My first and true personal 'scream-fest' from a Corpse Coordinator came in my first and ONLY year in the 12th corps. I had witnessed MANY scream-fests... but never directly and/or personally aimed just at me... but my day did come.After Christmas (HO HO relo :huh: we must have been absolutely stupid to think that outfit was NORMAL... with lingo like that!) I enthusiastically joined a Way Productions dance group (don't get me wrong .. I'm not a dancer... but many of us weren't we just like to perform and liked music).anyhow... before we even got together for our first meeting, I'm guessing a few of the elder corpse had gotten together and decided on the music. So we started to rehearse and all seemed well. The song was chosen and decided upon. The song was WE ARE FAMILY... by the Pointer Sisters.Now.... a few weeks into this ... our 'production' group is called for a special meeting in the Sunlight room. As I arrived... PL (corpse coordinator's wife) was standing there having a good belittling of the group telling us how we were all kicked out of Way Productions because we had picked such a song. Didn't we know that the Pointer Sisters were all LESBIANS :o I listened.. hung my head and said to myself.. oh well another thing gone to crap ... figures!As I was leaving i heard my name called... It was PL ... she wanted to speak to me. I said ' yes'... that's when she started... It doesn't surprise me that you were a part of THIS group. It doesn't surprise me one bit... blah blah blah blah... as she got louder and louder and louder... and started to publicly tell me about all inabilities and so forth. Then she started to say... You're not a FIREBALL!!!! That's your problem!... You haven't proven to me that you belong here... YOU"RE NOT A FIREBALL... YOU"RE NOT A FIREBALL... and she got louder and louder and now she's yelling at the top of her lungs... (with the worse breath ever I might add)..I just stood there... thinking to myself... the only thing that ran through my head was (like a voice talking to me)... Me, do not listen ... do not listen to this person.. if you do... you will be destroyed... do not listen... (as in... don't take it in... don't accept it)So I just stood there looking at her yelling and getting more and more out of control. When she stopped... I think she asked me if I had anything to say.. (i'm not sure)... anyhow.. I managed to squeek out these 3 words... What's a fireball??I thought she was going to explode She then said... See what I mean... and she walked out in a huff... in complete and utter discuss.I left... shaking barely alive... and went to class. Moments later i get a tap on my shoulder from one of their henchmen... i'm asked to see her husband JL... I go to his office... He says, "My wife just came and told me she didn't like the way you spoke to her."... She of course was no where to be found.That was the beginning of the end... I was gone outta there by May of that year and this was early January. It really pointed out to me that this place was poison...that to be true CORPSE person and leader that you had to lick their boots and kiss their a$$es...I couldn't...I left .... I couldn't resist... had to add this.... face melting ... i think this guy took lessons from vp and lcm... he seems to have their bullying tactics down to a science
Sunesis previously posted the following concerning cg,
vpw's bus driver and the writer of Passing of the Patriarch:
I went there clueless, and there she was with CG, her leader, and PL, the corps coordinator at that time. Well, first CG yelled, then lowered his voice and hissed saying awful, sick, destructive stuff about this woman. The thing was though, usually, people calm down after a few minutes, but he ended up going on and on and on, and literally hissing at her for almost 45 minutes. I started wondering, what the heck is going on here? All of a sudden it dawned on me, 'he is enjoying this!!'
This reminded me of something - my ex-wife has a personality disorder (called borderline for all you psych freaks) and she has this same pattern - yelling and screaming gets her more wound up not less. And trying to walk away to calm the situation makes her worse as well. I'm sure lots of top way leaders had diagnosable conditions and CG right up there with them.
The funniest "reproof" I ever got happened pretty close to when I left the way. I was a branch leader and my boss was a real idiot. (I now understand he's a motivational speaker - what a blight on that profession.) Anyway one of the twig leaders in my branch was great at running a lot of PFAL classes. But he was a young twerp and was doing a lot of stupid things seducing women in his twig, drugs, building his own cult loyalty within the branch so we had some "issues." Of course, my boss sided with him because that's where his numbers were coming from. He called me into his office and just read me scripture. Didn't say anything about any specific incident or how / why the verses were applicable to our situation. Not like a teaching or anything - more like a bunch of retemory cards (remember those?) He asked if I had anything to say and I said no and went home. It was really strange.
Hello everyone. I have learned from each and every comment.
I am on a rant now -- which began when I started this thread. How can someone tell someone they are lazy? Not working hard enough? When every aspect of my life shows more reward than the fellow "leader" who graduated from TWI which is not an acredited college!
This doesn't address anyone, this is only for me and I'm sorry if this seems selfish. I've been told how selfish I am so many times I've come to believe it. I go out of my way to help people but then everything is unethical. It is just wrong!
I can't say too much but I'm done, I'm ....ed, I'm mad and I can say THIS IS NOT RIGHT!
Face meltings? Well, it seems that most of us has had one or more face meltings during our time in TWI. I've had mine too. Once during my WOW year from the LC in Oregon. Stacy and forget her husband's name. I was bucking the system back then in 1980. I think it was their way of getting you to conform to everything they said. Another form of brainwashing!
Later on, another from another Limb Coordinator in Oregon. B&M Greene, whom I believe are still in. HELLO B&M! They had spies. They all had spies! Everything always came back to "spiritual". If they didn't like something, it was devil spirits. Everything was turned around.
They use(d) it to their own benefit. To tear you down, trying to get you to conform and if you showed any individuality, any kind of sense, you were screamed at, etc. It was all sick and had no resemblence to loving people.
Just a quick question, why don't you all use the names of these people? Are you still afraid of them? I don't care if they see my post. They can't hurt me any longer. I sometimes would love to be back in just so I could give them a piece of my mind! Oh well, they will get theirs in the end. That is all I can hope for. Vengence is not mine! I will leave that to God.
Just a quick question, why don't you all use the names of these people? Are you still afraid of them? I don't care if they see my post. They can't hurt me any longer. I sometimes would love to be back in just so I could give them a piece of my mind! Oh well, they will get theirs in the end. That is all I can hope for. Vengence is not mine! I will leave that to God.
Hi, Roses
There are a number of reasons, actually.
One of the reasons is because Google is such a powerful tool and easily accessible.
Let's say, for example, that you used your actual name here. Through the power of Google, someone may find your posts here and deduce that you were involved with a cult in the past. For some people, that could be problematic if they were , let's say, being scrutinized for employment purposes.
Also, if your post revealed that you were privy to information that was relevant to an ongoing lawsuit, you might be called on to appear in court.
These are just a couple examples. There are many variations of the above.
It gets even trickier when the person's identity being revealed is someone other than yourself who would prefer to remain anonymous.
Anyhow, if you use symbols like @ instead of a, people will be able to figure out your intended word or name.
Hmmm, lets see: I wasn't ALWAYS screamed at - their abuse was in other ways too....
I got in trouble for wanting to meet my son when he got off the school bus. The study hall coordinator stood in my way so I couldn't leave study hall . I told him he'd have to physically detain me to keep me there and if he laid a hand on me I'd sue his a**. He stepped aside.
I got in trouble for leaving evening meetings to go check on my son who was in the trailer all by himself. The idiots at HDQ thought kids could raise themselves.
I got in trouble when I stuck up for the kids who were breaking into the snack bar to get food in the evenings. The kids were starving to death in the evenings because CM wouldn't allow any food in the trailers for the kids. After that I got a stove for my trailer so I could fix him meals at night and kept snacks in the trailer for him. When I got in trouble for it I just took the "talking to" and did what I wanted. I know they knew it was there cause they did inspections but they never said anything to me about it ever again .
Oh, where were all the adults in the evenings??? Why we all were in classes getting spiritual while the kids were left in the trailers all by themselves. After a while I quit going to the teachings in the evenings and would stay "at home" with my son. I did go to Corps night on Tuesday evenings though.
And yes, I was called into 2 meetings, each an hour long, and got raked over the coals big time for that. When after about an hour they asked me if I had anything to say, I literally told them, "If you don't like it then kick my a** out of the Corp" and left. My husband had a fit and would say, "Just do what they tell you to do". But I wouldn't cause you can't let a kid alone for 4 years and expect them to be ok!!!! Anyway, they never did kick me out. They just liked to bully people.
I got in trouble when I refused to go to a Tuesday night Corps meeting because my son was sick. I politely asked my TL to leave when they were sent to talk me into going to the meeting. I told the TL God called me to be a parent before He called me into the Corps. When they wouldn't leave I pushed them out the door and they fell down the steps. How was I supposed to know they couldn't levitate!!! Uh, and yes, I was called into a meeting then too. I gave them the standard reply.
I got in trouble for NEVER volunteering to mow the grass. Told them other people w/o kids could volunteer and that I had a son to raise.
I got in trouble when I went to work on staff and expected and demanded a paycheck. Silly girl that I was. I never did get one and was told I had a bad attitude because I wouldn't work on the Kipp Farm from sunup to sundown AND do the housework, cooking, cleaning, laundry too. The clincher was when Mrs VPW came to me and told me I had to work the farm, work the house AND on top of that start cleaning all the single mens rooms upstairs at the Kipp Farm. When I refused to do that VPW called me in his office and told me he was disappointed in me and "I thought you had what it took but I guess I was wrong". I rolled my eyes and said, "whatever".
The "sexual" liberty" had already permeated the Corps by that time. People think the "sexual revolution" in the corps started around the 6th Corps but it didn't. It was going full force as early as the 4th Corps - that is not 2nd hand knowledge. I heard the message from someone who said VPW told her and didn't believe it and went straight to VPW cause I was so horrified by it. But, yep, as sure as shootin he said it was OK and proceeded to tell me and I quote, "touching a man's peepe is the same thing as touching his arm" and alot of other stupid stuff. It was so ridiculous.
I left HDQ and my husband. They were both sick, twisted, sad, dark souls. He and TWI told all kinds of lies about me when I left.
After I left HDQ I also got in trouble when I took 3 couples to see CM at Emporia. Why, because the area they were from was openly teaching the "sexual liberty we had in Christ". And being practiced liberally in the fellowships and Way Home in their area. CM was spitting in my face when he told me I was just trying to cause division in leadership. I looked at him and told him I didn't think he needed any help, that leadership was doing a fine d*mn job of that all by themselves.
There were many other times too but these are just the ones I remember the most. I was at HDQ for 6 years altogether. I worked 2 years staff and was in the Corps 4 years. And in spite of TWI I learned a lot of wonderful things from God in those years and had many wonderful times and met some amazing people who changed my life. I'm thankful.
I left HDQ and my husband. They were both sick, twisted, sad, dark souls. He and TWI told all kinds of lies about me when I left.
After I left HDQ I also got in trouble when I took 3 couples to see CM at Emporia. <snip>
I'm a little confused. After all that happened to you and your attitude towards leadership why on earth would you want to take someone to see CM at Emporia?
I hope this clears up your question of, "why on earth would you want to take someone to see CM at Emporia?"
1. Because the 3 couples specifically ask me to take them to talk to Craig.
2. Up until that incident I had never heard Craig scream, rant or rave at anyone.
This was a long period of time after I left HDQ. When I was in the Corps no leader ever screamed at me when I did things they didn't like. For a long time CM and the leaders were not like that.
My first year of Corps was the pilot program for allowing children in the Corps. The Corps leadership were young, not married and none of them had children. Because of this they were clueless as to what to do for or with the children. Because I would not compromise and I knew where my priorities were I did what I knew was right for my son.
They didn't like that and would call a meeting and tell me what they wanted me to do. Both times leadership discussed what I should do and then ask me what I thought. I would tell them I was going to do what was best for my son and if they didn't like it to kick me out. Of course they never did and the next year my Corps assignment was the Study and Activities Coordinator for the children.
But, this period of time was before CM started screaming, ranting and raving at people. And I was before the accusations, interrogations and mark and avoid period of time. They hadn't started doing that stuff before I left. When I took the 3 couples to talk to Craig I had no idea he was the insane person he had become, would scream at me or act like he did.
And my statement, "They were both sick, twisted, sad, dark souls" is in hindsight after everything happened and I found out the lies that were told about me. Yes, leadership was really screwed up but most people went along with them. I did not so I left.
We (10th corps at Emporia), were all sitting there with Martindale and Wierwille on stage in chairs...suddenly Wierwille explodes about how nobody has turned the paper in yet (even though it was not yet due)...he screams at everyone and then turns to Martindale (who had not turned one in yet either)...really melted his face... biglaugh.gif He went on for about 10 minutes...screaming about how he expected more from him, etc etc etc.
...this was about 1979
I was there. I remember it vividly. However, I remember no "screaming" as you say. I do remember VP telling us to get in gear over it, and, that he was appalled that Craig (who was sitting right there) had not turned his in already, even though it was before the deadline. Oh yes, it was an embarrassing and humiliating reproof for Craig, but there was no ten minutes of screaming. I was there, I know.
There was another time... same corps, same year. We were all in a room - no stage. There were about twenty of us sitting in a semi-circle and there was at least ten minutes of humiliation.
The funniest "reproof" I ever got happened pretty close to when I left the way. I was a branch leader and my boss was a real idiot. (I now understand he's a motivational speaker - what a blight on that profession.) Anyway one of the twig leaders in my branch was great at running a lot of PFAL classes. But he was a young twerp and was doing a lot of stupid things seducing women in his twig, drugs, building his own cult loyalty within the branch so we had some "issues." Of course, my boss sided with him because that's where his numbers were coming from. He called me into his office and just read me scripture. Didn't say anything about any specific incident or how / why the verses were applicable to our situation. Not like a teaching or anything - more like a bunch of retemory cards (remember those?) He asked if I had anything to say and I said no and went home. It was really strange.
After we left twi we moved back to this area and I remember hanging out with you guys and another couple once or twice. (You all had already left the cult). I'm wondering...was your boss' initials "G.H."?
We were in family corps and things had gone "less than the best" and RMhands was coming over to scream at me. . .
(I have had a lot of that in my private life and never liked it and thought of Jesus screaming at precious sheep always made me laugh. Screaming doesn't belong in a Christian's mouth, I thought and still do.)
I was talking to the Lord and He knew . . . RMhands shut his mouth and went said "Hi" or something.
Because of this I thought he listened to God all the time.
Oh well.
Live and learn.
One face melting I had as tc with bc and his wife.
He had a ministry-wide respected mother, who I respected much, too. When he walked me to the car afterwards I asked him if he talked to his mother like that He said he did and I said, "That's what I was afraid of."
I was able to stay pretty aloof in my mind because it was such a pile of xrap.
I'm a little confused. After all that happened to you and your attitude towards leadership why on earth would you want to take someone to see CM at Emporia?
For some reason this incident remains in my memory:
We were all in that room over the cafeteria (oops Dining Room) at Emporia.
Somebody walked in front of the stage and Loy screamed and ranted about it. Even then I didn't get it.
Another one that happened to me:
I went to a movie with a guy and afterwards we were hanging out and he asked me if I ever felt like leaving TWI. I said, yes, I did.
Well, this guy goes to the branch leader (T#m L@lly) who then asked me to meet him in his office later. What ensued was a thirty minute tirade in which he dragged up every negative about me that he could dredge up, including things that were not true and he had to right to assume.
Finally I broke down sobbing and he gave me a hug. It was after I broke down that I got positive reinforcement. I even believed that I deserved it.
It took me a long time to get over that incident and I could remember word for word the things he said as they echoed in my brain for years.
We got a face melting from a little .... on the left coast one time because we flew to the ROA on a Master Card and were in debt because of it. "And WHO are YOU," asked his little wife, "that YOU should fly to the Rock, when the rest of us drove?" I thought "I'm the one with the job and the plastic, baby, that's who I am." The main reason, however, was that we only had a week and with me newly diabetic it wouldn't have been healthy to drive straight through without stopping except for gas and potty breaks. In fact, that was the ROA 1995, the last one, and we spent about 80% of our time with family, NOT listening to the latest rants of LCM, not even that much on campus. 'Course I didn't mention that right then.
Because we were in debt, my husband was dropped from University of Life and ordered to send any classes he had back to HQ immediately. We lugged them around for a while, and then threw them out. We had paid for them, for pete's sake, and they weren't exactly offering to buy them back.
Then, another evil deed, was brought to life, this one committed by me. I had written the wrong month on the date line of an ABS check. Here was yet more proof of my spiritual filthiness. When he thrust it at me, I simply started to change the date, and was screamed at yet again, for my spiritual sloppiness. "OH NO! You don't change the date on a check to TWI! Everything you submit to GOD"S ministry must be perfect!"
We were then told because of our debt, we would not be permitted to attend the Word in Business conference, for which we had already registered. I immediately requested a refund of our registration. This did not sit well with the Man of God for the area, either. He howled about that for a while, too. What a moneygrubber I was and how unconcerned I was about spiritual matters, just wanted more material things. Yes I would get my filthy lucre back, and it was obvious that that was all I cared about.
Good grief, he bytches us out because we are in debt and then dirties himself when I ask for our money back so I can make an extra credit card payment!
We were not given a plan of recovery, simply told we would be watched closely from then on and we had better get out of debt NOW!
Of course the irony is that we were REQUIRED to attend the ROA that year. It would have been unthinkable not to, according to our leadership. We didn't have any money to pay cash for airplant tickets. (His in-laws apparently had money they were willing to send them for stuff). This little man and his wife lived very well and she didn't work, so I doubt it was all his earnings. But that was none of our business, even though every dime we earned and what we did with it was theirs.
Only our twig coordinators, one of whom was first cousin to DM, were witness. This was, Mr. M***er informed us, our confrontation in front of the congregation, most of whom were waiting upstairs for more festivities, but I'm sure could hear every righteous word that issued forth from between the lips of this self righteous little jerk. I'm sure several of them were shaking in their shoes, wondering if they were next.
We left and never once discussed the matter. I was terrified, because I was already diabetic, and I knew that I knew that I knew that I knew that if I were declared mark and avoid I would die. I'm sure my husband was outraged over this intrusion into his business, and looking back, we should have talked about it, and left right then.
It amazes me to look over these posts and see the violent screaming criticism and condemnation offered, but there was never any restoration, never any "Here, let me help you figure out how to get out of debt. (or whatever the screamfest regarded) I've had a little bit of experience with this myself and here's what helped me."
Of couse hindsight is always 20/20, but I wish one of us had gotten up and said "***k you, you little ....ant!" so Mr. D**** M**ner, if you are one of the waybots who monitors GSC, here's my toast to you: You are one of the most inadequate, dispicable people I have ever met. You have the external genitalia of a mosquito. You know less about God than you know about life on Pluto. You are a prime example of the stupidity, hubris, and ego that typified TWI in the prime of the LCM era. May God have mercy on you for the pain you poured on God's people while teaching them lies about their Heavenly Father.
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That is the thing...they couldn`t do it to us today because like all bullys, they really are cowards when someone actually stands up to them.
They would just tuck their tails and slink away.
What pitifull excuses they were.
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a corps guy once tried to give me a melting
it was easter morning and there was twig
my family and i went
it started at 10 and i thought for sure it would be over by noon
it wasn't
we had plans to be at my folks for dinner at 12:300 so at 12 we quitly left
the next time i saw him the young punk tried to do a craig imatation on me spittle and all so just spit on the floor and left
oh this is the same punk when he came to our town who needed a car for the year
i lent him one of mine a few months later it needed tires
he wanted me to buy them
i just took the keys away from him and told him to take a cab home
face meltings for me?
nope i would't put up with them
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You go, Coolchef! What a great response to some jerk with a sense of entitlement! I love it!
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A la prochaine
My first and true personal 'scream-fest' from a Corpse Coordinator came in my first and ONLY year in the 12th corps. I had witnessed MANY scream-fests... but never directly and/or personally aimed just at me... but my day did come.After Christmas (HO HO relo :huh: we must have been absolutely stupid to think that outfit was NORMAL... with lingo like that!) I enthusiastically joined a Way Productions dance group (don't get me wrong .. I'm not a dancer... but many of us weren't we just like to perform and liked music).anyhow... before we even got together for our first meeting, I'm guessing a few of the elder corpse had gotten together and decided on the music. So we started to rehearse and all seemed well. The song was chosen and decided upon. The song was WE ARE FAMILY... by the Pointer Sisters.Now.... a few weeks into this ... our 'production' group is called for a special meeting in the Sunlight room. As I arrived... PL (corpse coordinator's wife) was standing there having a good belittling of the group telling us how we were all kicked out of Way Productions because we had picked such a song. Didn't we know that the Pointer Sisters were all LESBIANS :o I listened.. hung my head and said to myself.. oh well another thing gone to crap ... figures!As I was leaving i heard my name called... It was PL ... she wanted to speak to me. I said ' yes'... that's when she started... It doesn't surprise me that you were a part of THIS group. It doesn't surprise me one bit... blah blah blah blah... as she got louder and louder and louder... and started to publicly tell me about all inabilities and so forth. Then she started to say... You're not a FIREBALL!!!! That's your problem!... You haven't proven to me that you belong here... YOU"RE NOT A FIREBALL... YOU"RE NOT A FIREBALL... and she got louder and louder and now she's yelling at the top of her lungs... (with the worse breath ever I might add)..I just stood there... thinking to myself... the only thing that ran through my head was (like a voice talking to me)... Me, do not listen ... do not listen to this person.. if you do... you will be destroyed... do not listen... (as in... don't take it in... don't accept it)So I just stood there looking at her yelling and getting more and more out of control. When she stopped... I think she asked me if I had anything to say.. (i'm not sure)... anyhow.. I managed to squeek out these 3 words... What's a fireball??I thought she was going to explode
She then said... See what I mean... and she walked out in a huff... in complete and utter discuss.I left... shaking barely alive... and went to class. Moments later i get a tap on my shoulder from one of their henchmen... i'm asked to see her husband JL... I go to his office... He says, "My wife just came and told me she didn't like the way you spoke to her."... She of course was no where to be found.That was the beginning of the end... I was gone outta there by May of that year and this was early January. It really pointed out to me that this place was poison...that to be true CORPSE person and leader that you had to lick their boots and kiss their a$$es...I couldn't...I left .... I couldn't resist... had to add this.... face melting ... i think this guy took lessons from vp and lcm... he seems to have their bullying tactics down to a science
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This reminded me of something - my ex-wife has a personality disorder (called borderline for all you psych freaks) and she has this same pattern - yelling and screaming gets her more wound up not less. And trying to walk away to calm the situation makes her worse as well. I'm sure lots of top way leaders had diagnosable conditions and CG right up there with them.
The funniest "reproof" I ever got happened pretty close to when I left the way. I was a branch leader and my boss was a real idiot. (I now understand he's a motivational speaker - what a blight on that profession.) Anyway one of the twig leaders in my branch was great at running a lot of PFAL classes. But he was a young twerp and was doing a lot of stupid things seducing women in his twig, drugs, building his own cult loyalty within the branch so we had some "issues." Of course, my boss sided with him because that's where his numbers were coming from. He called me into his office and just read me scripture. Didn't say anything about any specific incident or how / why the verses were applicable to our situation. Not like a teaching or anything - more like a bunch of retemory cards (remember those?) He asked if I had anything to say and I said no and went home. It was really strange.
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Ah, Little Froggy --
I LOVED your response to PL - that was rich!
ROTFPIMP.... whee! That was GOOD!
On a side note...
I wonder how many of these "face meltings" caused people to wake up and smell the coffee and find the door OUT of TWI.
Some leaders tried to call it "righteous anger" or "spiritual anger" - sometimes it was justified. Most of the time it was a temper-tantrum!
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A la prochaine
Thank you.. froggy survived that mess but barely. I have no idea how some of these people can wake each morning and look at themselves in the mirror.
Have no idea... :huh:
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Hello everyone. I have learned from each and every comment.
I am on a rant now -- which began when I started this thread. How can someone tell someone they are lazy? Not working hard enough? When every aspect of my life shows more reward than the fellow "leader" who graduated from TWI which is not an acredited college!
This doesn't address anyone, this is only for me and I'm sorry if this seems selfish. I've been told how selfish I am so many times I've come to believe it. I go out of my way to help people but then everything is unethical. It is just wrong!
I can't say too much but I'm done, I'm ....ed, I'm mad and I can say THIS IS NOT RIGHT!
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Face meltings? Well, it seems that most of us has had one or more face meltings during our time in TWI. I've had mine too. Once during my WOW year from the LC in Oregon. Stacy and forget her husband's name. I was bucking the system back then in 1980. I think it was their way of getting you to conform to everything they said. Another form of brainwashing!
Later on, another from another Limb Coordinator in Oregon. B&M Greene, whom I believe are still in. HELLO B&M! They had spies. They all had spies! Everything always came back to "spiritual". If they didn't like something, it was devil spirits. Everything was turned around.
They use(d) it to their own benefit. To tear you down, trying to get you to conform and if you showed any individuality, any kind of sense, you were screamed at, etc. It was all sick and had no resemblence to loving people.
Just a quick question, why don't you all use the names of these people? Are you still afraid of them? I don't care if they see my post. They can't hurt me any longer. I sometimes would love to be back in just so I could give them a piece of my mind! Oh well, they will get theirs in the end. That is all I can hope for. Vengence is not mine! I will leave that to God.
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Hi, Roses
There are a number of reasons, actually.
One of the reasons is because Google is such a powerful tool and easily accessible.
Let's say, for example, that you used your actual name here. Through the power of Google, someone may find your posts here and deduce that you were involved with a cult in the past. For some people, that could be problematic if they were , let's say, being scrutinized for employment purposes.
Also, if your post revealed that you were privy to information that was relevant to an ongoing lawsuit, you might be called on to appear in court.
These are just a couple examples. There are many variations of the above.
It gets even trickier when the person's identity being revealed is someone other than yourself who would prefer to remain anonymous.
Anyhow, if you use symbols like @ instead of a, people will be able to figure out your intended word or name.
Hope that sheds some light on it.
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I guess, thanks.
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General rules-of-thumb around here about giving away someone's name...
If you want to, you can give out your first name, full name, or any parts thereof.
Some of us recommend you do not, simply because of the "Google" factor-
if you ever end up with a cyber-stalker, or have a job interview, this information
will be found and someone may use it against you in some way.
Usual rules on the entire internet are to recommend against posting ANYTHING by which
you can be personally-identified,
which means no name, no phone#, no address, no Social Security# or government ID#,
no specific name-of-company-you-work-for or school-you-go-to",
and so on. Identity theft is another big internet issue, and one criminal industry on the internet
is trying to get your personal information ("phising" and so on.)
You will never see ME posting my name online.
You'll see me post the city I'm from, with no other information to track me down.
If you can single me out like that from among 9 million people or so,
then you deserve to find me.
(Imagine your disappointment in doing so-I'm not a rich target by any means. You'd waste a
LOT of time doing something that would be of little use to you.)
As to information about other people, it's not permitted-unless they give permission- to post their
full name. (The staff does not always CATCH all instances, so it might be gotten-away-with despite
being not permitted.) Using initials or blocking out part of the name is permissible- things that would
stop, say, a Google-search on their full name showing that post.
For example, if you knew the first president of the US personally, you would not be permitted on
the GSC to type his name as "George Washington" unless he posted here using his full name.
(There's more to this a little later.) You could instead type in
"G***** W*********", but that's a little confusing unless you were saying something else specific to him.
You could type "Ge**** Wa********", or substitute some letters, like "G30rg3 W@$h1ng+0n."
Would you have any problem reading that name as-is? However, that version won't trigger a Google-search.
A few names get creatively re-imagined. For example, one fellow who pushes the twi party line even when
it's a lie to someone's face-including the debt policies- has been referred to as "Moneyhands", which is not
QUITE his last name, but is close enough that you can identify him-and seems pretty apt.
The exceptions are the public figures.
Thus, we've generally agreed that members, past-and present, of twi's board are fair game for posting,
as well as a handful of people who are universally-identifiable, like Mrs W,
trustees of the alternate sites (CG and RC, for example), are also fair game.
Even then, just as a general policy, I rarely do so without knocking out a letter, although I COULD.
Overall, it's not a tough policy, and the long-term benefits for all whose names are used are not that
hard to picture once it's explained.
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Hmmm, lets see: I wasn't ALWAYS screamed at - their abuse was in other ways too....
I got in trouble for wanting to meet my son when he got off the school bus. The study hall coordinator stood in my way so I couldn't leave study hall . I told him he'd have to physically detain me to keep me there and if he laid a hand on me I'd sue his a**. He stepped aside.
I got in trouble for leaving evening meetings to go check on my son who was in the trailer all by himself. The idiots at HDQ thought kids could raise themselves.
I got in trouble when I stuck up for the kids who were breaking into the snack bar to get food in the evenings. The kids were starving to death in the evenings because CM wouldn't allow any food in the trailers for the kids. After that I got a stove for my trailer so I could fix him meals at night and kept snacks in the trailer for him. When I got in trouble for it I just took the "talking to" and did what I wanted. I know they knew it was there cause they did inspections but they never said anything to me about it ever again .
Oh, where were all the adults in the evenings??? Why we all were in classes getting spiritual while the kids were left in the trailers all by themselves. After a while I quit going to the teachings in the evenings and would stay "at home" with my son. I did go to Corps night on Tuesday evenings though.
And yes, I was called into 2 meetings, each an hour long, and got raked over the coals big time for that. When after about an hour they asked me if I had anything to say, I literally told them, "If you don't like it then kick my a** out of the Corp" and left. My husband had a fit and would say, "Just do what they tell you to do". But I wouldn't cause you can't let a kid alone for 4 years and expect them to be ok!!!! Anyway, they never did kick me out. They just liked to bully people.
I got in trouble when I refused to go to a Tuesday night Corps meeting because my son was sick. I politely asked my TL to leave when they were sent to talk me into going to the meeting. I told the TL God called me to be a parent before He called me into the Corps. When they wouldn't leave I pushed them out the door and they fell down the steps. How was I supposed to know they couldn't levitate!!! Uh, and yes, I was called into a meeting then too. I gave them the standard reply.
I got in trouble for NEVER volunteering to mow the grass. Told them other people w/o kids could volunteer and that I had a son to raise.
I got in trouble when I went to work on staff and expected and demanded a paycheck. Silly girl that I was. I never did get one and was told I had a bad attitude because I wouldn't work on the Kipp Farm from sunup to sundown AND do the housework, cooking, cleaning, laundry too. The clincher was when Mrs VPW came to me and told me I had to work the farm, work the house AND on top of that start cleaning all the single mens rooms upstairs at the Kipp Farm. When I refused to do that VPW called me in his office and told me he was disappointed in me and "I thought you had what it took but I guess I was wrong". I rolled my eyes and said, "whatever".
The "sexual" liberty" had already permeated the Corps by that time. People think the "sexual revolution" in the corps started around the 6th Corps but it didn't. It was going full force as early as the 4th Corps - that is not 2nd hand knowledge. I heard the message from someone who said VPW told her and didn't believe it and went straight to VPW cause I was so horrified by it. But, yep, as sure as shootin he said it was OK and proceeded to tell me and I quote, "touching a man's peepe is the same thing as touching his arm" and alot of other stupid stuff. It was so ridiculous.
I left HDQ and my husband. They were both sick, twisted, sad, dark souls. He and TWI told all kinds of lies about me when I left.
After I left HDQ I also got in trouble when I took 3 couples to see CM at Emporia. Why, because the area they were from was openly teaching the "sexual liberty we had in Christ". And being practiced liberally in the fellowships and Way Home in their area. CM was spitting in my face when he told me I was just trying to cause division in leadership. I looked at him and told him I didn't think he needed any help, that leadership was doing a fine d*mn job of that all by themselves.
There were many other times too but these are just the ones I remember the most. I was at HDQ for 6 years altogether. I worked 2 years staff and was in the Corps 4 years. And in spite of TWI I learned a lot of wonderful things from God in those years and had many wonderful times and met some amazing people who changed my life. I'm thankful.
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Larry N Moore
I'm a little confused. After all that happened to you and your attitude towards leadership why on earth would you want to take someone to see CM at Emporia?
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I hope this clears up your question of, "why on earth would you want to take someone to see CM at Emporia?"
1. Because the 3 couples specifically ask me to take them to talk to Craig.
2. Up until that incident I had never heard Craig scream, rant or rave at anyone.
This was a long period of time after I left HDQ. When I was in the Corps no leader ever screamed at me when I did things they didn't like. For a long time CM and the leaders were not like that.
My first year of Corps was the pilot program for allowing children in the Corps. The Corps leadership were young, not married and none of them had children. Because of this they were clueless as to what to do for or with the children. Because I would not compromise and I knew where my priorities were I did what I knew was right for my son.
They didn't like that and would call a meeting and tell me what they wanted me to do. Both times leadership discussed what I should do and then ask me what I thought. I would tell them I was going to do what was best for my son and if they didn't like it to kick me out. Of course they never did and the next year my Corps assignment was the Study and Activities Coordinator for the children.
But, this period of time was before CM started screaming, ranting and raving at people. And I was before the accusations, interrogations and mark and avoid period of time. They hadn't started doing that stuff before I left. When I took the 3 couples to talk to Craig I had no idea he was the insane person he had become, would scream at me or act like he did.
And my statement, "They were both sick, twisted, sad, dark souls" is in hindsight after everything happened and I found out the lies that were told about me. Yes, leadership was really screwed up but most people went along with them. I did not so I left.
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J0nny Ling0
I was there. I remember it vividly. However, I remember no "screaming" as you say. I do remember VP telling us to get in gear over it, and, that he was appalled that Craig (who was sitting right there) had not turned his in already, even though it was before the deadline. Oh yes, it was an embarrassing and humiliating reproof for Craig, but there was no ten minutes of screaming. I was there, I know.
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There was another time... same corps, same year. We were all in a room - no stage. There were about twenty of us sitting in a semi-circle and there was at least ten minutes of humiliation.
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My three cents, a page back you said:
After we left twi we moved back to this area and I remember hanging out with you guys and another couple once or twice. (You all had already left the cult). I'm wondering...was your boss' initials "G.H."?
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Kit Sober
We were in family corps and things had gone "less than the best" and RMhands was coming over to scream at me. . .
(I have had a lot of that in my private life and never liked it and thought of Jesus screaming at precious sheep always made me laugh. Screaming doesn't belong in a Christian's mouth, I thought and still do.)
I was talking to the Lord and He knew . . . RMhands shut his mouth and went said "Hi" or something.
Because of this I thought he listened to God all the time.
Oh well.
Live and learn.
One face melting I had as tc with bc and his wife.
He had a ministry-wide respected mother, who I respected much, too. When he walked me to the car afterwards I asked him if he talked to his mother like that He said he did and I said, "That's what I was afraid of."
I was able to stay pretty aloof in my mind because it was such a pile of xrap.
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Oh, my!
Shouldn't this be on the "believing" thread?
(Just kiddin' with you. Hope you know that.)
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Are you still in TWI?
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For some reason this incident remains in my memory:
We were all in that room over the cafeteria (oops Dining Room) at Emporia.
Somebody walked in front of the stage and Loy screamed and ranted about it. Even then I didn't get it.
Another one that happened to me:
I went to a movie with a guy and afterwards we were hanging out and he asked me if I ever felt like leaving TWI. I said, yes, I did.
Well, this guy goes to the branch leader (T#m L@lly) who then asked me to meet him in his office later. What ensued was a thirty minute tirade in which he dragged up every negative about me that he could dredge up, including things that were not true and he had to right to assume.
Finally I broke down sobbing and he gave me a hug. It was after I broke down that I got positive reinforcement. I even believed that I deserved it.
It took me a long time to get over that incident and I could remember word for word the things he said as they echoed in my brain for years.
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Watered Garden
We got a face melting from a little .... on the left coast one time because we flew to the ROA on a Master Card and were in debt because of it. "And WHO are YOU," asked his little wife, "that YOU should fly to the Rock, when the rest of us drove?" I thought "I'm the one with the job and the plastic, baby, that's who I am." The main reason, however, was that we only had a week and with me newly diabetic it wouldn't have been healthy to drive straight through without stopping except for gas and potty breaks. In fact, that was the ROA 1995, the last one, and we spent about 80% of our time with family, NOT listening to the latest rants of LCM, not even that much on campus. 'Course I didn't mention that right then.
Because we were in debt, my husband was dropped from University of Life and ordered to send any classes he had back to HQ immediately. We lugged them around for a while, and then threw them out. We had paid for them, for pete's sake, and they weren't exactly offering to buy them back.
Then, another evil deed, was brought to life, this one committed by me. I had written the wrong month on the date line of an ABS check. Here was yet more proof of my spiritual filthiness. When he thrust it at me, I simply started to change the date, and was screamed at yet again, for my spiritual sloppiness. "OH NO! You don't change the date on a check to TWI! Everything you submit to GOD"S ministry must be perfect!"
We were then told because of our debt, we would not be permitted to attend the Word in Business conference, for which we had already registered. I immediately requested a refund of our registration. This did not sit well with the Man of God for the area, either. He howled about that for a while, too. What a moneygrubber I was and how unconcerned I was about spiritual matters, just wanted more material things. Yes I would get my filthy lucre back, and it was obvious that that was all I cared about.
Good grief, he bytches us out because we are in debt and then dirties himself when I ask for our money back so I can make an extra credit card payment!
We were not given a plan of recovery, simply told we would be watched closely from then on and we had better get out of debt NOW!
Of course the irony is that we were REQUIRED to attend the ROA that year. It would have been unthinkable not to, according to our leadership. We didn't have any money to pay cash for airplant tickets. (His in-laws apparently had money they were willing to send them for stuff). This little man and his wife lived very well and she didn't work, so I doubt it was all his earnings. But that was none of our business, even though every dime we earned and what we did with it was theirs.
Only our twig coordinators, one of whom was first cousin to DM, were witness. This was, Mr. M***er informed us, our confrontation in front of the congregation, most of whom were waiting upstairs for more festivities, but I'm sure could hear every righteous word that issued forth from between the lips of this self righteous little jerk. I'm sure several of them were shaking in their shoes, wondering if they were next.
We left and never once discussed the matter. I was terrified, because I was already diabetic, and I knew that I knew that I knew that I knew that if I were declared mark and avoid I would die. I'm sure my husband was outraged over this intrusion into his business, and looking back, we should have talked about it, and left right then.
It amazes me to look over these posts and see the violent screaming criticism and condemnation offered, but there was never any restoration, never any "Here, let me help you figure out how to get out of debt. (or whatever the screamfest regarded) I've had a little bit of experience with this myself and here's what helped me."
Of couse hindsight is always 20/20, but I wish one of us had gotten up and said "***k you, you little ....ant!" so Mr. D**** M**ner, if you are one of the waybots who monitors GSC, here's my toast to you: You are one of the most inadequate, dispicable people I have ever met. You have the external genitalia of a mosquito. You know less about God than you know about life on Pluto. You are a prime example of the stupidity, hubris, and ego that typified TWI in the prime of the LCM era. May God have mercy on you for the pain you poured on God's people while teaching them lies about their Heavenly Father.
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Aw, now, WG
Quit holdin' back and say what's really on your heart.
Everything will seem much better in the morning when we "run with the cows".
Oh, cr@p!---I forgot to soak the oak grotes and wheat berries!
Gotta go.
Goodnight Ma, Goodnight Pa, Goodnight Short Stuff, Goodnight John Boy.
Lights Out!!
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