my home i pull in the drive way and see my window box full of the most beautifl flowers and a box picture window with a white cat looking out at me with a meow meow it is like a post card everytime i see it.
the demented cat flops on my chest chest when im frozen with another problem that came up today and thinking and praying as he lays down and pulls his arms around my neck im happy and know we will be ok.
shopping with my two year old grand!
meeting folks who understand what life is and love ya anyway.
talking with my kids and eating a food we never had before.
visting my parents knowing they are safe and happy and well.
listening to a teaching tape.. sorry if that hurts you.
and my fantasy game that i have bult up over a year.. feeding the dragons and doing new quests!
For the cutesy answer, when I get home from work and my daughter looks up at my and smiles really big. My wife has a nice smile too, but nothing beats a baby's smile, especially my daughter's.
For the fun answer, I like to get laid. I know that sounds crude, but that does make me pretty happy even if I'm having a bad day. I have more of a problem with anger than depression, so that's a good way to get rid of any anger I might have.
For more socially acceptable answers, I also like to hang out with friends or family, because it's always good to surround yourself with those that care about you. This can be bittersweet as you remember those that are no longer with you, or those who simply couldn't make it.
It's also fun to drink, which is a default response for an Irishman. We've been drinking more wine lately and less beer and whiskey.
Monkeys, because, let's just face it. Monkeys are funny.
I also am partial to a good practical joke. I've been known to pull a few here and there. The more complex, and the more victims, the better.
(Hubby's elderly aunt just got placed in a good nursing home. PHEW! We're breathing a little easier now that she's out of the hospital, which she hated!)
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The baby thing (laughing, happy babies and chillens) do well for me... which is why I volunteer at a children's shelter...
The Dbacks doing well can help sometimes... :)
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Kit Sober
Children are a masterpiece from any angle. Definitely one of the wonders of the world.
Praying/speaking in tongues a good read all help.
Sometimes just going to sleep and giving it a rest.
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polar bear
The first thing, you'd have to ask my wife. I'm too shy to say it here.
And second is good music.
Third, on the water, sailing.
Fourth, I quess "good beer".
Fifth, not so good "beer".
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another spot
My flower garden
Identifying constellations and planets in the night sky
Doing art work
A good movie and reading
Talking to my sons
Fall and Spring weather
Decorating my house
A good home-cooked meal
Video games (Tiger Woods Golf is my favorite)
Sleeping in when it’s raining
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The smell of a baby's head after a bath.
My two girls.
Reading to a child
Teaching art
Cooking for friends and family.
Music that makes me cry.
Getting up early and watching the sun rise outside my window with a cup of coffee in my hands.
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Sitting on the back porch early in the morning listening to the Meadowlarks greet the sun.
Watching children or animals play
Listening to the elderly tell stories about their lives
Watching a rain storm
Reading the Bible
Making and/or eating good food
Spending time with good friends
Watching a good movie or reading a good book
Working out
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My grandsons.
My wife (yes, in that order)
Sousa marches
Comic books (when they're not too serious, or too liberal)
Pre-Annie Hall Woody Allen movies
A sunny, not-too-humid day.
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my flowers!!!
my home i pull in the drive way and see my window box full of the most beautifl flowers and a box picture window with a white cat looking out at me with a meow meow it is like a post card everytime i see it.
the demented cat flops on my chest chest when im frozen with another problem that came up today and thinking and praying as he lays down and pulls his arms around my neck im happy and know we will be ok.
shopping with my two year old grand!
meeting folks who understand what life is and love ya anyway.
talking with my kids and eating a food we never had before.
visting my parents knowing they are safe and happy and well.
listening to a teaching tape.. sorry if that hurts you.
and my fantasy game that i have bult up over a year.. feeding the dragons and doing new quests!
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George Aar
Sad to say,
I don't even know anymore...
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(((((((((((((((((((((( geo. ))))))))))))))))))))
what makes me happy ?
sitting and listening to my son (almost 13 yrs old) tell me about a really great wise decision he made (when i wasn't around, of course)
oh, and getting stains out of his clothes...... (i'm doing laundry right now)
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Hee hee, excie!
My list:
My kids talking about their lives.
My hubby being silly and making us laugh.
Alpine meadows
My cats
Bodies of water
Fresh peach cobbler
Fluffy snowflakes and a bright snow cloud sky at night.
Cousin reunions
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Pond, I love your description of your window boxes/flowers and cat. That sounds pristine, serene.
Geo, it'll come to you. It will. Give it some time. One thing I know you love is to make people laugh--and you're good at it!
I love:
getting away for 2 or 3 days in a different town
going out in a boat in warm weather
blueberry zonker
breakfast on the veranda
my backyard
reading a good mindless book
scallops/other seafood sautéed in butter
cooking for good friends
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watching my child sleep
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Kit Sober
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Mister P-Mosh
For the cutesy answer, when I get home from work and my daughter looks up at my and smiles really big. My wife has a nice smile too, but nothing beats a baby's smile, especially my daughter's.
For the fun answer, I like to get laid. I know that sounds crude, but that does make me pretty happy even if I'm having a bad day. I have more of a problem with anger than depression, so that's a good way to get rid of any anger I might have.
For more socially acceptable answers, I also like to hang out with friends or family, because it's always good to surround yourself with those that care about you. This can be bittersweet as you remember those that are no longer with you, or those who simply couldn't make it.
It's also fun to drink, which is a default response for an Irishman. We've been drinking more wine lately and less beer and whiskey.
Monkeys, because, let's just face it. Monkeys are funny.
I also am partial to a good practical joke. I've been known to pull a few here and there. The more complex, and the more victims, the better.
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awwwww kit that little angel !!!!!
pmosh you are a !!!!!!!!
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added to the list...
Knowing family is well cared for...
(Hubby's elderly aunt just got placed in a good nursing home. PHEW! We're breathing a little easier now that she's out of the hospital, which she hated!)
(Thanks to all for your prayers and thoughts!)
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The Zoo
Sea Life
watching sailboats from the inside out
being amongst people who care
listening to my daughter's laugh
snuggling in front of the fireplace
take me away moments
the movie,"Message in a Bottle", Family Stone,etc
thinking about God's Love
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Waking in the morning with the love of my life snoring beside me.
Thirty eight years with the love of my life snoring beside me.
My cat Saucy...who is!
Having son and daughter in law and grandkids living ten minutes away...finally!
Life in general.

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Really appreciating the family I've been able to "really" connect with since leaving TWI.
Family reunions
Coming home to the squirt who thinks I'm the most awesome person in the whole wide world
A good book on CD for my daily commute
Mowing MY yard at MY house and coming in to MY kitchen for a tall glass of ice water
Peace of mind and freedom to make my own decisions without having to get approval from some legalistic arsehole
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At the risk of sounding really shallow.....uh what the heck?
Driving my car (where I want to go) with my Ipod plugged in, playing what I want to hear, all by my own self, makes me really happy.
(I love my kids, husband, dog, cats, mom, family etc. I'm just really happy to not be with them 24/7. :B)
Spoken like a true mom I guess..... :wub: )
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