Well, I know this was addressed to Rascal but I'm going to jump in here with a response:
I'm sorry Rascal, it just seems to get so melodramatic here at times.
Yes, it definately does.
Bottom line is, we really are where we are today because of where we want to be. We can go anywhere we want to go. We can stay where we are, go back to where we were, or go as far into the future as we want to.
Yes, that's very true. But don't you ever need help getting where you want to go? Don't you ever need encouragement?
I think you are incredibly fortunate to have a spouse who was right there with you through it all, who stayed like-minded with you when you left twi. A lot of folks don't have that... yet. Twi separated them from their wordly support systems (non-twi friends and family.) Don't you think this place is often a buffer between leaving twi and finding yourself in the real world? How many different threads have been started along the lines of: what now? how do I figure out what to do with myself now? The regulars didn't start those threads. Newbies started those threads. And if the regulars have already traveled down that path and can give suggestions or encouraging stories about what worked for them, isn't that helping people "go where they want to go"?
One thing that bothers me is this: I wonder about how many people who have come across this site who have long since moved on and forgotten so many of the unpleasant things that they left behind in The Way, who NOW are all stirred up again by what they have read here? People who just "shook it off" and kept moving, but now have become convinced by people here and by what they have read that fifteen years of their lives was a total waste! That in itself would be a really rotten thing. That would be a terrible crime, in my opinion.
This is a valid question. Would someone who felt they benefitted from their time in twi be able to be convinced by a website that it was really all a waste? That hasn't been my experience here. Folks who feel they benefitted from what they learned or experienced in twi usually leave or stay to defend that position.
But let's think about it: what if someone happens across this site and reads a bit, just out of general curiousity. I can't help but think that if what they read here throws them to any degree it would either be because they believed what twi taught and that it was of benefit to their lives and they didn't know anything about all the junk, and are therefore hurt to find out that others were not so benefitted. Or, because they still have unresolved issues about twi. They may think they've moved on but then something hits that hot button and they react. Either way, is being shaken up a bad thing? It forces us to further evaluate what we already perceive, and to make a decision. That's growth. That's life. It can be very hard sometimes. But I don't think that makes it a bad thing.
I have a mind picture of John Riggins of the Washington Redskins, shaking off that Miami Dolphins tackle and leaving him in the dirt as he ran to the end zone in that Super Bowl winning touchdown. That's for me. And that is also for the many who have successfully gone on in life after The Way.
And I consider myself one of those who have successfully gone on in life after the way. I have a successful family life, work life, academic life, spiritual life... I am basically a happy person. But it took some time to get there. And the wonderful folks who post on these forums were a big part of how I got there. If they hadn't been here, I would have found another way. But I'm glad that I didn't have to... And I still like to come here and discuss things. Way things. Non-way things. Whatever. I like it here.
Ok fair enough rhino...who are these people who feel it is their ministries?
I guess I don`t see it...what I see people discussing their journey post twi...I see people attacked for not goose stepping in others prescribed steps...shrug..
Like I said .. the "do battle" language didn't seem like simple discussion. I won't try to define who those people are, I'm just saying it would be easy to go overboard in that direction, and become a little obsessed with doing battle and telling others to knock it the hell off.
But I'm not interested in delving in to those thousands of posts to uncover who is asking whom to "goose step". I'm just saying what it looked like to me. And the "goose step" language ... are you referring to something more specific? The nazi language .. is that code for people holding to twi beliefs, since vpw is rumored to hold to some old nazi like beliefs? Just curious, since I haven't seen anyone demanding behavior like that.
I guess I could see that years of discussing twi experiences could evolve into its own weird religion. There is a lot documented here. I can see that for some it would be better to move away from this site so as not to dwell on that era too much. I like the mix of people, and the old bond that I have with many here. But if I hadn't forgotten all about twi before coming here, I'm not sure how healthy it would be to hang here so much. But I see you are saying the discussion is more on post twi experiences.
Perhaps it's like alcoholics that get away from drinkers? Not sure that is a good analogy ... maybe there is a constant need for support for some. Hopefully recovery can be more complete than that. And for many maybe twi was just church ...
Anyway ... these are the only goose steppers I want ...
Rascal, I'm curious as to who stopped posting because of Bumpy's input ?? If anything, it's the little clique group that gets there panties in a knot because someone challenges them with moving on in life instead of dwelling on the past that's driving people away, same ole' people same ole' argument. Let me ask you in all honesty, what has it done for your own life to keep going back there and rehashing TWI days......................yea yea yea, I know it's helped some innies by reading the stuff, but what good has it done for your own life? Isn't there a scripture somewhere about not dwelling on the past and reaching forward? I betcha if I came back hear in 10 yrs that little clique group would still be here rehashing the same stuff, doesn't there come a time in your life when you say enough is enough?
Okay, I hope this comes out right--I hate these kinds of threads, and it seems every time i post in one of these, my words in print come out different than what I was thinking. So bear with me. . .
Rascal got jumped on because she alluded to something she knows about--about someone getting hurt by something Bumpy posted. That was me. Before someone gets their undies in a bundle, I did NOT go running to her crying "bumpy hurt my feelings". But I did pm her with some other info and explained a post I made and why i said it. And i don't ususally even do the PM stuff--I forget to look!
I'll explain and also paste this in a pm to Cowgirl, since she said she was leaving this thread and she asked a specific question to rascal, "Rascal, I'm curious as to who stopped posting because of Bumpy's input ?? "
First of all, I didn't actually stop posting forever, because of what Bumpy said, but I did entertain the idea for a bit, based on the mood I was in at the moment--and grouped all of Greasespot in a "see they're ALL like that!, why do i come here"-type-thingy. (A knee-jerk reaction--I doubt I'm the only one who has ever had that thought)
I hadn't been posting or reading here for a couple months because I got pretty busy over the summer. Came in to post a prayer request, then started reading at the open forums, and post some stuff. Decide to post a a link to a You-tube video my sister sent, because it was very moving--and I was feeling down about stuff that's happening in our lives recently, and this video was really moving for me. (A reminder God really is faithful and will help us through our stuff too.) So I post it. Come back a few hours later and the only post is Bumpy--and his post was, er "less than nice". (Well geesh if ya don't like it, ya don't have to get rude about it.) Then later, only one other reply.
I replied then, but I was hurt--"Nobody likes my thread, I shouldn't have bothered with THIS crowd" yada yada yada "I haven't posted a new thread in a long time and THIS is how they are-- SEE? SEE why i don't come here? I nursed that feeling awhile, came back and deleted my posts and begged Paw-- or anyone to please delete my thread cuz i didn't want to share it anymore.
I overrreacted.
I'm glad Paw didn't delete it.
I got over my funk.
But I still felt Bumpy's post was rude-- geesh how long has he been around? Why me? I'm not much of a threat-- I don't get into the serious debates, and if i don't like what someone says, I don't come back at them with rude comments and then start a new thread about "why don't we delete everything in GS" right after I beg the mods please delete my thread?
What's with that?
Heck he doesn't even know me! I ended up looking up more of his posts--oh--okay, I guess it's not just me-- he definately has a rudeness in his posts--I guess that's his type of sense of humor--evidently some people like it.
I don't. Never have liked that type of humor-- I take it personally--as you can see.
Call me melodramatic, but don't attack Rascal. Incidentally, I didn't dump all this on Rascal when I PM'ed her, I'm dumping it here for all to see. There you have it. I can't help but wonder, if my "please delete my thread" isn't somehow the cause of this whole thread in the first place.
There, now Bumpy can go out with a bang!
Have fun.
(I'm not really leaving GS myself, and i don't really think that the whole of GS is bad or mean or rude, those were just the thoughts I mulled for awhile til I impulsively came back trying to delete my thread. Call me whatever you need to. :P )
Just checked in...to yikes@! check out! This # 71 girl has got my pants down on the highway! I knew that religious video was going to get me in trouble. Something about these Jesus productions always give me flashes like it’s time to go. I just have a hard time sittin’ thru them. Anyway, it was bad timing. Larry could have posted before me. But as the flying “bug” can’t be shot down, I gotta take my medicine!
Folks, it’s just a feeling before signing off, but I think anotherdan has a big chance of winning elections around here for best supporting Christian. If there is an end of the year award or video for best listener...it’s got to be him!
But, I’d have to have a few drinks with him before voting!
what I notice and which is also a contributing factor to my not posting much anymore is there seem to be latecomers like Bumpy who appoint themselves judge and jury to yes a history --then want us to delete??? the history,
Is that a little reminiscent of China wiping out its culture and many other cultures wiping out what went before them because the dictator du jour felt he would build a better culture?
Indian things wiped out in Alaska -- why -- in the name of starting over ?
I stopped posting when every other post was critiqued and judged ---I got out of the way to get away from that --and earlier that didn't happen here so much...
I don't know -- seems different now...more new people plopping poopy judgement everywhere.
How ‘bout if the “powers that be” were to DELETE ALL previous GS posts from time immortal until today? That’s right, what would happen if we started all over, right from the beginning, fresh with no previous topics, threads, nothing? How would we start? New guide lines for a new time? No previous garbage to read through. A NEW Grease Spot, maybe all new avatars? Rewrite the constitution, set term limits...a new club.
What would be the result and who would be interested??
Maybe I'm strange (hey, where is Tom S, anyway??), but I always see a lot of tongue-in-cheek in Bumpy's posts.
The opening post in this thread just seemed like a "What if" scenario to me. I didn't see him saying Pawtucket should wipe the slate clean....just what would happen if.
I really don't get where all the anger and hurt feelings are coming from. I don't think Bumpy meant to disrespect anyone, in this thread or in any other. He likes to poke around and provoke different ways of looking at things, and he's not afraid to give his opinion, but is that so bad?
Heck, I could have used a little controversial food for thought back when I was living at HQ, where "likemindedness" ruled the day and one's own opinions were best kept to oneself, if one knew what was good for one, y'know?
Psalmie, I do feel bad that you got your feelings hurt, because I think you have a sweet soul and I know you've been going through some difficult times lately. But I don't think Bumpy said what he said as a personal affront to you. And don't feel bad...I'm ignored about 95% of the time when I post here. It used to hurt my feelings, but I've gotten used to it. :ph34r:
LindaZ, thanks, I always love your posts. I got that idea that it wasn't meant to be personal against me, based on his reaction to what I posted. It's evidently his type of sense of humor. It's a sense of humor I have a very hard time understanding. I stay away from the controversial type threads because I DO have thin skin with the type of sarcasm people use against each other.
I DID take what he said personally, both in the starting of this thread, since he started it right after I was pleading please delete--(Maybe it WAS coincidence, but the mood I was in at the time, I didn't see it that way) and in his post on my other thread.
In hindsight I did see I had overreacted.
Heck, I'm used to seeing my threads die a quick death to the second page within a couple days anyway, so if I had just slept on it a day before my reaction in the other thread, I probably wouldn't have typed what i did there, and then if coincidentally, he'd have started this thread then, I wouldn't have see it as somehow connected.
Don't know if it 'splains anything any better, and maybe if I had been reading here more frequently, recently, I'd have figured out his style of posting and maybe shrugged it off better. In the time I've been around, I've learned the familiar "faces", and whose posts to just not read, knowing I won't like what i see in them anyway.
I can see others do like the way he posts and have said they'll miss him. If he doesn't really leave, then good, they'll still get to enjoy him--controversiality (is that a word?) and all. I'll just choose to not read. (My avoidance of controversy goes farther back than my TWI days)
Psalmie, I enjoy reading you, too. Besides, any friend of piggies is a friend of mine!
It's funny how different people rub some of us the wrong way. Some people have everyone else laughing hilariously or telling a certain poster he or she is the wisest person since Solomon, and I'm sitting here grinding my teeth and trying not to throw something. We huimans are complicated critters, I guess.
I take the same approach you've described. When I see the names of people who really get my goat on a regular basis--and there are very very few of those around here--I just walk on by.
Ha ! don't believe it! That Pig has more pies stockpiled than Sara Lee, what do ya think she was doing while she was away for the past months? She probably has a new and improved pie machine gun too.
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Well, I know this was addressed to Rascal but I'm going to jump in here with a response:
Yes, it definately does.
Yes, that's very true. But don't you ever need help getting where you want to go? Don't you ever need encouragement?
I think you are incredibly fortunate to have a spouse who was right there with you through it all, who stayed like-minded with you when you left twi. A lot of folks don't have that... yet. Twi separated them from their wordly support systems (non-twi friends and family.) Don't you think this place is often a buffer between leaving twi and finding yourself in the real world? How many different threads have been started along the lines of: what now? how do I figure out what to do with myself now? The regulars didn't start those threads. Newbies started those threads. And if the regulars have already traveled down that path and can give suggestions or encouraging stories about what worked for them, isn't that helping people "go where they want to go"?
This is a valid question. Would someone who felt they benefitted from their time in twi be able to be convinced by a website that it was really all a waste? That hasn't been my experience here. Folks who feel they benefitted from what they learned or experienced in twi usually leave or stay to defend that position.
But let's think about it: what if someone happens across this site and reads a bit, just out of general curiousity. I can't help but think that if what they read here throws them to any degree it would either be because they believed what twi taught and that it was of benefit to their lives and they didn't know anything about all the junk, and are therefore hurt to find out that others were not so benefitted. Or, because they still have unresolved issues about twi. They may think they've moved on but then something hits that hot button and they react. Either way, is being shaken up a bad thing? It forces us to further evaluate what we already perceive, and to make a decision. That's growth. That's life. It can be very hard sometimes. But I don't think that makes it a bad thing.
And I consider myself one of those who have successfully gone on in life after the way. I have a successful family life, work life, academic life, spiritual life... I am basically a happy person. But it took some time to get there. And the wonderful folks who post on these forums were a big part of how I got there. If they hadn't been here, I would have found another way. But I'm glad that I didn't have to... And I still like to come here and discuss things. Way things. Non-way things. Whatever. I like it here.
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...sorry to interrupt the discussion, but something my lovely secretary came up with...on the lighter side!
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Like I said .. the "do battle" language didn't seem like simple discussion. I won't try to define who those people are, I'm just saying it would be easy to go overboard in that direction, and become a little obsessed with doing battle and telling others to knock it the hell off.
But I'm not interested in delving in to those thousands of posts to uncover who is asking whom to "goose step". I'm just saying what it looked like to me. And the "goose step" language ... are you referring to something more specific? The nazi language .. is that code for people holding to twi beliefs, since vpw is rumored to hold to some old nazi like beliefs? Just curious, since I haven't seen anyone demanding behavior like that.
I guess I could see that years of discussing twi experiences could evolve into its own weird religion. There is a lot documented here. I can see that for some it would be better to move away from this site so as not to dwell on that era too much. I like the mix of people, and the old bond that I have with many here. But if I hadn't forgotten all about twi before coming here, I'm not sure how healthy it would be to hang here so much. But I see you are saying the discussion is more on post twi experiences.
Perhaps it's like alcoholics that get away from drinkers? Not sure that is a good analogy ... maybe there is a constant need for support for some. Hopefully recovery can be more complete than that. And for many maybe twi was just church ...
Anyway ... these are the only goose steppers I want ...
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Psalm 71 one
Okay, I hope this comes out right--I hate these kinds of threads, and it seems every time i post in one of these, my words in print come out different than what I was thinking. So bear with me. . .
Rascal got jumped on because she alluded to something she knows about--about someone getting hurt by something Bumpy posted. That was me. Before someone gets their undies in a bundle, I did NOT go running to her crying "bumpy hurt my feelings". But I did pm her with some other info and explained a post I made and why i said it. And i don't ususally even do the PM stuff--I forget to look!
I'll explain and also paste this in a pm to Cowgirl, since she said she was leaving this thread and she asked a specific question to rascal, "Rascal, I'm curious as to who stopped posting because of Bumpy's input ?? "
First of all, I didn't actually stop posting forever, because of what Bumpy said, but I did entertain the idea for a bit, based on the mood I was in at the moment--and grouped all of Greasespot in a "see they're ALL like that!, why do i come here"-type-thingy. (A knee-jerk reaction--I doubt I'm the only one who has ever had that thought)
I hadn't been posting or reading here for a couple months because I got pretty busy over the summer. Came in to post a prayer request, then started reading at the open forums, and post some stuff. Decide to post a a link to a You-tube video my sister sent, because it was very moving--and I was feeling down about stuff that's happening in our lives recently, and this video was really moving for me. (A reminder God really is faithful and will help us through our stuff too.) So I post it. Come back a few hours later and the only post is Bumpy--and his post was, er "less than nice". (Well geesh if ya don't like it, ya don't have to get rude about it.) Then later, only one other reply.
I replied then, but I was hurt--"Nobody likes my thread, I shouldn't have bothered with THIS crowd" yada yada yada "I haven't posted a new thread in a long time and THIS is how they are-- SEE? SEE why i don't come here? I nursed that feeling awhile, came back and deleted my posts and begged Paw-- or anyone to please delete my thread cuz i didn't want to share it anymore.
I overrreacted.
I'm glad Paw didn't delete it.
I got over my funk.
But I still felt Bumpy's post was rude-- geesh how long has he been around? Why me? I'm not much of a threat-- I don't get into the serious debates, and if i don't like what someone says, I don't come back at them with rude comments and then start a new thread about "why don't we delete everything in GS" right after I beg the mods please delete my thread?
What's with that?
Heck he doesn't even know me! I ended up looking up more of his posts--oh--okay, I guess it's not just me-- he definately has a rudeness in his posts--I guess that's his type of sense of humor--evidently some people like it.
I don't. Never have liked that type of humor-- I take it personally--as you can see.
Call me melodramatic, but don't attack Rascal. Incidentally, I didn't dump all this on Rascal when I PM'ed her, I'm dumping it here for all to see. There you have it. I can't help but wonder, if my "please delete my thread" isn't somehow the cause of this whole thread in the first place.
There, now Bumpy can go out with a bang!
Have fun.
(I'm not really leaving GS myself, and i don't really think that the whole of GS is bad or mean or rude, those were just the thoughts I mulled for awhile til I impulsively came back trying to delete my thread. Call me whatever you need to. :P )
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Just checked in...to yikes@! check out! This # 71 girl has got my pants down on the highway! I knew that religious video was going to get me in trouble. Something about these Jesus productions always give me flashes like it’s time to go. I just have a hard time sittin’ thru them. Anyway, it was bad timing. Larry could have posted before me.
But as the flying “bug” can’t be shot down, I gotta take my medicine!
Folks, it’s just a feeling before signing off, but I think anotherdan has a big chance of winning elections around here for best supporting Christian. If there is an end of the year award or video for best listener...it’s got to be him!
But, I’d have to have a few drinks with him before voting!
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i will miss you
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what I notice and which is also a contributing factor to my not posting much anymore is there seem to be latecomers like Bumpy who appoint themselves judge and jury to yes a history --then want us to delete??? the history,
Is that a little reminiscent of China wiping out its culture and many other cultures wiping out what went before them because the dictator du jour felt he would build a better culture?
Indian things wiped out in Alaska -- why -- in the name of starting over ?
I stopped posting when every other post was critiqued and judged ---I got out of the way to get away from that --and earlier that didn't happen here so much...
I don't know -- seems different now...more new people plopping poopy judgement everywhere.
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Are the replies what you expected?
What were your expectations when you wrote this?
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now I see
Or was it a veiled threat?
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Nice to see a positive contribution from you, Bumpy.
Here's some notes on the pictures...
#1 - Exquisite. Never seen that in the US.
#2 - Good, but not too surprising. I've seen similar in the Mexican Sierra Madres
#3 - Clever ad hock engineering.
#4 - No different from the "Stop Spousal Abuse" billboards here, just a little more graphic
#5 - We have clever gun store names as well. I like "Led by Lead"
#6 - No zebras, but I have pheasants, coyotes and wild hare at the airport where I train. Seen elk and bear beside the road.
#7 - Ever see a football team abuse a vehicle after a winning game. Looks about the same.
#8 - Pretty good. I've seen confusing signs, but not quite as bad as that.
#9 - Saw the same thing in Tokyo, believe it or not.
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GreaseSpot is more like a tavern than a cafe, no?
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Linda Z
Maybe I'm strange (hey, where is Tom S, anyway??), but I always see a lot of tongue-in-cheek in Bumpy's posts.
The opening post in this thread just seemed like a "What if" scenario to me. I didn't see him saying Pawtucket should wipe the slate clean....just what would happen if.
I really don't get where all the anger and hurt feelings are coming from. I don't think Bumpy meant to disrespect anyone, in this thread or in any other. He likes to poke around and provoke different ways of looking at things, and he's not afraid to give his opinion, but is that so bad?
Heck, I could have used a little controversial food for thought back when I was living at HQ, where "likemindedness" ruled the day and one's own opinions were best kept to oneself, if one knew what was good for one, y'know?
Psalmie, I do feel bad that you got your feelings hurt, because I think you have a sweet soul and I know you've been going through some difficult times lately. But I don't think Bumpy said what he said as a personal affront to you. And don't feel bad...I'm ignored about 95% of the time when I post here. It used to hurt my feelings, but I've gotten used to it. :ph34r:
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Psalm 71 one
LindaZ, thanks, I always love your posts. I got that idea that it wasn't meant to be personal against me, based on his reaction to what I posted. It's evidently his type of sense of humor. It's a sense of humor I have a very hard time understanding. I stay away from the controversial type threads because I DO have thin skin with the type of sarcasm people use against each other.
I DID take what he said personally, both in the starting of this thread, since he started it right after I was pleading please delete--(Maybe it WAS coincidence, but the mood I was in at the time, I didn't see it that way) and in his post on my other thread.
In hindsight I did see I had overreacted.
Heck, I'm used to seeing my threads die a quick death to the second page within a couple days anyway, so if I had just slept on it a day before my reaction in the other thread, I probably wouldn't have typed what i did there, and then if coincidentally, he'd have started this thread then, I wouldn't have see it as somehow connected.
Don't know if it 'splains anything any better, and maybe if I had been reading here more frequently, recently, I'd have figured out his style of posting and maybe shrugged it off better. In the time I've been around, I've learned the familiar "faces", and whose posts to just not read, knowing I won't like what i see in them anyway.
I can see others do like the way he posts and have said they'll miss him. If he doesn't really leave, then good, they'll still get to enjoy him--controversiality (is that a word?) and all. I'll just choose to not read. (My avoidance of controversy goes farther back than my TWI days)
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Linda Z
Psalmie, I enjoy reading you, too. Besides, any friend of piggies is a friend of mine!
It's funny how different people rub some of us the wrong way. Some people have everyone else laughing hilariously or telling a certain poster he or she is the wisest person since Solomon, and I'm sitting here grinding my teeth and trying not to throw something. We huimans are complicated critters, I guess.
I take the same approach you've described. When I see the names of people who really get my goat on a regular basis--and there are very very few of those around here--I just walk on by.
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When I first saw this thread I thought it was about a surfer who wpied out!
My head is spinning. I think I had too much of that wine everyone's pouring out....or is it spiked tea in a coffee cup?
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Ha ! don't believe it! That Pig has more pies stockpiled than Sara Lee, what do ya think she was doing while she was away for the past months? She probably has a new and improved pie machine gun too.
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Psalm 71 one
Well, um, er we HAVE been looking at medieval weapons and found a site showing us how to build our own catapult and trebuchet.
. . . but we wouldn't use 'em fer anything, um ah BAD!
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