I have realized, thanks to helpful folks here at Grease Spot Cafe, the error of my ways.
Panty Raids are wrong.
For years I thought that I was doing the will of the Lord, yet by fellow GSers have convinced me of the criminality of my actions. Thank God I have been stopped before I raid again.
Panty Raids are wrong.
I am humbled by the reality that I was not prosecuted, nor shot by one of my victims.
I will devote the rest of my life to tracking down the remaining, living victims of my mis-spent youth, and making things right with them.
Panty Raids are wrong.
I humbly ask to be allowed to post here, despite the vileness of my youth, and the many years that I have let this crime fester without making things right.
Panty Raids are wrong.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and panties...but in panties there is
Ok I'll tell one that is funny although it wasn't wild. I'll be the first bold one since oaks has been crucified... -->
When I was a wow in 1975 in lousiana, in the middle of one night I had to go to the bathroom really super bad. I walked in the bathroom, it was dark so I pulled down my pants to go pee.
All of a sudden as I was sitting down I heard some screaming from where I was going to sit down.
It was my wow brother who had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night but he had not turned on the light.
I almost sat on him. Had he not screamed I would have peed all over him.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I gotta stand up for my buddy oak, though I do adore the ones roasting him....I would have thought that the panty raid was reallty funny....
Ok my story....my bc came to me and confided that the wow in his family was a bit depressed...wanted me to have her over to my house for her birthday....wanted me to get wild...said we needed to *loosen* up and to make darn sure she had a memorable night even IF it meant that we didn`t get home by midnight!
So dutifully....she n I snuck out after midnight....climbed out my second story window...pushed my very noisy truck to the corner before firing up ole mable....
Well we went over and tp rolled her house (the wow bc`s) hee hee...did a great job of it too...thought it was hysterical.....ahem....the bc was so ....ED the next morning....sigh HE didn`t see the humor in it at all...grumped at us throughout the whole clean up....hee hee...oh well It was worth it....she n I didn`t stop grinning for a week.
Another *fun* story....I had been a very bad wow...but had been allowed back on the wow field....the whole branch was over at my house...we were having a *clean up* day....I was raking leaves in the corner of the yard pondering my disgrace....feeling my shame....convinced that everyone believed me to be a real spiritual loser....embarassed to even be there
Well ... all of a sudden walking down the road....in the MIDDLE of town....dressed completely in white (painters pants n tshirt) was the corps guy that ran the twig on the next block over riding a HORSE he had borrowed for the occasion!!
He stopped...without a word...lifted me onto the horse...and rode off with me right in front of the whole wow branch!! Being older corpes than my wow bc he didn`t dare stop him...
He took me away for the day....
It was priceless.... my wow sis`s were speachless with envy (and delighted for me)....see what was really cool is....By the corps guy going to the effort of coming over and *rescuing* me in such a spectacular way....it communicated to everyone that I was OK...that I had value...I wasnt spiritual waste... I dunno the only way I can say it is that it gave me a sense *status* it restored my dignity. It was his example of love that ended my shame and condemnation as a screw up...if that makes any sense....It was a real turning point in that year.
Anyway...though we were merely aquaintances at the time...I eventually married my *white night* :-)
Thanks Mark....
[This message was edited by rascal on January 11, 2004 at 15:23.]
That is funny! It reminds me of a girl I worked with-- she came complete with a big corporate title and head to match. One day, while in a white suit, she entered the bathroom on the plane she was in. She did her pee-pee and unfortunatly, they had left the plastic across the seat (like saran wrap when they clean it.)
Well, it went all over her! Hitting the plastic and bouncing onto her suit! She had to smell and sport yellow for the rest of her trip!
Dabobbada: Please do not judge all liberals, perceived liberals, or nonconservatives by Rocky's reaction to Oak et al's prank. I don't get his extreme reaction either, and I'm a moderate with liberal leanings. :D-->
Personally, the masks would have scared me, since I wouldn't have seen that these were people I knew and I would have felt I was in real danger. The ropes just would have ....ed me off. But I thought the panty raid part was funny. These guys, being youthfully goofy, just took it up a few more notches than they should have. I can understand how that would happen.
Vickles, your story reminds me of a time when I was cleaning Port-a-Johns after the Rock (yeah, Corps got all the glam jobs!). I was scrubbin' the toidy in one of the stalls when, unbeknownst to me, a guy (a very quiet guy, I might add) came in to use one of the urinals.
I finished my scrubbin' duties and swung the stall door open to exit, and wham, the door hit the poor peein' guy right in the arse.
I couldn't tell for sure which of us was more embarrassed, but I think it was me.
In California, my date (now my hubs) and I went to big bear or something where they had a hill/mountain and you could slide down the mountain in a huge tire tube! IT was fun! But there were NO toliets!
So, I walked back into the woods and removed my quilted windbreaker over-alls, by dropping them down in the back and going pee pee. Only I did not pull them down far enough and I wound up going in my pants! Well, I did not want to ruin the fun so I did not say anything, and "it" did freeze.
Later, on the ride home it thawed out.
And my date (now my hubs) was looking at me sniff! sniff! Do you smell urine?
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Well actually rocky, the part of the naked woman I found hilarious!!! And I'm a female.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Hey, I love naked women, but without approval of the person it's a crime.
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Can you say 'lighten up' rocky?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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LOL rocky you are funny. I still like you btw.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Vickles... tsk, tsk, tsk.
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In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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It seems to me that the raiders knew the raidees well enough to know that they would see this as a funny prank, not as an offensive crime.
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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If I claimed I was certified to do so, and/or if I tried to get paid for doing so.
Vincent Donofrio, on L & O: CI does it all the time.
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I have realized, thanks to helpful folks here at Grease Spot Cafe, the error of my ways.
Panty Raids are wrong.
For years I thought that I was doing the will of the Lord, yet by fellow GSers have convinced me of the criminality of my actions. Thank God I have been stopped before I raid again.
Panty Raids are wrong.
I am humbled by the reality that I was not prosecuted, nor shot by one of my victims.
I will devote the rest of my life to tracking down the remaining, living victims of my mis-spent youth, and making things right with them.
Panty Raids are wrong.
I humbly ask to be allowed to post here, despite the vileness of my youth, and the many years that I have let this crime fester without making things right.
Panty Raids are wrong.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and panties...but in panties there is
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Geeze Oak, hope your wearing your asbestos underware!
Man, I was gonna post some of the crazy stuff that I did when I was younger but after this reaction to Oakspear, forget it!
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Panty raids are wrong?
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Why do I get the feeling that whether it is a crime or not depends on whether you are a liberal or not.
Way II much fun for one man.
love ya,
Bob Hansen
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Wow, panty raids were a regular, Friday night occurence at my dorm in college.
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Ok I'll tell one that is funny although it wasn't wild. I'll be the first bold one since oaks has been crucified...
When I was a wow in 1975 in lousiana, in the middle of one night I had to go to the bathroom really super bad. I walked in the bathroom, it was dark so I pulled down my pants to go pee.
All of a sudden as I was sitting down I heard some screaming from where I was going to sit down.
It was my wow brother who had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night but he had not turned on the light.
I almost sat on him. Had he not screamed I would have peed all over him.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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The statute of limitations has passed for 'entering a dwelling and removing undergarments'.
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Johniam, that "prank" didn't turn into a crime because a man was injured. Blowing up someone else's property is a crime in itself.
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I gotta stand up for my buddy oak, though I do adore the ones roasting him....I would have thought that the panty raid was reallty funny....
Ok my story....my bc came to me and confided that the wow in his family was a bit depressed...wanted me to have her over to my house for her birthday....wanted me to get wild...said we needed to *loosen* up and to make darn sure she had a memorable night even IF it meant that we didn`t get home by midnight!
So dutifully....she n I snuck out after midnight....climbed out my second story window...pushed my very noisy truck to the corner before firing up ole mable....
Well we went over and tp rolled her house (the wow bc`s) hee hee...did a great job of it too...thought it was hysterical.....ahem....the bc was so ....ED the next morning....sigh HE didn`t see the humor in it at all...grumped at us throughout the whole clean up....hee hee...oh well It was worth it....she n I didn`t stop grinning for a week.
Another *fun* story....I had been a very bad wow...but had been allowed back on the wow field....the whole branch was over at my house...we were having a *clean up* day....I was raking leaves in the corner of the yard pondering my disgrace....feeling my shame....convinced that everyone believed me to be a real spiritual loser....embarassed to even be there
Well ... all of a sudden walking down the road....in the MIDDLE of town....dressed completely in white (painters pants n tshirt) was the corps guy that ran the twig on the next block over riding a HORSE he had borrowed for the occasion!!
He stopped...without a word...lifted me onto the horse...and rode off with me right in front of the whole wow branch!! Being older corpes than my wow bc he didn`t dare stop him...
He took me away for the day....
It was priceless.... my wow sis`s were speachless with envy (and delighted for me)....see what was really cool is....By the corps guy going to the effort of coming over and *rescuing* me in such a spectacular way....it communicated to everyone that I was OK...that I had value...I wasnt spiritual waste... I dunno the only way I can say it is that it gave me a sense *status* it restored my dignity. It was his example of love that ended my shame and condemnation as a screw up...if that makes any sense....It was a real turning point in that year.
Anyway...though we were merely aquaintances at the time...I eventually married my *white night* :-)
Thanks Mark....
[This message was edited by rascal on January 11, 2004 at 15:23.]
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Dot Matrix
By the way, I loved your story!
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Rascal married her white knight, that is truly sweet.
Good stories all.
(We were all kind'a nuts.
:D--> )
Way II much fun for one man.
love ya,
Bob Hansen
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Dot Matrix
That is funny! It reminds me of a girl I worked with-- she came complete with a big corporate title and head to match. One day, while in a white suit, she entered the bathroom on the plane she was in. She did her pee-pee and unfortunatly, they had left the plastic across the seat (like saran wrap when they clean it.)
Well, it went all over her! Hitting the plastic and bouncing onto her suit! She had to smell and sport yellow for the rest of her trip!
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Linda Z
Rascal, that's a GREAT story!!
Dabobbada: Please do not judge all liberals, perceived liberals, or nonconservatives by Rocky's reaction to Oak et al's prank. I don't get his extreme reaction either, and I'm a moderate with liberal leanings.
Personally, the masks would have scared
me, since I wouldn't have seen that these were people I knew and I would have felt I was in real danger. The ropes just would have ....ed me off. But I thought the panty raid part was funny. These guys, being youthfully goofy, just took it up a few more notches than they should have. I can understand how that would happen.
Linda Z
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Linda Z
Vickles, your story reminds me of a time when I was cleaning Port-a-Johns after the Rock (yeah, Corps got all the glam jobs!). I was scrubbin' the toidy in one of the stalls when, unbeknownst to me, a guy (a very quiet guy, I might add) came in to use one of the urinals.
I finished my scrubbin' duties and swung the stall door open to exit, and wham, the door hit the poor peein' guy right in the arse.
I couldn't tell for sure which of us was more embarrassed, but I think it was me.
Linda Z
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Dot Matrix
In California, my date (now my hubs) and I went to big bear or something where they had a hill/mountain and you could slide down the mountain in a huge tire tube! IT was fun! But there were NO toliets!
So, I walked back into the woods and removed my quilted windbreaker over-alls, by dropping them down in the back and going pee pee. Only I did not pull them down far enough and I wound up going in my pants! Well, I did not want to ruin the fun so I did not say anything, and "it" did freeze.
Later, on the ride home it thawed out.
And my date (now my hubs) was looking at me sniff! sniff! Do you smell urine?
I could have died!
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Dot Matrix
I am laughing to death!
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