Happy Birthday, Chatty! Of all the very few things we absolutely HAVE to do, growing older is one of them. I hope your outside changes are going as gracefully as your inside changes appear to be. I got a feeling they are. :)-->
Oh what a delight to look in and see these awesome posts to me. This place of wonderful hearts has been and shall continue to be a joy to my heart. Thank you so very much. :)-->
And yes I am holding onto 29, which I have held tightly to for well.....oh what the heck....I turn 50 this Wednesday.
Oh my goodness. Ted I think you need to change out of those rose colored glasses of yours okeedokee. :D--> Thank you for the beautiful words although very difficult for me to see myself like that. :o-->
Yall thank you again, this is a sweet tradition done here on the forum. I think it is wonderful, cause whether we want to admit it or not we really do like folks to tell us Happy Birthday...it is a very sweet thing ain?t it yall. :)-->
Chatty Happy Birthday sure do enjoy having you around. BTW I turned 40 today myself and it feels pretty darn good.I have enjoyed 2 birthdays since being out and they made up for about 19 bad ones ya know?
I have grown fond of you from our chats together. I hope you live long so we can have many more times to chat. You are a very tender hearted woman. A very special happy birthday to you because you didn't demand that I say happy birthday to you!
Your Friend
[This message was edited by SlingShot on April 06, 2003 at 22:56.]
Well folks it is so nice to see so many of you wishing Kathy A Happy Birthday.
I wrote a line or two in her Birthday song how I believed her to be clever and witty. As some of you may know Kathy and I are writing tunes together. She is great with words and ideas and not too long ago she did a thread on Where Did My Other Sock Go and we all had fun putting our two cents worth in. Shortly thereafter we started sending lines back and forth mostly Kathy's and before you knew it we had the lyrics done. I added the music later and now we have a sock song, ha ha sorry you can't hear the music.
I asked Kathy if it would be ok to share this with you and she thought it would be ok after I told her she was supposed to share something with others on her Birthday.
So now gs'ers enjoy the clever wit and humor of our very own Chatty Kathy.
Where Did My Other Sock Go
verse one
In this world of problems worries and cares
Talk of wars and rumors of here and there
Right now I only have one question on my mind
Need the answer for something I have to find
Now where oh where did my other sock go
Must find that lonely little sock that I love so
Seems like it's mate just vanished into thin air
I've looked high and low but that sock ain't there
I even stuck my head deep inside that dryer door
It just can't join those others piled in my drawer
Happy Birthday from snow-y Wyoming !! You can come to our house for cake, but you'd better hurry. We have a blizzard coming in tonite. Brrrrrrr !! Love, Pat
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Happy Happy Birthday to ya Kathy!
Yer what 29 now?
Many more 29's to ya girl
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Kathy,Happy birthday. Hope it's a hoot!
Come on into chat on your birthday and we'll guffaw.
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FreshAir 99
I'm not much of a singer....... but wanted to chime in here and wish you Happy Day and years and years to follow.
Enjoy yourself.
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Happy Birthday, Chatty! Of all the very few things we absolutely HAVE to do, growing older is one of them. I hope your outside changes are going as gracefully as your inside changes appear to be. I got a feeling they are.
I'm glad you're here,
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Happy Birthday CK. You and I will both be, uh, 29 this week! Imagine that. Great minds.....
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Oh what a delight to look in and see these awesome posts to me. This place of wonderful hearts has been and shall continue to be a joy to my heart. Thank you so very much.
And yes I am holding onto 29, which I have held tightly to for well.....oh what the heck....I turn 50 this Wednesday.
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Happy Bday Chatty! I wish I could post cool pics like you do (how do you find that stuff?) but I'll just wish you happy bday!
PS. What's with the ????? under your name? Couldn't figure out what you wanted? lol.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Dear Kathy, you share a birthday with my grandmother, who will be 93 on the 19th.. I thought her b'day was the 18th, buy my mom corrected me!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kathy, and thanks for being my friend.
The decisions we make today form our future.
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Happy Birthday, Chatty Cathy!
50 is only mid life! (if the lifespan of a human is 120, which is what it should be).
Who needs to be 29 again? Let's see at 29, I had young children, full time job, ran a fellowship, was in twi............ gulp!
Now the kids are grown, it's not a job-it's a career, am a living witness, and not in twi!!!
So Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Cathy, happy birthday to you!!!
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TED Ferrell
The Day You Were Born
When I first stared posting here and there on gs
Not much did I add to threads read more or less
Than I came across a picture of a smiley little baby
Cute thought she was and clever was Chatty Kathy
Few days later while checking new threads to see
Chatty Kathy had grown up to a little girl of three
I posted in thread told her your picture is sweet to see
And now I could prove an angel you are Chatty Kathy
Since that time we have become the best of friends
Writing songs together partners we are till the end
Not only by me but many love her heart at this gs cafe
Thankful we are she was born down Memphis way
The day she was born most did not know
This child would grow up to steal the show
A friend to all treating others kind and lovingly
The world is a better place with Chatty Kathy
She is clever she is smart and so very witty
Check out her posts if you would like to see
Delightful she is like a rose among thorns
When Kathy is here we weep not or mourn
Happy Happy Birthday from all on the forum
Kathy we thank God for the day you were born
A Birthday Tribute To Our Chatty Kathy Thanks For Being You
A Chatty Kathy Fan
Ted Ferrell
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Oh my goodness. Ted I think you need to change out of those rose colored glasses of yours okeedokee.
:D--> Thank you for the beautiful words although very difficult for me to see myself like that.
Yall thank you again, this is a sweet tradition done here on the forum. I think it is wonderful, cause whether we want to admit it or not we really do like folks to tell us Happy Birthday...it is a very sweet thing ain?t it yall.
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Rottie, Paw gave me that name....wonder if he can't figure me out.
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Ted, what a sweet song. Hope to hear you sing it someday.
Happy Birthday to you, Kathy.
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Psalm 71 one
I have a poem, too . . .
Oh happy day when you were born
long, long ago on a sunny morn,
The world rejoiced
and the Doctor said
"WHOOOPS! I dropped her on her head!"
an' kwit playin with yer dinner! LOL!
Happy birthday ((((((Kathy)))))))
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Happy birthday to you Chatty Kathy. The world is a better place on account of you.
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I sure am gaining some smiles from yall, ya know the kind on the inside, the kind that hang around. Thank you so very much.
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(edited cause I can't spell
--> )
[This message was edited by ChattyKathy on March 16, 2003 at 22:40.]
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Happy Day lady!!! Enjoy your freedom.
So much to be thankful for.
your chatfriend,
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Kathy, happy birthday !!!!
Yes, I agree, our lives really seem better at 50 than 29 (wish I knew then, and all that)
luv ya, ken
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Chatty Happy Birthday sure do enjoy having you around. BTW I turned 40 today myself and it feels pretty darn good.I have enjoyed 2 birthdays since being out and they made up for about 19 bad ones ya know?
The incredible shrinking WAY.
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Dear ChattyKathy,
I have grown fond of you from our chats together. I hope you live long so we can have many more times to chat. You are a very tender hearted woman. A very special happy birthday to you because you didn't demand that I say happy birthday to you!
Your Friend
[This message was edited by SlingShot on April 06, 2003 at 22:56.]
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Yall are just too sweet, really you are. Thank you so much.
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TED Ferrell
Well folks it is so nice to see so many of you wishing Kathy A Happy Birthday.
I wrote a line or two in her Birthday song how I believed her to be clever and witty. As some of you may know Kathy and I are writing tunes together. She is great with words and ideas and not too long ago she did a thread on Where Did My Other Sock Go and we all had fun putting our two cents worth in. Shortly thereafter we started sending lines back and forth mostly Kathy's and before you knew it we had the lyrics done. I added the music later and now we have a sock song, ha ha sorry you can't hear the music.
I asked Kathy if it would be ok to share this with you and she thought it would be ok after I told her she was supposed to share something with others on her Birthday.
So now gs'ers enjoy the clever wit and humor of our very own Chatty Kathy.
Where Did My Other Sock Go
verse one
In this world of problems worries and cares
Talk of wars and rumors of here and there
Right now I only have one question on my mind
Need the answer for something I have to find
Now where oh where did my other sock go
Must find that lonely little sock that I love so
Seems like it's mate just vanished into thin air
I've looked high and low but that sock ain't there
I even stuck my head deep inside that dryer door
It just can't join those others piled in my drawer
Have to find it so I can put on my shoes and go
Where did my other sock go I just have to know
verse two
Others told me how to solve this dilemma of mine
Buy only socks of the same color and same kind
There's another thought I believe might be true
A sock gremlin in my house stealing one from two
repeat chorus
Words and Music by Kathy and Ted
© 2003 Kathanna Productions
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Happy Birthday from snow-y Wyoming !! You can come to our house for cake, but you'd better hurry. We have a blizzard coming in tonite. Brrrrrrr !! Love, Pat
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