The girl I work with just told me a pee-pee story.
She was working retail in a pet store and had a bladder infection which sent ther frequently to the girls room.
Well, one time while legs crossed, she is announcing on the speaker "Please come to the front to relieve Becky" Minutes go by and she is rocking back and forth...
She frantically yells through the system again and nobody came.
Well, she wet her pants and was trying to figure out WHAT she could do to "save face" so she picked up her soda and threw it down the front of her to mask the urine!
My last year in rez I worked on the farm, and I had a little piglet friend who lived in the big barn by himself because he'd been sick and needed extra attention. I called him Arnold.
In the fall we were going to have one of those play weekends, including an intramural football game, FV vs. FVII. I got the brilliant idea that FV should have a mascot. I asked Foster S. if I could bring a pig to the "pep rally" at lunch. For some reason (he must have thought I didn't mean a REAL pig) he said okay.
I trotted on over to the barn and put a rope around Arnold's neck like a leash. He trotted back with me just fine until we got to Adam's Alley behind the dining room and he just flipped out! He slipped out of the rope and took off. I chased him and caught him next to the auto shop, but I dropped the rope in the chase.
There we lay in the cold, damp grass, Arnold squealing with all his little lung power and me with my arms and legs wrapped around him screaming, "Help me! Help!! Somebody hellllllp!!"
One of the staff who worked in the kitchen finally heard me and held Arnold for me till I got him back on his "leash." I was too chicken by that time to lead him into the dining room, so I stashed him in the basement of the laundry room until lunch was over.
Lenny G, the head of farms, had quite a laugh at my expense, and he wouldn't help me take Arnold back. ("You got him here, you can get him back *chuckle, chuckle*.)
Thanks to my rescuer's supplying me with a bag of popcorn, I was able to lure Arnold back across the road and into his pen. I thought for sure that would be the day I got booted out of the Corps.
And poor Oak he was just a kid and those types of things were funny. Back then that John Bulshi movie, Animal House was out, where they were driving drunk and it was hysterical until we all took a good look at drunk driving and realized it is not funny and can cause harm.
But by the standards of the day, I bet that panty raid was funny.
Now-a-days as we grow and learn we may realize someone could have been shot doing something like that OR if a girl had been raped in her past it could have caused much harm.
But not judging one generation by the acceptable standards of another, I think it was a funny prank. Seeing Oak here on the boards for years, he seems like a nice guy and according to the acceptable "fun" of the day was having a fun time. Granted the ropes would have freaked me out... But gosh, he meant no harm.
Not like intentional harm-- today oak, I have a license to carry and would most likely have shot you! Times sure change. In the day when Animal House was out I am sure Oak's prank was hysterically funny.
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on January 11, 2004 at 15:10.]
Oak, once again I find myself sitting here shaking my head in disbelief! :D-->
A simple explanation as: I was brainwashed and in a cult and had the inability to do what was right because my leadership made me do it! :P-->
What 22 year old young man in his right mind would ever possibly of his own accord participate in such a horrendous activity as a panty raid?
You see I was 20 when I fell into the wrong group that forced me to participate in just such a raid at a small local jr college. The planners and real perpetrators made arrangements with a certain disgruntled cheerleading coed to leave a certain door open for our access. Now the word was the dorm-mother lived right next to that entrance so we were to proceed upstairs and begin our door to door raid.
We stopped in the middle of the building and as we were splitting up into groups to pull off a successful stealth raid, the lights went out! Then when they came back on we could see all the fully dressed coeds with squirt bottles and bags of flour! As they proceeded to apply their version of tar and feathering us, the dorm-mother came screaming up the stairs and shouted *I have called the police*!
Now I had this ability to slide down I-beams with the greatest of ease and did so, being the only escapee and none soaked and flour?covered male in the parking lot the police didn?t give me a second look. However they did lead all the other boys out and give them a good talking to!
Never again did any of us trust *Judy-Jugs* and her plots again! And as you can see I was much younger when I participated in such offensive behavior!
Jeez you've ruined my self-image. Here I thought I was a troublemaker as a youth!!! But about the worse thing I ever did was get wasted a write dirty words in the sand traps at a fancy golf club.
Sheesh, thanks a lot guys! ;)-->
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
She wore a fake hair bun attached to her head by a multitude of hair pins.
We use to have a contest and walk by her and pull out the pins. By the end of the class, her bun would be hanging off of one side!
Her class was on the ground floor and we used to climb out the windows and go to the corner store and buy things like treats and soda, then climb back in and eat and drink in class! :D-->
Once we had a teacher tell us we were going to have a quiz. When he went to the closet to get something we pushed him in the closet and told him we would not let him out until he promised not to quiz us.
Once there was a school problem and we students were MAD! So, I went into the office and took over the mike and asked anyone who wanted to have a sit-in to meet me in the GOLD ROOM. We had a sit-in! It was fun and became a real fight when the "big wigs" came in to speak to us and we demanded a black board and chalk to illustrate our position....
I climbed out the window and went to the pay phone to call the newspaper but a teacher hung up the phone on me and would not let me make the call....
Those were the days (the second story not the first).... No guns in class, things we believed in.... sigh!
when I was a wow I was over at another wow family's house. I was outside with this wow guy that was really cute. I was sitting on the hood of a car. Couldn't figure out why everyone was looking at my boobs. I looked down and OMG one of my boobs was hanging out of my bra and shirt for all to about me being embarrassed. They got an eyefull and I"m sure is talking about it til this day!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Another story about another wow family. It wasn't me though but I sure had a good laugh.
One of the wow brothers was in the tub and had to go pee but didn't want to stand up and go to the toilet. So he peed in an empty shampoo bottle and finished his bath.
Later a wow sister went to take a bath and used that shampoo bottle. Couldn't figure out why there were no suds. It was later found out that he forgot to get rid of the shampoo bottle.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
When we first moved into our apartment as wow's we had a shock...well a couple of shocks that first night.
We heard a woman screaming with terror in the next apt. So of course we had to go check it out. We ran into her apt and she was standing on a chair in the middle of the living room. The whole place was filled with little frogs. So the guys got rid of them for her.
We went back to our apt and lo and behold we also had those little frogs. Of course the guys were so gallant to get in there and get them out for us.
After the guys got them out we went to sit down to eat dinner. I had sat down and all of a sudden I was on the floor. The chair broke. I was just totally floored. I was the shy type back them and really didn't know these people and was totally embarrassed.
Wow what a night that first night was!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I went to an all boys high school. In my senior chemistry class there were a great number of "crimes against humanity" perpetrated.
Some of the guys liked to play with fire and flammable liquids. One of the guys managed to melt a plastic chair. Our chem teacher demanded that he replace the chair by the next day or he would be suspended.
As soon as the teacher's back was turned I tossed another chair out the third-floor window. One of the guys took it home and filed off the Department of Education logo off the back.
My buddy brought it back the next day and avoided suspension.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
oh and I forgot to add that those little frogs were from a result of a prank set up for our neighbor but they couldn't remember which apt it was so they did both apts to make sure they got her.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
On our WOW year we were the target of a local Foursquare pastor who wanted to keep us from influencing the pure youth of the town.
One night during Twig we noticed that quite a few people were walking past our house, this was unusual since we lived in an out of the way part of town.
My WOW brother and I crawled out and hid in the bushes and saw that members of the Foursquare Gospel Church youth group were walking along in pairs round and round the block. During a gap in the "parade", my WOW bro' ran up and joined the procession.
After circling the block a total of seven times the procession went back to the church, with WOW brother in the line. He made it all the way into the church and into the pew, and actually was holding hands with two youth group members during a prayer before they noticed it was him!
They called it "The Jericho March"...and were claiming back our block for God
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
I don't normally judge people much at all, I'm a laid back live and let live type of guy. The ones I do judge are the extremists of both sides.
Though generally a conservative in most ways, I reserve the right to be liberal when I damn well please too. It seems the extreme left lately is in a worse tither than a white supremacist locked and naked in a black gay dwarf bar.
If Hubby O' Hillary was despised by the far right, then Dubya is twice over the Spawn O' Satan to the far left and they are so agitated that they are spouting more and more extreme things because of this agitation. (Just as the far right did under Hubby O') I have been seeing this in the politics and tacks area the last few months. Both far left and right are almost in a killing frenzy for each other.
If there were 100 laws when I was growing up in the fifties, it seems there are now 10,000. Some of it is good but a great deal of it is PC victimization to almost comical exageration and it comes from liberals and lawyers for the most part. The liberals are at least trying to be compassionate, but the lawyers are mostly looking at the trial dollars. Both tend to want extreme penalties for those who they consider guilty.
(I'm talking the extremists here.)
This is what occured to me as I was looking at the PC persecution of the Oakman for something he'd already acknowledged as stupid. Most everybody took it in good humor with the essence for which it was ment. A radical extremist is never happy unless the world is made over into his own vision of Utopia, whether they be far left or far right.
I read about your WOW year in your story a while back! You had one of the worst WOW years EVER!!!!!
I once wore a cross infront shirt. I went into the golden arches to order and noticed everyone looking at me-- here the fabric fell down on one side and I stood there in my Jane Russle pointed bra poking at the employees. It is embarrassing. But yours was in the flesh! Okay, gotta die!
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Dot Matrix
The girl I work with just told me a pee-pee story.
She was working retail in a pet store and had a bladder infection which sent ther frequently to the girls room.
Well, one time while legs crossed, she is announcing on the speaker "Please come to the front to relieve Becky" Minutes go by and she is rocking back and forth...
She frantically yells through the system again and nobody came.
Well, she wet her pants and was trying to figure out WHAT she could do to "save face" so she picked up her soda and threw it down the front of her to mask the urine!
I thought that to be pretty clever!
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Linda Z
My last year in rez I worked on the farm, and I had a little piglet friend who lived in the big barn by himself because he'd been sick and needed extra attention. I called him Arnold.
In the fall we were going to have one of those play weekends, including an intramural football game, FV vs. FVII. I got the brilliant idea that FV should have a mascot. I asked Foster S. if I could bring a pig to the "pep rally" at lunch. For some reason (he must have thought I didn't mean a REAL pig) he said okay.
I trotted on over to the barn and put a rope around Arnold's neck like a leash. He trotted back with me just fine until we got to Adam's Alley behind the dining room and he just flipped out! He slipped out of the rope and took off. I chased him and caught him next to the auto shop, but I dropped the rope in the chase.
There we lay in the cold, damp grass, Arnold squealing with all his little lung power and me with my arms and legs wrapped around him screaming, "Help me! Help!! Somebody hellllllp!!"
One of the staff who worked in the kitchen finally heard me and held Arnold for me till I got him back on his "leash." I was too chicken by that time to lead him into the dining room, so I stashed him in the basement of the laundry room until lunch was over.
Lenny G, the head of farms, had quite a laugh at my expense, and he wouldn't help me take Arnold back. ("You got him here, you can get him back *chuckle, chuckle*.)
Thanks to my rescuer's supplying me with a bag of popcorn, I was able to lure Arnold back across the road and into his pen. I thought for sure that would be the day I got booted out of the Corps.
Linda Z
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Hey Oak....
I can get extra keys to all the rooms of my wedding guests at the hotel in April....wanna do another panty raid????
Only this time....lets not limit to just the girls....let's be *P.C.* and include the boys, too!
Most of us are old enough now to APPRECIATE being tied up! We know what to do with it, too!!!
Whattaya say???
Anyone wanna help with the raid???
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Dot Matrix
Post, please!
And poor Oak he was just a kid and those types of things were funny. Back then that John Bulshi movie, Animal House was out, where they were driving drunk and it was hysterical until we all took a good look at drunk driving and realized it is not funny and can cause harm.
But by the standards of the day, I bet that panty raid was funny.
Now-a-days as we grow and learn we may realize someone could have been shot doing something like that OR if a girl had been raped in her past it could have caused much harm.
But not judging one generation by the acceptable standards of another, I think it was a funny prank. Seeing Oak here on the boards for years, he seems like a nice guy and according to the acceptable "fun" of the day was having a fun time. Granted the ropes would have freaked me out... But gosh, he meant no harm.
Not like intentional harm-- today oak, I have a license to carry and would most likely have shot you! Times sure change. In the day when Animal House was out I am sure Oak's prank was hysterically funny.
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on January 11, 2004 at 15:10.]
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Dot Matrix
What ever happened to Arnold? Great story, I can picture it going down.
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Oak, once again I find myself sitting here shaking my head in disbelief!
A simple explanation as: I was brainwashed and in a cult and had the inability to do what was right because my leadership made me do it!
What 22 year old young man in his right mind would ever possibly of his own accord participate in such a horrendous activity as a panty raid?
You see I was 20 when I fell into the wrong group that forced me to participate in just such a raid at a small local jr college. The planners and real perpetrators made arrangements with a certain disgruntled cheerleading coed to leave a certain door open for our access. Now the word was the dorm-mother lived right next to that entrance so we were to proceed upstairs and begin our door to door raid.
We stopped in the middle of the building and as we were splitting up into groups to pull off a successful stealth raid, the lights went out! Then when they came back on we could see all the fully dressed coeds with squirt bottles and bags of flour! As they proceeded to apply their version of tar and feathering us, the dorm-mother came screaming up the stairs and shouted *I have called the police*!
Now I had this ability to slide down I-beams with the greatest of ease and did so, being the only escapee and none soaked and flour?covered male in the parking lot the police didn?t give me a second look. However they did lead all the other boys out and give them a good talking to!
Never again did any of us trust *Judy-Jugs* and her plots again! And as you can see I was much younger when I participated in such offensive behavior!
God Bless America; SIZE>
Grizz SIZE>
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Jeez you've ruined my self-image. Here I thought I was a troublemaker as a youth!!! But about the worse thing I ever did was get wasted a write dirty words in the sand traps at a fancy golf club.
Sheesh, thanks a lot guys!
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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Dammit! Panty raids were the only thing I had on my "safe" list. Oh the denial I've been so blind to! Sigh.
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Dot Matrix
We had a music teacher who was VERY strange.
She wore a fake hair bun attached to her head by a multitude of hair pins.
We use to have a contest and walk by her and pull out the pins. By the end of the class, her bun would be hanging off of one side!
Her class was on the ground floor and we used to climb out the windows and go to the corner store and buy things like treats and soda, then climb back in and eat and drink in class!
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Dot Matrix
Once we had a teacher tell us we were going to have a quiz. When he went to the closet to get something we pushed him in the closet and told him we would not let him out until he promised not to quiz us.
Once there was a school problem and we students were MAD! So, I went into the office and took over the mike and asked anyone who wanted to have a sit-in to meet me in the GOLD ROOM. We had a sit-in! It was fun and became a real fight when the "big wigs" came in to speak to us and we demanded a black board and chalk to illustrate our position....
I climbed out the window and went to the pay phone to call the newspaper but a teacher hung up the phone on me and would not let me make the call....
Those were the days (the second story not the first).... No guns in class, things we believed in.... sigh!
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when I was a wow I was over at another wow family's house. I was outside with this wow guy that was really cute. I was sitting on the hood of a car. Couldn't figure out why everyone was looking at my boobs. I looked down and OMG one of my boobs was hanging out of my bra and shirt for all to about me being embarrassed. They got an eyefull and I"m sure is talking about it til this day!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Another story about another wow family. It wasn't me though but I sure had a good laugh.
One of the wow brothers was in the tub and had to go pee but didn't want to stand up and go to the toilet. So he peed in an empty shampoo bottle and finished his bath.
Later a wow sister went to take a bath and used that shampoo bottle. Couldn't figure out why there were no suds. It was later found out that he forgot to get rid of the shampoo bottle.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Holy carp (mis-spelling intentional) have a picture of me on my WOW year!
The masks did a very poor job of hiding our true identities.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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My same wow brother that I almost peed on did a prank on me.
We had an argument because he told me I snore when I sleep.
So one day I fell asleep on the sofa and he tape recorded me and then rewound it and stuck it on play.
I woke up to my own snoring with no one around!!!! It was the joke of the year.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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When we first moved into our apartment as wow's we had a shock...well a couple of shocks that first night.
We heard a woman screaming with terror in the next apt. So of course we had to go check it out. We ran into her apt and she was standing on a chair in the middle of the living room. The whole place was filled with little frogs. So the guys got rid of them for her.
We went back to our apt and lo and behold we also had those little frogs. Of course the guys were so gallant to get in there and get them out for us.
After the guys got them out we went to sit down to eat dinner. I had sat down and all of a sudden I was on the floor. The chair broke. I was just totally floored. I was the shy type back them and really didn't know these people and was totally embarrassed.
Wow what a night that first night was!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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I went to an all boys high school. In my senior chemistry class there were a great number of "crimes against humanity" perpetrated.
Some of the guys liked to play with fire and flammable liquids. One of the guys managed to melt a plastic chair. Our chem teacher demanded that he replace the chair by the next day or he would be suspended.
As soon as the teacher's back was turned I tossed another chair out the third-floor window. One of the guys took it home and filed off the Department of Education logo off the back.
My buddy brought it back the next day and avoided suspension.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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oh and I forgot to add that those little frogs were from a result of a prank set up for our neighbor but they couldn't remember which apt it was so they did both apts to make sure they got her.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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On our WOW year we were the target of a local Foursquare pastor who wanted to keep us from influencing the pure youth of the town.
One night during Twig we noticed that quite a few people were walking past our house, this was unusual since we lived in an out of the way part of town.
My WOW brother and I crawled out and hid in the bushes and saw that members of the Foursquare Gospel Church youth group were walking along in pairs round and round the block. During a gap in the "parade", my WOW bro' ran up and joined the procession.
After circling the block a total of seven times the procession went back to the church, with WOW brother in the line. He made it all the way into the church and into the pew, and actually was holding hands with two youth group members during a prayer before they noticed it was him!
They called it "The Jericho March"...and were claiming back our block for God
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Oak, now that is way too are redeemed...
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Dear Linda,
I don't normally judge people much at all, I'm a laid back live and let live type of guy. The ones I do judge are the extremists of both sides.
Though generally a conservative in most ways, I reserve the right to be liberal when I damn well please too. It seems the extreme left lately is in a worse tither than a white supremacist locked and naked in a black gay dwarf bar.
If Hubby O' Hillary was despised by the far right, then Dubya is twice over the Spawn O' Satan to the far left and they are so agitated that they are spouting more and more extreme things because of this agitation. (Just as the far right did under Hubby O') I have been seeing this in the politics and tacks area the last few months. Both far left and right are almost in a killing frenzy for each other.
If there were 100 laws when I was growing up in the fifties, it seems there are now 10,000. Some of it is good but a great deal of it is PC victimization to almost comical exageration and it comes from liberals and lawyers for the most part. The liberals are at least trying to be compassionate, but the lawyers are mostly looking at the trial dollars. Both tend to want extreme penalties for those who they consider guilty.
(I'm talking the extremists here.)
This is what occured to me as I was looking at the PC persecution of the Oakman for something he'd already acknowledged as stupid. Most everybody took it in good humor with the essence for which it was ment. A radical extremist is never happy unless the world is made over into his own vision of Utopia, whether they be far left or far right.
Way II much fun for one man.
love ya,
Bob Hansen
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Dot Matrix
I read about your WOW year in your story a while back! You had one of the worst WOW years EVER!!!!!
I once wore a cross infront shirt. I went into the golden arches to order and noticed everyone looking at me-- here the fabric fell down on one side and I stood there in my Jane Russle pointed bra poking at the employees. It is embarrassing. But yours was in the flesh! Okay, gotta die!
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LOL dot, I'm dying here myself...
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Bob, amen, Amen and AMEN, brother! Preach it, right on.....
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hey alfakat, please tell us some of your stories with larry and guys were just so hilarious!!!!
I could tell some but I think they would be your stories to tell.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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