That was verrrrrrrrry sweet of You to help out; and now we all can enjoy the music Bliss selected; and by the way, it is Grrreat! Thank You again Dooji!
Jesus was born Sept 11? maybe the fireworks over NYC, Wash DC and PA 6 years ago today were in celebration.
Dear ((((((((HAPe4me))))))))))))))
No, I think not! They were all about a very bitter and costly blow to all the countries of this world! The victims and their families and loved one's will never be forgotten! They will always be remembered, prayed for, honored and mourned. We are all deeply saddened on this day. Is it really that difficult to see what the heart and intent of this thread is?
In this world there is always tradgedies and celebrations going on concurrently! IMHO, It is all the more reason to celebrate Christ's birthday and accomplishments.
Jesus was born Sept 11? maybe the fireworks over NYC, Wash DC and PA 6 years ago today were in celebration.
Well there was a strong link.
Every terrorist attack has been performed on specific anniversarys, for reasons. To them it must all be very symbolic, tha tis a large part of the message that they are trying to send. Our culture commonly misses the symbols.
Every terrorist attack has been performed on specific anniversarys, for reasons. To them it must all be very symbolic, tha tis a large part of the message that they are trying to send. Our culture commonly misses the symbols.
Dear ((((((((((Galen,))))))))))))))))))
This has been apparent to most, I believe! Evil forces have always existed in this present world, with the sole purpose and intent of trying to triumph over good with destructive evils!
It is the same although out the Bible and the history of the world. How does God address this? In many ways. i.e.Jam 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.He makes us aware that it is a spiritual battle,Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].It is a spiritual battle as well as a physical and a mental battle. We can take actions and pray that GOD helps us to stay physically mentally and spiritually strong! We cannot change the attackers strategies, but we can develop our own; and then block hinder, fight against and protect ourselves. I choose that GOD be on my side in all my battles!
God gave all men free will...We don't always use it well; but it is still our individual as well as collective responsibility!
Dear (((((((((((((Larry N Moore)))))))))))))))))))),
Being totally precise in everything is not always as much of an issue as understanding it's actual significance. Some things are only partially known to mankind.
Dear Rainbow, I think that's the point I was trying to make. I don't really think Jesus cares about whether we get the date of his birth correct. We've often heard others say: "It's the thought that counts." I'm quite confident that Jesus looks at it the same way.
Learning to share is hard hey?
Oh, I don't know. Sharing isn't all that hard. Sharing with a humble heart is a bit more difficult for some. You wouldn't be among them though.
I Love You Larry N Moore, RainbowsGirl
Thank you my dear. You're a sparkling example of what it means to love people unconditionally.
I think it was Ernest L. Martin who was one of the bible scholars that used astronomy and astronomical signs to determine that the birth date of Jesus Christ may have been Sept. 11, 3 B.C.E.
I think it was Ernest L. Martin who was one of the bible scholars that used astronomy and astronomical signs to determine that the birth date of Jesus Christ may have been Sept. 11, 3 B.C.E.
I surely do appreciate the link provided by you, and all of the others links from those who have already reworked this, and are far more resourceful than I am. They are great references materials to help our understanding, and to be as accurate as possible.
I found it terribly ironic that the attack on our country occurred on Jesus Christ's true birthday. I knew on that day that September 11th would become a national day of morning. But on that day back in 2001, I sent out e-mails to believer friends commemorating Christ's b-day anyway. And so, thanks you Rainbow's Girl for this thread! Bless you and I love you too!
I found it terribly ironic that the attack on our country occurred on Jesus Christ's true birthday. I knew on that day that September 11th would become a national day of morning. But on that day back in 2001, I sent out e-mails to believer friends commemorating Christ's b-day anyway. And so, thanks you Rainbow's Girl for this thread! Bless you and I love you too!
Jonny Lingo
Hey Jonny,
It is ironic! It was a carefully calculated spiritual attack; especially, considering the methods and operations of the devil spirit realm!
I believe that Osama Binladin and company have close associations with that spiritual realm. Good and evil concurrently happening at each and every moment is difficult enough to work through. Enacted on significant occasions is a very premeditated destructive evil force. Intended to break down our way of life and thinking essential attack us on all fronts; and to cause deep and lasting pain through out the entire world. You never could convince me that this is not a major spiritual battle.
It is hard to have our focusing divided in so many ways and directions. It seems to cause enough fear and mistrust and division of purposes to keep us from being truly effective in the fight at times. Wrap Your mind around that strategy and pray that we can overcome it!
I Love You too Jonny and GOD Bless You as well, RainbowsGirl
Every terrorist attack has been performed on specific anniversarys, for reasons. To them it must all be very symbolic, tha tis a large part of the message that they are trying to send. Our culture commonly misses the symbols.
From what I have read, September 11th wasn't the original date they had planned upon, which was actually supposed to take place during the summer. Additionally, it seems like September 11th was a significant day for Palestinians, but I forget what for.
Since the majority of Americans aren't aware of the theoretical 9/11 birthday of Jesus, I doubt al Qaeda would have picked that day to anger our nation. Some days with greater significance to more people would have been July 4th or Christmas.
since the majority of Americans aren't aware of the theoretical 9/11 birthday of Jesus, I doubt al Qaeda would have picked that day to anger our nation.
You are exactly right when you look at it from a fives senses point of view. But, from a spiritual point of view, I can see the devil orchestrating the whole thing to happen on the date of the birth of our Lord and Savior. But, you most likely do not have that point of view. I love you man...
knowing the ACTUAL birthdate of Jesus makes me feel so complete.
I know God will give me extra presents when I get to heaven because I know Jesus' birthday.
Oh, and 9/11 is the worst tradgedy to ever happen to any group of people in the history of the world, so of course the devil would have about 3000 people die on that day to really upset God and Jesus and ruin his Birthday.
From what I have read, September 11th wasn't the original date they had planned upon, which was actually supposed to take place during the summer. Additionally, it seems like September 11th was a significant day for Palestinians, but I forget what for.
Since the majority of Americans aren't aware of the theoretical 9/11 birthday of Jesus, I doubt al Qaeda would have picked that day to anger our nation. Some days with greater significance to more people would have been July 4th or Christmas.
Yes this is true from a senses perspective, thank You for noticing this!
You are exactly right when you look at it from a fives senses point of view. But, from a spiritual point of view, I can see the devil orchestrating the whole thing to happen on the date of the birth of our Lord and Savior. But, you most likely do not have that point of view. I love you man...
That is an excellant point Jonny! I always tend to view it from the spiritual side primarily too! I guess that I didn't even see the senses side of it till Mister-P-Mosh brought it up, as His point is excellant and valid too.
knowing the ACTUAL birthdate of Jesus makes me feel so complete.
I know God will give me extra presents when I get to heaven because I know Jesus' birthday.
Oh, and 9/11 is the worst tradgedy to ever happen to any group of people in the history of the world, so of course the devil would have about 3000 people die on that day to really upset God and Jesus and ruin his Birthday.
Dear (((((Nandon)))))),
In order to arrive at the truth, significance and accuracy are valid; if not vital! All tragedies are horrific in their own ways and are devastating to all the particular parties involved in them. Everything has a cost (not a monetary cost necessarily);whether it be physically mentally or spiritually! How these events are discerned by GOD or man is important futuristically in so many ways! Please think a little more about it, if You will!!
Dear Rainbow, I think that's the point I was trying to make. I don't really think Jesus cares about whether we get the date of his birth correct. We've often heard others say: "It's the thought that counts." I'm quite confident that Jesus looks at it the same way.
Oh, I don't know. Sharing isn't all that hard. Sharing with a humble heart is a bit more difficult for some. You wouldn't be among them though.
Thank you my dear. You're a sparkling example of what it means to love people unconditionally.
Dear ((((((((Larry))))))))),
Thank you for your kindness and compliments; I am sure that they are very well meant!
I do love you and everyone here in a very genuine and unique way; but my love is conditional. It take an awful lot to breech it, and I do and will forgive a lot!Yet, there are times when I back away and no longer have anymore trust left! I am human too!
Look more carefully, and tell me who you really know, who unconditionally loves everyone. Perhaps, read the calvanist thread and the is GOD's love conditional or unconditional. It was Diamond's thread.
You are exactly right when you look at it from a fives senses point of view. But, from a spiritual point of view, I can see the devil orchestrating the whole thing to happen on the date of the birth of our Lord and Savior. But, you most likely do not have that point of view. I love you man...
I understand that point of view and can see how I would have thought the exact same thing when I was in TWI. I left shortly before 9/11 so I didn't have the...ummm..."opportunity" to hear what they had to say, but I'd bet they would take what you said, then take it further and say that they attacked because 1) people don't abundantly share enough of their income, 2) because the adversary hated all the witnessing that people in TWI were doing, and 3) because gay people were not being openly executed in the streets. They probably also said that no TWI believers were hurt in 9/11, which is probably true because there are so few people in TWI anymore that it became less statistically likely.
Anyway, you're right. I don't believe that "the spiritual point of view" is really valid, but I do respect your right to view things that way. Different perspectives are one of the things the founders of this nation wanted to protect.
I understand that point of view and can see how I would have thought the exact same thing when I was in TWI. I left shortly before 9/11 so I didn't have the...ummm..."opportunity" to hear what they had to say, but I'd bet they would take what you said, then take it further and say that they attacked because 1) people don't abundantly share enough of their income, 2) because the adversary hated all the witnessing that people in TWI were doing, and 3) because gay people were not being openly executed in the streets. They probably also said that no TWI believers were hurt in 9/11, which is probably true because there are so few people in TWI anymore that it became less statistically likely.
Anyway, you're right. I don't believe that "the spiritual point of view" is really valid, but I do respect your right to view things that way. Different perspectives are one of the things the founders of this nation wanted to protect.
Although, I had been in TWI for bout 25 years, I never would have validated the further claims that You suggest that they might further make. Undoubtably the claims you suggest might well have been made; but IMHO only a select few would truly believe them.
I don't know You very well so I hope that it is alright to ask you this?: Do You not believe there is a spiritual Realm with GOD and His Angels and the devil and his fallen angels or that any aspects of 911 were spiritual in nature or orchestration? If you wish to please explain why as well?
I just don't think that the actuall date of his birthday matters.
I'm glad you like to study those things. But no one can prove what date it actually was. Why would God put any importance on something that is so five senses any way? The point is Jesus WAS born, not WHAT DAY he was born. Just my opinion.
And as tragic as the 9-11 events were, and as much as it affected me, you, our country, and the world. I still do not think it's the worst tradgedy to ever hit human kind.
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Here you go Bliss:
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Jesus was born Sept 11? maybe the fireworks over NYC, Wash DC and PA 6 years ago today were in celebration.
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Wow, Thank You!!!! (((((((((Doojable))))))))))),
That was verrrrrrrrry sweet of You to help out; and now we all can enjoy the music Bliss selected; and by the way, it is Grrreat! Thank You again Dooji!
I Love You Doojable, RainbowsGirl
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Dear ((((((((HAPe4me))))))))))))))
No, I think not! They were all about a very bitter and costly blow to all the countries of this world! The victims and their families and loved one's will never be forgotten! They will always be remembered, prayed for, honored and mourned. We are all deeply saddened on this day. Is it really that difficult to see what the heart and intent of this thread is?
In this world there is always tradgedies and celebrations going on concurrently! IMHO, It is all the more reason to celebrate Christ's birthday and accomplishments.
I Love You HAPe4me, RainbowsGitragediesrl
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The song I'd like to share with you is at about 4:30 min...Rich Mullins - "You Did Not Have a Home."
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Well there was a strong link.
Every terrorist attack has been performed on specific anniversarys, for reasons. To them it must all be very symbolic, tha tis a large part of the message that they are trying to send. Our culture commonly misses the symbols.
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Dear ((((((((((Galen,))))))))))))))))))
This has been apparent to most, I believe! Evil forces have always existed in this present world, with the sole purpose and intent of trying to triumph over good with destructive evils!
It is the same although out the Bible and the history of the world. How does God address this? In many ways. i.e. Jam 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. He makes us aware that it is a spiritual battle, Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. It is a spiritual battle as well as a physical and a mental battle. We can take actions and pray that GOD helps us to stay physically mentally and spiritually strong! We cannot change the attackers strategies, but we can develop our own; and then block hinder, fight against and protect ourselves. I choose that GOD be on my side in all my battles!
God gave all men free will...We don't always use it well; but it is still our individual as well as collective responsibility!
I Love You Galen, RainbowsGirl
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Thank You very much again Doojable
I Love it
I Love You as well Dooji, RainbowsGirl
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Larry N Moore
Dear Rainbow, I think that's the point I was trying to make. I don't really think Jesus cares about whether we get the date of his birth correct. We've often heard others say: "It's the thought that counts." I'm quite confident that Jesus looks at it the same way.
Oh, I don't know. Sharing isn't all that hard. Sharing with a humble heart is a bit more difficult for some. You wouldn't be among them though.
Thank you my dear. You're a sparkling example of what it means to love people unconditionally.
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Mark Sanguinetti
I think it was Ernest L. Martin who was one of the bible scholars that used astronomy and astronomical signs to determine that the birth date of Jesus Christ may have been Sept. 11, 3 B.C.E.
Edited by Mark SanguinettiLink to comment
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Thank You (((((((((Mark Sanguinetti))))))))
I surely do appreciate the link provided by you, and all of the others links from those who have already reworked this, and are far more resourceful than I am. They are great references materials to help our understanding, and to be as accurate as possible.
I Love You Mark Sanguinetti, RainbowsGirl
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J0nny Ling0
I found it terribly ironic that the attack on our country occurred on Jesus Christ's true birthday. I knew on that day that September 11th would become a national day of morning. But on that day back in 2001, I sent out e-mails to believer friends commemorating Christ's b-day anyway. And so, thanks you Rainbow's Girl for this thread! Bless you and I love you too!
Jonny Lingo
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It is ironic! It was a carefully calculated spiritual attack; especially, considering the methods and operations of the devil spirit realm!
I believe that Osama Binladin and company have close associations with that spiritual realm. Good and evil concurrently happening at each and every moment is difficult enough to work through. Enacted on significant occasions is a very premeditated destructive evil force. Intended to break down our way of life and thinking essential attack us on all fronts; and to cause deep and lasting pain through out the entire world. You never could convince me that this is not a major spiritual battle.
It is hard to have our focusing divided in so many ways and directions. It seems to cause enough fear and mistrust and division of purposes to keep us from being truly effective in the fight at times. Wrap Your mind around that strategy and pray that we can overcome it!
I Love You too Jonny and GOD Bless You as well, RainbowsGirl
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J0nny Ling0
Thanks RG! :)
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Mister P-Mosh
From what I have read, September 11th wasn't the original date they had planned upon, which was actually supposed to take place during the summer. Additionally, it seems like September 11th was a significant day for Palestinians, but I forget what for.
Since the majority of Americans aren't aware of the theoretical 9/11 birthday of Jesus, I doubt al Qaeda would have picked that day to anger our nation. Some days with greater significance to more people would have been July 4th or Christmas.
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J0nny Ling0
You are exactly right when you look at it from a fives senses point of view. But, from a spiritual point of view, I can see the devil orchestrating the whole thing to happen on the date of the birth of our Lord and Savior. But, you most likely do not have that point of view. I love you man...
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knowing the ACTUAL birthdate of Jesus makes me feel so complete.
I know God will give me extra presents when I get to heaven because I know Jesus' birthday.
Oh, and 9/11 is the worst tradgedy to ever happen to any group of people in the history of the world, so of course the devil would have about 3000 people die on that day to really upset God and Jesus and ruin his Birthday.
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Yes this is true from a senses perspective, thank You for noticing this!
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That is an excellant point Jonny! I always tend to view it from the spiritual side primarily too! I guess that I didn't even see the senses side of it till Mister-P-Mosh brought it up, as His point is excellant and valid too.
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Dear (((((Nandon)))))),
In order to arrive at the truth, significance and accuracy are valid; if not vital! All tragedies are horrific in their own ways and are devastating to all the particular parties involved in them. Everything has a cost (not a monetary cost necessarily);whether it be physically mentally or spiritually! How these events are discerned by GOD or man is important futuristically in so many ways! Please think a little more about it, if You will!!
I love You Nandon,RainbowsGirl
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Dear ((((((((Larry))))))))),
Thank you for your kindness and compliments; I am sure that they are very well meant!
I do love you and everyone here in a very genuine and unique way; but my love is conditional. It take an awful lot to breech it, and I do and will forgive a lot!Yet, there are times when I back away and no longer have anymore trust left! I am human too!
Look more carefully, and tell me who you really know, who unconditionally loves everyone. Perhaps, read the calvanist thread and the is GOD's love conditional or unconditional. It was Diamond's thread.
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Mister P-Mosh
I understand that point of view and can see how I would have thought the exact same thing when I was in TWI. I left shortly before 9/11 so I didn't have the...ummm..."opportunity" to hear what they had to say, but I'd bet they would take what you said, then take it further and say that they attacked because 1) people don't abundantly share enough of their income, 2) because the adversary hated all the witnessing that people in TWI were doing, and 3) because gay people were not being openly executed in the streets. They probably also said that no TWI believers were hurt in 9/11, which is probably true because there are so few people in TWI anymore that it became less statistically likely.
Anyway, you're right. I don't believe that "the spiritual point of view" is really valid, but I do respect your right to view things that way. Different perspectives are one of the things the founders of this nation wanted to protect.
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Although, I had been in TWI for bout 25 years, I never would have validated the further claims that You suggest that they might further make. Undoubtably the claims you suggest might well have been made; but IMHO only a select few would truly believe them.
I don't know You very well so I hope that it is alright to ask you this?: Do You not believe there is a spiritual Realm with GOD and His Angels and the devil and his fallen angels or that any aspects of 911 were spiritual in nature or orchestration? If you wish to please explain why as well?
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I just don't think that the actuall date of his birthday matters.
I'm glad you like to study those things. But no one can prove what date it actually was. Why would God put any importance on something that is so five senses any way? The point is Jesus WAS born, not WHAT DAY he was born. Just my opinion.
And as tragic as the 9-11 events were, and as much as it affected me, you, our country, and the world. I still do not think it's the worst tradgedy to ever hit human kind.
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