The wildest thing that ever happened to me was Vietnam. Talk about a wild experience, I thought Marine Corps boot camp was wild before they sent me there. Everything since then has been pretty tame by comparison. ;)-->
I would have to say during my WOW year 77-78. Sorry kinda long...
My wow bro and I were sitting in my van in front of the house listing to some tunes. When down the street we saw a girl run out of her house with a guy chasing her. She struggled to get the car door open. The guy caught up with her as she got in. He tried to open the drivers door then began pounding on the car. He ran around to the other side of the car and got the passenger door open.
She bolted out of the car. He began to chase her. MWB and I locked eyes. I put the van in gear and we sped up the street. MWB jumped out of the van and persued the guy. I drove a little further up the street to catch up with the girl. I got out but she ducked between houses and got away. Man was she fast!
Got back into the van and turned it around. When I saw the guy standing in the street with a shotgun pointed at my WOW bro! MWB was on the right side of the street. So I stopped the van and opened the passenger door. Dumped the clutch and screeched to a stop between the two of them. The door swung open and MWB jumped in the van. I looked to my left and the guy was at my window with the shotgun in my face.
Funny but a 'strange' calm then fell over me. I pictured the gun firing but the pellets hitting all around the van but not on the drivers door. :D--> I began to talk to the guy. The moment his arm relaxed I dumped the clutch and turned right onto another street. We drove to the cop shop.
During the foot pursuit MWB took a hit to the chin. He tackled the guy but the guy got up and ran into his house where he got the shotgun.
Later, believe it or not, we were back at their house LOL. The guy showed us where he hid the gun. The cops didn't find it. The four of us sat there and listened to some Jerry Rafferty album. What a night! :D-->
Well...since nature abhores a wildness vacuum... ;-)
I once witnessed to a gentleman while exercising at an athletic park with my TC. Turns out he was a local minister. He was so impressed that two "very young" people knew so much about the Bible that he invited us to teach at his church on Sunday. What a blast we had! Lots of fun and they were great people.
Not sure that qualifies but it was one of my "wildest", if you can call it that, moments. Who da' thunk?
I have a lot of stories but I think they may just be weird more thatn wild...
I was in an airplane and as it sat there on the ground all the lights went out. Then, there was NO air! After about 40 minutes, still sitting there, the lights went on and a piece of the ceiling fell down!
That was enough for me.
I demanded to be let off the flight and do you know they would NOT let me off. All these other people started saying, "If she makes it off we are going with her."
I stood there telling them I knew I had rights and I wanted off and they would not let me off.
The end is anticlimatic as the plane took off and landed safely -- but I did tell the crew I was reporting them for not letting me off.
Okay, so it's not wild. I shared all my stories of meeting angels and miracles and stuff -- I guess I am old now.
Once when I was a WOW in 1979, the four of us split up, two by two, and went out witnessing. It was my night to cook so I made soup and left if on to stew or marinate flavors or whatever happens when you cook it for a while.
Well, my WOW brother and I got back first and the soup had burned. We weren't really experiencing "Christians Prosper" that year...more of hand to mouth would describe our financial situation.
As we sat there wondering what we were going to eat that night, L & S came back with a $20 bill in their hands from someone who didn't want to be in the way, but wanted to help us out. So, instead of homemade soup that night, we all got to go out to eat ($20 would buy a lot more back then)!
Once, as a WOW in Los Angeles, I didn't eat for three days. My one WOW bro had spent all of his "seed money" on food and weird clothes, and my other WOW sis kept all of her "personal food" in a bag in the fridge with a sign on the bag that said; "This MY FOOD! Keep out!", and my other WOW sis (the sweet one) and I had spent all of our money on the rent deposit, 1st months rent and utilities. We were broke, and the nice WOW sister (Kathy) and I hadn't eaten for three days.
On that third day, when I was out looking for a job, I was pulled through the air by my nose to an out door burrito stand. There were businessmen and women standing there putting in orders for food while others were eating at some picnic tables. They were eating tacos, and stringy beef burritos full of guacamole, home cooked pinto beans, sour cream, salza, cheese, and green chiles! I was just standing there with my mouth literally watering as no one noticed the starving nineteen year old boy in their midst (there were more than two others you see). I was almost on the verge of begging for someone to buy me a meal, but I thought of a verse in the Word, although I privately interpreted it as this:
"I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor His seed begging burritos!"
As soon as that flashed through my mind, I ran home as quickly as I could, and there was Kathy, my sweet sister in Christ with a whole loaf of Orowheat bread, a big jar of Skippy peanut butter, a jar of raspberry preserves, and a gallon of milk! And she fed me one sandwhich after another until I was gorged, and I sloshed it all down with glass after glass of milk!
Ahh...Victory in Jesus can be sooooo sweet at times, no?
I have not told this story in quite a while, and not at all since leaving TWI, but here goes:
This takes place several months after my WOW year ended. I was living in a Way Home, and there were several other Way Homes in town.
One night, Joe xxxxx, who grew up with me in Rosedale, and lived with the Limb Coordinators, called all the men from the various Way Homes together for coffee at Village Inn. I believe that there were seven of us. He started off very seriously, telling us that we were getting legalistic and religious in our thinking, and we needed to do something to shake things up. He then paused, and said with a straight face that we should conduct a ?panty raid?. (I found out much later that this was actually the idea of the LC's wife)
We decided to have the raid on the night before Halloween, a Friday night. Each of the Way Homes was co-ed; we convinced the woman that we lived with that we were having a ?guys? night out?. Two of the Way Home Coordinators were women at that time. The plan was that we would wait until all the women were asleep, burst into the house with a lot of noise and bright lights, tie the women hand and foot, and steal all their underwear.
We didn't tie them very tight, and we did let them keep whatever underwear that they had on
We all wore disguises of some sort: Zorro masks, bandanas, paper bags over our heads, plastic Halloween masks. We piled into Joe xxxxx?s Rambler station wagon and hit my house first. There were three women who lived there with two of us guys, me and Tim xxxxx. We were to split into two teams, Team One for Carol and Joan, who slept in one bedroom, and Team Two for Lisa, in the other room. My team burst into the first bedroom, where Carol and Joan put up a fight before being subdued. Carol two-fisted Doug xxxxx in the balls and he was limping the rest of the night. We found Team Two dithering at Lisa?s door. They had started to enter, only to find Lisa sleeping in the nude, and didn?t know what to do. Lisa was a gorgeous young woman, and as appealing as her naked body was, we remained gentlemen. We rolled her up in her sheets to cover her up, and wound the rope around the sheets. On the way out we hid all the phones so that they could not call ahead and warn the other Way Homes. We ran (or limped) out to the Rambler, dubbed the Zorromobile and headed to Mike and Chris? house across town.
Only two women, Kathy and Rosemarie, lived at House #2. We unlocked the door and started hooting and hollering. We didn?t count on Nancy, who was the owner of this house, and a PFAL grad, stopping by for a visit and sleeping in the living room. Nancy was almost deaf, and couldn?t see very well either. We left her alone and moved into the bedroom, where we made short work of the women and captured the contents of their underwear drawers. Just as we were leaving, the phone rang. I answered. It was Carol! She had found the phone. We ran out to the Zorromobile and headed to Way Home #3.
Steve and Doug, who lived at house #3, had forgotten their keys. All the doors were locked. We figured that they had been warned. This particular house set on a steep hill. It had only one storey and a basement, but since the hill sloped down from the front, the back of the house was two levels high, while the basement was at ground level. I was boosted on top of the garage, the top of which was right under the kitchen window, which was unlatched! I crawled in, and let the rest of the guys in. Laura and Kris, the two women who lived there, had locked themselves in the bathroom, along with their underwear drawers. Joe managed to pick the lock. We got inside, tied up the girls and made off with the underwear. As we were leaving, Kris called us back. ?You guys don?t think you?re leaving without a kiss, do you? she said. So we all lined up and each gave both of the women a kiss before driving out to a local hotel to hide out for the night.
We returned all the undergarments the next morning. Most of the women thought it was pretty funny and began plotting their revenge. Carol, who was a Corps grad, thought it most certainly was not funny, but couldn?t get anyone to listen to her complaints. She even complained directly to Wierwille about a week later.
They never did get their revenge!
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
you know all these tales have a common thread-I do think that God does try to work around our hidebound selves (bound by twi or whatever) wow year esp. because you are doing what you believe to be right and true. I once opened my front door to find a sheepish looking grad of pfal holding a brown paper bag-he shoved it at me and told me "God talked to me" and ran. Inside was the correct type and configuration of female-type hygenic supplies. This was indeed my current situation of want-I could do without food and all else, but that was one of the funnier moments in life going from dead-a** panic to extreme thankfulness in under 5 minutes. I did thank him later after he'd gotten over the embarassment....
hehe great stories. :D--> I never got to do a panty raid. :(--> :D-->
Dot, We went straight to the cop shop to file a report. The cops went to their house to investigate and brought them into the station. We all began to talk. The converstions continued in the parking lot and were friendly in nature. I suppose as sort of a 'peace offering' they invited us over for a bit. So we followed them home where he showed us where he hid the gun. In a closet behind some boards that were loose. (it was an old house) We all laughed and sat down to listen to the album and talk. I don't remember them coming to twig tho.
Sounded like it could have been fun for the guys but as a gal, I don't think I would have enjoyed being woken up and tied by men with masks on. Sounded kind of scarey to me.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I got shot at once going door to door witnessing. I tried to avoid the confrontation and walk away. However, my wintessing partner (our fearless branch leader) felt a heated discussion with a man with a loaded gun was of greater spiritual significance than my idea of getting out of Dodge. Bless his heart. And surprisingly he is still with us today.
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Apparently we're not a very wild bunch
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Ha! Got ya to look...thought I posted a wild story
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Come on, oak I really want to know what was your wild time that happened to you!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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One of them would have to be getting knocked out of my chair backwards from someone taking a Bible to my head. Then trying to pray for me.
It don't mean a thing, all you gotta do is swing.
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One of those damn Bible thumpers.
It don't mean a thing, all you gotta do is swing.
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The wildest thing that ever happened to me was Vietnam. Talk about a wild experience, I thought Marine Corps boot camp was wild before they sent me there. Everything since then has been pretty tame by comparison.
My 2 cents...
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I would have to say during my WOW year 77-78. Sorry kinda long...
My wow bro and I were sitting in my van in front of the house listing to some tunes. When down the street we saw a girl run out of her house with a guy chasing her. She struggled to get the car door open. The guy caught up with her as she got in. He tried to open the drivers door then began pounding on the car. He ran around to the other side of the car and got the passenger door open.
She bolted out of the car. He began to chase her. MWB and I locked eyes. I put the van in gear and we sped up the street. MWB jumped out of the van and persued the guy. I drove a little further up the street to catch up with the girl. I got out but she ducked between houses and got away. Man was she fast!
Got back into the van and turned it around. When I saw the guy standing in the street with a shotgun pointed at my WOW bro!
MWB was on the right side of the street. So I stopped the van and opened the passenger door. Dumped the clutch and screeched to a stop between the two of them. The door swung open and MWB jumped in the van. I looked to my left and the guy was at my window with the shotgun in my face. 
Funny but a 'strange' calm then fell over me. I pictured the gun firing but the pellets hitting all around the van but not on the drivers door.
:D--> I began to talk to the guy. The moment his arm relaxed I dumped the clutch and turned right onto another street. We drove to the cop shop.
During the foot pursuit MWB took a hit to the chin. He tackled the guy but the guy got up and ran into his house where he got the shotgun.
Later, believe it or not, we were back at their house LOL. The guy showed us where he hid the gun. The cops didn't find it. The four of us sat there and listened to some Jerry Rafferty album. What a night!
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Well...since nature abhores a wildness vacuum... ;-)
I once witnessed to a gentleman while exercising at an athletic park with my TC. Turns out he was a local minister. He was so impressed that two "very young" people knew so much about the Bible that he invited us to teach at his church on Sunday. What a blast we had! Lots of fun and they were great people.
Not sure that qualifies but it was one of my "wildest", if you can call it that, moments. Who da' thunk?
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Oh My God...
That is the wildest of my stories
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Dot Matrix
Good stuff, now that there is actually some stories
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Dot Matrix
How did you wind up back at his house?
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Dot Matrix
I have a lot of stories but I think they may just be weird more thatn wild...
I was in an airplane and as it sat there on the ground all the lights went out. Then, there was NO air! After about 40 minutes, still sitting there, the lights went on and a piece of the ceiling fell down!
That was enough for me.
I demanded to be let off the flight and do you know they would NOT let me off. All these other people started saying, "If she makes it off we are going with her."
I stood there telling them I knew I had rights and I wanted off and they would not let me off.
The end is anticlimatic as the plane took off and landed safely -- but I did tell the crew I was reporting them for not letting me off.
Okay, so it's not wild. I shared all my stories of meeting angels and miracles and stuff -- I guess I am old now.
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Once when I was a WOW in 1979, the four of us split up, two by two, and went out witnessing. It was my night to cook so I made soup and left if on to stew or marinate flavors or whatever happens when you cook it for a while.
Well, my WOW brother and I got back first and the soup had burned. We weren't really experiencing "Christians Prosper" that year...more of hand to mouth would describe our financial situation.
As we sat there wondering what we were going to eat that night, L & S came back with a $20 bill in their hands from someone who didn't want to be in the way, but wanted to help us out. So, instead of homemade soup that night, we all got to go out to eat ($20 would buy a lot more back then)!
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J0nny Ling0
Once, as a WOW in Los Angeles, I didn't eat for three days. My one WOW bro had spent all of his "seed money" on food and weird clothes, and my other WOW sis kept all of her "personal food" in a bag in the fridge with a sign on the bag that said; "This MY FOOD! Keep out!", and my other WOW sis (the sweet one) and I had spent all of our money on the rent deposit, 1st months rent and utilities. We were broke, and the nice WOW sister (Kathy) and I hadn't eaten for three days.
On that third day, when I was out looking for a job, I was pulled through the air by my nose to an out door burrito stand. There were businessmen and women standing there putting in orders for food while others were eating at some picnic tables. They were eating tacos, and stringy beef burritos full of guacamole, home cooked pinto beans, sour cream, salza, cheese, and green chiles! I was just standing there with my mouth literally watering as no one noticed the starving nineteen year old boy in their midst (there were more than two others you see). I was almost on the verge of begging for someone to buy me a meal, but I thought of a verse in the Word, although I privately interpreted it as this:
"I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor His seed begging burritos!"
As soon as that flashed through my mind, I ran home as quickly as I could, and there was Kathy, my sweet sister in Christ with a whole loaf of Orowheat bread, a big jar of Skippy peanut butter, a jar of raspberry preserves, and a gallon of milk! And she fed me one sandwhich after another until I was gorged, and I sloshed it all down with glass after glass of milk!
Ahh...Victory in Jesus can be sooooo sweet at times, no?
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I have not told this story in quite a while, and not at all since leaving TWI, but here goes:
This takes place several months after my WOW year ended. I was living in a Way Home, and there were several other Way Homes in town.
One night, Joe xxxxx, who grew up with me in Rosedale, and lived with the Limb Coordinators, called all the men from the various Way Homes together for coffee at Village Inn. I believe that there were seven of us. He started off very seriously, telling us that we were getting legalistic and religious in our thinking, and we needed to do something to shake things up. He then paused, and said with a straight face that we should conduct a ?panty raid?.
(I found out much later that this was actually the idea of the LC's wife)
We decided to have the raid on the night before Halloween, a Friday night. Each of the Way Homes was co-ed; we convinced the woman that we lived with that we were having a ?guys? night out?. Two of the Way Home Coordinators were women at that time. The plan was that we would wait until all the women were asleep, burst into the house with a lot of noise and bright lights, tie the women hand and foot, and steal all their underwear.
We didn't tie them very tight, and we did let them keep whatever underwear that they had on
We all wore disguises of some sort: Zorro masks, bandanas, paper bags over our heads, plastic Halloween masks. We piled into Joe xxxxx?s Rambler station wagon and hit my house first. There were three women who lived there with two of us guys, me and Tim xxxxx. We were to split into two teams, Team One for Carol and Joan, who slept in one bedroom, and Team Two for Lisa, in the other room. My team burst into the first bedroom, where Carol and Joan put up a fight before being subdued. Carol two-fisted Doug xxxxx in the balls and he was limping the rest of the night.
We found Team Two dithering at Lisa?s door. They had started to enter, only to find Lisa sleeping in the nude, and didn?t know what to do. Lisa was a gorgeous young woman, and as appealing as her naked body was, we remained gentlemen. We rolled her up in her sheets to cover her up, and wound the rope around the sheets. On the way out we hid all the phones so that they could not call ahead and warn the other Way Homes. We ran (or limped) out to the Rambler, dubbed the Zorromobile and headed to Mike and Chris? house across town.
Only two women, Kathy and Rosemarie, lived at House #2. We unlocked the door and started hooting and hollering. We didn?t count on Nancy, who was the owner of this house, and a PFAL grad, stopping by for a visit and sleeping in the living room. Nancy was almost deaf, and couldn?t see very well either. We left her alone and moved into the bedroom, where we made short work of the women and captured the contents of their underwear drawers. Just as we were leaving, the phone rang. I answered. It was Carol! She had found the phone. We ran out to the Zorromobile and headed to Way Home #3.
Steve and Doug, who lived at house #3, had forgotten their keys. All the doors were locked. We figured that they had been warned. This particular house set on a steep hill. It had only one storey and a basement, but since the hill sloped down from the front, the back of the house was two levels high, while the basement was at ground level. I was boosted on top of the garage, the top of which was right under the kitchen window, which was unlatched! I crawled in, and let the rest of the guys in. Laura and Kris, the two women who lived there, had locked themselves in the bathroom, along with their underwear drawers. Joe managed to pick the lock. We got inside, tied up the girls and made off with the underwear. As we were leaving, Kris called us back. ?You guys don?t think you?re leaving without a kiss, do you? she said. So we all lined up and each gave both of the women a kiss before driving out to a local hotel to hide out for the night.
We returned all the undergarments the next morning. Most of the women thought it was pretty funny and began plotting their revenge. Carol, who was a Corps grad, thought it most certainly was not funny, but couldn?t get anyone to listen to her complaints. She even complained directly to Wierwille about a week later.
They never did get their revenge!
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Oakie - I love your stories!
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you know all these tales have a common thread-I do think that God does try to work around our hidebound selves (bound by twi or whatever) wow year esp. because you are doing what you believe to be right and true. I once opened my front door to find a sheepish looking grad of pfal holding a brown paper bag-he shoved it at me and told me "God talked to me" and ran. Inside was the correct type and configuration of female-type hygenic supplies. This was indeed my current situation of want-I could do without food and all else, but that was one of the funnier moments in life going from dead-a** panic to extreme thankfulness in under 5 minutes. I did thank him later after he'd gotten over the embarassment....
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That was both very Godly and very funny.
Way II much fun for one man.
love ya,
Bob Hansen
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hehe great stories.
:D--> I never got to do a panty raid.
Dot, We went straight to the cop shop to file a report. The cops went to their house to investigate and brought them into the station. We all began to talk. The converstions continued in the parking lot and were friendly in nature. I suppose as sort of a 'peace offering' they invited us over for a bit. So we followed them home where he showed us where he hid the gun. In a closet behind some boards that were loose. (it was an old house) We all laughed and sat down to listen to the album and talk. I don't remember them coming to twig tho.
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Sounded like it could have been fun for the guys but as a gal, I don't think I would have enjoyed being woken up and tied by men with masks on. Sounded kind of scarey to me.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Mark Sanguinetti
I got shot at once going door to door witnessing. I tried to avoid the confrontation and walk away. However, my wintessing partner (our fearless branch leader) felt a heated discussion with a man with a loaded gun was of greater spiritual significance than my idea of getting out of Dodge. Bless his heart. And surprisingly he is still with us today.
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I get your point, but they knew it was us. I don't recommend the panty raid to anyone these days. I was young and stupid and in a cult.
This is a thread about wild, weird and stupid things!
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Maybe his plan was to rebuke the bullet(s) to impress the guy? ;-)
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