A woman healer back in the day and the first know person to be slain in the spirit.
I heard the voice of Jesus calling me to go out in the highways and hedges and gather in the lost sheep, she wrote. But one thing stopped her, she was a woman. Sister Etter pioneered the way for the Pentecostal manifestations that are so common in the movement today. She studied the Word and began preaching His divine will in healing. It did not take long to see that evangelism and healing went hand in hand as thousands were won to Christ as a result of seeing others healed. Maria was the only leading evangelist of the Holiness Movement who embraced the Pentecostal experience of speaking in tongues. Sister Etter's faith caused her to continue when many others would have given up.
The moment Kathryn saw in God's Word that healing was provided for the believer at the same time as salvation, she began to understand the Christian's relationship with the Holy Spirit. Kathryn learned early in life that self-centeredness, along with all the other "self" sins, such as self-pity, self-indulgence, or even self-hatred, causes a person to judge or condemn himself. And that this hinders the Holy Spirit's working in his or her life.
Then they must be a wonderful couple. I just love meeting great folks...even if it is just in cyberspace.
I ordered that book...should be here this time next week.
Well it's been a long day for me and my summer cold...the shark is beat! Time to turn into a potato on the couch again...maybe a sleeping potato..aarrrgg its only 4:30 pm. Oh well...nite all.
A Dan, I would heartily agree, with gusto! with this statement of yours:
But ultimately, we need somehow to arrive at an authentic response to what is happening around us.
Dot, I've shared a few of my stor-eez here on GS and earlier on WD. Over the years, they just keep piling up.
The basic response I've been able to come up with is that something is definitely going on in life that's similar if not always exactly like what I read in the bible, and read and hear from other sources.
I've come to look at the bible in two ways - and the one that might apply to what you're looking for is that in the bible I can see people who had faith, and whose faith was built not only on what they "believed" to be true, but what they in fact experienced themselves. That experience, reality, stuff, call it what we want, led them on the paths they chose. In other words their faith was based on reality, reality they couldn't deny and wouldn't have wanted to.
I do believe there's a God who's much like what I read about in the bible. I can't explain a lot about God, and I'm not trying anymore. But I do think I can see the bible's description of "Him" as a perfectly viable and recognizable reality. Likewise, Jesus Christ. I never met Him on earth of course, but I strongly believe that there was a Jesus Christ at one time and that His resurrection was an actual event.
Healing, the miracles read about in the bible, can and do happen. I believe that too. I'd be a liar to deny certain things I've seen and experienced, and the only "authentic response" I feel I can honestly have is to say okay. Fine. Good. Those things happen.
In my own ponderings I've found one of Jesus's instructions to be important - two people coming together and agreeing, in prayer to God, to see God's deliverance and justice in a given situation. Then remain constant and prayerful together, and expect God's guidance. I wouldn't say "expect this or that to happen" but rather to be watchful for what happens next.
Healing can and does happen, of that I'm sure. No one should believe anything because I say so, but if we look around and listen and read all that goes on, we'll see ample proof of it I think, not unlike what the bible speaks of.
Anyway the strange thing here is, just the other day (Tuesday to be exact) I was on my way to the range to requalify on my GAU (that's machine gun to you civies) when I saw this church that caught my eye. And as clear as day I heard in my soul, "You need to check this out". So I'm thinking, "Why?" Now I think I have my answer. I will check it out and see what I may see.
Smith Wigglesworth This is a collection of 18 sermons on divine healing and spiritual power. You'll see numerous men and women delivered from diabetes, appendicitis, alchoholism, tobacco addiction, demon possession, rheumatism, broken limbs, and tuberculosis. Cross the globe with the late evangelist Smith Wigglesworth as he ministers in America, Australia, Sweden, and Wales. An international best seller!
Smith had to respond to the many calls that came in and gave up his business for the ministry. His wife, Polly unexpectedly died in 1913, and this was a real blow to Smith. He prayed for her and commanded that death release her. She did arise but said "Smith - the Lord wants me." His heartbroken response was "If the Lord wants you, I will not hold you".
She had been his light and joy for all the years of their marriage, and he grieved deeply over the loss. After his wife was buried he went to her grave, feeling like he wanted to die. When God told him to get up and go Smith told him only if you "give to me a double portion of the Spirit – my wife’s and my own – I would go and preach the Gospel. God was gracious to me and answered my request.” His daughter Alice and son-in-law James Salter began to travel with him to handle his affairs.
Over Smith's ministry it was confirmed that 14 people were raised from the dead. Thousands were saved and healed and he impacted whole continents for Christ. Smith died on March 12, 1947 at the funeral of his dear friend Wilf Richardson. His ministry was based on four principles:" First, read the Word of God. Second, consume the Word of God until it consumes you. Third believe the Word of God. Fourth, act on the Word."
Young people began to come from all over the area to receive training. The Kenyons opened a bible school and began to train the young people. They purchased a farm and called it Bethel Bible School. They lived on faith every step of the way, struggling with financial need, but depending on God. Kenyon moved west in 1923, and settled in California where healings were a regular part of his ministry. He started a church which grew to about a thousand members. Then he moved to Seattle where he established New Covenant Baptist Church. He began a radio ministry, a Bible Institute, and the Herald of Life publication. Kenyon died in 1948. He wrote several books which are still being published today.
Sarah Lindenberger 1852 - 1922
God began to speak to Lindenberger not just about Divine Healing, but Divine Health. She said "Divine health is simply the life of the Holy Ghost in us, which is the earnest of the Spirit; the very same thing which we will have in its fullness when He comes. 'Now He that hath wrought us for the self-same thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit." II Corinthians 5:5. Lindenberger listed five areas which people needed to take steps in. 1) Consecrate you lives completely to Christ. 2) Accept Christ as your strength and lean on Him. 3) Constantly seek God's Presence and lean on that Presence continually. 4) Watch what you eat, drink, watch, listen to, and say and keep them before God. 5) Eat and drink of Christ, letting the Holy Spirit show you how to do that.
John G Lake 1870- 1935
Once he returned to the United States, he remarried, and began a traveling ministry. One of the places he was asked to speak was Spokane, Washington. He was asked to start a healings room, and he agreed. Over an approximately five year period, over 100,000 healings were reported. Spokane was declared "the healthiest city in the United States". Although Lake's church was never large, thousands came from all over the country and the world to receive prayer. In 1920, he felt called to move to Portland, Oregon and start a healing room ministry there. Similar healings were reported during these years as well.
Steven Jeffries 1876 -1943
Everywhere that Stephen went dramatic healings and creative miracles occurred. He went to the United States, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa. Crowds of thousands came to his meetings. In 1933 he traveled to Sweden and Norway to preach. He pushed himself night and day, ignoring doctors warnings about his health. Things changed dramatically in the mid-1930s. Large crusades were becoming less popular and less successful in reaching the lost.
Dorthea Trundel 1813 - 1862
Apostle of Healing
She went to her workers, brought anointing oil and prayed for them. They recovered. Her initial experiment became a settled conviction. God heals through prayer! A wave of sickness broke out in her village. In her free time she nursed, prayed, and taught about God's ability to heal using prayer. Many people in the village recovered due to her prayers. Soon people from all around her area began to come to her, and all her spare time was spent praying for the sick.
Carrie Judd Montgomery
"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; "
When Carrie was in her later teens she decided to return to school and study to be a school teacher. During this time she came under deep conviction to give everything to God and take up the cross. One day as she was returning home from school she slipped on an icy sidewalk and hurt her back. Although she continued on, her health began to fail. She soon became bedridden and days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into two years. She became extremely sensitive to touch, movement, light, or sound (hyperaesthesia). She could not stand for blankets to touch her, and even the movement of someone walking into her room would cause excruciating pain. The Judds sought medical help but nothing changed.
Carrie was hungry for more of God. Someone gave her a copy of W. W. Patton's book "Remarkable Answers to Prayer". She began to be stirred that God could move through prayer and began asking God about it. After two years of her tortuous existence Carrie's father read a small item in the local news about a woman who had been healed of tuberculosis. Her name was Sarah Mix and she had been prayed for by Ethan Otis Allen, a Methodist lay minister who prayed for the sick. Mix was in Connecticut and the Judds were in New York. They could not travel to her so they decided to write and ask if she would pray for Carrie from a distance. She replied and sent the scripture from James 5:15 "the prayer of faith shall save the sick". They set a time and date when Sarah would pray on her end and the Judds would pray on theirs.
The fateful day arrived. Carrie had never heard of a miraculous or instantaneous healing so her hope was that improvement would begin that day and gradually increase. As the time came Carrie's nurse read scripture for her. She was suddenly in the presence of God and asked the nurse to help her up. She struggled to get up and her health improved immediately. Touch did not bother her and she felt "enfolded in an atmosphere of holy awe and glory". The change stuck and she improved dramatically. Soon she was eating and walking normally. Her two years of intense struggle were over and she walked with a new sense of the presence of God.
Nunn had a desire to see God move in miraculous ways. In 1949 a little girl's face was healed of paralysis after he prayed for her. This was a turning point fo Nunn. In January 1950 Nunn was praying in his church for the church service. God spoke to him and saif "Get up from here and go to every city and heal the sick therein and preach the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." He stepped out and began holding healing crusades. In 1952 Nunn founded the Bible Revival Evangelistic Association, the ministry he oversaw for the next forty-two years. By the mid-1950s he was a member of the Voice of Healing and an international radio speaker. His organization grew over the next twenty years and it became a strong missionary ministry. Nunn held large crusades in India, Africa, Central America and South America, and sponsored many churches and ministers there. He founded the Kohima Bible College of Nagaland, India, and established offices in Allahabad, India, and Durban, South Africa. His daily radio broadcast, The Healing Messenger, was aired in India and Africa. His twenty books and numerous pamphlets are still being read in many parts of the world today.
Mary E. Work and Olivia Work Bruce
The sisters sought God when they heard about the Pentecostal outpouring. They had a Pentecostal experience in 1907 at one of their regular "Deeper Spiritual Life" conventions. Olivia and her husband Mr. Bruce worked with the Duncans in their ministry. They were helping to serve in the convention when the Spirit of God fell. Olivia's husband cried out for Olivia to come because her cousin Marguerite was speaking in tongues. She was busy and almost put it off until God said "You'll be sorry if you do not go." She dropped everything and went. The Spirit of God was hitting people throughout the room when she got there. She too came under the presence of God and fell to the floor. She was hit with holy laughter and then began to sing.
People received visions, sang in the Spirit, fell under the power of God, and saw angels. Their newly established training center became a key training ground for new Pentecostal leaders. Over the life of the school over 400 missionaries were trained. Elizabeth, who had been the leader of the group unexpectedly died in 1915.
Susan, Hattie, Mary, and Mary's daughter Olivia continued the work, with even greater success as the Pentecostal outpouring spread across the country. God had them close the school in the early 1920's and move to a smaller facility in preparation for their own home-going. In 1924 Elim Memorial Church was founded and by 1935 they had sent out over sixty missionaries. The sisters and their faith community had given over $100,000 to missions. Christ was their all for body, soul and spirit.
...Gordon was close friends with three other giants of the faith, D.L. Moody, A. B. Simpson, and Dr. Charles Cullis. He was one of the most prominent leaders in Moody's Northfield conventions In his work "Ministry of the Spirit", Gordon presents the work of the Holy Spirit having three aspects: sealing, filling, and anointing. He was also strongly impacted by the theological writings of Asa Mahan. Through his relationship with Cullis, Gordon became a staunch defender of divine healing. In 1882 he published his book "The Ministry of Healing", in which he asserted that healing for the body was part of the atonement.
Alton L. Hayes 1929-2002
...Then April 29, 1950 their lives changed forever. They were returning home from the church site when a drunk driver swerved across the road and hit them head on. Both Alton and his father received severe wounds. The entire family of six was loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital. The doctors thought both Alton and his father would die and warned the family members to expect it at any time.
Slowly, however they began to recover. People of faith were praying for them all over Texas. God miraculously healed William's face within days, but his legs were so crushed that he eneded up being in cast and braces for months. Maxine's pelvis was broken and her bladder perforated. Fifteen days after the accident Maxine was listening to Oral Roberts on the radio and when he prayed for the sick she was instantly healed. Alton was still in the hospital two weeks after the accident when he began losing blood rapidly. While praying God spoke to him clearly the he would live and not die. A bolt of power coursed through him. Then God showed him a vision of people going to hell. His heart was stirred for the suffering people were going through in a way he had never experienced before. Within four days he was released from the hospital and he committed to begin bringing in the lost.
Alton took up the healing and evangelistic ministry. He eventually became a Voice of Healing Minister and had Dallas and then Ft Worth, TX as his headquarters. He began to travel throughout the country bringing the gospel message and praying for the sick
Mary and the children moved nearer relatives and managed to survive by many within the family taking in work. Most of the time someone in the family was ill. Her utter dependence was on God and the family struggled on. She became so ill, in 1883, that she could not hold her head up on her own. On the August 22, 1883 God came to her in a dramatic way. His presence flowed over her and she heard a voice say "Fear not, be not afraid, it is I." She began praising God and His power. God called her get dressed, which she did, amazing her family. She immediately began testifying of her healing to her neighbors.
...In 1893 she says in her book "Wonderful Leadings" that in the years after she was healed she had visited over eight hundred families and attended over one thousand meetings, many of which she led.
WOW was this the girl in the advanced class that was healed??? Remember bitten by devils or something?
In 1950 God called the family to Manila in the Philippines. The work was tough going until a girl who was demon possessed was making national news. God asked Lester to pray for her. The deliverance and healing was so public and so dramatic that papers everywhere carried the story. The entire country became open to the gospel. He held revival meetings for six weeks and the crowd was estimated one night at sixty thousand. Clifton Erickson came over from the United States to help in the meetings. One-hundred and fifty thousand were saved over those weeks. A famous actor who couldn't walk was healed which gave the group even more media attention. A lawyer who'd been on crutches for twelve years walked out holding them in his arms totally healed.
Another Gal!
Minnie Tingley Draper 1858-1921
Draper also became an associate with A. B. Simpson in his evangelistic and healing work. She was best known for praying for the sick. Over the years she saw hundreds of healings. She assisted him at conventions in Pennsylvania, New York and Maine. These conventions included healing lines and prayer for the sick
In 1906 news of the Pentecostal outpouring had reached New York. Many of the people who were associated with Simpsons were zealous for more of God. Draper was one of those hungry for a deeper relationship with Jesus. Although initially cautious, Draper had a supernatural experience. One night the Lord appeared to her in her room. C.J. Lucas in his memorial message about Draper says that "hours elapsed wherein she saw unutterable things and when she finally came to herself she heard her tongue talking fluently in a language she had never learned."
The first healing that Dudley saw was of a woman with a broken wrist. She was called to the woman's home to pray for her. It had been damaged by the doctor who set it causing the flesh to rot around where the cast had been placed. The woman was healed immediately and returned to her housework. Dudley published her testimonies in a book called "Two and One Half Years of a Consecrated Life" in 1888. Dora traveled thousands of miles to various meetings and to pray for the sick.
WOW was this the girl in the advanced class that was healed??? Remember bitten by devils or something?
It was. That tape from the Advanced Clas was of Lester Sumrall, giving his account of the healing of a 17 year old Philippina girl who was tormented by devils.
We have the book. I'd probably sell it for less than $875. (The link to Amazon has only one for $875.00)
I saw something on the Discovery Channel (I believe) where these people, in their home, had stuff like that happen. Scratch marks appeared under the sin etc. They were pretty freaked out.
Another about this kid who had rain follow him (drum roll) IN THE HOUSE....
At times like those, we need to have our healing muscles flexed to be able to help.
Is there more sin in the world, less people believe we can? What do you think is going on?
Talked out of it? Fear?
Hi Dot, Well since you asked, I think that God is waiting for people like us to seek after the supernatural gifts and annointings like healing and working of miracles. I think he poured it out in the 40s and 50s on the healing evangelists and many of them either had character issues that couldn't handle the annointing or people took them and put them on pedestals as if they were the source of the power and made idols of them. Some of them started accepting the worship and fell that way. The book of Acts says (Acts 2:17-18)
...I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy
I think that if we keep after it, and allow the Holy Spirit to change us and fix our characters and stay humble,giving God the glory, the power for healing and miracle working is there for the asking.
Recommended Posts
Dot Matrix
Marie Woodsworth Etter
A woman healer back in the day and the first know person to be slain in the spirit.

Men and women who helped shape the churchhttp://www.kamglobal.org/index.html
Lots of people before us...
Remember Corrie Ten boom?
Kathryn Kuhlman
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That's amazing, to be an evangelist and a woman in that day and time...wow, and I thought we had it rough.
I'm gonna see if Amazon has that book Dot and start reading it when it arrives.
W&W that was a wonderful thing to do. Such a loving and giving woman you must be.
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Dot Matrix
She is very sweet and her hubs is the "real deal"
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Then they must be a wonderful couple. I just love meeting great folks...even if it is just in cyberspace.
I ordered that book...should be here this time next week.
Well it's been a long day for me and my summer cold...the shark is beat! Time to turn into a potato on the couch again...maybe a sleeping potato..aarrrgg its only 4:30 pm. Oh well...nite all.
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Dot Matrix
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A Dan, I would heartily agree, with gusto! with this statement of yours:
Dot, I've shared a few of my stor-eez here on GS and earlier on WD. Over the years, they just keep piling up.
The basic response I've been able to come up with is that something is definitely going on in life that's similar if not always exactly like what I read in the bible, and read and hear from other sources.
I've come to look at the bible in two ways - and the one that might apply to what you're looking for is that in the bible I can see people who had faith, and whose faith was built not only on what they "believed" to be true, but what they in fact experienced themselves. That experience, reality, stuff, call it what we want, led them on the paths they chose. In other words their faith was based on reality, reality they couldn't deny and wouldn't have wanted to.
I do believe there's a God who's much like what I read about in the bible. I can't explain a lot about God, and I'm not trying anymore. But I do think I can see the bible's description of "Him" as a perfectly viable and recognizable reality. Likewise, Jesus Christ. I never met Him on earth of course, but I strongly believe that there was a Jesus Christ at one time and that His resurrection was an actual event.
Healing, the miracles read about in the bible, can and do happen. I believe that too. I'd be a liar to deny certain things I've seen and experienced, and the only "authentic response" I feel I can honestly have is to say okay. Fine. Good. Those things happen.
In my own ponderings I've found one of Jesus's instructions to be important - two people coming together and agreeing, in prayer to God, to see God's deliverance and justice in a given situation. Then remain constant and prayerful together, and expect God's guidance. I wouldn't say "expect this or that to happen" but rather to be watchful for what happens next.
Healing can and does happen, of that I'm sure. No one should believe anything because I say so, but if we look around and listen and read all that goes on, we'll see ample proof of it I think, not unlike what the bible speaks of.
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Let us know how it goes.
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man, there are a lot of great posts on this thread... Dot, this is great! Thank you, dear.
Socks, you are quite a guy. Thanks for that sharing, brother. I can learn a lot from you.
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Dot Matrix
Socks you all have the words of wisdom
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Dot Matrix
Smith Wigglesworth:
http://healingandrevival.com/BioSWigglesworth.htmLOOK AT THIS:
Healing and Revivalhttp://healingandrevival.com/Bio.htm
E W Kenyon
Sarah Lindenberger 1852 - 1922
John G Lake 1870- 1935Steven Jeffries 1876 -1943
Dorthea Trundel 1813 - 1862
Apostle of Healing
Carrie Judd Montgomery
"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; "
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Dot Matrix
David O Nunn
1921 - 2003
Mary E. Work and Olivia Work Bruce
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Dot Matrix
A. J. Gordon 1836-1895
Alton L. Hayes 1929-2002
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Dot Matrix
Mary A. Glaser 1836 - maybe 1900???
Mind you of the years and she was a woman
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Dot Matrix
Dr Lester Sumrall 1913-1996
WOW was this the girl in the advanced class that was healed??? Remember bitten by devils or something?
Another Gal!
Minnie Tingley Draper 1858-1921
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Dot Matrix
Dora Griffin Dudley 186???-1919
more on Her life
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It was. That tape from the Advanced Clas was of Lester Sumrall, giving his account of the healing of a 17 year old Philippina girl who was tormented by devils.
We have the book. I'd probably sell it for less than $875. (The link to Amazon has only one for $875.00)
Great stuff Dot, keep it coming.
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Dot Matrix
Speaking of...
I saw something on the Discovery Channel (I believe) where these people, in their home, had stuff like that happen. Scratch marks appeared under the sin etc. They were pretty freaked out.
Another about this kid who had rain follow him (drum roll) IN THE HOUSE....
At times like those, we need to have our healing muscles flexed to be able to help.
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Dot Matrix
W & W
Why do you think we are not seeing more healings?
Is there more sin in the world, less people believe we can? What do you think is going on?
Talked out of it? Fear?
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Hi Dot, Well since you asked, I think that God is waiting for people like us to seek after the supernatural gifts and annointings like healing and working of miracles. I think he poured it out in the 40s and 50s on the healing evangelists and many of them either had character issues that couldn't handle the annointing or people took them and put them on pedestals as if they were the source of the power and made idols of them. Some of them started accepting the worship and fell that way. The book of Acts says (Acts 2:17-18)
I think that if we keep after it, and allow the Holy Spirit to change us and fix our characters and stay humble,giving God the glory, the power for healing and miracle working is there for the asking.
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Dot Matrix
Sounds GOOD to me!
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