I think that would be a huge mistake. The history of GSC is important. There are archived threads, such as the one on Child Abuse in TWI, that are invaluable to those who are new here and are seeking information.
Those of us who have contributed to important threads such as that, or such as the one on doctrinal errors in PFAL, or Research Geek's top 10, would simply end up posting them over again.
What if?? Well then I guess it wouldn`t be greasespot, and a valuable tool would be lost to those seeking information and healing from exposure to twi.
How ‘bout if the “powers that be” were to DELETE ALL previous GS posts from time immortal until today? That’s right, what would happen if we started all over, right from the beginning, fresh with no previous topics, threads, nothing? How would we start? New guide lines for a new time? No previous garbage to read through. A NEW Grease Spot, maybe all new avatars? Rewrite the constitution, set term limits...a new club.
What would be the result and who would be interested??
Not to sound too mean and heartless here - but you can do that very thing for yourself, Bumpy.
You can DELETE the GSC bookmark from your computer and never come back to visit. In effect that would give you the chance to have the "new" beginning you speak of.
I'm not telling you to leave GSC - it's not my style. It's never been a goal of mine to force someone to leave - how silly is that? This place may be a tempest in a teacup (coffee mug ) at times - but it's OUR coffee mug and we get to choose the tempests we will weather.
To force someone to leave (or try) is really just schoolyard politics - and I never played those games even back in HS.
Adding up all the errors taught and looking at the structure of pfal begins to reveal how exactly wierwille pulled it off.
The results of pfal;
1. Wierwille is the man of God of the World
2. pfal has defined who God is
3. pfal has defined how God communicates to men
4. pfal has defined what fellowship with God is
5. pfal has defined the structure of the bible
6. pfal has defined the structure of the church today
(in favor of wierwille and twi)
Methods used---MATH Formulas
wrong thinking or believing as defined by pfal
out of alignment and harmony
out of fellowship
You are against God and any term used in the bible that describes someone who is against God can be used against you to get you back to what wierwille and pfal has defined as right believing and thinking.
How pfal came up with what is right believing can be found with some of the same Math.
I suspect Bullingers influence had a lot to do with it. And that Wierwille may have even thought he was right. But just looking at the results should be a giant red flag!
If a scripture did not fit into Wierwilles formulas then it was twisted or changed or "held in abeyance". Same with the holy spirit field.
pfal is the root and base of wrong application and interpretation of scripture.
By the end of the class Wierwille had us by the nuts (sorry ladies).
Right, I can see that most of you think you’re saving Pvt. Leaf from twi in some way, shape or form.
And that stored information in the gs vaults is invaluable as an anti-twi vaccination. And, there are a few leaves falling from the way tree making it to gs, one way or another. But when you look at 90% of the “discussions”, what percentage is really relevant to achieving that end and how much is bs ??
Do you really think gs is a “threat” to the way? I’m sure Herr WW does, because it’s written in all the labour of his communication. But if you kept 10% and deleted the rest, how much would you really lose?
I think all of those who had something to say would have to resay it.
Who would be interested?
Well, TWI would be happy to see us gone. Some posters who see those who speak 'negatives' about PFAL/VPW as enemies of the one true truth would be happy...
I recall that in TWI, if you were hurt by the actions of another, and spoke up about it, you were actually a 'worse believer' than the person who did the actual unloving thing to you. You were supposed to shush up, so the ministry would not be blamed. Shush up, take it, be tough.
I've never understood why those who dislike GSC, its posters, stories and dynamics, just don't go build their own forum, and run it the way they want.
Right, I can see that most of you think you’re saving Pvt. Leaf from twi in some way, shape or form.
And that stored information in the gs vaults is invaluable as an anti-twi vaccination. And, there are a few leaves falling from the way tree making it to gs, one way or another. But when you look at 90% of the “discussions”, what percentage is really relevant to achieving that end and how much is bs ??
Do you really think gs is a “threat” to the way? I’m sure Herr WW does, because it’s written in all the labour of his communication. But if you kept 10% and deleted the rest, how much would you really lose?
So...which ten percent would you want to keep? And what would you like to see gone?
BTW - at first you wanted 100% gone - make up your mind, please. ;)
Would you:
Keep the Prayer threads?
The Memorium threads?
What about all the silly jokes? What about when someone posts something in Open and it's a story about their child or a loved one or a friend?
Tell me Herr Bum*** what would you want to delete?
I'm not telling you to leave GSC - it's not my style. It's never been a goal of mine to force someone to leave - how silly is that? This place may be a tempest in a teacup (coffee mug ) at times - but it's OUR coffee mug and we get to choose the tempests we will weather.
To force someone to leave (or try) is really just schoolyard politics - and I never played those games even back in HS.
..."a tempest in a teacup", ..."but it's OUR coffee mug", Doojable, can you please explain the meaning of OUR?? What kind of coffee mug are you holding? Is it just for your friends, or people you like? Or are you saying something about schoolyard politics....please be more specific. I'm sure a lot of people might be interested to hear your understanding of gs as "our" coffee mug and what tempests "we will weather". Sound a bit "cultish" does it not? :unsure:
If I am interpriting what you mean as if it just started today.
Well I think that all the hurt that happened would have to be purged again.
I have met several old friends. One quit the site because she finnally purged the hurt out.
It wouldn't change me much because I come here just because its a safe site to visit and spend time on.
For me the topics would not change.
One big thing that I have seen is the differance in thought from differant areas of the country. I live in a town of 20000. The closest city is San Antonio 70 miles away. Up in the Northeast the cities just run together. Many of you have never experienced a dirt road that is 17 miles long strait as an arrow.
Right, I can see that most of you think you’re saving Pvt. Leaf from twi in some way, shape or form.
And that stored information in the gs vaults is invaluable as an anti-twi vaccination. And, there are a few leaves falling from the way tree making it to gs, one way or another. But when you look at 90% of the “discussions”, what percentage is really relevant to achieving that end and how much is bs ??
Do you really think gs is a “threat” to the way? I’m sure Herr WW does, because it’s written in all the labour of his communication. But if you kept 10% and deleted the rest, how much would you really lose?
Good questions!
Larry slips into his previous TWI mindset and answers the question (concerning a "threat").
I wouldn't waste a moment of my time even bothering to read GS. The Word tells us to "redeem" our time because the "days are evil". My time would be focused on reaching and teaching those who sincerely want to walk with God. To that end any time spent here would be wasting it. So, I wouldn't consider GS to be a threat because God is bigger and the proof of that is -- Christianity has survived through two centuries of attempts to eradicate it. If TWI was to go away -- God would just raise up someone else to carry His Word to the world. And if no one would answer the call -- then I suppose God would have to start speaking through rocks instead.
I guess a failure to perceive the value of what is offered here, in no way negates it`s merit.
Basically your post reads as ...Let`s wipe out all of the posts because what you think, what you feel, your perceptions, your ideas have no merit, are worthless...
..."a tempest in a teacup", ..."but it's OUR coffee mug", Doojable, can you please explain the meaning of OUR?? What kind of coffee mug are you holding? Is it just for your friends, or people you like? Or are you saying something about schoolyard politics....please be more specific. I'm sure a lot of people might be interested to hear your understanding of gs as "our" coffee mug and what tempests "we will weather". Sound a bit "cultish" does it not? :unsure:
Calm down Bumpy.
Sheeesh! *rolling my eyes here*
A tempest in a teacup - refers to arguments how small some of the arguments here can be in the grand scheme of things. (I actually thought you'd like that one...)
Coffee mug - is a play on words because this is a "Cafe" and not a "Tea Room"
OUR - because there are a LOT of folks registered here.
Schoolyard politics - hmmmm - I never played this game - but I watched it all around me.
Go to any schoolyard at lunchtime - you'll see what can happen.
Now - just what did you think I'd say? You seem to have a pre-conceived idea about me - and I can almost assure you, from the tone you've taken, that you are completely wrong.
Absolutely Dooj :).....obviously we (gs at large) offend Bumpy, there for we are deemed to be of no value other than to provide personal entertainment over ones morning tea...when the interaction has lost it`s entertainment value, it must be wiped away.
my question is to what purpose would deleting posts accomplish. These were all thoughts and or passions that at one time the posters held. By deleting them are you negating those thoughts/passions?
Feed it if you wish, but just be aware that you're feeding a troll.
It never ceases to amuse me whenever some good soul resorts to this sort of bs. Either you have nothing better to do with your time or else you think most members of this board aren't bright enuf to figure out if someone happens to be a troll. And what is even more amusing is that when someone finds it necessary to make this observation that person is in fact feeding a troll.
I, personally, think some people are over-reacting to Bumpy's topic. It's not as if what he/she is suggesting will ever really happen. God forbid that you should consider -- What IF?
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I think that would be a huge mistake. The history of GSC is important. There are archived threads, such as the one on Child Abuse in TWI, that are invaluable to those who are new here and are seeking information.
Those of us who have contributed to important threads such as that, or such as the one on doctrinal errors in PFAL, or Research Geek's top 10, would simply end up posting them over again.
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What if?? Well then I guess it wouldn`t be greasespot, and a valuable tool would be lost to those seeking information and healing from exposure to twi.
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It would certainly please twi....
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Not to sound too mean and heartless here - but you can do that very thing for yourself, Bumpy.
You can DELETE the GSC bookmark from your computer and never come back to visit. In effect that would give you the chance to have the "new" beginning you speak of.
I'm not telling you to leave GSC - it's not my style. It's never been a goal of mine to force someone to leave - how silly is that? This place may be a tempest in a teacup (coffee mug
) at times - but it's OUR coffee mug and we get to choose the tempests we will weather.
To force someone to leave (or try) is really just schoolyard politics - and I never played those games even back in HS.
Edited by doojableLink to comment
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From past posts...
Adding up all the errors taught and looking at the structure of pfal begins to reveal how exactly wierwille pulled it off.
The results of pfal;
1. Wierwille is the man of God of the World
2. pfal has defined who God is
3. pfal has defined how God communicates to men
4. pfal has defined what fellowship with God is
5. pfal has defined the structure of the bible
6. pfal has defined the structure of the church today
(in favor of wierwille and twi)
Methods used---MATH Formulas
wrong thinking or believing as defined by pfal
out of alignment and harmony
out of fellowship
You are against God and any term used in the bible that describes someone who is against God can be used against you to get you back to what wierwille and pfal has defined as right believing and thinking.
How pfal came up with what is right believing can be found with some of the same Math.
I suspect Bullingers influence had a lot to do with it. And that Wierwille may have even thought he was right. But just looking at the results should be a giant red flag!
If a scripture did not fit into Wierwilles formulas then it was twisted or changed or "held in abeyance". Same with the holy spirit field.
pfal is the root and base of wrong application and interpretation of scripture.
By the end of the class Wierwille had us by the nuts (sorry ladies).
pfal is in error
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Right, I can see that most of you think you’re saving Pvt. Leaf from twi in some way, shape or form.
And that stored information in the gs vaults is invaluable as an anti-twi vaccination. And, there are a few leaves falling from the way tree making it to gs, one way or another. But when you look at 90% of the “discussions”, what percentage is really relevant to achieving that end and how much is bs ??
Do you really think gs is a “threat” to the way? I’m sure Herr WW does, because it’s written in all the labour of his communication. But if you kept 10% and deleted the rest, how much would you really lose?
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What would be the result?
I think all of those who had something to say would have to resay it.
Who would be interested?
Well, TWI would be happy to see us gone. Some posters who see those who speak 'negatives' about PFAL/VPW as enemies of the one true truth would be happy...
I recall that in TWI, if you were hurt by the actions of another, and spoke up about it, you were actually a 'worse believer' than the person who did the actual unloving thing to you. You were supposed to shush up, so the ministry would not be blamed. Shush up, take it, be tough.
I've never understood why those who dislike GSC, its posters, stories and dynamics, just don't go build their own forum, and run it the way they want.
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Pvt. Leaf
Ha Ha Ha stop your killing me
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So...which ten percent would you want to keep? And what would you like to see gone?
BTW - at first you wanted 100% gone - make up your mind, please. ;)
Would you:
Keep the Prayer threads?
The Memorium threads?
What about all the silly jokes? What about when someone posts something in Open and it's a story about their child or a loved one or a friend?
Tell me Herr Bum*** what would you want to delete?
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..."a tempest in a teacup", ..."but it's OUR coffee mug", Doojable, can you please explain the meaning of OUR?? What kind of coffee mug are you holding? Is it just for your friends, or people you like? Or are you saying something about schoolyard politics....please be more specific. I'm sure a lot of people might be interested to hear your understanding of gs as "our" coffee mug and what tempests "we will weather". Sound a bit "cultish" does it not? :unsure:
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Tell me Bump.
How could you possibly know what would help another?
And decide what to delete and save for others to benefit?
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If I am interpriting what you mean as if it just started today.
Well I think that all the hurt that happened would have to be purged again.
I have met several old friends. One quit the site because she finnally purged the hurt out.
It wouldn't change me much because I come here just because its a safe site to visit and spend time on.
For me the topics would not change.
One big thing that I have seen is the differance in thought from differant areas of the country. I live in a town of 20000. The closest city is San Antonio 70 miles away. Up in the Northeast the cities just run together. Many of you have never experienced a dirt road that is 17 miles long strait as an arrow.
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Larry N Moore
Good questions!
Larry slips into his previous TWI mindset and answers the question (concerning a "threat").
I wouldn't waste a moment of my time even bothering to read GS. The Word tells us to "redeem" our time because the "days are evil". My time would be focused on reaching and teaching those who sincerely want to walk with God. To that end any time spent here would be wasting it. So, I wouldn't consider GS to be a threat because God is bigger and the proof of that is -- Christianity has survived through two centuries of attempts to eradicate it. If TWI was to go away -- God would just raise up someone else to carry His Word to the world. And if no one would answer the call -- then I suppose God would have to start speaking through rocks instead.
Larry now slips back out of his TWI mindset. :)
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What is it about GSC that is so awful that it should be deleted?
How will that make the world a better place?
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I guess a failure to perceive the value of what is offered here, in no way negates it`s merit.
Basically your post reads as ...Let`s wipe out all of the posts because what you think, what you feel, your perceptions, your ideas have no merit, are worthless...
You don`t get it....so you want to trash it.
You aren`t the first.
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Calm down Bumpy.
Sheeesh! *rolling my eyes here*
A tempest in a teacup - refers to arguments how small some of the arguments here can be in the grand scheme of things. (I actually thought you'd like that one...)
Coffee mug - is a play on words because this is a "Cafe" and not a "Tea Room"
OUR - because there are a LOT of folks registered here.
Schoolyard politics - hmmmm - I never played this game - but I watched it all around me.
Go to any schoolyard at lunchtime - you'll see what can happen.
Now - just what did you think I'd say? You seem to have a pre-conceived idea about me - and I can almost assure you, from the tone you've taken, that you are completely wrong.
I need to go get some coffee...
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Dooj, Bumpy is trying to get your goat...
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Aww... Rascal - I'm fine. Thanks.
I'll give him the goat. Then I'll go on and live my life.
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For those who haven't noticed, Bumpy is a troll.
Feed it if you wish, but just be aware that you're feeding a troll.
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Absolutely Dooj :).....obviously we (gs at large) offend Bumpy, there for we are deemed to be of no value other than to provide personal entertainment over ones morning tea...when the interaction has lost it`s entertainment value, it must be wiped away.
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my question is to what purpose would deleting posts accomplish. These were all thoughts and or passions that at one time the posters held. By deleting them are you negating those thoughts/passions?
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Larry N Moore
It never ceases to amuse me whenever some good soul resorts to this sort of bs. Either you have nothing better to do with your time or else you think most members of this board aren't bright enuf to figure out if someone happens to be a troll. And what is even more amusing is that when someone finds it necessary to make this observation that person is in fact feeding a troll.
I, personally, think some people are over-reacting to Bumpy's topic. It's not as if what he/she is suggesting will ever really happen. God forbid that you should consider -- What IF?
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For those who haven't noticed, Larry N Moore is a troll.
Feed it if you wish, but just be aware that you're feeding a troll.
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Larry N Moore
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