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Yeah, I care to

For me it's a place to hang out and learn, maybe teach something, listen, maybe say something.

It's a place to observe the human condition in every way possible.

We laugh here, we cry, we fight, we understand, we misunderstand, we love, we hate.

Sounds like a family to me.

I hang in the chat room alot which is my social activity where I don't have to get a sitter or dress any certain way and I can leave when I've had too much. And I don't need a designated driver.

We live in here, we experience real life, we have even experienced enough not so real life, we've grieved losses together, we've celebrated births, new jobs, marriages, changes that effect all of us when it effects one.

Most of us came here to deal, to accept, to disclose, to understand, to search. Some of us come here to heal, some of us come here to assist in the healing process.

We're this strange and wonderful dysfunctional family that somehow functions.

Edited by Shellon Fockler-North
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I spent most of my adult life in TWI, from my last year of college, well into my forties. I married in a Way Wedding, went wow, we ran a fellowship. I had my kids in TWI and raised them the TWI way for their early years.

The years when we ran a small twig in a small town were good years for us, but the ministry all around us was exploding after POP. We felt strongly about sticking with the ministry and continuing to do the Word. But the more we did the work of the ministry--which we believed to be straight from God--the uglier life got. The things I most treasured, my marriage and children, seemed to be the target of ministry leaders.

I am no longer TWI like in belief, however, the habits I built over time, the fear based mentality etc, are much harder to shake than doctrinal views for me, at least.

GSC is the only place I know where I can read and consider other's insights into life after TWI, and share mine.

Do I always love love love it? No. I get tired of the sniping and the 'I'm superior to you' attitudes that show up. But this is an ex way site--we were the Best of the best etc, better than all the humans on earth because of right doctrine. It would be silly to expect all people from that background to have tolerance for different beliefs. Also, the like minded practice comes to play I think--people realize they have a voice, and don't always temper it.

I have other places on the net and in Real Life, where I can go if GSC is making me upset or tired.

Edited by Bramble
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I just come here for the refreshments.

(Keep that under your hat!!)

Yeah, what waysider said, except its bisquits and gravy thay keeps me here! :P

Edited by Eyesopen
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This is also the place where all of TWI's history resides. In one way or another, it's here. Maybe most people who want to know have read it already. Maybe not. Maybe they'll forget and need a refresher.

It is a testament to women who were abased, families torn apart, spouses put at odds against each other among some of that history. Sushi has a famous tag line..."the lessons repeat until they are learned". I don't know about you guys, but I know that I don't want to see any repeats.

edited to correct a misquote

Edited by krysilis
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