Although I'm a little perplexed as to *why* you have taken issue with some of the posters on this thread, Bumpy, I will leave that to sort out between you and them.
You used a very key word in your last post here - OPINION.
You have the OPINION, from what I understand here, that people are negitive and posting about the past too much.
You have the OPINION that there's nothing new here.
You have the OPINION that this isn't really helping innies - that's it's just the same cult but now in cyberspace, rather than New Knoxville.
You know something...?
...I also wonder how many times a poster can tell the same story. <_<
I marvel sometimes at the battles that people will choose to pick and wonder "WTF??"
I've been around here for a while now and know most posters' backgrounds and major stories pretty well now .
I wonder about people who were in TWI for three years but have spent six years complaining and whining about it.
I also wonder about those who don't take any credit or responsibility for their bad decisions - but perhaps that's another thread.
I know for a FACT that there are many innies who lurk here on this board - I've been in contact with some of them.
Do I think I'm "saving" them? Heck, no. That's their job. You save yourself from TWI by getting yourself OUT of what you got yourself IN to... (Unless you're kicked out - but that's another story.)
For someone who's left recently, this board is a way to read other's similar experiences and to relate with them - and to maybe make some connections that were lost via moves, being M&A'd, etc. I know for me, it was a way to see that life really did exist outside the walls of Zion.
I also know that there's many who hang out here for social reasons - myself included. I'm pretty much over TWI - but I love the Guitar Thread, Politics Forums, Cooking Forums, etc. - I've seen you on some of those too.
I don't always agree with your opinion - but I have always respected it. And I'm rather taken aback by some of your responses - I don't think they were warranted. If the forum is that offensive to you, why do you still come around? You call this a cyberspace cult (my words) - but yet you engage quite well with other on it. I'm left wondering what YOU are trying to prove or gain? What is your point in all of this??
(DISCLAIMER: Since you can't see or hear me, just assume that this post is to be taken at face-value and is not a personal attack on Bumpy.)
Thanks for taking the time to post that (parts 1,2,and3). Great perspective, and a proper warning from the Lord. I've decided to save it to Favorites so in case I run across a newbie here, I can point him or her to it as recommended reading. Outstanding!
I don't think Bumpy was trying to "pat himself on the back". I think he was just trying to say, hey, when you get to thinking you have it so tough, think about a place where little kids go to bed hungry every night. Where little kids literally starve to death. Where little kids die from simple things that wouldn't even get us too excited here in the west. I think he was trying to give you a little perspective, is all.
OK, maybe I'm wrong, but that was how I understood him.
But Bumpy...dude, you DO need to work on your delivery. You DO come off sounding a wee bit (OK, a LOT) insulting. :)
ChasUFarley, Bumpy never said this forum is offensive, point one. Point 2, I’m not trying nor have I, the slightest interest in “proving or gaining” ANYTHING here at Grease Spot. I do however think that maybe a few interesting social interactions, and as I said before, a laugh or two would be fun. I hope that is clear? (again)
You make a few false claims in you “opinions” section...I am NOT of the “opinion” there is “nothing NEW here” OR that “this isn’t really helping the innies”... Please do not put words in my mouth that do not exist. You can support your cause but try using arguments which are relevant. Everyone has their OPINION...even you, it all goes without saying.
My discovery of this channel was completely accidental, and to the relief of many, I won’t be posting much longer. I have found it informative as to what happened to The Way. But, beyond gossip and conjecture, who knows that what lurks in cyberspace listening to GS postings, is of major importance?
You and others might be here as a refuge from twi, to vent your emotions, etc. It was never that for me.
( I might not be able to see you...but I can hear you, and you can take that on face-value!)
Rick, just saw your posting! It was never meant "to be or not to be" insulting...just sometimes mixed with a little French wine...let's say, a little "entertaining"...After all we are all individuals of the BOD, right? So I guess there's enough space left here to say "SORRY"! To one and all...
Delivery...I'll work on that! Thanks Rick, nice finally meeting you... :)
I know for a FACT that there are many innies who lurk here on this board - I've been in contact with some of them.
Do I think I'm "saving" them? Heck, no. That's their job. You save yourself from TWI by getting yourself OUT of what you got yourself IN to... (Unless you're kicked out - but that's another story.)
Right on Chasu. And as an aside, I always marvel at how there are those here who think of themselves as knights in shining armour, riding through the Grease Spot cyberspace just itching to begin the "healing process" with a recent innie or someone or who just got out. I and my wife were kicked out back in 1990 because we refused to toe the line with L Craig. In other words, we chose to get out by way of not following the party line as so many did. So many by the way, who are probably here and only got out in the late nineties or early two thousands, and no doubt were ones who marked and avoided my wife and I as just so much scum. But now they are here to help with the "healing process". Shoot, we were healed the day we left...
Why is it such a stretch to believe that each of us have different roles here, as in life? Could it be that each is important in their own way? That each of us has perspective from lessons learned that might aid another?
I don`t see anybody acting like a white night...Why must you deride others efforts?.... Could it be...that even though we may not see it at the time, that in spite of finding a posters perspective personally annoying.......that never the less, maybe what they do is important also?
Did you ever think that maybe you see in people that which you want to see? Maybe you don`t possess the entire picture when you dismiss someone because of personal dislike?
It`s like...hey, you aren`t doing/seeing/acting like you are can`t act like a foot, we all have to act like ears.
Why is it such a stretch to believe that each of us have different roles here, as in life? Each is important in their own way....each has perspective from lessons learned that might aid another.
I don`t see anybody acting like a white night...why must you deride others efforts.... Could it be...that even though we may not see it at the time, that in spite of finding a posters perspective personally annoying.......that never the less, maybe what they do is important also?
Did you ever think that maybe you see in people that which you want to see? Maybe you don`t possess the entire picture when you dismiss someone because of personal dislike?
It`s like...hey, you aren`t doing/seeing/acting like you are can`t act like a foot, we all have to act like ears.
I'm sorry to maybe go against what I just might have said haha, so (steve martin) E X C U S E ME! But please (and I did say please!) can't you do something about that jumping rodent creature?
(And no, I don't think Mr. Lingo is too interested in compromising his position. But...I could be wrong! )
Awe come on Bumpy ... you're not gonna chat from Africa? Tell us stories of the natives being eaten by lions? Or by land sharks? How can you leave such a great gang?
As to saving twi lights ... I think I would have left twi sooner had I had all this info to read. But I was gone in 1986, and can't even relate to the mark and avoid stuff.
This site has no cult like qualities that i see. We don't give money or recruit. There is no set doctrine. We don't even get to have extra marital sex ... do we?
Now calling Pawtucket "Paw" might remind some of "father in the word" type terminology. I'm not sure if any young gals here are attracted to him as a "father figure" ... but as long as he doesn't drug them and offer to enlighten them sexually ... I'd say there is little that is cult like here.
Awe come on Bumpy ... you're not gonna chat from Africa? Tell us stories of the natives being eaten by lions? Or by land sharks? How can you leave such a great gang?
As to saving twi lights ... I think I would have left twi sooner had I had all this info to read. But I was gone in 1986, and can't even relate to the mark and avoid stuff.
This site has no cult like qualities that i see. We don't give money or recruit. There is no set doctrine. We don't even get to have extra marital sex ... do we?
Now calling Pawtucket "Paw" might remind some of "father in the word" type terminology. I'm not sure if any young gals here are attracted to him as a "father figure" ... but as long as he doesn't drug them and offer to enlighten them sexually ... I'd say there is little that is cult like here.
OK, my mistake it’s NOT a CULT...geeez, I’m having a real bad day, and on my own little thread as well...(laugh) BUT, you have to admit gs did morph from a cult, so there has to be some guilt by association!, right? Ouch, (looking under the table) I think I was just done bit by eh Ro-dent...(Jethro, stop touchin’ Ellie May thar).
On a quiet night, when I really FEEEL the moment (like the stock market today!) I will write about my next location, the Casamance. Civil war the last 25+ years, land mines, the usual bang bang stuff.
Bump, what you do hurts people....not that it matters though, because we are all one big joke to you...right?
When your derision ends up causing people to stop posting and withdrawing meaningful input, you have crossed the line over to being a bully.
Go ahead....high five your buddies, another malcontent slammed and shut down...aren`t you so very special?
I'm not sure who you are referring to there Rascal, but hopefully not me. I wasn't "high fiving" anyone, just stateing what I think to be his motives, that's all. I didn't mean any disrespect to ANYONE.
Rascal, I'm curious as to who stopped posting because of Bumpy's input ?? If anything, it's the little clique group that gets there panties in a knot because someone challenges them with moving on in life instead of dwelling on the past that's driving people away, same ole' people same ole' argument. Let me ask you in all honesty, what has it done for your own life to keep going back there and rehashing TWI days......................yea yea yea, I know it's helped some innies by reading the stuff, but what good has it done for your own life? Isn't there a scripture somewhere about not dwelling on the past and reaching forward? I betcha if I came back hear in 10 yrs that little clique group would still be here rehashing the same stuff, doesn't there come a time in your life when you say enough is enough?
I'm sorry Rascal, it just seems to get so melodramatic here at times. Bottom line is, we really are where we are today because of where we want to be. We can go anywhere we want to go. We can stay where we are, go back to where we were, or go as far into the future as we want to. One thing that bothers me is this: I wonder about how many people who have come across this site who have long since moved on and forgotten so many of the unpleasant things that they left behind in The Way, who NOW are all stirred up again by what they have read here? People who just "shook it off" and kept moving, but now have become convinced by people here and by what they have read that fifteen years of their lives was a total waste! That in itself would be a really rotten thing. That would be a terrible crime, in my opinion.
I have a mind picture of John Riggins of the Washington Redskins, shaking off that Miami Dolphins tackle and leaving him in the dirt as he ran to the end zone in that Super Bowl winning touchdown. That's for me. And that is also for the many who have successfully gone on in life after The Way.
By the way, I am at work, and now won't be able to post anymore today till later. So, please don't be offended if I don't respond for a long time.
Cowgirl, if the poster referred to felt up to doing battle, no doubt they would have stood up for themselves at the time.
You don`t have to like me, you don`t have to like my perspective, you don`t have to like what I chose to discuss. Feel completely free to pass over what I write. If you don`t find it of benefit, it probably isn`t even directed at you.
It is however, a big mistake to assume that my input, or that of any other poster here it is not of value to someone else.
Why is it up to any of you to decide who`s input is of benefit or merit??
Even if you don`t get it...even if it appears pointless....Why not just accept there are aspects of healing and participation here that you are not going to see or understand....
Let`s each participate in a manner that doesn`t interfere with someone elses blessing and growth...rather than trying to slap down people whom we don`t agree with.
P.S. I am curious?? Just who do you think is in the little clique group you referred to? Is it because some posters agree with one another on certain subjects? Is it because you don`t find enough people agreeing with you? What would lead you to you assume this?
Rascal, I'm curious as to who stopped posting because of Bumpy's input ??
Personally, I'm not aware of Bumpy SPECIFICALLY stopping someone posting because
of the "input" of Bumpy SPECIFICALLY. Perhaps rascal knows of one such person.
I AM aware that some people have left the GSC because they've gone on with their life and feel no need to come here any more.
I am ALSO aware that some people have left the GSC because of personal attacks, character assassination and a general
contentious environment. I suspect rascal was thinking more of them, but she may also know someone who
SPECIFICALLY left due to Bumpy.
If anything, it's the little clique group that gets there panties in a knot because someone challenges them with moving on in life instead of dwelling on the past that's driving people away, same ole' people same ole' argument.
I imagine there's people once in a while who that applies to. There's also people who show up once or twice,
who begin new threads specifically for the purpose for condemning anyone who challenges their idyllic view of
vpw ("you spend all your lives attacking a great man" and things along those line).
There's also people who DO come here for help, and in no time, there's people who get on them for challenging
their idyllic view of vpw.
I'm not aware of ANYONE who believes in "telling the truth about vpw's rapes and plagiarism" who is NOT
dedicated to people "MOVING ON IN LIFE" BY WAY OF people coming to grips with the truth about vpw.
"If anything."
Let me ask you in all honesty, what has it done for your own life to keep going back there and rehashing TWI days......................yea yea yea, I know it's helped some innies by reading the stuff, but what good has it done for your own life?
I can only answer for myself.
As for me, the main reason I post about "the other side of the story".
"Our mission is to provide information that tells the other side of the story about The Way International and its trustees. Our hope is that GreaseSpot Cafe serves as a place where those who have been impacted by The Way can make connections with people and information which will support their particular process of recovery.
We want people to be able to make informed decisions regarding their past, present, and future affiliations with The Way International (TWI). Whether you are standing with TWI, thinking about leaving, trying to help someone else get out, or looking for support from others who have left, we believe the information here is highly relevant and well worth considering."
"Consider the longstanding patterns of conspiracy at the trustee level, questionable doctrines and practices, ongoing cover-ups, and sexual abuse of numerous women at the hands of certain TWI leaders. It's no wonder that TWI is desperately trying to shield their followers from this information by warning them off the Internet. We think that if you give this information an honest reading, you'll see that you haven't been told the whole story."
"The opinions expressed here are often passionate and while disagreements are not uncommon, the online Ex-Way community is a great arena for conversing and connecting with others. You may get caught in a food fight now and then, but unlike TWI, GreaseSpot Cafe is a place where questions are encouraged and people make up their own minds."
my PRIMARY purpose in posting here has been to provide information,
and participate in dialogues that provide information.
Funny you should ask at this moment, since I just started a discussion about God's knowledge a few days ago,
and will be part of that discussion very, very shortly.
What is the deep, personal benefit I derive from posting here?
who said I must derive some deep personal benefit from posting here, reading the newspaper, watching television,
listening to the radio, playing video games, or anything else I do?
Sometimes I derive benefits from each. Sometimes I derive GODLY benefits from each.
I post on messageboards- or stop posting on messageboards-for my own reasons.
If you MUST hear about some benefit, I've gained considerably in understanding history and human behaviour
in analyzing the processes that went from plagiaristic sex maniac by himself to multinational organization.
I can also spin fascinating dinner conversation for more conventional Christians.
(If they pick up the check as a result, you can consider that an immediate personal benefit as well.)
Isn't there a scripture somewhere about not dwelling on the past and reaching forward?
Yes- as well as another verse where the same writer notes the evil done to him personally by
Alexander the coopersmith. Which is preserved for eternity by God Almighty.
Neither of those verses recommends spending the entirety of one's life on any one subject.
Of course, the people exposing the evils of vpw don't spend the entirety of their lives posting at the GSC,
nor exposing vpw's evil. Did you mean to suggest they did, or was that accidental?
I betcha if I came back hear in 10 yrs that little clique group would still be here rehashing the same stuff,
Is there a membership list for "that little clique group"?
If so, I bet we've had rotations over the years.
I can name a number of posters who don't post here regularly (or in years) who WOULD have been considered
part of this list, in all likelihood.
doesn't there come a time in your life when you say enough is enough?
when twi's gone, or possibly when everyone who COULD benefit from the information here HAS benefitted from it,
and when the people who keep trying to rewrite history and make vpw a great humanitarian who never
plagiarized, raped, etc. stop doing so.
In case you're wondering, we DO still get new posters who are posting and freely claiming to benefit from the GSC
as it's stated and as we envision it. Every time they say so is more proof we're benefitting SOMEONE,
whether or not YOU perceive it.
Hey, we're all adults here.
Some of the time, we're here to socialize, some of the time we're here to dialogue, some of the time to
provide information. We can choose to leave, return, or leave for good whenever we wish.
Thank you for your concern, but we're not exactly "trapped" here.
Rascal...................for starters, in all honesty I really don't care who agrees with me or who doesn't, I have finally reached that point in my life, I don't need someone's approval to feel good about myself. So if everyone here at GS totally disagreed with me, that's cool, my selfworth is not wrapped up in someone's opinion of me, I am not here to win a popularity contest.
You said "Let`s each participate in a manner that doesn`t interfere with someone elses blessing and growth...rather than trying to slap down people whom we don`t agree with." I haven't slapped anyone down as you put it, I was asking you a personal question, what has it done for you in your own personal life to keep living in the past, rehashing this stuff?
You also said "It is however, a big mistake to assume that my input, or that of any other poster here it is not of value to someone else.
Why is it up to any of you to decide who`s input is of benefit or merit?? "
I never said someone's input was of no value, I wanted to know what good is it doing in your life to keep going back there?
Anyways Rascal, I'm out of this thread, save your breath, you don't need to respond back, I feel some people are just skirting around the issue whenever I ask what good is all this REHASHING doing for yourself, I'm not asking about all the innies it might save, but your own lives.
Herr Word Wolf - Wie geht’s? How do you ever find the time to put all those L O N G opinions of yours together? WOW...!
Anyway, thanks for visiting bumpy’s wipe out thread...bad idea, eh? Oh well, let’s hope they don’t ever push that “red” delete button, because only YOU could string it all back together!
I’ll be in mid-town Manhattan for this Sunday brunch if you’re interested in a little eggs benedict and champagne!
I'm sure we can find something to talk about... :)
ChasUFarley, Bumpy never said this forum is offensive, point one. Point 2, I’m not trying nor have I, the slightest interest in “proving or gaining” ANYTHING here at Grease Spot. I do however think that maybe a few interesting social interactions, and as I said before, a laugh or two would be fun. I hope that is clear? (again)
My saying you found this forum offensive is a synposis of your opinions. In your second post you ask how much of GSC is BS and how much hits a goal. (What goal?). You offer to wipe out GSC and start over. Interesting idea but a ton of work to start it over - maybe some of us like it the way it is, thankyouverymuch.
I didn't say you were out to prove anything - don't try to put words in my mouth.
You make a few false claims in you “opinions” section...I am NOT of the “opinion” there is “nothing NEW here” OR that “this isn’t really helping the innies”... Please do not put words in my mouth that do not exist. You can support your cause but try using arguments which are relevant. Everyone has their OPINION...even you, it all goes without saying.
I'm not out to make "false claims" - this is my interpretation of your posts. I have no real "cause" - I've explained why I come here... not much different from you, really.
My discovery of this channel was completely accidental, and to the relief of many, I won’t be posting much longer. I have found it informative as to what happened to The Way. But, beyond gossip and conjecture, who knows that what lurks in cyberspace listening to GS postings, is of major importance?
I don't know where you think you're so not wanted here - I certainly don't feel that way about you. I've had trouble "connecting" or "relating" to you because you come from such a different place and background as myself. I haven't been sure how to understand your sense of humor but I've come to enjoy your posts in the cooking forum and understood you better there. I appreciate the diverse
You and others might be here as a refuge from twi, to vent your emotions, etc. It was never that for me.
It was a refuge for me - now it's more of a social thing, as I already said. To me, it was more of a way to see that life did go on post-TWI. I like forums and frequent some others...
( I might not be able to see you...but I can hear you, and you can take that on face-value!)
Herr Word Wolf - Wie geht’s? How do you ever find the time to put all those L O N G opinions of yours together? WOW...!
Anyway, thanks for visiting bumpy’s wipe out thread...bad idea, eh? Oh well, let’s hope they don’t ever push that “red” delete button, because only YOU could string it all back together!
I’ll be in mid-town Manhattan for this Sunday brunch if you’re interested in a little eggs benedict and champagne!
I'm sure we can find something to talk about... :)
Are you serious? Really?
What brings you all over the world and makes you travel the way you do?
Even if you don`t get it...even if it appears pointless....Why not just accept there are aspects of healing and participation here that you are not going to see or understand....
I don't know who the clique is, and there may be some healing I don't see ... but on the other hand, there may be people who feel their ministry is here, "reaching out" to all the wounded that stop by. And it could be they actually repel people that don't want to run the gauntlet of another little inner sanctum of enlightened folks that feel a need to minister to them.
My apologies Bumpy, there may indeed be some cult like residue remaining. Of course all my comments are worthy of framing, but others should consider that they don't necessarily have some gawd appointed role here. Certainly no one should have to show up to do battle with the powers that be. I suppose the "knock it the hell off" thread and the "do battle" language makes me think there is some sort of power struggle ... and not even by the official site ministers.
But people have hung out here for a long time ... so live and let live.
Hey, these posts get too complicated, at least for my 1800 brain time! Sometimes it's such a laugh what I do, communicating with people here, LA, Europe, really all over the place!
I'm sure whatever you felt or said was right. I'm bowing out of the race. But still have a few days left.
What's the weather like wherever it is you live? It's the "vendanges" grape moving time here in Burgundy. Lots of tractors everywhere. It's going to be a crappy harvest all over France. I'm putting that down in my world famous future wine book that will never be written!
What brings you all over the world and makes you travel the way you do?
Just curious...
Chas, post 124 was for you. Somehow didn't connect. Anyway, my (travel) used to be much much worse, or better, way better before 9/11, but I guess keeping the "wolf from the door" is part of the deal! Plus I'm shipping an old Merk from 1981 to NYC which needs to feel the road. (Now Herr WW, that was no attempt on my part, talkin' about a simple Wolf...that's all!) Gotta be careful around here!
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Although I'm a little perplexed as to *why* you have taken issue with some of the posters on this thread, Bumpy, I will leave that to sort out between you and them.
You used a very key word in your last post here - OPINION.
You have the OPINION, from what I understand here, that people are negitive and posting about the past too much.
You have the OPINION that there's nothing new here.
You have the OPINION that this isn't really helping innies - that's it's just the same cult but now in cyberspace, rather than New Knoxville.
You know something...?
...I also wonder how many times a poster can tell the same story. <_<
I marvel sometimes at the battles that people will choose to pick and wonder "WTF??"
I've been around here for a while now and know most posters' backgrounds and major stories pretty well now
I wonder about people who were in TWI for three years but have spent six years complaining and whining about it.
I also wonder about those who don't take any credit or responsibility for their bad decisions - but perhaps that's another thread.
I know for a FACT that there are many innies who lurk here on this board - I've been in contact with some of them.
Do I think I'm "saving" them? Heck, no. That's their job. You save yourself from TWI by getting yourself OUT of what you got yourself IN to... (Unless you're kicked out - but that's another story.)
For someone who's left recently, this board is a way to read other's similar experiences and to relate with them - and to maybe make some connections that were lost via moves, being M&A'd, etc. I know for me, it was a way to see that life really did exist outside the walls of Zion.
I also know that there's many who hang out here for social reasons - myself included. I'm pretty much over TWI - but I love the Guitar Thread, Politics Forums, Cooking Forums, etc. - I've seen you on some of those too.
I don't always agree with your opinion - but I have always respected it. And I'm rather taken aback by some of your responses - I don't think they were warranted. If the forum is that offensive to you, why do you still come around? You call this a cyberspace cult (my words) - but yet you engage quite well with other on it. I'm left wondering what YOU are trying to prove or gain? What is your point in all of this??
(DISCLAIMER: Since you can't see or hear me, just assume that this post is to be taken at face-value and is not a personal attack on Bumpy.)
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but now I see,
Thanks for taking the time to post that (parts 1,2,and3). Great perspective, and a proper warning from the Lord. I've decided to save it to Favorites so in case I run across a newbie here, I can point him or her to it as recommended reading. Outstanding!
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For what it's worth...
I don't think Bumpy was trying to "pat himself on the back". I think he was just trying to say, hey, when you get to thinking you have it so tough, think about a place where little kids go to bed hungry every night. Where little kids literally starve to death. Where little kids die from simple things that wouldn't even get us too excited here in the west. I think he was trying to give you a little perspective, is all.
OK, maybe I'm wrong, but that was how I understood him.
But Bumpy...dude, you DO need to work on your delivery. You DO come off sounding a wee bit (OK, a LOT) insulting. :)
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ChasUFarley, Bumpy never said this forum is offensive, point one. Point 2, I’m not trying nor have I, the slightest interest in “proving or gaining” ANYTHING here at Grease Spot. I do however think that maybe a few interesting social interactions, and as I said before, a laugh or two would be fun. I hope that is clear? (again)
You make a few false claims in you “opinions” section...I am NOT of the “opinion” there is “nothing NEW here” OR that “this isn’t really helping the innies”... Please do not put words in my mouth that do not exist. You can support your cause but try using arguments which are relevant. Everyone has their OPINION...even you, it all goes without saying.
My discovery of this channel was completely accidental, and to the relief of many, I won’t be posting much longer. I have found it informative as to what happened to The Way. But, beyond gossip and conjecture, who knows that what lurks in cyberspace listening to GS postings, is of major importance?
You and others might be here as a refuge from twi, to vent your emotions, etc. It was never that for me.
( I might not be able to see you...but I can hear you, and you can take that on face-value!)
Rick, just saw your posting! It was never meant "to be or not to be" insulting...just sometimes mixed with a little French wine...let's say, a little "entertaining"...After all we are all individuals of the BOD, right?
So I guess there's enough space left here to say "SORRY"! To one and all...
Delivery...I'll work on that! Thanks Rick, nice finally meeting you... :)
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J0nny Ling0

\Right on Chasu. And as an aside, I always marvel at how there are those here who think of themselves as knights in shining armour, riding through the Grease Spot cyberspace just itching to begin the "healing process" with a recent innie or someone or who just got out. I and my wife were kicked out back in 1990 because we refused to toe the line with L Craig. In other words, we chose to get out by way of not following the party line as so many did. So many by the way, who are probably here and only got out in the late nineties or early two thousands, and no doubt were ones who marked and avoided my wife and I as just so much scum. But now they are here to help with the "healing process". Shoot, we were healed the day we left...
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Why is it such a stretch to believe that each of us have different roles here, as in life? Could it be that each is important in their own way? That each of us has perspective from lessons learned that might aid another?
I don`t see anybody acting like a white night...Why must you deride others efforts?.... Could it be...that even though we may not see it at the time, that in spite of finding a posters perspective personally annoying.......that never the less, maybe what they do is important also?
Did you ever think that maybe you see in people that which you want to see? Maybe you don`t possess the entire picture when you dismiss someone because of personal dislike?
It`s like...hey, you aren`t doing/seeing/acting like you are can`t act like a foot, we all have to act like ears.
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(And no, I don't think Mr. Lingo is too interested in compromising his position. But...I could be wrong!
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Awe come on Bumpy ... you're not gonna chat from Africa? Tell us stories of the natives being eaten by lions? Or by land sharks? How can you leave such a great gang?
As to saving twi lights ... I think I would have left twi sooner had I had all this info to read. But I was gone in 1986, and can't even relate to the mark and avoid stuff.
This site has no cult like qualities that i see. We don't give money or recruit. There is no set doctrine. We don't even get to have extra marital sex ... do we?
Now calling Pawtucket "Paw" might remind some of "father in the word" type terminology. I'm not sure if any young gals here are attracted to him as a "father figure" ... but as long as he doesn't drug them and offer to enlighten them sexually ... I'd say there is little that is cult like here.
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Bump, what you do hurts people....not that it matters though, because we are all one big joke to you...right?
When your derision ends up causing people to stop posting and withdrawing meaningful input, you have crossed the line over to being a bully.
Go ahead....high five your buddies, another malcontent slammed and shut down...aren`t you so very special?
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OK, my mistake it’s NOT a CULT...geeez, I’m having a real bad day, and on my own little thread as well...(laugh) BUT, you have to admit gs did morph from a cult, so there has to be some guilt by association!, right? Ouch, (looking under the table) I think I was just done bit by eh Ro-dent...(Jethro, stop touchin’ Ellie May thar).
On a quiet night, when I really FEEEL the moment (like the stock market today!) I will write about my next location, the Casamance.
Civil war the last 25+ years, land mines, the usual bang bang stuff.
Great for adventure tourism!
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I'm not sure who you are referring to there Rascal, but hopefully not me. I wasn't "high fiving" anyone, just stateing what I think to be his motives, that's all. I didn't mean any disrespect to ANYONE.
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Rascal, I'm curious as to who stopped posting because of Bumpy's input ?? If anything, it's the little clique group that gets there panties in a knot because someone challenges them with moving on in life instead of dwelling on the past that's driving people away, same ole' people same ole' argument. Let me ask you in all honesty, what has it done for your own life to keep going back there and rehashing TWI days......................yea yea yea, I know it's helped some innies by reading the stuff, but what good has it done for your own life? Isn't there a scripture somewhere about not dwelling on the past and reaching forward? I betcha if I came back hear in 10 yrs that little clique group would still be here rehashing the same stuff, doesn't there come a time in your life when you say enough is enough?
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J0nny Ling0
I'm sorry Rascal, it just seems to get so melodramatic here at times. Bottom line is, we really are where we are today because of where we want to be. We can go anywhere we want to go. We can stay where we are, go back to where we were, or go as far into the future as we want to. One thing that bothers me is this: I wonder about how many people who have come across this site who have long since moved on and forgotten so many of the unpleasant things that they left behind in The Way, who NOW are all stirred up again by what they have read here? People who just "shook it off" and kept moving, but now have become convinced by people here and by what they have read that fifteen years of their lives was a total waste! That in itself would be a really rotten thing. That would be a terrible crime, in my opinion.
I have a mind picture of John Riggins of the Washington Redskins, shaking off that Miami Dolphins tackle and leaving him in the dirt as he ran to the end zone in that Super Bowl winning touchdown. That's for me. And that is also for the many who have successfully gone on in life after The Way.
By the way, I am at work, and now won't be able to post anymore today till later. So, please don't be offended if I don't respond for a long time.
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Cowgirl, if the poster referred to felt up to doing battle, no doubt they would have stood up for themselves at the time.
You don`t have to like me, you don`t have to like my perspective, you don`t have to like what I chose to discuss. Feel completely free to pass over what I write. If you don`t find it of benefit, it probably isn`t even directed at you.
It is however, a big mistake to assume that my input, or that of any other poster here it is not of value to someone else.
Why is it up to any of you to decide who`s input is of benefit or merit??
Even if you don`t get it...even if it appears pointless....Why not just accept there are aspects of healing and participation here that you are not going to see or understand....
Let`s each participate in a manner that doesn`t interfere with someone elses blessing and growth...rather than trying to slap down people whom we don`t agree with.
P.S. I am curious?? Just who do you think is in the little clique group you referred to? Is it because some posters agree with one another on certain subjects? Is it because you don`t find enough people agreeing with you? What would lead you to you assume this?
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Personally, I'm not aware of Bumpy SPECIFICALLY stopping someone posting because
of the "input" of Bumpy SPECIFICALLY. Perhaps rascal knows of one such person.
I AM aware that some people have left the GSC because they've gone on with their life and feel no need to come here any more.
I am ALSO aware that some people have left the GSC because of personal attacks, character assassination and a general
contentious environment. I suspect rascal was thinking more of them, but she may also know someone who
SPECIFICALLY left due to Bumpy.
I imagine there's people once in a while who that applies to. There's also people who show up once or twice,who begin new threads specifically for the purpose for condemning anyone who challenges their idyllic view of
vpw ("you spend all your lives attacking a great man" and things along those line).
There's also people who DO come here for help, and in no time, there's people who get on them for challenging
their idyllic view of vpw.
I'm not aware of ANYONE who believes in "telling the truth about vpw's rapes and plagiarism" who is NOT
dedicated to people "MOVING ON IN LIFE" BY WAY OF people coming to grips with the truth about vpw.
"If anything."
I can only answer for myself.
As for me, the main reason I post about "the other side of the story".
It says so.
"Our mission is to provide information that tells the other side of the story about The Way International and its trustees. Our hope is that GreaseSpot Cafe serves as a place where those who have been impacted by The Way can make connections with people and information which will support their particular process of recovery.
We want people to be able to make informed decisions regarding their past, present, and future affiliations with The Way International (TWI). Whether you are standing with TWI, thinking about leaving, trying to help someone else get out, or looking for support from others who have left, we believe the information here is highly relevant and well worth considering."
"Consider the longstanding patterns of conspiracy at the trustee level, questionable doctrines and practices, ongoing cover-ups, and sexual abuse of numerous women at the hands of certain TWI leaders. It's no wonder that TWI is desperately trying to shield their followers from this information by warning them off the Internet. We think that if you give this information an honest reading, you'll see that you haven't been told the whole story."
"The opinions expressed here are often passionate and while disagreements are not uncommon, the online Ex-Way community is a great arena for conversing and connecting with others. You may get caught in a food fight now and then, but unlike TWI, GreaseSpot Cafe is a place where questions are encouraged and people make up their own minds."
my PRIMARY purpose in posting here has been to provide information,
and participate in dialogues that provide information.
Funny you should ask at this moment, since I just started a discussion about God's knowledge a few days ago,
and will be part of that discussion very, very shortly.
What is the deep, personal benefit I derive from posting here?
who said I must derive some deep personal benefit from posting here, reading the newspaper, watching television,
listening to the radio, playing video games, or anything else I do?
Sometimes I derive benefits from each. Sometimes I derive GODLY benefits from each.
I post on messageboards- or stop posting on messageboards-for my own reasons.
If you MUST hear about some benefit, I've gained considerably in understanding history and human behaviour
in analyzing the processes that went from plagiaristic sex maniac by himself to multinational organization.
I can also spin fascinating dinner conversation for more conventional Christians.
(If they pick up the check as a result, you can consider that an immediate personal benefit as well.)
Yes- as well as another verse where the same writer notes the evil done to him personally byAlexander the coopersmith. Which is preserved for eternity by God Almighty.
Neither of those verses recommends spending the entirety of one's life on any one subject.
Of course, the people exposing the evils of vpw don't spend the entirety of their lives posting at the GSC,
nor exposing vpw's evil. Did you mean to suggest they did, or was that accidental?
Is there a membership list for "that little clique group"?
If so, I bet we've had rotations over the years.
I can name a number of posters who don't post here regularly (or in years) who WOULD have been considered
part of this list, in all likelihood.
when twi's gone, or possibly when everyone who COULD benefit from the information here HAS benefitted from it,
and when the people who keep trying to rewrite history and make vpw a great humanitarian who never
plagiarized, raped, etc. stop doing so.
In case you're wondering, we DO still get new posters who are posting and freely claiming to benefit from the GSC
as it's stated and as we envision it. Every time they say so is more proof we're benefitting SOMEONE,
whether or not YOU perceive it.
Hey, we're all adults here.
Some of the time, we're here to socialize, some of the time we're here to dialogue, some of the time to
provide information. We can choose to leave, return, or leave for good whenever we wish.
Thank you for your concern, but we're not exactly "trapped" here.
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I still have the same question...WHO are you accusing here Rascal?
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Rascal...................for starters, in all honesty I really don't care who agrees with me or who doesn't, I have finally reached that point in my life, I don't need someone's approval to feel good about myself. So if everyone here at GS totally disagreed with me, that's cool, my selfworth is not wrapped up in someone's opinion of me, I am not here to win a popularity contest.
You said "Let`s each participate in a manner that doesn`t interfere with someone elses blessing and growth...rather than trying to slap down people whom we don`t agree with." I haven't slapped anyone down as you put it, I was asking you a personal question, what has it done for you in your own personal life to keep living in the past, rehashing this stuff?
You also said "It is however, a big mistake to assume that my input, or that of any other poster here it is not of value to someone else.
Why is it up to any of you to decide who`s input is of benefit or merit?? "
I never said someone's input was of no value, I wanted to know what good is it doing in your life to keep going back there?
Anyways Rascal, I'm out of this thread, save your breath, you don't need to respond back, I feel some people are just skirting around the issue whenever I ask what good is all this REHASHING doing for yourself, I'm not asking about all the innies it might save, but your own lives.
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Herr Word Wolf - Wie geht’s? How do you ever find the time to put all those L O N G opinions of yours together? WOW...!
Anyway, thanks for visiting bumpy’s wipe out thread...bad idea, eh? Oh well, let’s hope they don’t ever push that “red” delete button, because only YOU could string it all back together!
I’ll be in mid-town Manhattan for this Sunday brunch if you’re interested in a little eggs benedict and champagne!
I'm sure we can find something to talk about... :)
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Hey, wait, didn't we meet at the Fineman barmitzvah? Something about going for a drive and a bottle of Bourbon?
Anyway, I liked your postings. Fresh Canadian air...along with that smoked bacon! Great Stuff!
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Are you serious? Really?
What brings you all over the world and makes you travel the way you do?
Just curious...
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I don't know who the clique is, and there may be some healing I don't see ... but on the other hand, there may be people who feel their ministry is here, "reaching out" to all the wounded that stop by. And it could be they actually repel people that don't want to run the gauntlet of another little inner sanctum of enlightened folks that feel a need to minister to them.
My apologies Bumpy, there may indeed be some cult like residue remaining. Of course all my comments are worthy of framing, but others should consider that they don't necessarily have some gawd appointed role here. Certainly no one should have to show up to do battle with the powers that be. I suppose the "knock it the hell off" thread and the "do battle" language makes me think there is some sort of power struggle ... and not even by the official site ministers.
But people have hung out here for a long time ... so live and let live.
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Hey, these posts get too complicated, at least for my 1800 brain time! Sometimes it's such a laugh what I do, communicating with people here, LA, Europe, really all over the place!
I'm sure whatever you felt or said was right. I'm bowing out of the race. But still have a few days left.
What's the weather like wherever it is you live? It's the "vendanges" grape moving time here in Burgundy. Lots of tractors everywhere. It's going to be a crappy harvest all over France. I'm putting that down in my world famous future wine book that will never be written!
But don't quote me.
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Chas, post 124 was for you. Somehow didn't connect. Anyway, my (travel) used to be much much worse, or better, way better before 9/11, but I guess keeping the "wolf from the door" is part of the deal! Plus I'm shipping an old Merk from 1981 to NYC which needs to feel the road. (Now Herr WW, that was no attempt on my part, talkin' about a simple Wolf...that's all!) Gotta be careful around here!
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