The TWI you describe with your very bad humor resembles nothing that I experienced in The Way, ever.
Allright Mr. Lingo, we will not have any division, multiplication or any other such heretical statements at this fellowship...
You are now in danger of being put on double secret spirtual probation...which is only a hop, skip and a jump from having your nametag ripped from your shirt...It would seem that the camel you are riding will not fit through the eye of the needle...
...or to put it another way...Hank is getting ready to spit on your shoes...
I suppose if I were to go off on a tangent, it would be to expound upon the contrast between rituals and Christianity...
I was reading this book sometime ago (can't remember who), and it was saying that the only two rituals that Christians are to observe...are holy comminion and water baptism....and I don't believe in either of least not as understood by most denominations.
...In other words, I don't think that true spirituality is all that compatible with rituals. I have nothing against Christians fellowshipping together, in fact, I'm highly in favor of it...but I find organized religion to offer too much ritualism for my taste.
...In other words, I don't think that true spirituality is all that compatible with rituals.
I've learned to respect some people's rituals though, even if they are not exactly Christian in origin or character. I may not need them.. but sometimes others need a point of focus..
Sometimes the ritual is a starting point, a point to jump off at..
In regards to the title of this thread. Yes, a mind IS a terrible thig to waste when you were in TWI after the loyalty letter went out. That stopped people from using their common sense that GOD gave them. It stopped them from freely associating with others outside of Zion for fear of the dreaded "M&A" label. It was what stopped a lot of us from seeing what was REALLY going on in the household until it was too late. A mind is a terrible thing to waste when you were condemned for questioning some of the BS drivil that was promulgated by the great & noble BoD from corn country who didn't know a jot & tittle from their collective a**e*.
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hmm. Make sure the bus has proper dayglo colors, and "Fuurther" properly embossed on it..
if it pulled up here on Main Street.. I'd get on..
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I figured I was about eight years old or so, when it may have gone by..
Ma would have had me by the ear..
"get back in the house this instant.. young man.."
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Hmmmmm.....You been peeking through the bedroom blinds? :ph34r:
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That was a magic bus
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15-minute increments.
I was long gone when they did it, too.
It's almost like they deliberately were saying
"Let's see how moronic and controlling we can make this VERY SLOWLY
before they feel the boiling water and jump out."
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You musta been a cute little dickens
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hmm. probably the only reason I survived into the twenty-first century..
Hey.. I have a copy of the book.. I'll share.
Even have Kesey's Garage Sale..
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Allright Mr. Lingo, we will not have any division, multiplication or any other such heretical statements at this fellowship...
You are now in danger of being put on double secret spirtual probation...which is only a hop, skip and a jump from having your nametag ripped from your shirt...It would seem that the camel you are riding will not fit through the eye of the needle...
...or to put it another way...Hank is getting ready to spit on your shoes...
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If Hank spits on your shoes do the shoes then become "holy shoes"?
Do the feet inside said shoes then become holy as well and worthy to dance in a production of "Atheletic Supports of the Spirit"?
Does that then mean that the rest of the body becomes holy and able to wear tights in public?
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Well, let's see, now.
We(FLO) had opening prayer and closing prayer at morning fellowship before our 5:30 run.
(To insure a positive start to the day)
That 2.
Then, we had prayer before breakfast.(to insure the mush was cooked enough and the toast wasn't burnt)
That's 3.
(Skip the time spent at your day job. You didn't need to pray there, just witness and sell PFAL.)
Then, Pray before evening meal.( to insure that the Swiss chard and red beets would meet all your dietary requirements)
That's 4.
Pray after evening meal (to insure that the evening's work would be "profitable".)
That's 5.
Pray after evening's work was finished(to insure a safe trip back to the compound.)
That's 6.
Pray before night twig. (To have the eyes of your enlightenment opened and your snores suppressed)
That's 7.
Pray after night twig( To insure you wouldn't have to go to a "house meeting" and pray some more)
That's 8.
8x365 days=2,920x2 years= 5,840 (bare minimum group prayers)
Nope.---Nothing ritualistic or cliche there that I can see.
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when i said i was going to the holy bus to seek truth about what groucho was saying
i meant i was going to the motorcoach
big snort goes here
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Sorry Ex,Sometimes it felt we were on drugs in the way,It sure was not a normal lifestyle that is for sure
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I suppose if I were to go off on a tangent, it would be to expound upon the contrast between rituals and Christianity...
I was reading this book sometime ago (can't remember who), and it was saying that the only two rituals that Christians are to observe...are holy comminion and water baptism....and I don't believe in either of least not as understood by most denominations.
...In other words, I don't think that true spirituality is all that compatible with rituals. I have nothing against Christians fellowshipping together, in fact, I'm highly in favor of it...but I find organized religion to offer too much ritualism for my taste.
Twi was loaded with it...
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I've learned to respect some people's rituals though, even if they are not exactly Christian in origin or character. I may not need them.. but sometimes others need a point of focus..
Sometimes the ritual is a starting point, a point to jump off at..
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railroader II
In regards to the title of this thread. Yes, a mind IS a terrible thig to waste when you were in TWI after the loyalty letter went out. That stopped people from using their common sense that GOD gave them. It stopped them from freely associating with others outside of Zion for fear of the dreaded "M&A" label. It was what stopped a lot of us from seeing what was REALLY going on in the household until it was too late. A mind is a terrible thing to waste when you were condemned for questioning some of the BS drivil that was promulgated by the great & noble BoD from corn country who didn't know a jot & tittle from their collective a**e*.
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