Twinkle, my cat, has been missing now for just two weeks. She went out on Wednesday evening and did not return. Extensive searches and enquiries - no sign of her. Also prayed for her safe return.
And this morning, Thursday two weeks later, she miaowed outside the door at breakfast time. She had one foot through her collar and clearly it had been like that for a while because the fur was rubbed off and the skin beneath a little sore. She smells of cat excrement and her fur instead of being soft and fluffy is hard and sticky (guess what?!). Other than that, she seems well.
Can’t tell you how happy I am. Praise God for His goodness and loving kindness in restoring her to us, healthy and uninjured.
(I posted a bit about this on ExCathedra's thread about her cockatiel. So encouraging! Many thanks for those of you who also prayed for Twinkle's safe return.)
Dear ((((((((Twinky))))),
I am so glad your Twinkle returned home and you all have a happy ending to tell us ! Jam 5:16 ... The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. I am glad GOD answered all of our prayers! Isn't it great how loyal and loving animals we love are to us; that against all odds they fight their way back home to us!!!
Twinky, I'm thrilled for you. When our Nooger bear (Noogs for short) would go out for days at a time, we'd say she was out on one of her "poker nights."
Clean her up. Love her up. Fix her up
Then give her her favorite spot to nap in and tell her that if she does that'll still welcome her into the house.
The vet says she is fine. She hass given Twinkle a shot of something and she has to have another on Sat. Antibiotics, I guess. Twinkle has a sore on her neck and under her "armpit" where the collar rubbed. The collar is all chewed at where she has tried to get out of it. Must be made of tough stuff - as is she.
The vet in her exam found a growth in the cat's abdomen which apparently is common in older cats and will eventually constrict her insides too much. But at the moment T is in fine health despite her holiday, and the growth does not bother or pain her. So the growth either needs to be prayed away (and why not?) or the cat may need a colostomy bag.
So glad she is home again.
...How much more glad our Father must be when we return from our wanderings in the dark and sh1tty places.
Thank y'all very much! Appreciate your concern. Funny song. Except we weren't trying to get rid of Twinkle.
She is being kept in for a time while her wounds heal up. She thinks this is a bad thing and wants to go out (and have some more adventures?). Next collar if any is going to be easily removable/breakable.
Well I don't ever think of myself as a cat owner, just as a cat carer.
I am permitted to share her bed (a large comfortable double) as she only requires a small bit of one corner at the foot. However she comes and goes at will. She comes in every night, but at times to suit herself and generally in the wee hours. She is considerate and does not wake me.
I am permitted to share the couch as long as it isn't her seat. If I sit in the wrong seat she will sit on top of me and also hasten to put herself in the same place should I vacate it for any reason.
I am required to serve particular meals. If she doesn't get what she fancies, she goes to another restaurant and is quite shameless about this.
If my service is unacceptably poor, I am given a smack or a scratch. However, I am occasionally given a small reward.
Just an update: Twinkle is now in excellent health, shiny coat, put on a little weight that she had lost and isn't in the least deterred from exploring in the place she was last apparently located in the little wood next to the house. She is a determined scavenger and insists on eating bits of bread put out for birds. As well as scraps donated by the neighbors, other cats' food, and raiding her own food dish.
One white whisker one side, 2 the other side, a few white hairs in the throat. When you see her in the light, she's really an extremely dark chocolatey brown colour which you can just make out on one of the photos. She's not exactly "fluffy" but her hair (fur) sticks out sideways rather than lying sleekly against her body, so she looks plumper than she really is.
One white whisker one side, 2 the other side, a few white hairs in the throat. When you see her in the light, she's really an extremely dark chocolatey brown colour which you can just make out on one of the photos. She's not exactly "fluffy" but her hair (fur) sticks out sideways rather than lying sleekly against her body, so she looks plumper than she really is.
She has a lovely loud rolling purr.........
That sure is a nice looking kitty. Cats do manage to get themselves into some really amazing pickles but with love and care they nearly always bounce back. I'm so glad that Twinky is feeling better.
Nice to see :D Twinky, that Your loving care and nurturing has revived Your dear Twinkle to herself again....she is beautiful!
Even looking at animals eyes, as now with Your Twinkle's photos before us, reveals what we see when we look deeply into anyone's eyes! Some of the details of their personalities and their journey's; whether they be struggles or triumphs throughout life, they cannot all be hidden , nor all disguised! It truly does show on you face and your body and through your words.
When You look into the eyes, study a face carefully, and listen carefully to all the words each one you encounter says, then and only then does your love let you see the hearts of those that you seek to see and to love; and conversely, explains why you cannot see the hearts of those that You do not handle with Love! This helps me to understand and re-enforce the great emphasis, importance and meaning of these verses from Matthew! Details, details they save our very lives more often than we can imagine!
Mat 22:36 Master, which [is] the great commandment in the law?
Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Mat 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Mat 22:39 And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
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Dear ((((((((Twinky))))),
I am so glad your Twinkle returned home and you all have a happy ending to tell us ! Jam 5:16 ... The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. I am glad GOD answered all of our prayers! Isn't it great how loyal and loving animals we love are to us; that against all odds they fight their way back home to us!!!
I Love You Twinky and Twinkle, RainbowsGirl
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Twinky, I'm thrilled for you. When our Nooger bear (Noogs for short) would go out for days at a time, we'd say she was out on one of her "poker nights."
Clean her up. Love her up. Fix her up
Then give her her favorite spot to nap in and tell her that if she does that'll still welcome her into the house.
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Thanks, all. Dooj, too right.
The vet says she is fine. She hass given Twinkle a shot of something and she has to have another on Sat. Antibiotics, I guess. Twinkle has a sore on her neck and under her "armpit" where the collar rubbed. The collar is all chewed at where she has tried to get out of it. Must be made of tough stuff - as is she.
The vet in her exam found a growth in the cat's abdomen which apparently is common in older cats and will eventually constrict her insides too much. But at the moment T is in fine health despite her holiday, and the growth does not bother or pain her. So the growth either needs to be prayed away (and why not?) or the cat may need a colostomy bag.
So glad she is home again.
...How much more glad our Father must be when we return from our wanderings in the dark and sh1tty places.
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I will be praying with You All for GOD to cut the tumor and its cause off and to eradicate it from Twinkles's body for a long and blessed life!
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Jumping for joy for you and Twinkle!
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George Aar
"But the cat came back
He wouldn't stay away
Sitting on the front porch the very next day
The cat came back
We thought he was a goner,
but he just wouldn't stay away..."
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Dot Matrix
I am so happy!!!
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Scout Finch02
Twinky and Twinkle,
So glad to hear you are back together again.
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Oh my... that is so cool!! Glad you are reunited and your little feline is in okay shape!
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HA!!!!! George -- I was thinking of the exact same song!
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Thank y'all very much! Appreciate your concern. Funny song. Except we weren't trying to get rid of Twinkle.
She is being kept in for a time while her wounds heal up. She thinks this is a bad thing and wants to go out (and have some more adventures?). Next collar if any is going to be easily removable/breakable.
Miaow for now.
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More adventures..
Some cats go by more than one name, have more than one "owner" (as if you can own a cat..).
If the cat has anything to do with it, the "owners" will never meet..
"well, look who came home.. Charlie! Here.. have some tuna.."
"Hey.. where've you been for two weeks Jose? Here.. have some sardines.."
Makes me wonder.. who really are the pets, and who's the owner..
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Well I don't ever think of myself as a cat owner, just as a cat carer.
I am permitted to share her bed (a large comfortable double) as she only requires a small bit of one corner at the foot. However she comes and goes at will. She comes in every night, but at times to suit herself and generally in the wee hours. She is considerate and does not wake me.
I am permitted to share the couch as long as it isn't her seat. If I sit in the wrong seat she will sit on top of me and also hasten to put herself in the same place should I vacate it for any reason.
I am required to serve particular meals. If she doesn't get what she fancies, she goes to another restaurant and is quite shameless about this.
If my service is unacceptably poor, I am given a smack or a scratch. However, I am occasionally given a small reward.
Nonetheless - I do love this cat. :) :) :)
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Just an update: Twinkle is now in excellent health, shiny coat, put on a little weight that she had lost and isn't in the least deterred from exploring in the place she was last apparently located in the little wood next to the house. She is a determined scavenger and insists on eating bits of bread put out for birds. As well as scraps donated by the neighbors, other cats' food, and raiding her own food dish.
Here's some photos (if I did this right).
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She's a beautiful kitty.. is she solid black?
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One white whisker one side, 2 the other side, a few white hairs in the throat. When you see her in the light, she's really an extremely dark chocolatey brown colour which you can just make out on one of the photos. She's not exactly "fluffy" but her hair (fur) sticks out sideways rather than lying sleekly against her body, so she looks plumper than she really is.
She has a lovely loud rolling purr.........
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That sure is a nice looking kitty. Cats do manage to get themselves into some really amazing pickles but with love and care they nearly always bounce back. I'm so glad that Twinky is feeling better.
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She is GORGEOUS, Twinky!!
So glad she's bounced back so nicely. Thanks for sharing with us. :)
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Nice to see :D Twinky, that Your loving care and nurturing has revived Your dear Twinkle to herself again....she is beautiful!
Even looking at animals eyes, as now with Your Twinkle's photos before us, reveals what we see when we look deeply into anyone's eyes! Some of the details of their personalities and their journey's; whether they be struggles or triumphs throughout life, they cannot all be hidden , nor all disguised! It truly does show on you face and your body and through your words.
When You look into the eyes, study a face carefully, and listen carefully to all the words each one you encounter says, then and only then does your love let you see the hearts of those that you seek to see and to love; and conversely, explains why you cannot see the hearts of those that You do not handle with Love! This helps me to understand and re-enforce the great emphasis, importance and meaning of these verses from Matthew! Details, details they save our very lives more often than we can imagine!
Mat 22:36 Master, which [is] the great commandment in the law?
Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Mat 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Mat 22:39 And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
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