I'm sure you all have various interests, views and purposes but here at GS you have one common bond -- a deep aversion towards TWI and that is your primary focus. Anyone who doesn't share that aversion is an outsider. Unfortunately, some people would like nothing better than to see us go away. At least that's the sense I get when I see topics such as this started. And it really is difficult to stay when you feel you're not really welcomed. I personally, never was much for popularity contests. If you like me fine. If you don't -- well I won't lose any sleep over it.
Awwww ... Larry... You mean all those biscuits and gravy didn't help make you feel more welcomed? Shoot, and I was gonna make some huevos rancheros too...
Why do we need a popularity contest? Just be who you are. Everyone gets breakfast as long as they get their little butts up to the counter and sit long enough to order and eat.
Topics like these come and go a lot here. I've been here just shy of two years and I've plenty of them. This thread was obviously started out of frustration. Sometimes a thread like this is started by a newbie who really wants to stir up some chit. Sometimes the thread dies quickly, other times it lasts...
Awwww ... Larry... You mean all those biscuits and gravy didn't help make you feel more welcomed? Shoot, and I was gonna make some huevos rancheros too...
Gosh darn it dooj! You must be one of those who believe -- the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. ;)
Why do we need a popularity contest? Just be who you are. Everyone gets breakfast as long as they get their little butts up to the counter and sit long enough to order and eat.
Some people have a "need" to be accepted. That's what I mean by "popularity contest". You (not you personally) can accept me or reject me as I am. I'm not going to change who I am just to make you feel comfortable.
Topics like these come and go a lot here. I've been here just shy of two years and I've plenty of them. This thread was obviously started out of frustration. Sometimes a thread like this is started by a newbie who really wants to stir up some chit. Sometimes the thread dies quickly, other times it lasts...
I realized (from the start) that this topic was started out of frustration. It was obvious. Sometimes there's a time to keep still when someone speaks out of frustration -- sometimes it's time to address it. I think if everyone just agreed with Tonto (was it Tonto -- I forget) then perhaps she would feel anytime she feels the slightest bit frustrated -- then go ahead and "slam" whoever she's feeling frustrated with. Now maybe she'll give a little more time to consider how that might come off before she hits that "Add" topic button.
I see your point about not wanting to validate a temper tantrum. (If I'm putting the wrong words in your mouth, I apologize.)
I don't share your opinion. That's fine.
And I don't think that the way to a man's heart has anything to do with food, but I do think that offering someone a meal helps make them feel more welcomed.
I see your point about not wanting to validate a temper tantrum. (If I'm putting the wrong words in your mouth, I apologize.)
I don't share your opinion. That's fine.
Fair enuf. I can live with that.
And I don't think that the way to a man's heart has anything to do with food, but I do think that offering someone a meal helps make them feel more welcomed.
I dunno. On the one hand, I get the "tired of the same old conversations and debates" thing - really!!!
On the other hand, we were all newbies at some point in time, no?
Abi, I wasn't clear enough. I get tired of the same ole arguments with the same ole people who have been here a long time. I've learned over the years that there are a few people I will never agree with, on just about any topic. Yet, some of my favorite posters here are those who have vastly differing perspectives than I do. I like the sense of balance that having differing experiences and opinions brings. I just don't like to be preached at.
And Larry, you are welcome at my house anytime. In fact, we are having a little gathering here in November, something involving BBQ, I'm told. Consider yourself having a personal invitation, along with everyone else who frequents this little haven in cyberspace. My husband and I are hosting, Dooj is cooking. The conversation will be brilliant, the weather delightful (hopefully), and the food well, a culinary masterpiece, and the Best of TX.
And Larry, you are welcome at my house anytime. In fact, we are having a little gathering here in November, something involving BBQ, I'm told. Consider yourself having a personal invitation, along with everyone else who frequents this little haven in cyberspace. My husband and I are hosting, Dooj is cooking. The conversation will be brilliant, the weather delightful (hopefully), and the food well, a culinary masterpiece, and the Best of TX.
Yummy! I didn't know you could barbecue biscuits. :) Thanks Ex10!
:) My dear, why not merge the two together? That way those of us that like to throw our food at each other can have our way and those who like to eat food can pick up the scraps and gorge themselves. ;)
For some reason this thread really got to me. I had to take some time off to get a better perspective on it. I'm not sure what sparked the thread, since I'm fairly new here and just learning my way around. I really like what AnotherDan had to say about being a guest here. I remember a teaching I heard once about how when you're a guest you don't come in and start moving furniture around (different context but applicable, I believe) so I won't try to move any furniture. If I do, I'm sure someone will let me know, okay?
I think it's the use of the expression TWIt-head that bothered me the most. To me it's not the same as calling someone a Trekkie because most trekkies that I know like being called a trekkie. But I can't imagine anyone not being insulted by being called a twit.
Here's the wikipedia definition of a twit.
A British slang referring to a silly, annoying, ineffectual, and/or imbecilic person.
An insignificant or bothersome person.
I've seen that term thrown around quite a bit here, and it was used against someone near and dear to me on his first thread that he started. Funny thing, was that he was presenting a doctrine that was different than what VP taught and the people who called him twittish were arguing for what was taught in PFAL. Seems to me that it can be applied to anyone who disagrees with what someone else says. It's too bad, because he no longer posts here and that is Greasespot's loss. I wonder how many other great people decide not to participate.
On a lighter note, here's a funny Monty Python twit skit. On second thought, maybe that was him in the suit.
Larry...That's a valid question...I no longer consider YOU a guest, that's for sure...
I think that when a person first enters, they are welcomed and shown around the cafe. Once they decide to "engage", they enter the arena where the "reideer games" are played...sometime shortly after that, they are no longerguests, but "members!
Not really a "black sheep"...more like one that's stuck in the quicksand and needs to be pulled out...
:) Did ya know that that's a myth? People can quite easily extradite themselves from quicksand. But it's nice to know someone thinks I need to be rescued.
Help me!!!!!! I've fallen and I can't get up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
I am a newbie. Not real new I have been here almost a year. I mostly read.
I am so grateful that there is a GreaseSpot Cafe. I won't go into details but I will say that reading here
has helped so very much. I like the people here. The ones I agree with and even the ones I don't.
Funny some of you are. I didn't expect to laugh so much when I first found here. :) Someone you don't think you know you may or they may know someone you do know or once knew. It is a small world.
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Awwww ... Larry... You mean all those biscuits and gravy didn't help make you feel more welcomed? Shoot, and I was gonna make some huevos rancheros too...
Why do we need a popularity contest? Just be who you are. Everyone gets breakfast as long as they get their little butts up to the counter and sit long enough to order and eat.
Topics like these come and go a lot here. I've been here just shy of two years and I've plenty of them. This thread was obviously started out of frustration. Sometimes a thread like this is started by a newbie who really wants to stir up some chit. Sometimes the thread dies quickly, other times it lasts...
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Larry N Moore
Gosh darn it dooj! You must be one of those who believe -- the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. ;)
Some people have a "need" to be accepted. That's what I mean by "popularity contest". You (not you personally) can accept me or reject me as I am. I'm not going to change who I am just to make you feel comfortable.I realized (from the start) that this topic was started out of frustration. It was obvious. Sometimes there's a time to keep still when someone speaks out of frustration -- sometimes it's time to address it. I think if everyone just agreed with Tonto (was it Tonto -- I forget) then perhaps she would feel anytime she feels the slightest bit frustrated -- then go ahead and "slam" whoever she's feeling frustrated with. Now maybe she'll give a little more time to consider how that might come off before she hits that "Add" topic button.
It's all good! Peace!
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I see your point about not wanting to validate a temper tantrum. (If I'm putting the wrong words in your mouth, I apologize.)
I don't share your opinion. That's fine.
And I don't think that the way to a man's heart has anything to do with food, but I do think that offering someone a meal helps make them feel more welcomed.
Need a warm-up on that coffee? ;)
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Larry N Moore
Fair enuf. I can live with that.
Dooj, I was joking.Thanks, but I had my limit for the day. :)
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I knew that...
I guess I wanted to make a further point and I realized it may get lost in the joke.
Enjoy the day...
Edited by doojableLink to comment
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Larry N Moore
I'm sorry, dooj. I guess I just didn't understand the point you were making.
Thank you! It's always a pleasure to have a part of my day spent "talking" with you.
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Abi, I wasn't clear enough. I get tired of the same ole arguments with the same ole people who have been here a long time. I've learned over the years that there are a few people I will never agree with, on just about any topic. Yet, some of my favorite posters here are those who have vastly differing perspectives than I do. I like the sense of balance that having differing experiences and opinions brings. I just don't like to be preached at.
And Larry, you are welcome at my house anytime. In fact, we are having a little gathering here in November, something involving BBQ, I'm told.
Consider yourself having a personal invitation, along with everyone else who frequents this little haven in cyberspace. My husband and I are hosting, Dooj is cooking. The conversation will be brilliant, the weather delightful (hopefully), and the food well, a culinary masterpiece, and the Best of TX.
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Larry N Moore
Yummy! I didn't know you could barbecue biscuits. :) Thanks Ex10!
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Heck! This is Texas. We'll BBQ just about anything!
....Now where did I put my spatula...?
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watch out Larry, the secret is in the sauce!
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LOL...Soylent Green is People!
Opps! wrong thread!
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Larry N Moore
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I get nervous when anyone says, "We'll BBQ anything!"
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As it should be...Especially when the person saying it is Italian...
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move to food forum
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Larry N Moore
:) My dear, why not merge the two together? That way those of us that like to throw our food at each other can have our way and those who like to eat food can pick up the scraps and gorge themselves. ;)
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Well, dear sisex, you know what happens when the subject of BBQ comes up with Texans present.
Sorry about the derail.
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For some reason this thread really got to me. I had to take some time off to get a better perspective on it. I'm not sure what sparked the thread, since I'm fairly new here and just learning my way around. I really like what AnotherDan had to say about being a guest here. I remember a teaching I heard once about how when you're a guest you don't come in and start moving furniture around (different context but applicable, I believe) so I won't try to move any furniture. If I do, I'm sure someone will let me know, okay?
I think it's the use of the expression TWIt-head that bothered me the most. To me it's not the same as calling someone a Trekkie because most trekkies that I know like being called a trekkie. But I can't imagine anyone not being insulted by being called a twit.
Here's the wikipedia definition of a twit.
A British slang referring to a silly, annoying, ineffectual, and/or imbecilic person.
An insignificant or bothersome person.
I've seen that term thrown around quite a bit here, and it was used against someone near and dear to me on his first thread that he started. Funny thing, was that he was presenting a doctrine that was different than what VP taught and the people who called him twittish were arguing for what was taught in PFAL. Seems to me that it can be applied to anyone who disagrees with what someone else says. It's too bad, because he no longer posts here and that is Greasespot's loss. I wonder how many other great people decide not to participate.
On a lighter note, here's a funny Monty Python twit skit. On second thought, maybe that was him in the suit.
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Larry N Moore
ROTFLMAO!!!!! Funny stuff waw.
On a more serious note: At what point (or according to what criteria) do you think a member of GS ceases being a "guest"?
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Larry...That's a valid question...I no longer consider YOU a guest, that's for sure...
I think that when a person first enters, they are welcomed and shown around the cafe. Once they decide to "engage", they enter the arena where the "reideer games" are played...sometime shortly after that, they are no longerguests, but "members!
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Larry N Moore
Aw shucks Groucho. I'm touched that you consider me part of the family. Would I be one of the "black sheep" in the family? ;)
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Not really a "black sheep"...more like one that's stuck in the quicksand and needs to be pulled out...
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Larry N Moore
:) Did ya know that that's a myth? People can quite easily extradite themselves from quicksand. But it's nice to know someone thinks I need to be rescued.
Help me!!!!!! I've fallen and I can't get up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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I am a newbie. Not real new I have been here almost a year. I mostly read.
I am so grateful that there is a GreaseSpot Cafe. I won't go into details but I will say that reading here
has helped so very much. I like the people here. The ones I agree with and even the ones I don't.
Funny some of you are. I didn't expect to laugh so much when I first found here. :) Someone you don't think you know you may or they may know someone you do know or once knew. It is a small world.
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