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I recently moved to be closer to family. My daughter has been heming and hawing about me doing volunteer work and meeting a man...

Last night I did something I never have done before. I went out to the local bar to have a drink, all by myself..I realy just wanted to let go and relax and people watch. I had no intentions of over drinking so I ordered a beer. I had the same beer for an hour. A very distinguished looking gentlman came up and asked if he could sit next to me and reached out his hand to introduce himself. I noticed his hands where very smooth and warm..He told me that he is a volunteer at the local Aviation Museum.being my daughter and son n both are Air Traffic Controller's here, it set our conversations off to a good start..After half hr of talking about traveling and family, He said to me," I want you as a friend and would buy you anything,a sailboat, a condo on the ocean, anytime you wanted something I will get it for you!" Inside I chuckled..I thought this is not for real...I asked him why did you choose me and he replied,"I can tell you can be trusted!".hmmmm.but I listened as he explained his motives are not sexual, But he wanted to "Pay It Forward". THe kicker is he is happily married and is looking for friend...So I said to him....What can you do to strengthen your marriage? Surely this need can met with your wife involved..when the tone started to change.He felt rejection...I explained giving is always a good thing...but I could tell this is not where he wanted to go...he was a gentleman..so, I decided to get up and leave and as I was getting my bill..he said, you have gainned nothing tonight..I said, "Yes, I have"....I saw for the first in quit a while that the temptations out there are huge...this one was huge and so simple...I gained more than he will ever know!

What would you have done?

Edited by likeaneagle
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....I saw for the first time in quite a while that the temptations out there are huge...this one was huge and so simple...I gained more than he will ever know!

What would you have done?


Probably the same thing you did... hypothetically, of course.

Apparently, you perceived he was trying to win you over with flattery (or kindness, or whatever way anyone might reasonably characterize his strategy). My hunch is that he's probably done this before and found it to work with some.

btw, if you're not working full-time (which brings plenty of time pressures), I would also encourage the volunteering. I've been volunteering for just over two years now and it's made a huge (positive) impact on my life.

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I find this mans approach a little insulting.

For all he knew you already have a lovely condo and other things he assumed you'd like to have as a bonus to his company.

His approach was pretty ballsy and assumptive (is that a word?) in my opinion.

As a single woman who spent some time years ago considering re-entering the dating pool, I asked a few men how it works and they said it's basically the same as it always has been. When a women enters a bar alone, they take that as a signal she's interested in picking up a man, they take it as a 'yes' before they even ask the questions.

And it's about facial expressions, body language and wardrobe. It all communicates much to everyone in the bar.

I don't know that anyone, male or female, can any longer go to a bar and just sit and people watch without it being assumed that they are looking. I get that you really were only doing that and I wish it could be that way; I'd do it.

Things are much more forward now huh? Remember the bad old days of the simple 'hey baby' or 'wanna see my artwork?'

And also, many men do not wear wedding bands.

HA, this dude wasn't very good at what he thinks he's doing since he folded so quickly when you mentioned strengthening his marriage.

I guess I wish it were simpler. And with the games people play to gain ones trust in order that they might do serious bodily harm it is frightening.

I, too, am glad you didn't buy his story.

Edited by Shellon Fockler-North
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I have been thinking a lot about how "doing the right thing" is so important to the integrity of a person.

Because our kids work for money at such a young age now (almost all have paying jobs in high school), they don't grow up doing "work" chores and having time to help neighbors with yard work for the pleasure of doing it, and it seems to me they are growing up without cultivating the sense of "virtue is its own reward."

In your case, I don't know what I would have done, but it sounds to me like you made an ethical choice, and that's a good thing.

In this day when people so often are not what they seem, and predators put on all sorts of disguises, it is important to be careful always.

America's Most Wanted is a 20-year success story for good reason.

Glad you are still ok.

Glad you strengthened your ethical "arm."

In hope,

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SHellon- I think I flatlined his intentions..:) your right about the length one would go to earn trust..

Kit- THere are certain area's I will not compromise on in my beliefs about relationships..I could of blasted him..but I gave the grace needed for him to move on..

Paw- I guess guessing is a artform....Is it door 1 2 3

Exie- I had a friend a few years ago who dated a married man...she had no concious...finaly, one day it hit her that she was in love with a man that will never be her's..he is muslim and they will never divorce...never..they bought a home together worth about 800,000, and if he ever walks away...she will be empty..its only a matter of time....

I did see him drive off in his silver Mecedes suv..only because I was concerned he would follow me.

Edited by likeaneagle
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Like you, I never went to bars by myself so I know nothing about how "the game" is played either. Still, I'm a little surprised at what happened. Some gentleman. Out cheating on his wife and with the gall to not even take off the wedding ring.

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'Phallacy'? ... As in related to 'phallic'? ... A little Freudian slip there, perhaps? ;)

But in all seriousness, he ain't much of a gentleman and loyal to his wife if 1) he wants to have another woman as a 'friend', particularly if/when he promises to shower her with all those expensive gifts, which leads to 2) it sounds like there is more to this guy than meets the eye, in the 'if it looks too good to be true, it usually is' dept. ... Ie., he is most likely bad news.

Good move in cooling his jets. :)

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Here's one I heard Johnny Carson tell:


A woman at a party was approached by a gentleman who proceeded to strike up a conversation.

After a bit , he asked her if she would ever consider having sex with him for a million dollars.

She decided to play along and said,"For a million I would consider it."

Next he asked her if she would consider it for HALF a million.

Again she played along and responded that for half a million she might consider it.

Then he asked her if she would consider it for a hundred bucks.

Indignantly she replied, "A hundred bucks?!! What do you think I am?!!

"Oh", he said, "I think we've already established what you are. Now we're just haggling over a price."


But seriously, I think the part about having a wife was just a ruse to gain your trust.

Say!!! Come to think of it, did he mention anything about his wife having had a botched surgery? <_<

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