and why B over the other directors and cabinet? Is he a puppet?
Young, smart, life long member, 2nd generation, good looking, great public speaker, groomed, charsimatic. I don't think he's a puppet. From what I'm told he's been failry critical of the way things are now. Hence the potential for a coup of sorts. I think he has dilusions of a grandiose lifestyle. He's very motivated and relentless and can be very nasty. A true 80's style wayfer.
I see a flaw in your old friends' assessment of the situation, though. It seems to be based on the premise that twi decided that Rosie was just the ticket and put her in the position she now occupies. I don't think that's how it went down at all. I think Rosie decided to climb the way tree and had her eye on the "big chair" for a long time. She weaseled her way into a very tight relationship with DM and at the same time was undermining LCM behind the scenes. I saw it happening. I've often wondered if she even set him up. When his scandals came to light, she was in a really, really good position to take over.
I had to laugh about their belief that she was chosen because twi needed healing. Ha! I've never seen Rosalie Rivenbark heal anyone or anything. Her superficial sweetness never fooled anyone who was around her long enough to peek under the fake smile. She was very "sweet" to her yes people. Anyone under her rule who had a mind of his or her own soon discovered that her fake smile was hiding something not so sweet.
So, I have some innie friends, in in high places. I grew up with these guys and they haven't spoken to me in years. Recently they found me on line and have been asking me about "the good old days", why I left, what would move me to come back, what's different now that should change, etc.
So anyway, here's what I learned. A lot of the B.O.D. and other higher ups feel that Roselie was brought in to be a healer and stabilizing influence on an injured Way International. They feel her time and usefulness has passed. She is not and I quote, "A visionary" has "no growth potential" and while she was just what was needed at one time, it's time to move on.
Expect a young, charismatic, visionary, hot shot with an eye on growth, outreach and marketing who looks and acts the part of a charismatic church leader with a TV ready face to be the new president. He's a 2nd generation wayfer, a lifer. His name is B. Moneyhands. Do not be surprised if this happens. My old pals are angling for it and when they read this (yes they do read the board here) they are probably going to put me back on the black list.
See how things work?
It's not about revelation or "hot bible", it's about money.
Well --- It's pretty obvious (to me) it's all about the money.
"What would it take for you to come back" sounds like a *preferred customer* ad,
that one sees SOOOO frequently in your junk (snail) mail box.
(We want you back as a customer!!!! We're offering a sale to YOU and YOU ALONE!)
"No visionary" and no *growth potential*, yet she is CEO.
Having been in retail (in both menial and supervisory positions) --
I've seen many folks passed over for promotion,
for these EXACT same reasons --- they won't bring in $$$ to the company.
"Eye on growth, outreach, and marketing"
That one says it all --- coming from a BIBLICAL research and teaching *ministry*.
Whatever happened to *teaching folks the greatness of God's Word"??
I guess it's now boiled down to *growth* (of the ministry);
*outreach* -- getting a following for the ministry;
so they can *market* their particular product.
(At least the admission is being made that they are looking for twi *security*).
Good lord. They (whomever THEY are) still haven't a clue.
They are looking to change things superficially (maybe),
while ignoring the internal, structural, foundational problems.
"They" are guys my age who were in the junior corps and stayed when I left. "They" are not B. Moneyhands. They both are all in leadership positions and recently have been talking to me, almost like pollsters. I think they're trying to take over and get things back to the way it was. ie having a bgger membership (oops) and having it grow. I know they contacted another ex way friend of mine too, asking the same types of questions. Kinda like "we're getting the band back together". They seem to be looking for what worked in the past as a way to perseve their cushy jobs and maybe even get raises. It's a totally corporate attitude.
Maybe at 39, B. Moneyhands is ready to jump into the fray and throw some punches. What the heck?.....sounds like things are slip-slidding away. Without a charismatic cult leader.......cult members slip away.
I'll bet money that B. Moneyhands isn't the ONLY one thinking of manuevering to the top of the food chain. Seems like J. Rvpp has had his sights on that chair for about 15 years, as well. Probably some intense rivalry is brewing at twi..............again.
What's that saying? If you are not the LEAD DOG, the view remains the same.
Young, smart, life long member, 2nd generation, good looking, great public speaker, groomed, charsimatic. I don't think he's a puppet. From what I'm told he's been failry critical of the way things are now. Hence the potential for a coup of sorts. I think he has dilusions of a grandiose lifestyle. He's very motivated and relentless and can be very nasty. A true 80's style wayfer.
Sounds like they want "the good old days" again... <_<
Being that I am still ''friends'' with B. Moynih@n, I am not surprised at all about this.
He has been fighting the establishment since in residence. For the life of me I don't understand how he didn't get kicked out.
He has always stood up for the scriptures (at least the way's interp of them) and looks at them as ''people'' and not MOGS!
He is on the board of directors. His vision has always been to be the Sec/Treas. He's never taken his eyes off that goal. I guess now, his goal is even higher. October is coming............................
Every innie I talk to is totally ''bored'' with leadership at the root. No ''revelation'' (no yelling) no excitement, no ''new light'', no MOG to follow. It makes them totally frustrated and dull. So, I can see someone young and fresh as a welcomed change.
I love him and his wife and kids. They are ''good'' people.
They went through tremendous strain and emotions during the ''craig'' thing. But, they wanted to hold fast to the ''Word'' no matter what guy ( or girl) screws it up. He wants to make a change. The doctrinal foundations of the Way is what keeps them there, not neccessarily the leaders.
(don't worry, its still a house built on I won't be living in it).................but, they don't see it that way.
Innies I know would latch on to a new leader like fuzz on a sweater, especially if he was confidant, a good speaker and seemed wholesome. They would LOVE it. It would set thier fears to rest--yes, they are God's One true Ministry, God raised up a new MOG...
Looks like the cult wants to be what it really is a religion,devoid of what the real power of Godis.
As Kit has said where the holy spirit resides and functions.
As far as wayfers being bored alot of life is that way,You motivate yourself to make things happen
not look to "leadership"
Good luck to B money he will need it,Just being charismatic without being honest will not get you very far.
Hell I would not follow them even if they could get Jesus Christ to come down to earth to lead them.
Why you ask I would make a statement like that?First The organization is corrupt to the very core
based on lies ie snow on pums,God verbaly talks to head hot shots claiming work that is not your own
The sex stuff,rapes.destorying peoples lives
I would love to see great gatherings of Gods people again I rejoyice at the teaching of the scriptures,but it has to be honest,based on the truth No falsehoods
I wonder how many innies miss "the good ol' times" with Craiggy and would love to see him come back as King of Kings and MOG of MOGS.
Who knows what new "red balloon" (upgraded to "little red Corvette") revelation he's come up with since his "exodus into the wilderness" for the rise and expansion of the One True Prevailing Ministry of the Word, the Word and nothing but the Word, so help me MOG.
I would bet dollars to doughnuts those who were in during his "reign", and are still in, believe either:
it really was a "one-time affair" and hey, everyone makes misteaks mistakes,
it was more than one time, but all the women of the kingdom belong to the king, so what's the problem?
or it never really happened, and it was a trick of the adversary to hinder the movement of the Ministry, which is synonymous with the Word of God as it has not been known since the 1st printing of Bullenger's How to Enjoy the Bible...uh, I mean the 1st century.
I understand a lot of people still in the Way are bound to the organization because of the mindset "Where are we going to go to find the 'quality' of Word taught here?"
MANY of those hq staffers are between the age bracket of 52 - 62 years old. So......I tend to think that job security is the bottom line "commitment" to twi. Some of those department coordinators and staffers have a nice little office and cushy job. No, it doesn't pay all that much........but there is a deep sense of satisfaction to work at the spiritual epicenter of the world.
And sure, it would be nice to see Rosalie move into emeritus status (and not hear her squeaky, syrupy voice all the time)........BUT whoever sits on the throne, it better not be some snot-nosed kid who might start stirring the pot and yelling alot.
Heck, maybe Donna has her eyes on the top chair...??
Are you talking about Aaron and Liz? They left HQ? Are they running something for TWI somewhere else?
I believe new york?
Aaron was someone who wanted things to change and do things different.
I wouldn't think rosie would step down till she's knows she ain't got much time on earth left anyway. Wouldn't she seal her "legacy" with someone she approves of?
They went through tremendous strain and emotions during the ''craig'' thing. But, they wanted to hold fast to the ''Word'' no matter what guy ( or girl) screws it up.
I do remember that he and his wife got pregnant almost instantly after they got married. This was during a time that no women under 36 were allowed to have babies on The Way's dime. They became an exception. LCM said because it was an accident. Why this was a lunch time discussion is beyond me.
But I also remember another couple in Florida who got pregnant and were ousted from the Corps. LCM was foaming at the mouth and discussing many personal things (i.e., they were only using condoms as birth control ).
These two incidents were not far apart. It is a great example of the extreme favoritism and not about walking with God. Anytime someone is an exception to the rule, it brings up $h1t. I wonder why BM and his wife were allowed to have a baby and still stay in the Corps. LCM probably saw he had potential to make him one of his hench men. BM has been brainwashed since birth. B and D Moyn**** were in twi since 1968 or so.
I don't know the guy personally. He and I never crossed paths when I was on Staff. If he can get nasty, those wayfers are in for another good ride.....Gawd I am so glad I left. Maybe it will self-destruct afterall.
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Georgio Jessio
Young, smart, life long member, 2nd generation, good looking, great public speaker, groomed, charsimatic. I don't think he's a puppet. From what I'm told he's been failry critical of the way things are now. Hence the potential for a coup of sorts. I think he has dilusions of a grandiose lifestyle. He's very motivated and relentless and can be very nasty. A true 80's style wayfer.
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My exfiance who is still in GJ told me that the Ministry is different about 6 mpnths ago...I said I will not go back..I said that out of love..:)
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Linda Z
Interesting, Georgio.
I see a flaw in your old friends' assessment of the situation, though. It seems to be based on the premise that twi decided that Rosie was just the ticket and put her in the position she now occupies. I don't think that's how it went down at all. I think Rosie decided to climb the way tree and had her eye on the "big chair" for a long time. She weaseled her way into a very tight relationship with DM and at the same time was undermining LCM behind the scenes. I saw it happening. I've often wondered if she even set him up. When his scandals came to light, she was in a really, really good position to take over.
I had to laugh about their belief that she was chosen because twi needed healing. Ha! I've never seen Rosalie Rivenbark heal anyone or anything. Her superficial sweetness never fooled anyone who was around her long enough to peek under the fake smile. She was very "sweet" to her yes people. Anyone under her rule who had a mind of his or her own soon discovered that her fake smile was hiding something not so sweet.
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Georgio Jessio
Sounds like people are doing to her what she did to Craig. Weasle their way in, back room maneuvering and such.
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Well --- It's pretty obvious (to me) it's all about the money.
"What would it take for you to come back" sounds like a *preferred customer* ad,
that one sees SOOOO frequently in your junk (snail) mail box.
(We want you back as a customer!!!! We're offering a sale to YOU and YOU ALONE!)
"No visionary" and no *growth potential*, yet she is CEO.
Having been in retail (in both menial and supervisory positions) --
I've seen many folks passed over for promotion,
for these EXACT same reasons --- they won't bring in $$$ to the company.
"Eye on growth, outreach, and marketing"
That one says it all --- coming from a BIBLICAL research and teaching *ministry*.
Whatever happened to *teaching folks the greatness of God's Word"??
I guess it's now boiled down to *growth* (of the ministry);
*outreach* -- getting a following for the ministry;
so they can *market* their particular product.
(At least the admission is being made that they are looking for twi *security*).
Good lord. They (whomever THEY are) still haven't a clue.
They are looking to change things superficially (maybe),
while ignoring the internal, structural, foundational problems.
Whited sepulchers comes to mind.
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Are you talking about Aaron and Liz? They left HQ? Are they running something for TWI somewhere else?
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I imagine your friends gathered and contacting you from a darkened, smoke filled room - like the conspirators in the "X-Files"
Yes, the GS forum can serve their purposes well when the time comes.
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Maybe at 39, B. Moneyhands is ready to jump into the fray and throw some punches. What the heck?.....sounds like things are slip-slidding away. Without a charismatic cult leader.......cult members slip away.
I'll bet money that B. Moneyhands isn't the ONLY one thinking of manuevering to the top of the food chain. Seems like J. Rvpp has had his sights on that chair for about 15 years, as well. Probably some intense rivalry is brewing at twi..............again.
What's that saying? If you are not the LEAD DOG, the view remains the same.
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
DEN MOTHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lion's den.... den of thieves..... or what ? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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NIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How very very appropriate! and don't forget who their really God (money) is.
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waytrix survivor
Job 14:4 - Who can bring what is pure from the impure?
No one!
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I wonder how the poor staffers feel about this, trading one kind of nasty for another..
If he thinks he's gonna have some kind of grandiose lifestyle by having a finger thicker than rosie's loins.. yeah, I would say he's deluded.
I wonder who's gonna have to pony up excuses when bricks without straw programs fail to get the desired results..
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Linda Z
Sounds like karma, doesn't it? :)
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Sounds like they want "the good old days" again... <_<
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Being that I am still ''friends'' with B. Moynih@n, I am not surprised at all about this.
He has been fighting the establishment since in residence. For the life of me I don't understand how he didn't get kicked out.
He has always stood up for the scriptures (at least the way's interp of them) and looks at them as ''people'' and not MOGS!
He is on the board of directors. His vision has always been to be the Sec/Treas. He's never taken his eyes off that goal. I guess now, his goal is even higher. October is coming............................
Every innie I talk to is totally ''bored'' with leadership at the root. No ''revelation'' (no yelling) no excitement, no ''new light'', no MOG to follow. It makes them totally frustrated and dull. So, I can see someone young and fresh as a welcomed change.
I love him and his wife and kids. They are ''good'' people.
They went through tremendous strain and emotions during the ''craig'' thing. But, they wanted to hold fast to the ''Word'' no matter what guy ( or girl) screws it up. He wants to make a change. The doctrinal foundations of the Way is what keeps them there, not neccessarily the leaders.
(don't worry, its still a house built on I won't be living in it).................but, they don't see it that way.
They see it as something worth saving. (sigh)
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Innies I know would latch on to a new leader like fuzz on a sweater, especially if he was confidant, a good speaker and seemed wholesome. They would LOVE it. It would set thier fears to rest--yes, they are God's One true Ministry, God raised up a new MOG...
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Looks like the cult wants to be what it really is a religion,devoid of what the real power of Godis.
As Kit has said where the holy spirit resides and functions.
As far as wayfers being bored alot of life is that way,You motivate yourself to make things happen
not look to "leadership"
Good luck to B money he will need it,Just being charismatic without being honest will not get you very far.
Hell I would not follow them even if they could get Jesus Christ to come down to earth to lead them.
Why you ask I would make a statement like that?First The organization is corrupt to the very core
based on lies ie snow on pums,God verbaly talks to head hot shots claiming work that is not your own
The sex stuff,rapes.destorying peoples lives
I would love to see great gatherings of Gods people again I rejoyice at the teaching of the scriptures,but it has to be honest,based on the truth No falsehoods
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I wonder how many innies miss "the good ol' times" with Craiggy and would love to see him come back as King of Kings and MOG of MOGS.
Who knows what new "red balloon" (upgraded to "little red Corvette") revelation he's come up with since his "exodus into the wilderness" for the rise and expansion of the One True Prevailing Ministry of the Word, the Word and nothing but the Word, so help me MOG.
I would bet dollars to doughnuts those who were in during his "reign", and are still in, believe either:
it really was a "one-time affair" and hey, everyone makes misteaks mistakes,
it was more than one time, but all the women of the kingdom belong to the king, so what's the problem?
or it never really happened, and it was a trick of the adversary to hinder the movement of the Ministry, which is synonymous with the Word of God as it has not been known since the 1st printing of Bullenger's How to Enjoy the Bible...uh, I mean the 1st century.
I understand a lot of people still in the Way are bound to the organization because of the mindset "Where are we going to go to find the 'quality' of Word taught here?"
Well, if you never look, you'll never know.
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MANY of those hq staffers are between the age bracket of 52 - 62 years old. So......I tend to think that job security is the bottom line "commitment" to twi. Some of those department coordinators and staffers have a nice little office and cushy job. No, it doesn't pay all that much........but there is a deep sense of satisfaction to work at the spiritual epicenter of the world.
And sure, it would be nice to see Rosalie move into emeritus status (and not hear her squeaky, syrupy voice all the time)........BUT whoever sits on the throne, it better not be some snot-nosed kid who might start stirring the pot and yelling alot.
Heck, maybe Donna has her eyes on the top chair...??
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Donna on top.... <_< <_< <_<
I think they should wake up and see that this horse is so dead it can't even be used for glue anymore...
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All that is left is money..
and that's not going to last forever.
What I wonder.. what are they going to do when they can't buy food.. or clothes.. or.. anything, for that matter..
gonna have to grow a whole new set of "skills" to persuade somebody to grow food and supply them with the minimum basic necesities of life..
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I believe new york?
Aaron was someone who wanted things to change and do things different.
I wouldn't think rosie would step down till she's knows she ain't got much time on earth left anyway. Wouldn't she seal her "legacy" with someone she approves of?
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That's it Abi! Reznor was dealin' on that one.
To the tune of "Theme to Patty Duke Show"......
And they're Trustees!
Identical Trustees and you'll find....
They walk alike, they talk alike
At times they even spank alike
You could lose your mind!
When Trus-teeees
Are two of a kind!
(please - if you've never heard of that show, don't tell me, just Google for "when TV's had knobs").
Bliss - maybe BM will do well, by Way standards. Sounds possible. A great rise, like an organ.
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I do remember that he and his wife got pregnant almost instantly after they got married. This was during a time that no women under 36 were allowed to have babies on The Way's dime. They became an exception. LCM said because it was an accident. Why this was a lunch time discussion is beyond me.
But I also remember another couple in Florida who got pregnant and were ousted from the Corps. LCM was foaming at the mouth and discussing many personal things (i.e., they were only using condoms as birth control
These two incidents were not far apart. It is a great example of the extreme favoritism and not about walking with God. Anytime someone is an exception to the rule, it brings up $h1t. I wonder why BM and his wife were allowed to have a baby and still stay in the Corps. LCM probably saw he had potential to make him one of his hench men. BM has been brainwashed since birth. B and D Moyn**** were in twi since 1968 or so.
I don't know the guy personally. He and I never crossed paths when I was on Staff. If he can get nasty, those wayfers are in for another good ride.....Gawd I am so glad I left. Maybe it will self-destruct afterall.
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