for was titled "He Made Me Worthy". It started with the line...."When I remember Calvary...." He did have a beautiful voice and really put himself into it. He had a kind soul and always had a good word for everyone.
Thanks Mark. Thank y'all.
Well, the birthday's over. I'm not 57 anymore. THAT'S a relief.
I'm not sure if I still have the hippy pic or if my mom has it. I think I had it last and it should be in my big bag of pics I need to scan one day. If I do have it, I'll post it. We just got a new printer/scanner, so that will get the job done. :)
I also have a pic I took around ROA '92 or '93 of the honey wagon that I *must* scan and post one day. The hard part is figuring out which of the many boxes tightly shoved into my closet the pics are in. :( One day I will find them and start scanning.
My youngest was 2 or 3 that year and we rented an RV for the week. He refused to leave the RV each day until after the honey wagon went by and did it's thing. He LOVED it and would want me to hold his hand and walk him down the row with them so he could watch them do the other RV's. LOL. The pics from then did go thru the house fire, but some survived with minimal smoke damage and that was one of them, so I should get a pretty good scan of it. Hahaha, maybe we can start a thread dedicated just to all the guys and gals that got stuck on honey patrol duty at the ROAs thru the years. :)
I went to John and Meg's twig when I would be in their town and had perfect timing a couple of those trips when it was communion night. I've been to many different ones at twigs in many states over my 20 years in, but none of them matched the peacefulness and feeling of love that I felt at John and Meg's. I do miss them so and wish they would leave and join all of us in here. I keep that thought always in my prayers. I was so happy that John was the Rev. that dedicated my youngest at a Limb meeting. It was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.
So many good memories from those two, which I can't say about most of the other twigs I went to or got kicked out of for refusing to do something that was against my personal and/or moral beliefs, no matter who the 'leader' was trying to order me around. Hey, when I managed to get kicked out of twigs in an entire state way back in '77, I looked upon that as a badge of honor, then and now. I was not about to do what a branch leader was ordering me to do, when VP personally had talked to me days earlier at length and told me to do something and go somewhere completely opposite. I figured if VP agreed with me on where I should be I will go there, this guy who had never met me before in his life (but was obviously told very bad things from the twig leader who did not like me), was not coming into my home and ordering me around. I told him I was staying, he started calling me nasty names in front of my husband and accusing me of things I would NEVER do (to try to get hubby against me, which didn't work). So then I asked him why he was saying such things about me, when the asst twig leader they had with them was the girl he needed to talk to, SHE was the one who slept with a married man and was carrying his child. (She and they had NO idea I had heard that news already, the look on their faces was one to be treasured forever.)
He started in on me again and I gave him a choice. He either left the house right then and there, taking the 2 ladies with him, or I was going to toss him thru the picture window to get him out of my living room. He decided he'd use the door and on his way out informed me I was kicked out of all twigs in the state. As if I cared, he didn't realize we weren't staying there, we were moving a state away in a week's time. Bwhahaha. I do regret never finding out his reaction when he realized the power he thought he'd gotten over me, didn't work after all. I also regret forgetting his name!!! *sigh*
Guess you can see why John and Meg were/are so special to me in my memories. They knew of that incident, I told them. They weren't phased by it, loved me for who I was and I loved going to their twig when I was in their area visiting friends and got the chance.
...and thus ends this trip down memory lane for tonight. Hope you enjoyed it.
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Golly! Thanks! 57 feels pretty good. Much like 56 did, which wasn't that much different than 55.
orry, I dozed off there for a second. I hate it when that happens! Anyway, Thanks!!!
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Tom Strange
hope your day was happening dude! ...wondermous in fact...
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A la prochaine
Hey... Sir Argyle,
How you be??? Another year older... congrats
Been thinking about you lately and thinking that I should share this little clip with you.
Maybe this was you about some 46 yrs. ago????
This young lad is in my youngest daughter's class.
When I heard him play this ... I instantly thought of you!
Enjoy friend!
Happy Happy Happy Belated Birthday to you and your daughter!
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OK, I know who you are!
Puts a whole new spin on things.
Do you know you helped write the sound tracks for a major portion of my life?
Top two favorite songs I've retained from the old days: "True Way," and Lisa Tracy's "Treasure in an Earthen Vessel"
I love you, man! Hope we can meet some time. I'll buy you a Bud Light or something.
"We need to show.... show the world Jesus Christ."
Frog.... cute kid on the vid
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yo!....bro!....................HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOMEZ!..........i bet that les paul does'nt look as big on you as it does on that kid from the previous post!......hehehe..........you still have your les paul?........love ya dude!..........
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Happy days to you always, and may you never get lost in the dryer of life.
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May your days be filled with pickin' and grinnin' !
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Well, thanks again!
No, I don't have the gold top LP, but my Telecaster's a good fit these days.
I am enjoying each post, and want to thank you all again - in the words of someone I can't remember, a bad sign perhaps (he he) ... "this too has passed".
As we get older easy passage is SO important. I would love to share a celebratory glass of liquor with you ADan, one and all, but beer isn't my thing, unfortunately. I've always kind of wished I liked it but it's always twisted my stomach the wrong way. I do enjoy a rock glass of ice, tonic, lime and a splash of Tanq or something similar when the occasion calls for it. If the day comes that we do, it will be an homor to tighten that bolt down one more time with each and every one of you fine folks.
(that kid's giving it a good run A la! Thanks!)
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You are one of the handful here that everyone loves. It would be impossible not to Socks.
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I've dressed my best in your honor today.
Sorry it's belated.
I will say that the outfits in that picture are certainly more stylish than the current ones at TWI.
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Tom Strange
Is it your birthday again already?
I could've sworn you just had one a week or two ago...
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Socks, you still haven't said which one you are in that old picture. I'm dying to know! I'm even gonna be nice and not crack a joke about the clothes everyone was wearing (especially the guys).
Sounds like you had a great birthday! 57 is a great number, trust me I know, I was born in '57!!! LOL. Tell your daughter happy belated birthday for me too. How cool you both share the same day. I did that with my neighbor kid, 2 yrs older than me, growing up and we had all our parties together and had a blast.
(If you don't want to post openly where you are in that pic, feel free to PM me the answer.)
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Thank you! I appreciate the continued reminders of my age.
Just kdding! I don't, I hate it!
Just kidding! Thanks again, I'm glad to be of any age, as long as I can remember it! It's great to be 49, believe me!
Just kidding!
Those're some SWEET socks! Way to go!
B-Babe, that's me between Ted and John Kish, first row.
Just kidding, that's me, 3rd from the left, top row, looking spiffed out in gray polyfester and RED shirt.
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That's John in the front row? Hahaha, I didn't recognize him! Let's put it this way, I have one of the original proofs of the children's songbook cover Meg did long ago for VP to give his OK to. (The other was lost in a house fire.) Obviously I'm not in touch since I think they are still in, but if I was, I'd be giving him a good teasing. I met them a good 15 yrs after this pic was taken and he looked totally different by then.
Ted looks great as always. Where are he and his new bride anyway, haven't seen much of them in here lately .... hmm, must still be doing the honeymoon thing. Woo hoo!!!
Now that I know which pic is you, I do remember your face, but I wasn't anything but intermed. grad, so was never allowed to even think about trying to sing with any of the groups, even having a good voice. Heh, such was TWI politics. You wouldn't know me, but possibly a family member who was/is still Corps and still in. I can reveal that in PM if you are curious. I don't say openly for obvious reasons.
I can't say enough about those matching suits you guys were wearing. How come Ted and John didn't have to wear them and got to look normal? Did they bribe someone? LOL. I do hope your wife has long ago burned that outfit for you and put a list of the new dress code up on the fridge for you to see. :P Haha. (I also won't ever post the pic taken of me at ROA '74 in my hippy garb or you could tease me back. Hah!)
Thanks for letting me know who you were in there. The years have gone by so quickly it seems.
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Mark Sanguinetti
Happy birthday socks.
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BikerBabe, I'm wondering that myself, now. John K was such a nice person. Always, and I mean always, easy to work with and with a kind word. Gracious, that's the word. I can picture him now working away at one "divine design" project or another, working away.
Hippie garb? It should be shown. No reason not to. Hehhe hee he.
Those suits - we had some of the strangest outfits. Sorry Ted, but this ain't new information for you.
Basically they were sweat suits. You'd wear them and sweat. Ventilation - what's that? They were like the desert suits in the movie "Dune" but without the ability to process the sweat and store it for drinking in "deep desert". Without storage pouches to capture, process and store the sweat, it would just evaporate, if you were lucky. Sweat suits.
Way back when, I think it was the "God in America" production - we needed something for stage set that would look good, and be easy to carry on the road and setup. John came up with this design for a portable, adjustable framework for the back of the stage that held a huge piece of black muslin fabric, think it was. On that was hung a scattering of tiny Christmas lights, showing like stars, lights in the sky. When we'd be on a full stage, we'd run the scrim in the back, and then that across the back, bring the "legs" in across the sides and it would form a kind of night sky of twinkly lights. "Lights of the world". Very effective and very Kish, 'magic" out of very little.
So as we criss crossed the country, John was out with us, and worked night after night setting it up, and he did a song, too.
The one I remember him for was titled "He Made Me Worthy". It started with the line...."When I remember Calvary...." He did have a beautiful voice and really put himself into it. He had a kind soul and always had a good word for everyone.
Thanks Mark. Thank y'all.
Well, the birthday's over. I'm not 57 anymore. THAT'S a relief.
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I'm not sure if I still have the hippy pic or if my mom has it. I think I had it last and it should be in my big bag of pics I need to scan one day. If I do have it, I'll post it. We just got a new printer/scanner, so that will get the job done. :)
I also have a pic I took around ROA '92 or '93 of the honey wagon that I *must* scan and post one day. The hard part is figuring out which of the many boxes tightly shoved into my closet the pics are in. :( One day I will find them and start scanning.
My youngest was 2 or 3 that year and we rented an RV for the week. He refused to leave the RV each day until after the honey wagon went by and did it's thing. He LOVED it and would want me to hold his hand and walk him down the row with them so he could watch them do the other RV's. LOL. The pics from then did go thru the house fire, but some survived with minimal smoke damage and that was one of them, so I should get a pretty good scan of it. Hahaha, maybe we can start a thread dedicated just to all the guys and gals that got stuck on honey patrol duty at the ROAs thru the years. :)
I went to John and Meg's twig when I would be in their town and had perfect timing a couple of those trips when it was communion night. I've been to many different ones at twigs in many states over my 20 years in, but none of them matched the peacefulness and feeling of love that I felt at John and Meg's. I do miss them so and wish they would leave and join all of us in here. I keep that thought always in my prayers. I was so happy that John was the Rev. that dedicated my youngest at a Limb meeting. It was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.
So many good memories from those two, which I can't say about most of the other twigs I went to or got kicked out of for refusing to do something that was against my personal and/or moral beliefs, no matter who the 'leader' was trying to order me around. Hey, when I managed to get kicked out of twigs in an entire state way back in '77, I looked upon that as a badge of honor, then and now. I was not about to do what a branch leader was ordering me to do, when VP personally had talked to me days earlier at length and told me to do something and go somewhere completely opposite. I figured if VP agreed with me on where I should be I will go there, this guy who had never met me before in his life (but was obviously told very bad things from the twig leader who did not like me), was not coming into my home and ordering me around. I told him I was staying, he started calling me nasty names in front of my husband and accusing me of things I would NEVER do (to try to get hubby against me, which didn't work). So then I asked him why he was saying such things about me, when the asst twig leader they had with them was the girl he needed to talk to, SHE was the one who slept with a married man and was carrying his child. (She and they had NO idea I had heard that news already, the look on their faces was one to be treasured forever.)
He started in on me again and I gave him a choice. He either left the house right then and there, taking the 2 ladies with him, or I was going to toss him thru the picture window to get him out of my living room. He decided he'd use the door and on his way out informed me I was kicked out of all twigs in the state. As if I cared, he didn't realize we weren't staying there, we were moving a state away in a week's time. Bwhahaha. I do regret never finding out his reaction when he realized the power he thought he'd gotten over me, didn't work after all. I also regret forgetting his name!!! *sigh*
Guess you can see why John and Meg were/are so special to me in my memories. They knew of that incident, I told them. They weren't phased by it, loved me for who I was and I loved going to their twig when I was in their area visiting friends and got the chance.
...and thus ends this trip down memory lane for tonight. Hope you enjoyed it.
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How pleasant to have some of the memories shared here and it not be necessary to have them erased.
Thank you!
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Hope you had an awesome day.
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God first
Beloved Socks
God loves you my dear friend
Happy Birthday Socks
thanks for loving us all
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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