Outstanding! And timely for me, personally. Thank you, Cindy!
My comment on the site:
Stirring! Excellent commentary in the introduction! As it was pointed out, this document is not strictly American, but universal, appealing to the hearts of all who are oppressed, and giving notice to all who would defy the only just Ruler, who made man to be "what he ought to be -- free and independent." God bless America, and God bless the people of Iraq.
I would have liked to see a few different people .... Winona Ryder should have been Julia Roberts, the two young men (whom I don't recognize) should have been Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, I would have liked to see Robin Williams and Reece Witherspoon.
Michael Douglas has a presence and a delivery that is unparalleled in this universe. Mel Gibson and Kathy Bates did a wonderful job, too.
Whoopi Goldberg was a good addition.
I took my kids to Philly (in 2001) when we lived in Trenton (the armpit of the world), New Jersey for the holiday weekend of Thanksgiving. Being a certified US History teacher, we made all the rounds and I had packets for them to read and work on.
But this video would have made it perfect.
I only wish Patrick Stewart were a citizen....his ability to project tone and importance would be awesome. But for a Brit he ain't bad!
I would have liked to see a few different people .... Winona Ryder should have been Julia Roberts, the two young men (whom I don't recognize) should have been Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, I would have liked to see Robin Williams and Reece Witherspoon.
Is it coincidence that all your choices are outspoken liberals?
Regardless of political affiliation, I though it was a wonderful performance!
Well, George...since I'm a republican, probably not!
I didn't choose em based on politics, but on talent.!
Since I'm one of the very very few republicans in my profession....I tend to leave politics out of discussions (except for some great people I worked with last year, cuz we would argue points passionately...then switch sides and continue to argue passionately. It boggled more than a few minds around us...but we were having FUN!!!)
Although I must confess to egging on one of my classmates today in my masters cohort class!!!!
Awesome. So much of it I too had never read. I've known a little more than the first paragraph, but not much more. I found it interesting that Graham Greene delivered on the paragraph about the "savage indians" being set upon the Colonists by the British. But it did happen that way, and the indians were in fact very indiscriminate when it came to whom they slaughtered, men, women, and children. Also, James Earl Jones should have done some readin'. Could kicked out Whoopie for all I care. Don't care for her at all...
So much of the declaration's complaint about the King can be applied to George W. Bush. We are in trouble my friends, we have undue taxes, legislation setting up the repeal of the fourth amendment, the first and second have effectively been repealed already by other laws namely the so called patriot act, soon the 3rd amendment will be "optional" and the tenth amendment is a laughing stock! This President has Emperor-like powers, unprecedented abilities to over step the Senate and the House of representatives to order the Military about the world on his whim. The Things Emperor Bush has done would 200 years ago be treason against the people, he is an unlawful despotic tyrant that needs to made to answer for his crimes.
I for one am manning the bilge this ship isn't going down if I can help it.
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Watered Garden
WOW! That is AWESOME! Thank you so much for posting this, Cindy!.
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Outstanding! And timely for me, personally. Thank you, Cindy!
My comment on the site:
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I SHOULDA mentioned that the preamble and the declaration of independence are SEPARARATE documents.....but I figured ya'll knew that!!!!
That video still stirs me....no matter how many times I view it.
Thanks for enjoying it with me Dan and WG!!!!
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The presence of Mel Gibson took me back until I remembered that somewhere in his past he became a citizen.
I loved it. Made me want to memorize it.
There are some occassions when testing phone or audio equipment, I will rattle off the preamble. People always stop and listen with awe.
Brought a tear to my eye with pride. I loved it!
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That was wonderful!!! I never remember hearing that read!! Damn.. I never remember reading it..........
It made me want to take up arms... against SOMETHING!!!!!!! Or for something!!!
We were just in Independance Hall about 2wks ago. Just an amazing place.
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At 52 years of age this was the first time I have gotten past the first paragraph.
Makes you think about our current congress.
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Just FYI, Mel Gibson has always been an American. He was born in New York. ;)
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Dot Matrix
Are you sure?
I have heard him say he was an aussie, was he born here and raised there?
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Sorry for the de-rail, Cindy!
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I agree....this is powerful.
I would have liked to see a few different people .... Winona Ryder should have been Julia Roberts, the two young men (whom I don't recognize) should have been Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, I would have liked to see Robin Williams and Reece Witherspoon.
Michael Douglas has a presence and a delivery that is unparalleled in this universe. Mel Gibson and Kathy Bates did a wonderful job, too.
Whoopi Goldberg was a good addition.
I took my kids to Philly (in 2001) when we lived in Trenton (the armpit of the world), New Jersey for the holiday weekend of Thanksgiving. Being a certified US History teacher, we made all the rounds and I had packets for them to read and work on.
But this video would have made it perfect.
I only wish Patrick Stewart were a citizen....his ability to project tone and importance would be awesome. But for a Brit he ain't bad!
Edited by Cindy!Link to comment
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Is it coincidence that all your choices are outspoken liberals?
Regardless of political affiliation, I though it was a wonderful performance!
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Well, George...since I'm a republican, probably not!
I didn't choose em based on politics, but on talent.!
Since I'm one of the very very few republicans in my profession....I tend to leave politics out of discussions (except for some great people I worked with last year, cuz we would argue points passionately...then switch sides and continue to argue passionately. It boggled more than a few minds around us...but we were having FUN!!!)
Although I must confess to egging on one of my classmates today in my masters cohort class!!!!
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J0nny Ling0
Awesome. So much of it I too had never read. I've known a little more than the first paragraph, but not much more. I found it interesting that Graham Greene delivered on the paragraph about the "savage indians" being set upon the Colonists by the British. But it did happen that way, and the indians were in fact very indiscriminate when it came to whom they slaughtered, men, women, and children. Also, James Earl Jones should have done some readin'. Could kicked out Whoopie for all I care. Don't care for her at all...
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Seth R.
So much of the declaration's complaint about the King can be applied to George W. Bush. We are in trouble my friends, we have undue taxes, legislation setting up the repeal of the fourth amendment, the first and second have effectively been repealed already by other laws namely the so called patriot act, soon the 3rd amendment will be "optional" and the tenth amendment is a laughing stock! This President has Emperor-like powers, unprecedented abilities to over step the Senate and the House of representatives to order the Military about the world on his whim. The Things Emperor Bush has done would 200 years ago be treason against the people, he is an unlawful despotic tyrant that needs to made to answer for his crimes.
I for one am manning the bilge this ship isn't going down if I can help it.
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