Dot, you may not have seen the edit in my last post. I did. Sorry for the interuption. I won't further engage Mike here.
BTW, I did hear DrW SIT and interpret. His "tongues" were a slight variation of what he does in the class, and his "interpretation" was very right-on with what he taught interpretation of tongues should be... no guidance, comforting words "from God" in the first Person, and "exhortation." We all felt very privileged and edified. I once heard LCM "correct" a "minor" leader for EVER calling on a visiting minister to prophesy or SIT/INT. This was NOT to be done, period.
I heard VP speak in tongues during a few teachings... when he wanted to emphasize that he was "heaven bound and all He!! couldn't stop him." He always had that "Lo shanta.." in there to begin the "sentence."
Remember that by the time the class had been filmed that VP had supposedly been "speaking in tongues like a house a'fire" for many years. Yet the tongue seemed simple in comparison to what we were to strive for later on.
On the other hand... Just how does one go about deciding that a tongue (read "UNKNOWN LANGUAGE") IS "rich and developed?" I mean to us, the click language would sound awfully simple and sing song.
Perhaps it's arrogance to think we can evaluate the maturity and richness of a person's tongue.
I heard VP speak in tongues during a few teachings... when he wanted to emphasize that he was "heaven bound and all He!! couldn't stop him." He always had that "Lo shanta.." in there to begin the "sentence."
I learned later that "La shanta alla ma sheeka" in angel means "Hey baby, how's about you and me ..." I'm not sure what sheeka means ...
I'm kinda thinkin' this was not "good angel" talk ...
I think he cleaned it up in the interpretation ... Like "I will always love you" instead of "I wanna sheeka you all night long"
I'm kinda glad there was no internet back in the day.
I mean, with all the abbreviations out there like LOL and LMAO and OMG,we might have had someone try to get a "believer's meeting" together by saying something like," Hey, Keeds!! let's all join hands and have ourselves a BM!!"
I think there were many who did that waysider. Sometimes I think we were just so used to hearing certain phrases and reading certain verses in the Bible that it all became rote. It definitely wasn't inspiring most of the time.
waysider i didn't know we met! you surley are talking about me!
i thought it was a crock from the first and just went along to please my ex.
do i belive some people can do it? sure why not,all people i doubt it . it is it pretty much phony?
i think so but i won't expound on something i am not sure of and i don't think anyone else should either{mike did god tell you these things you are so sure of in person or what? or have you been on mushrooms? for that matter do we know there is a god? i believe so and i talk to him each day. but do i know for sure? nope dut i sure as heck hope so
In the OT when "God spoke" via prophecy people had no problem remembering it for 30 , 40 or 50 years before they wrote it down down.
If it was that absolutely forgettable to you, i certainly wouldnt put it in the category of remarkable.
and No Mike I dont remember what I had for breakfast on a specific day in 1977, but I do remember words spoken to me, conversations, and things I heard that I deemed important, Most of them looking back werent even all that 'remarkable' yet I remember them clearly. If I believed that "God Spoke" to me a 'remarkable' message-- believe me , I would make a special memory folder for that one.
All I know is, when you participate in 4 or 5 believer's meetings a day for 2 straight years, it definitely loses its mystique rather quickly. You know, if God really did try to talk to us individually by revelation, he probably had a tough time trying to get a word in edgewise.
I also had heard VPW SIT occasionally, as part of getting riled up and "inspired" during a teaching, and it always sounded like the PFAL one. Even back then, it was a bit of a joke among the believers that he sounded so contrived. I guess it was just another of those things we were willing to overlook in him, because he taught us "The Word."
Can't recall hearing VPW interpret anywhere other than in a TIP class. And I never heard Howard manifest.
I heard VP SIT with interpretation at a big function. I can't remember the exact year or the name of the function, but it wasn't an ROA, it must have been a day or weekend in the word. But during the morning meeting, VP, Don, Howard and their wives were sharing their hearts and when it came time for manifestations, all of them were done by a trustee or wife and VP SIT and interpreted. It wasn't flashy. Wanda W also SIT'd with interpretation and Howard gave a word of prophecy.
I wondered the same thing about Rosalie once; if anybody heard her do it, but think about all the classes VP taught live from 1953 until the class was filmed in 1967. He HAD to have worked personally with a lot of those people.
quote: This thread is beginning to look a lot like one of those many Excellors’ Session I ran years ago.
Well, it's starting to look to me like yet another absurd ridiculous excuse to bash VP/twi. It just never ends.
Okay, so we only have three people who have heard him.... one being Mike who, unsurprisingly comes out of the woodwork to defend his god....errr.... vee pee? :unsure:
Waysider, there were many, many, many of us who did that. Heck, I would practice making up cool sounding words so my tongues wouldn't be boring or the same ole same ole. If I had thought I could get away with it, I would have written interpretations on my hand.
Dooj, I love, Love, LOVE that song!! I heard it during my "still married but not going to fellowship" days and told my ex about the song. I got seriously yelled at for listening to a "Christian" radio station. :blink:
I then wondered out loud if that was the guy who used to do all the impersonations at the ROA that I heard about.
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Hmmmm! Perhaps an "excellor" session is in order.
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Dot, you may not have seen the edit in my last post. I did. Sorry for the interuption. I won't further engage Mike here.
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I heard VP speak in tongues during a few teachings... when he wanted to emphasize that he was "heaven bound and all He!! couldn't stop him." He always had that "Lo shanta.." in there to begin the "sentence."
Remember that by the time the class had been filmed that VP had supposedly been "speaking in tongues like a house a'fire" for many years. Yet the tongue seemed simple in comparison to what we were to strive for later on.
On the other hand... Just how does one go about deciding that a tongue (read "UNKNOWN LANGUAGE") IS "rich and developed?" I mean to us, the click language would sound awfully simple and sing song.
Perhaps it's arrogance to think we can evaluate the maturity and richness of a person's tongue.
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Dot Matrix
You heard VP sit?
I was unclear as to Mike or you?
Thanks! It was you then, we posted near the same time
Haha and yeah. :)
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yes, dot.... that was me
(((( dot ))))
Love you
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I learned later that "La shanta alla ma sheeka" in angel means "Hey baby, how's about you and me ..." I'm not sure what sheeka means ...
I'm kinda thinkin' this was not "good angel" talk ...
I think he cleaned it up in the interpretation ... Like "I will always love you" instead of "I wanna sheeka you all night long"
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What if cartoons got saved?
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Ya know
I'm kinda glad there was no internet back in the day.
I mean, with all the abbreviations out there like LOL and LMAO and OMG,we might have had someone try to get a "believer's meeting" together by saying something like," Hey, Keeds!! let's all join hands and have ourselves a BM!!"
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Dot Matrix
Waysider :blink:
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According to my internet translator...
"Sheeka" means "Drambuie"

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Dot Matrix
Another Dan
Do you recall, only cause it was him and back in the day was a big deal, was it a stockpile interpretation?
Ya know, do not look to the right or to the left but keep your eyes steadfast upon me?
Since I have heard others -outside TWI- I must say some of it is really moving.
One I heard years ago was just plain off (pentecostal)
But was the one you heard different- or stockplie?
Just curious
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For what it's worth.
I personally know someone who completely faked SIT/TIP for about two years using pre-memorized phrases.
( And they were much more interesting than "Lo Shanta-----------")
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I think there were many who did that waysider. Sometimes I think we were just so used to hearing certain phrases and reading certain verses in the Bible that it all became rote. It definitely wasn't inspiring most of the time.
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waysider i didn't know we met! you surley are talking about me!
i thought it was a crock from the first and just went along to please my ex.
do i belive some people can do it? sure why not,all people i doubt it . it is it pretty much phony?
i think so but i won't expound on something i am not sure of and i don't think anyone else should either{mike did god tell you these things you are so sure of in person or what? or have you been on mushrooms? for that matter do we know there is a god? i believe so and i talk to him each day. but do i know for sure? nope dut i sure as heck hope so
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It sure mustve been remarkable :blink:
In the OT when "God spoke" via prophecy people had no problem remembering it for 30 , 40 or 50 years before they wrote it down down.
If it was that absolutely forgettable to you, i certainly wouldnt put it in the category of remarkable.
and No Mike I dont remember what I had for breakfast on a specific day in 1977, but I do remember words spoken to me, conversations, and things I heard that I deemed important, Most of them looking back werent even all that 'remarkable' yet I remember them clearly. If I believed that "God Spoke" to me a 'remarkable' message-- believe me , I would make a special memory folder for that one.
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now I see
I had the same question myself, since he was so reprobate, I questioned it too. Â
It stands to reason though that if we all learned from him, he should have been able to do it too. Â
Although I'm not so sure that we operated interpretation the way we should have.
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All I know is, when you participate in 4 or 5 believer's meetings a day for 2 straight years, it definitely loses its mystique rather quickly. You know, if God really did try to talk to us individually by revelation, he probably had a tough time trying to get a word in edgewise.
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I also had heard VPW SIT occasionally, as part of getting riled up and "inspired" during a teaching, and it always sounded like the PFAL one. Even back then, it was a bit of a joke among the believers that he sounded so contrived. I guess it was just another of those things we were willing to overlook in him, because he taught us "The Word."
Can't recall hearing VPW interpret anywhere other than in a TIP class. And I never heard Howard manifest.
-- Shaz
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I never heard him sit or interpret outside of what was on the film class either..
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There's all those pics of docvic (in the Way rag) teaching a twig somewhere.
As *teacher* of the twig, I'll bet (just an IMO),
that he called on others to do the duty,
and never did it himself.
Would anyone here feel comfortable having docvic in YOUR twig,
with you leading, you teaching, and calling on docvic to manifest???
But that would never happen. He might've allowed you to lead the songs,
but that's about the extent of THAT scenario (IMO)!!
And while I'm at it (not meaning to derail or anything) ---
If you can claim to be able to tell that one is FLUENT in SIT & Interp.,
then you MUST have heard a language you are familiar with.
(Yes? No?? What say the *fluency experts* here?)
How many here have actually heard a language known to them???
And if you don't know it, how can you say whether
it is a language of men, or angels --since you don't know it.
And ------------------------------>>>>>> If you don't know it,
how can you determine if someone else is proficient or not???
Jest thinking through some things I should have thought of 20 years ago.
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I heard VP SIT with interpretation at a big function. I can't remember the exact year or the name of the function, but it wasn't an ROA, it must have been a day or weekend in the word. But during the morning meeting, VP, Don, Howard and their wives were sharing their hearts and when it came time for manifestations, all of them were done by a trustee or wife and VP SIT and interpreted. It wasn't flashy. Wanda W also SIT'd with interpretation and Howard gave a word of prophecy.
I wondered the same thing about Rosalie once; if anybody heard her do it, but think about all the classes VP taught live from 1953 until the class was filmed in 1967. He HAD to have worked personally with a lot of those people.
quote: This thread is beginning to look a lot like one of those many Excellors’ Session I ran years ago.
Well, it's starting to look to me like yet another absurd ridiculous excuse to bash VP/twi. It just never ends.
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Dot, I would be reluctant to call it "stockpile."
edited for brevity
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A lot of folks don't need very many addtional reasons to do so..
For most people.. to find out he had the sexual preclivities of a Guinea Pig is enough..
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Okay, so we only have three people who have heard him.... one being Mike who, unsurprisingly comes out of the woodwork to defend his god....errr.... vee pee? :unsure:
Waysider, there were many, many, many of us who did that.
Heck, I would practice making up cool sounding words so my tongues wouldn't be boring or the same ole same ole. If I had thought I could get away with it, I would have written interpretations on my hand.
Dooj, I love, Love, LOVE that song!! I heard it during my "still married but not going to fellowship" days and told my ex about the song. I got seriously yelled at for listening to a "Christian" radio station. :blink:
I then wondered out loud if that was the guy who used to do all the impersonations at the ROA that I heard about.
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