<snip> Have a hot beverage and a pastry and God bless you and all that,
Thanks but, I prefer a cold one and pastry isn't good for my teeth. :)
but I already spent too much of my life with people who were sold out to a ministry rather than the Lord Jesus Christ. Life is just too short to spend it with people who choose to be ignorant.
Hmm . . . I suppose the fact that all the newbies who happen to partake of the discussion here also happen to have "gotten out" of TWI years ago has escape your attention. I can't speak for all the other "ignorant" newbies but I for one didn't depart TWI 'cause I had better things to do with my time. I left (in part) because I didn't like what I saw happening.
Apparently, you, like so many others can't seem to understand us. That's fair enuf. I have a difficult time understanding how someone could have gotten out more than 10 or 20 yrs ago and yet still have issues they're dealing with. I don't mean to be unsympathetic -- but -- either God doesn't exist or you've decided He's not capable of healing your heart. If I recall -- wasn't that one of Jesus' mission -- to heal the broken-hearted?
Serious discussion, here. As a relative newcomer to GS, I've only come to know those who have been actively posting. Well, that's not entirely true, since I've been reading some of the older threads, but I'm coming to know the active folks better because I get to interact with them on the threads and in chat. The topic comes up from time to time (of necessity) about people who act rude, arrogant, and spiteful toward others. I'm particularly sensitive to cutting remarks, I guess, whether they are directed at me or at someone else.
Sometimes the offender is just having a bad day, like we all do, and posts thoughtlessly. (Still a sign of immaturity, and not excuseable, but hey, I'm a sinner, there too.) With others, you come to expect it... it seems a part of their nature, of who they really are, as opposed to someone who makes a slip because someone baited them or triggered them.
Of course, nobody is beyond redemption, and nobody knows this better than Paul did, though at times I feel I might give Paul a run for his money, myself, as "less than the least of all saints" and "chief sinner." I've gotten so mad at the things some people were posting I didn't know WHAT to do. When they are offered a reasonable and loving alternative by another poster, they just attack that one too! I'm clear as to how God would have me to behave toward them... don't render evil for evil, but overcome evil with good... but at times I'm at a loss to know what "the good" might be. But sometimes someone else comes along and posts something amazing in reply, that I would never have thought of. And what appears to me to be a presently-hopeless case has an AHA moment.
I don't see it as my job to sway anyone over to my doctrinal positions or to correct anyone's bad manners, but I do want to love my "neighbors," even if they're "just" cyber-neighbors, and that's what these "amazing" people do. I could name names, but it's not a clear-cut line between offenders and edifiers. Some people, including myself, may cross over that line, in either direction. It is my job, however, to watch over my own heart to keep it from being hardened. I can't do this by myself, I know. If God Himself doesn't aid me, my heart would be too hard to watch over itself. And He does do this, sometimes through other GSpotters.
An authentic community of people who care about one another and about the truth is going to be like this, where people will have various levels of maturity, empathy, and capacity to love "the unlovable." For me, it's helped in my capacity to observe others, and part of my AHA moments have been in the category of shifting my paradigm from one of trying to "fix" others to actually helping them, if I can. That may seem a small difference, but to me, it's been huge. Sometimes the kindest thing I can come with is to refrain from commenting altogether. Some people need a lot of time and understanding and interaction, and sometimes it seems no one can do anything at the moment, until someone is truly inspired of God.
edit: I hope this reply is OK on this thread, which is directed more to those who "worship a ministry" rather than God, etc.... but it's what got me thinking of hardness of heart. Some people are indeed stuck in a hard-hearted world that was generated or at least promulgated in TWI, and with that comes the doctrine-worship that is disguised as a high regard for the Truth. The Truth is about loving God and loving people, as someone inevitably points out. Sorry for rambling.
Some where in the middle, extremes are usually always so wrong. Refusing to allow others their right to worship whom they want when they want; or insisting they measure relative spirituality by your own ruler might be driving the wedges into this fictitious community. You tell me what you think of VPW and I will tell you how far you will go spiritually! To the one group VPW the apostle Paul of our time and only devils speak against the anointed! Unthankful people filled with hate as they refuse to allow God to work as they refuse his chosen vessel for our day and our time.
But then there are those that find people subhuman that still cleave to the corn field hustler! They are blinded, they are duped; they are still under horrible mind control of a CULT !!!!!!! And by all that is holy this splinter or that splinter are the most infected by the doctrines of devils VPW taught for his own evil purposes.
But then we suffer along with the preaching of the VPW is the MOG bunch, we suffer along with the VPW is the spawn of Satan bunch preaching and we all have to be scolded like children for those that really have a handle on the truth showing us our horrible misguided ways.
The GreaseSpot Cafe is an interesting place in the sense that so many people who once were very "likeminded" (cult groupthink), are now very diverse in their opinions and perspectives...I think that is healthy in and of itself.
I understand what tonto is saying...there are many folks here (many of them newcomers), who still retain a significant amount of "waybrain"...some of them seem to be on a "mission" to "help" those of us who do not see things their way...
I think that one of the milestones of cult recovery is when a person realizes that it is arrogant and presumptious to attempt to do that.
personal attacks and rudeness towards another poster is inappropriate...however, exposing the evils of twi in a "colorful" way is not...at least not on this website.
If I were to refer to VP Wierwille as the "cornfield preacher" who conned people, drugged young girls, raped them and lied through his cornfield teeth...no doubt, someone will invariably inform me that I am "off the word", bitter, not walking with a "renewed mind" and am being unChristian......even though I am speaking the truth.
I have no desire or agenda to get people to believe the things that I believe regarding God...For me to do that, I must first assume that I am right and they are wrong...I make no such assumptions.
My goal is to inform people as to what twi was/is all about...to let people know that Wierwille lied, stole and deceived people...what they believe AFTER they recover from waybrain is up to them.
I will say this...I believe that what many folks believe is "proper Christian posting", in my opinion, is sugar coated religion.
Many say they left TWI years ago, but if pressed you will find during those years they have been with CG, or other groups. Thus, you still see the same VP and PFAL worship. They never really left, just went to a different group. They are still waybrained.
I think you also have a group of Geerites and TWI innies who decided they were going to come in here and derail, mock, and give those who are not in love with TWI or VP, a very hard time. Now, they are going so far as to suggest those who don't agree with them are possessed, have devil spirits, a spirit of error, etc. (and is always a dead giveaway they are involved in a TWI spin off). The person doesn't like someone's opinion? Well, hey, they must be possessed. And from what I've seen of them over time, I believe its calculated.
It seems a lot of people have suddenly showed up who do not want to share our sense of community, do not want to read the sticky's and get a sense of this place, they just want to lord it over others - throw out massive reproof.
Over time, I pretty much know who they are, so I ignore them now.
New folks who are really getting out and want answers, or want to share and are not here to stir up strife, are always welcome, I love chatting with them, but I'm with Tonto, why waste time with people who just want to endlessly debate, who endlessly question, proving they really learned nothing in all of VP's classes, and in the end accuse people of having spirits.
For you newbs - this is not a "Christian" website. It is an ex-TWI site. There is a difference, reading is fundamental. If you want to praise your "father in the word" and only speak worship and praise of him, go, start your own site.
Over time, I pretty much know who they are, so I ignore them now.
If you want to praise your "father in the word" and only speak worship and praise of him, go, start your own site.
It seems to me that if you follow through on the first point you wouldn't find it necessary to tell anyone (who you claim are worshiping and/or praising VP) to leave. The board does have a feature enabling you to put any of those you feel are being disruptive to your clique on ignore. Use it if you are so offended by their presence. Either that or speak to Paw about making this board accessible only to those who share your viewpoint (although that might become boring after while and you'll find yourself attacking each other).
Thanks for your replies Sudo, another Dan, Ductape, Groucho and Sunesis. And likeaneagle, indeed it did get much worse after I left. Sunesis pretty much summed up what I wanted to say here:
Sunesis said: Many say they left TWI years ago, but if pressed you will find during those years they have been with CG, or other groups. Thus, you still see the same VP and PFAL worship. They never really left, just went to a different group. They are still waybrained.
Larry said: either God doesn't exist or you've decided He's not capable of healing your heart
that's crap. That's condescending crap...that's the waybrained stuff I'm talking about. If someone speaks negatively about pfal or vp or geer or whichever idol it is you people follow, you deem that person "hurt and in need of healing". Like I said, life is too short to spend it with people who choose to be ignorant.
Hey I'm a newbie! Although I have been out of TWI for 20 years or so, I have read posts for a few years but only recently have I actually posted. You all must remember this site is for ex-TWI; whether it be 20 years or 1 year. As you have said TWI got really bad in the late 80's and 90's. I thank God I wasn't there during that time. Each individual is different and the way they handle their "outness" will be different. I never went to an offshoot, I went to God but only years after leaving. I actually was mad at God for a number of years; or mad at myself; probably both. But I needed the time to find out for myself what the truth of God's word is and distinguishing between TWI and God and yes, getting rid of all the brainwashing. Maybe, just maybe these people are not at that point yet. If they did go to offshoots then yes, I do believe they went from one cult to another and now they are finding themselves truly bewildered. Give them time to come to the realization that many of us have already come.
Telling anyone to go start your own site does not mean 'to leave' this one.
The board does have a feature enabling you to put any of those you feel are being disruptive to your clique on ignore.
What clique would that be? And why do think he would feel they are being disruptive?
The ignore feature doesn't need to be used to ignore anyone.
And I'm quite sure Sunesis is aware of this feature.
Either that or speak to Paw about making this board accessible only to those who share your viewpoint (although that might become boring after while and you'll find yourself attacking each other).
To the best of my knowledge, Sunesis has welcomed other viewpoints.
If he has not agreed he has not voiced his opinion as obnoxiously and arrogantly as you, Larry, have here.
Larry said: either God doesn't exist or you've decided He's not capable of healing your heart
that's crap. That's condescending crap...that's the waybrained stuff I'm talking about. If someone speaks negatively about pfal or vp or geer or whichever idol it is you people follow, you deem that person "hurt and in need of healing". Like I said, life is too short to spend it with people who choose to be ignorant.
Oh, I must have misunderstood what you meant when you said:
I left the cult over 20 years ago and even without having been in an offshoot, it has been a long and sometimes painful process coming to grips with the dark underbelly of twi.
How many yrs (exactly) did it take you to "come to grips" with the darkness of TWI?
GreaseSpot Cafe is a gathering place, bringing together people and information. We welcome all who have an interest in The Way International, including former followers, current followers, and those who may have friends or family members who are involved.
I guess the welcome mat is only symbolic, instead of heart-felt and true.
I physically left in about 1990. I did not get involved with any offshoot or splinter group.
Actually, I lost track of what was going on inside the organization so I had no idea about the lawsuits, etc.
But, still, some place in my mind I still felt like I was part of TWI in some abstract sense.
I found this place by chance and it really opened my eyes to a lot of things I had suspected over the years but never really had any proof.
I realized I no longer had to feel guilty that I had somehow copped out on the household or on God.
In fact, when I realized I had been the victim of large scale scam(IMO), I felt a sense of relief that I had not failed God, I had simply left a cult.
In my opinion, until one can accept that The Way was/is a cult, they can never be free from the strangle hold it puts on one's individuality and ability to think for one's self. The very fact that some people refuse to even consider they were conned is evidence in itself how effective the lesson in session #7 really was.
That's the session where we are conditioned to believe that Eve's downfall was a direct result of her considering what the serpent had to say. The lesson went on to warn us that we must never "consider" either, lest the same thing happen to us.
We were under mind control,(not the Hollywood movie kind where people walk around like zombies but the kind that prevents a person from exercising their sense of logic and reason.) Some still have not been able to recognize that in themselves.
I think that, at least for myself, being away from TWi doctrine and its derivatives helped me to be able to think for myself without fear of being "off The Word".
It doesn't matter who they are 'with', it's the attitude that is brought with them about GSC.
Although it is no secret that you are certainly allowed to break a few dishes and start some food fights here, it will only only be tolerated to a point. It's when these people do not listen to the many that try their darn best to point out certain things. And rather then hear they start mindless, pointless debates to gather followers or hurt the ones that are here that action has been taken by the posters themselves.
And if that don't work, a moderator has been known to step in.
If you would take the time, Larry, you would find some very interesting things that would change your view, whatever that view is.
but to all you newbies who hold vp/pfal dear...welcome to the cafe. Have a hot beverage and a pastry and God bless you and all that, but I already spent too much of my life with people who were sold out to a ministry rather than the Lord Jesus Christ. Life is just too short to spend it with people who choose to be ignorant
I was ignorant of many things and still am, but not of twi's manipulation tactics.
O yes, tell Pawtucket how to run this site that has been doing more for twi people then twi did, that is certain.
I was ignorant of many things and still am, but not of twi's manipulation tactics.
O yes, tell Pawtucket how to run this site that has been doing more for twi people then twi did, that is certain.
cman, you make way too many assumptions regarding me. Plus you don't pay attention to what is said very well. Unless you don't understand the difference between TELLING Pawtucket to do something and SUGGESTING something. I'm in no position to TELL him to do anything but, I'm just as free as anyone else to make suggestions.
So Larry, you're a current follower of the way? And no Larry, I'm not talking about all newbies. Just the brazen idoloters. And Larry, I poofed you. Why don't you go slither back to Roselie and ask her what you should do now?
(((rosestoyou))) Welcome, dear. Can I offer you an Irish whiskey?
I don`t know, it appears that the pro twi/vpw crowd when unable to get respect for their teacher or the doctrine that they embrace...in their frustration have to lable gs posters as mean or in cliques...or negative or evil...whatever...
Nobody wants to play the game any more so then like any play ground bully....they have to go kicking sand in everybody`s face....disrupting wherever they can.
It is destructive and mean, and doesn`t inspire any respect for one`s pov.
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Some folks have great difficulty admitting TWI was a cult.. when THEY were in it.
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I think it was cultish or even worse in the 90's, Tonto..why does it bother you..
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Larry N Moore
Thanks but, I prefer a cold one and pastry isn't good for my teeth. :)
Hmm . . . I suppose the fact that all the newbies who happen to partake of the discussion here also happen to have "gotten out" of TWI years ago has escape your attention. I can't speak for all the other "ignorant" newbies but I for one didn't depart TWI 'cause I had better things to do with my time. I left (in part) because I didn't like what I saw happening.
Apparently, you, like so many others can't seem to understand us. That's fair enuf. I have a difficult time understanding how someone could have gotten out more than 10 or 20 yrs ago and yet still have issues they're dealing with. I don't mean to be unsympathetic -- but -- either God doesn't exist or you've decided He's not capable of healing your heart. If I recall -- wasn't that one of Jesus' mission -- to heal the broken-hearted?
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Serious discussion, here. As a relative newcomer to GS, I've only come to know those who have been actively posting. Well, that's not entirely true, since I've been reading some of the older threads, but I'm coming to know the active folks better because I get to interact with them on the threads and in chat. The topic comes up from time to time (of necessity) about people who act rude, arrogant, and spiteful toward others. I'm particularly sensitive to cutting remarks, I guess, whether they are directed at me or at someone else.
Sometimes the offender is just having a bad day, like we all do, and posts thoughtlessly. (Still a sign of immaturity, and not excuseable, but hey, I'm a sinner, there too.) With others, you come to expect it... it seems a part of their nature, of who they really are, as opposed to someone who makes a slip because someone baited them or triggered them.
Of course, nobody is beyond redemption, and nobody knows this better than Paul did, though at times I feel I might give Paul a run for his money, myself, as "less than the least of all saints" and "chief sinner." I've gotten so mad at the things some people were posting I didn't know WHAT to do. When they are offered a reasonable and loving alternative by another poster, they just attack that one too! I'm clear as to how God would have me to behave toward them... don't render evil for evil, but overcome evil with good... but at times I'm at a loss to know what "the good" might be. But sometimes someone else comes along and posts something amazing in reply, that I would never have thought of. And what appears to me to be a presently-hopeless case has an AHA moment.
I don't see it as my job to sway anyone over to my doctrinal positions or to correct anyone's bad manners, but I do want to love my "neighbors," even if they're "just" cyber-neighbors, and that's what these "amazing" people do. I could name names, but it's not a clear-cut line between offenders and edifiers. Some people, including myself, may cross over that line, in either direction. It is my job, however, to watch over my own heart to keep it from being hardened. I can't do this by myself, I know. If God Himself doesn't aid me, my heart would be too hard to watch over itself. And He does do this, sometimes through other GSpotters.
An authentic community of people who care about one another and about the truth is going to be like this, where people will have various levels of maturity, empathy, and capacity to love "the unlovable." For me, it's helped in my capacity to observe others, and part of my AHA moments have been in the category of shifting my paradigm from one of trying to "fix" others to actually helping them, if I can. That may seem a small difference, but to me, it's been huge. Sometimes the kindest thing I can come with is to refrain from commenting altogether. Some people need a lot of time and understanding and interaction, and sometimes it seems no one can do anything at the moment, until someone is truly inspired of God.
edit: I hope this reply is OK on this thread, which is directed more to those who "worship a ministry" rather than God, etc.... but it's what got me thinking of hardness of heart. Some people are indeed stuck in a hard-hearted world that was generated or at least promulgated in TWI, and with that comes the doctrine-worship that is disguised as a high regard for the Truth. The Truth is about loving God and loving people, as someone inevitably points out. Sorry for rambling.
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Some where in the middle, extremes are usually always so wrong. Refusing to allow others their right to worship whom they want when they want; or insisting they measure relative spirituality by your own ruler might be driving the wedges into this fictitious community. You tell me what you think of VPW and I will tell you how far you will go spiritually! To the one group VPW the apostle Paul of our time and only devils speak against the anointed! Unthankful people filled with hate as they refuse to allow God to work as they refuse his chosen vessel for our day and our time.
But then there are those that find people subhuman that still cleave to the corn field hustler! They are blinded, they are duped; they are still under horrible mind control of a CULT !!!!!!! And by all that is holy this splinter or that splinter are the most infected by the doctrines of devils VPW taught for his own evil purposes.
Yet so many may fall into the category "Ye know not of what you speak", because the extreme Wierwillian will not venture to the net and will never type in or click anything that would bring them to this Café. They will how ever continue to run their precious PFAL and will separate even marriages over their spouse wanting to move on from the ancient doctrines of the Way.
But then we suffer along with the preaching of the VPW is the MOG bunch, we suffer along with the VPW is the spawn of Satan bunch preaching and we all have to be scolded like children for those that really have a handle on the truth showing us our horrible misguided ways.
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The GreaseSpot Cafe is an interesting place in the sense that so many people who once were very "likeminded" (cult groupthink), are now very diverse in their opinions and perspectives...I think that is healthy in and of itself.
I understand what tonto is saying...there are many folks here (many of them newcomers), who still retain a significant amount of "waybrain"...some of them seem to be on a "mission" to "help" those of us who do not see things their way...
I think that one of the milestones of cult recovery is when a person realizes that it is arrogant and presumptious to attempt to do that.
personal attacks and rudeness towards another poster is inappropriate...however, exposing the evils of twi in a "colorful" way is not...at least not on this website.
If I were to refer to VP Wierwille as the "cornfield preacher" who conned people, drugged young girls, raped them and lied through his cornfield teeth...no doubt, someone will invariably inform me that I am "off the word", bitter, not walking with a "renewed mind" and am being unChristian......even though I am speaking the truth.
I have no desire or agenda to get people to believe the things that I believe regarding God...For me to do that, I must first assume that I am right and they are wrong...I make no such assumptions.
My goal is to inform people as to what twi was/is all about...to let people know that Wierwille lied, stole and deceived people...what they believe AFTER they recover from waybrain is up to them.
I will say this...I believe that what many folks believe is "proper Christian posting", in my opinion, is sugar coated religion.
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I think you had an influx after the CES debacle.
Many say they left TWI years ago, but if pressed you will find during those years they have been with CG, or other groups. Thus, you still see the same VP and PFAL worship. They never really left, just went to a different group. They are still waybrained.
I think you also have a group of Geerites and TWI innies who decided they were going to come in here and derail, mock, and give those who are not in love with TWI or VP, a very hard time. Now, they are going so far as to suggest those who don't agree with them are possessed, have devil spirits, a spirit of error, etc. (and is always a dead giveaway they are involved in a TWI spin off). The person doesn't like someone's opinion? Well, hey, they must be possessed. And from what I've seen of them over time, I believe its calculated.
It seems a lot of people have suddenly showed up who do not want to share our sense of community, do not want to read the sticky's and get a sense of this place, they just want to lord it over others - throw out massive reproof.
Over time, I pretty much know who they are, so I ignore them now.
New folks who are really getting out and want answers, or want to share and are not here to stir up strife, are always welcome, I love chatting with them, but I'm with Tonto, why waste time with people who just want to endlessly debate, who endlessly question, proving they really learned nothing in all of VP's classes, and in the end accuse people of having spirits.
For you newbs - this is not a "Christian" website. It is an ex-TWI site. There is a difference, reading is fundamental. If you want to praise your "father in the word" and only speak worship and praise of him, go, start your own site.
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Larry N Moore
It seems to me that if you follow through on the first point you wouldn't find it necessary to tell anyone (who you claim are worshiping and/or praising VP) to leave. The board does have a feature enabling you to put any of those you feel are being disruptive to your clique on ignore. Use it if you are so offended by their presence. Either that or speak to Paw about making this board accessible only to those who share your viewpoint (although that might become boring after while and you'll find yourself attacking each other).
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Thanks for your replies Sudo, another Dan, Ductape, Groucho and Sunesis. And likeaneagle, indeed it did get much worse after I left. Sunesis pretty much summed up what I wanted to say here:
that's crap. That's condescending crap...that's the waybrained stuff I'm talking about. If someone speaks negatively about pfal or vp or geer or whichever idol it is you people follow, you deem that person "hurt and in need of healing". Like I said, life is too short to spend it with people who choose to be ignorant.
*POOF* Larry *POOF*
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Hey I'm a newbie! Although I have been out of TWI for 20 years or so, I have read posts for a few years but only recently have I actually posted. You all must remember this site is for ex-TWI; whether it be 20 years or 1 year. As you have said TWI got really bad in the late 80's and 90's. I thank God I wasn't there during that time. Each individual is different and the way they handle their "outness" will be different. I never went to an offshoot, I went to God but only years after leaving. I actually was mad at God for a number of years; or mad at myself; probably both. But I needed the time to find out for myself what the truth of God's word is and distinguishing between TWI and God and yes, getting rid of all the brainwashing. Maybe, just maybe these people are not at that point yet. If they did go to offshoots then yes, I do believe they went from one cult to another and now they are finding themselves truly bewildered. Give them time to come to the realization that many of us have already come.
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That's a lot of assumptions there Larry.
You don't know what he means by 'who they are'.
Telling anyone to go start your own site does not mean 'to leave' this one.
What clique would that be? And why do think he would feel they are being disruptive?The ignore feature doesn't need to be used to ignore anyone.
And I'm quite sure Sunesis is aware of this feature.
To the best of my knowledge, Sunesis has welcomed other viewpoints.
If he has not agreed he has not voiced his opinion as obnoxiously and arrogantly as you, Larry, have here.
Though I can't say the same for myself.
Did Sunesis describe you Larry?
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Yup, and here's newbie Larry - attack, attack, attack, gotta shut 'em up - attack, attack.
Like I said, an influx of attack newbies - its not a coincidence.
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Larry N Moore
Oh, I must have misunderstood what you meant when you said:
How many yrs (exactly) did it take you to "come to grips" with the darkness of TWI?
For those of you who have forgotten:Welcome to the GreaseSpot Cafe!
I guess the welcome mat is only symbolic, instead of heart-felt and true.
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I physically left in about 1990. I did not get involved with any offshoot or splinter group.
Actually, I lost track of what was going on inside the organization so I had no idea about the lawsuits, etc.
But, still, some place in my mind I still felt like I was part of TWI in some abstract sense.
I found this place by chance and it really opened my eyes to a lot of things I had suspected over the years but never really had any proof.
I realized I no longer had to feel guilty that I had somehow copped out on the household or on God.
In fact, when I realized I had been the victim of large scale scam(IMO), I felt a sense of relief that I had not failed God, I had simply left a cult.
In my opinion, until one can accept that The Way was/is a cult, they can never be free from the strangle hold it puts on one's individuality and ability to think for one's self. The very fact that some people refuse to even consider they were conned is evidence in itself how effective the lesson in session #7 really was.
That's the session where we are conditioned to believe that Eve's downfall was a direct result of her considering what the serpent had to say. The lesson went on to warn us that we must never "consider" either, lest the same thing happen to us.
We were under mind control,(not the Hollywood movie kind where people walk around like zombies but the kind that prevents a person from exercising their sense of logic and reason.) Some still have not been able to recognize that in themselves.
I think that, at least for myself, being away from TWi doctrine and its derivatives helped me to be able to think for myself without fear of being "off The Word".
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Larry N Moore
:blink: Are you so dense that you fail to see that the whole point of this topic is to ATTACK newbies? Sheesh, sweet Louise! What hypocrisy!!!!!!
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There's Larry - hmmm.... the attacks didn't shut her up
Hey, gotta shut 'er up somehow
Hey, I know!!!!
Let's insult!!!!!
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It doesn't matter who they are 'with', it's the attitude that is brought with them about GSC.
Although it is no secret that you are certainly allowed to break a few dishes and start some food fights here, it will only only be tolerated to a point. It's when these people do not listen to the many that try their darn best to point out certain things. And rather then hear they start mindless, pointless debates to gather followers or hurt the ones that are here that action has been taken by the posters themselves.
And if that don't work, a moderator has been known to step in.
If you would take the time, Larry, you would find some very interesting things that would change your view, whatever that view is.
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Larry N Moore
From the opening post most of this thread has been an effort in insulting newbies.
I seriously suggest that pawtucket change the Welcome greeting. It's obviously bs.
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No attacking here, just tonto's pov-
I was ignorant of many things and still am, but not of twi's manipulation tactics.
O yes, tell Pawtucket how to run this site that has been doing more for twi people then twi did, that is certain.
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Larry N Moore
cman, you make way too many assumptions regarding me. Plus you don't pay attention to what is said very well. Unless you don't understand the difference between TELLING Pawtucket to do something and SUGGESTING something. I'm in no position to TELL him to do anything but, I'm just as free as anyone else to make suggestions.
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So Larry, you're a current follower of the way? And no Larry, I'm not talking about all newbies. Just the brazen idoloters. And Larry, I poofed you. Why don't you go slither back to Roselie and ask her what you should do now?
(((rosestoyou))) Welcome, dear. Can I offer you an Irish whiskey?
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I don`t know, it appears that the pro twi/vpw crowd when unable to get respect for their teacher or the doctrine that they embrace...in their frustration have to lable gs posters as mean or in cliques...or negative or evil...whatever...
Nobody wants to play the game any more so then like any play ground bully....they have to go kicking sand in everybody`s face....disrupting wherever they can.
It is destructive and mean, and doesn`t inspire any respect for one`s pov.
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Larry N Moore
Never implied you were speaking of ALL newbies. I'm aware of the fact that you're only referring to those who don't share your mindset.Link to comment
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The attacks didn't work
The insult didn't work
gotta shut 'er up somehow -
Hey, I know!
Let's yell at her!!!!
"WHY DON'T YOU SEE THAT?" (geez, she must be dumb as a rock!)
Oh yes - that'll do it for sure :)
Edited by SunesisLink to comment
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