I remember Doc Rawlins talking about and writing about how you could choose the sex of your baby-to-be. It was in one of her "Hey God" articles. Does anyone out there still have this? And if so, could you post it, or tell me how to get ahold of it? Thanks.
I don't know about what Doc Rawlins taught but I have a book on the subject. Here's the Amazon link:
She wrote an article in the same magazine (Free Spirit) that had David Craley's piece on abortion. I'll read it to see if it says anything about choosing the sex of a baby.
The longer living ones have a better chance when you have intercourse 2-3 days before conception and the day of conception the faster swimmers tend to win out.
Thanks. If you think the info is too graphic, you could just send it to me privately.
In my 25 years as a midwife, I've observed a couple of totally UN-scientific things: People who eat the all American meat-and-potatoes diet ... these folks have more boys. And people who are either vegetarian or junk food junkies ... have more girls.
Sorta makes you wonder about the old wives' tale:
"Sugar and spice and everything nice
That's what little girls are made of.
Snails and nails and puppy dog tales
That's what little boys are made of.
But this is not at all Doc Rawlins' methods. Seems like she taught something about whether or not both mommy and daddy fully enjoyed the intercourse that made the baby. OK. Too graphic? And maybe I'm not remembering correctly. It was such an unusual theory that I'd like to find the actual teaching, so I know I'm not just imagining this.
I recall a class we had in residence. It was called the mucous method. It was a person I never met before in the Way or there after, I think she was invited to teach the subject.
She explained how at different times of a month a woman will have a mucous discharge at different times of the month and there are only certain days where her acidity mucous will accomadate boy sperms. At other times of the months it will accomadate female sperms.
I do not know a lot about this subject whether yea or ney.
I do know we tried this technique and my first born was a boy which we wanted and after that the girls came. The last one I tease about a unplanned child just to keep her in line.
Thanks. If you think the info is too graphic, you could just send it to me privately.
In my 25 years as a midwife, I've observed a couple of totally UN-scientific things: People who eat the all American meat-and-potatoes diet ... these folks have more boys. And people who are either vegetarian or junk food junkies ... have more girls.
Sorta makes you wonder about the old wives' tale:
"Sugar and spice and everything nice
That's what little girls are made of.
Snails and nails and puppy dog tales
That's what little boys are made of.
But this is not at all Doc Rawlins' methods. Seems like she taught something about whether or not both mommy and daddy fully enjoyed the intercourse that made the baby. OK. Too graphic? And maybe I'm not remembering correctly. It was such an unusual theory that I'd like to find the actual teaching, so I know I'm not just imagining this.
Shifra, I think a lot of the same info is in the book I posted above. Has to do with acidity, alkalinity, timing and depth of (well you know), and yeah there's the enjoyment factor too, if I recall it's all in there.
Here's an excerpt of the article that I think answers the question:
Two weeks after peak mucus, the next cycle starts. So, you must always count ahead to find the first day of your next period. Then count back 14 days to find your most fertile day. This is constant. The number of days preceding ovulation varies with the length of the cycle.
The monthly cycle goes through changes at an orderly pace because of hormone interaction or embriodery. The term "curiously wrought" in Psalms 139:15 means embroidery. How excellent is His Word.
A man produces two kinds of sperm. The one carrying the X chromosome which will produce a girl is heavier, slower, and survives better in the early mucus days. The other carrying the Y chromosome which determines a boy is lighter, travels faster, is not as sturdy and requires the ideal peak mucus for survival. So, if you have your heart set on a boy, either abstain from intercourse until peak mucus or use some type of barrier birth control, i.e., diaphram, condom, foam.
I believe that it had something to do with the thickness of the mucous at various times of the month and whether or not the woman had an orgasm. According to Doc, a woman having an orgasm during conception increased the chances for a male..... Made me really wonder once when I met a very happy couple with six sons.
I saw this ad when coming to this thread: http://www.choosethesexofyourbaby.com/google.html I don't know how well it works but Suda and I tried it after two girls and got ourselves a boy. Yeah.. its kinda graphic but really its just biological. How deep you go.... how often.... that kind of thing.
P.S. We loaned our book to our next door neighbors who had had two girls as well. They followed the guidelines and wound up with twin boys.
But, I have to tell you. I did everything BY THE BOOK of Doc Rawlins, and for me.........................................
it never worked!
Know what they call people who use the rhythm method of birth control?
But seriously, Shifra, I would think if the child is healthy, its gender assignment shouldn't be that much of an issue. You or your 'friend' (whoever this is for) might want to examine why you think it would be better to have a child of one sex over the other. You may find, the hand wringing over the sex of the child was for nought.
No no no!!! It's not for me! I'm a gramma! Way too old for having babies. I'm a midwife, and a client of mine asked if there was any material out there for helping them have a boy. I just delivered their fourth daughter. I remembered Doc Rawlins' teachings, but couldn't locate any of it. I appreciate the input on this thread, and will buy that book. However, I will only loan it to clients with a disclaimor about its unscientific basis. And yes, I agree, TWI was extremely ignorant about health issues. Being in residence as a nurse was an enormous exercise in biting my tongue. And when I offered to assist with a little bit of my own education and experience, they "LET" me do the lice checks on everyone's heads. Yuk.
I had a midwife for my second, and have another one for my third! love you guys.
I really have to put my trust in the Lord on this. He knew my children before they were born. So, whatever (x or Y) gets in first, is what He wants me to have!
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I don't know about what Doc Rawlins taught but I have a book on the subject. Here's the Amazon link:
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I have them somewhere, Shifra. Not sure when I could get to em.
I used to work for Doc Rawlins. She taught me a lot of stuff regarding that. If you want to PM me, I'd be glad to tell you.
It gets pretty graphic! :blink:
But, I have to tell you. I did everything BY THE BOOK of Doc Rawlins, and for me.........................................
it never worked!
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polar bear
Graphic? I'd like to see it too. LOL
I never did go for that stuff. I think it's all a crap shoot when it comes down to it.
To me it's like telling God what to do. Sort of figures in the twi thinking ie. "if you believe and act it will happen" doesn't it.
Don't fool with mother nature-(whatever that is).
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She wrote an article in the same magazine (Free Spirit) that had David Craley's piece on abortion. I'll read it to see if it says anything about choosing the sex of a baby.
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There is a simple book about it, bottom line
Boy sperm swim faster,
Girl sperm live longer,
or the other wayaround --- check the book.
The longer living ones have a better chance when you have intercourse 2-3 days before conception and the day of conception the faster swimmers tend to win out.
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Thanks. If you think the info is too graphic, you could just send it to me privately.
In my 25 years as a midwife, I've observed a couple of totally UN-scientific things: People who eat the all American meat-and-potatoes diet ... these folks have more boys. And people who are either vegetarian or junk food junkies ... have more girls.
Sorta makes you wonder about the old wives' tale:
"Sugar and spice and everything nice
That's what little girls are made of.
Snails and nails and puppy dog tales
That's what little boys are made of.
But this is not at all Doc Rawlins' methods. Seems like she taught something about whether or not both mommy and daddy fully enjoyed the intercourse that made the baby. OK. Too graphic? And maybe I'm not remembering correctly. It was such an unusual theory that I'd like to find the actual teaching, so I know I'm not just imagining this.
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I recall a class we had in residence. It was called the mucous method. It was a person I never met before in the Way or there after, I think she was invited to teach the subject.
She explained how at different times of a month a woman will have a mucous discharge at different times of the month and there are only certain days where her acidity mucous will accomadate boy sperms. At other times of the months it will accomadate female sperms.
I do not know a lot about this subject whether yea or ney.
I do know we tried this technique and my first born was a boy which we wanted and after that the girls came. The last one I tease about a unplanned child just to keep her in line.
Does anyone out there remember this class?
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Shifra, I think a lot of the same info is in the book I posted above. Has to do with acidity, alkalinity, timing and depth of (well you know), and yeah there's the enjoyment factor too, if I recall it's all in there.
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Here's an excerpt of the article that I think answers the question:
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I believe that it had something to do with the thickness of the mucous at various times of the month and whether or not the woman had an orgasm. According to Doc, a woman having an orgasm during conception increased the chances for a male..... Made me really wonder once when I met a very happy couple with six sons.
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Hey guys!
I saw this ad when coming to this thread: http://www.choosethesexofyourbaby.com/google.html I don't know how well it works but Suda and I tried it after two girls and got ourselves a boy. Yeah.. its kinda graphic but really its just biological. How deep you go.... how often.... that kind of thing.
P.S. We loaned our book to our next door neighbors who had had two girls as well. They followed the guidelines and wound up with twin boys.
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George Aar
I think WayWorld was about as adept at medical issues as they were at "Biblical Research".
As a result, they embraced notions about healing and good health practices that were nigh unto "eye of newt" and
letting of blood and the like.
I would put about as much stock in their recommendations as I would in your basic astrology chart or other garden variety superstitions.
The books sound like maybe they have a clue about something, but the Wayfer lackies' stuff? Nah....
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Yeah.. I remember a time when they found new and revolutionary methods of birth control..
there were a LOT of pregnant women..
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Know what they call people who use the rhythm method of birth control?
But seriously, Shifra, I would think if the child is healthy, its gender assignment shouldn't be that much of an issue. You or your 'friend' (whoever this is for) might want to examine why you think it would be better to have a child of one sex over the other. You may find, the hand wringing over the sex of the child was for nought.
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now I see
David Cral*y wrote an article on abortion?
Was it pro or con?
It seems like the old vicster was pro abortion and anti-children most of the time.
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No no no!!! It's not for me! I'm a gramma! Way too old for having babies. I'm a midwife, and a client of mine asked if there was any material out there for helping them have a boy. I just delivered their fourth daughter. I remembered Doc Rawlins' teachings, but couldn't locate any of it. I appreciate the input on this thread, and will buy that book. However, I will only loan it to clients with a disclaimor about its unscientific basis. And yes, I agree, TWI was extremely ignorant about health issues. Being in residence as a nurse was an enormous exercise in biting my tongue. And when I offered to assist with a little bit of my own education and experience, they "LET" me do the lice checks on everyone's heads. Yuk.
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I had a midwife for my second, and have another one for my third! love you guys.
I really have to put my trust in the Lord on this. He knew my children before they were born. So, whatever (x or Y) gets in first, is what He wants me to have!
I have to believe this for my sanity :)
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