Silly me. I didn't catch that the post said the chem teacher started the fire with water.
The fire I referred to didn't start because of the wet weather, of course. Didn't mean to imply that. But the roof burned/exploded out and all the water/snow falling into the building where the fire started just kept it burning and exploding for more than 2 days.
Linda Z
PS to Dot: No Mensa for me, thanks! Even if I could pass the test, which I doubt, I've met too many obnoxious mensa members to have any desire for that group! (No offense to any GSers who are mensa members--that's just been my experience.)
My ACT and GMAT scores are each enough to qualify me for MENSA without an entrance exam, but I won't join either - most of the people of MENSA that I've met are too pretentious, or are obnoxious, or whatever. They're not so likeable.
Drove from CA to Columbus, OH for ad. class '79 with a buddy (where'd you go Joe?)in a car that kept breaking down and with very, very little $. Miracle we made it, really. Had just enough for a bus ticket home and a couple bucks for food. Hooked up with another attendee of the class in a similar situation and as we witnessed to people on the bus, they began to feed us...all the way home. Seriously, I only had like two dollars.
A friend, who knew I knew where John Wayne lived, got revy to witness to the dying movie star. He wanted me to tell him where his home was. He was misguided, but the thought was completely good hearted.
Living in a "way" home with other girls. Two of which were wild women!! This is serious, but worth repeating....I almost got raped by one of their boyfriends. I ran like hell, but it was soooo scary.
Lincoln Nebraska, for some reason, is a blues Mecca. Blues greats come here to retire, or semi-retire.
Morris Holt, aka Magic Slim, has been a Chicago bluesman for several decades. He has settled down in Lincoln, and performs at several local bars.
Magic is like a politician: whether he knows you or not he'll shake your hand and pretend that he knows you.
One night a friend and I were discussing Slim's politician-like habits and figured that he would act like he was part of any scenario that we came up with.
After many, many, many, adult beverages, I approached Slim. He knew me by sight, but that was about it. I said the following:
"Hey Slim, remember that time I played with you down in Kansas City and my keyboards caught on fire? Then those hookers ran up and put the fire out?"
(I do not play any instrument, let alone keyboards in this man's band)
Slim looked at me and said "Yeah, that was funny, I remember that"!!!!!!
What is even funnier is that on at least five different occassions Magic Slim's bother, Nick, the bass player, has tried to get me up on stage on open mike night to play keyboards.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
I recall on TV or in Guidepost, A little girl wanted to see or write to John Wayne. Cannot recall all the steps. But she wrote back to John Wayne and told him she did not want him to pas without knowing Jesus because she loved him (John Wayne) and wanted to be in heaven with him. So, this kid witnessed to him. And when JW read the note he cried and did believe.
Gosh, I wish I could recall which media I heard that through...
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
Okay, there was a really bad car accident in North Carolina when I was with the Way bookstore headed by J**ry Ja**s, After this accident, there was a "believer" in our group that supposedly needed to be delivered from debil spirits. He had been acting like a strange bird all year long. If my memory serves me correctly, he was used as an excuse for the reason that the car accident happened. We had been infiltrated by the devil.
I was actually a part of the exorcism that took place one night after the accident. I cannot remember who was all there but it really freaked me out. Does anyone at all remember this?
During the exorcism he made all types of gutteral nosies and sounded like he was talking like the devil. I cannot remember whether he was delivered or not, but he was a strange bird.
Is there anybody here on Greasepot that remembers this. There were only a few of us and I believe J**ry Jac*ks performed the exorcism. Few of us meaning maybe 4 or 5 of us.
The WOW's that ran the first twig I ever attended were pretty poor. So, me and one of the other female twig-goers decided we would go clothes shopping for some new and stylish duds for the guys. We went out and bought about three outfits of jeans/cords and matching shirts, some socks, etc. Then we wrapped each outfit up and hid the packages in vaious places in our apartment. Then we mad up clues to send them on a scavenger hunt to find all the packages. We cooked dinner for them and had the scavenger hunt after dinner. That night was really, really fun.
Another night we decided that we would all go out for a BBQ at a nearby camping/picnic spot. The catch was that it was after midnight when we decided to go. We went to an all-night grocery store and bought BBQ items (burgers and corn on the cob I think) and drove to the picnic spot which was a ways out of town. We proceeded to have our BBQ in the headlights of one of the vehicles. That night was pretty fun too.
My first twig was really really great. If anyone out there in GreaseSpot land recognizes these two events, you were probably in my first twig. If you Be**y W, Be** John***, Jer** Het***, De**y McG**, hats off to you if you are out there reading this. You all really, really blessed my life. I will remember you all always with warm thoughts and great joy.
Oh, another thing we did was go to to the U of Missouri campus one night and play Seek and Hide. That's where the person who is "IT" is the one who goes and hides. The "SEEKERS" all hide their eyes and count to 100. As the seekers find the person who is "IT" they hide with him/her. The last person to find the group is the next "IT". We did this with about 10 or 12 people late at night on the University campus. That night was pretty fun too.
Wow. I was not there but it did sound similar to something that I was present for (in the other room as the males made us leave) this guy was barking and soing all kinds of weird stuff!
No longer lurking
What great times! I love the hiding of the new clothes! I bet they had their minds blown...
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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Dot Matrix
Ring ring ring
You want Linda, Steve and Zix?"
"Sure, hold on..."
Your wild, weird, or STUPID things Mensa group!
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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Linda Z
More derail action:
Silly me. I didn't catch that the post said the chem teacher started the fire with water.
The fire I referred to didn't start because of the wet weather, of course. Didn't mean to imply that. But the roof burned/exploded out and all the water/snow falling into the building where the fire started just kept it burning and exploding for more than 2 days.
Linda Z
PS to Dot: No Mensa for me, thanks! Even if I could pass the test, which I doubt, I've met too many obnoxious mensa members to have any desire for that group! (No offense to any GSers who are mensa members--that's just been my experience.)
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dear JA47646 ~
please send me the name ~ and exact location ~ on that highway
;)--> !!!!! that is too cool....
and the cops.... god bless 'em, i'm impressed
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My ACT and GMAT scores are each enough to qualify me for MENSA without an entrance exam, but I won't join either - most of the people of MENSA that I've met are too pretentious, or are obnoxious, or whatever. They're not so likeable.
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...and I bet they can't make Margaritas like you either, Steve
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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I'll drink to that . . . er, I mean, gosh, thanks, Oaks.
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Back on the track...
Drove from CA to Columbus, OH for ad. class '79 with a buddy (where'd you go Joe?)in a car that kept breaking down and with very, very little $. Miracle we made it, really. Had just enough for a bus ticket home and a couple bucks for food. Hooked up with another attendee of the class in a similar situation and as we witnessed to people on the bus, they began to feed us...all the way home. Seriously, I only had like two dollars.
A friend, who knew I knew where John Wayne lived, got revy to witness to the dying movie star. He wanted me to tell him where his home was. He was misguided, but the thought was completely good hearted.
Living in a "way" home with other girls. Two of which were wild women!! This is serious, but worth repeating....I almost got raped by one of their boyfriends. I ran like hell, but it was soooo scary.
Beware of da way!
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Lincoln Nebraska, for some reason, is a blues Mecca. Blues greats come here to retire, or semi-retire.
Morris Holt, aka Magic Slim, has been a Chicago bluesman for several decades. He has settled down in Lincoln, and performs at several local bars.
Magic is like a politician: whether he knows you or not he'll shake your hand and pretend that he knows you.
One night a friend and I were discussing Slim's politician-like habits and figured that he would act like he was part of any scenario that we came up with.
After many, many, many, adult beverages, I approached Slim. He knew me by sight, but that was about it. I said the following:
"Hey Slim, remember that time I played with you down in Kansas City and my keyboards caught on fire? Then those hookers ran up and put the fire out?"
(I do not play any instrument, let alone keyboards in this man's band)
Slim looked at me and said "Yeah, that was funny, I remember that"!!!!!!
What is even funnier is that on at least five different occassions Magic Slim's bother, Nick, the bass player, has tried to get me up on stage on open mike night to play keyboards.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Man, I LOVE that story, Oakspear.
It just hit my funnybone straight-on.
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Good chuckle that one... thanx
still laughing out loud
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Dot Matrix
I recall on TV or in Guidepost, A little girl wanted to see or write to John Wayne. Cannot recall all the steps. But she wrote back to John Wayne and told him she did not want him to pas without knowing Jesus because she loved him (John Wayne) and wanted to be in heaven with him. So, this kid witnessed to him. And when JW read the note he cried and did believe.
Gosh, I wish I could recall which media I heard that through...
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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Dot Matrix
Johnny Lingo-
We are waiting...
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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Tom Strange
DotDotDot... get to bed earlier young lady! (or sleep in later!)
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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J0nny Ling0
Dot Matrix!
I did finish it. But I just edited it, so it is on the same post that you did read. Scroll back up and there you will find the conclusion...
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does lithium go up when it hits water, or does it just get
wet like most things?
Now I'm thinking it was probably sodium....
All I know is they STOPPED doing that "experiment" before
I got there.
That never stopped another guy I know from waiting until he
was alone at the end of the day in a lab,
putting clorine bleach and dishwashing detergent together
in a container, then making for the door and locking up
behind him while the thing bubbled over like crazy.
"I told you not to do that experiment anynore!" He did it
anyway. He was nutty like that. I was nutty in a different
I would do things like getting a few extra chairs for the
gang at lunch, then KEEP getting "a few extra chairs" until
told to stop-usually after about 6-8 of us had maybe 20
chairs surrounding us.
Then, for variety, I started arranging them in geometric
patterns and things.
I went back the year after I graduated, showed up VERY
early one time, made a geometric pattern of the chairs like I
used to, then slipped away. When the others arrived, they
knew I had to be around SOMEWHERE....
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Okay, there was a really bad car accident in North Carolina when I was with the Way bookstore headed by J**ry Ja**s, After this accident, there was a "believer" in our group that supposedly needed to be delivered from debil spirits. He had been acting like a strange bird all year long. If my memory serves me correctly, he was used as an excuse for the reason that the car accident happened. We had been infiltrated by the devil.
I was actually a part of the exorcism that took place one night after the accident. I cannot remember who was all there but it really freaked me out. Does anyone at all remember this?
During the exorcism he made all types of gutteral nosies and sounded like he was talking like the devil. I cannot remember whether he was delivered or not, but he was a strange bird.
Is there anybody here on Greasepot that remembers this. There were only a few of us and I believe J**ry Jac*ks performed the exorcism. Few of us meaning maybe 4 or 5 of us.
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The WOW's that ran the first twig I ever attended were pretty poor. So, me and one of the other female twig-goers decided we would go clothes shopping for some new and stylish duds for the guys. We went out and bought about three outfits of jeans/cords and matching shirts, some socks, etc. Then we wrapped each outfit up and hid the packages in vaious places in our apartment. Then we mad up clues to send them on a scavenger hunt to find all the packages. We cooked dinner for them and had the scavenger hunt after dinner. That night was really, really fun.
Another night we decided that we would all go out for a BBQ at a nearby camping/picnic spot. The catch was that it was after midnight when we decided to go. We went to an all-night grocery store and bought BBQ items (burgers and corn on the cob I think) and drove to the picnic spot which was a ways out of town. We proceeded to have our BBQ in the headlights of one of the vehicles. That night was pretty fun too.
My first twig was really really great. If anyone out there in GreaseSpot land recognizes these two events, you were probably in my first twig. If you Be**y W, Be** John***, Jer** Het***, De**y McG**, hats off to you if you are out there reading this. You all really, really blessed my life. I will remember you all always with warm thoughts and great joy.
Oh, another thing we did was go to to the U of Missouri campus one night and play Seek and Hide. That's where the person who is "IT" is the one who goes and hides. The "SEEKERS" all hide their eyes and count to 100. As the seekers find the person who is "IT" they hide with him/her. The last person to find the group is the next "IT". We did this with about 10 or 12 people late at night on the University campus. That night was pretty fun too.
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Dot Matrix
Outof the fog
Wow. I was not there but it did sound similar to something that I was present for (in the other room as the males made us leave) this guy was barking and soing all kinds of weird stuff!
No longer lurking
What great times! I love the hiding of the new clothes! I bet they had their minds blown...
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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