But when you talk about destruction just keep your eyes closed and wallet open
Don't you know you can count on the fox to fight
Don't you know it's gonna be all right just keep the abs coming
You say you got a real solution
Well you know we don't care what u think
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well you know
We're doing what we can to suck the life out of u
But when you want money for people with minds that THINK
All I can tell you is brother M&A is coming
Don't you know it's gonna be all right
You say you'll change the constitution
Well you know
We all want to change your head just renew your mind to 35% abs
You tell me it's the institution
Well you know
You better keep your mind on twi doctrine instead
But if you go carrying pictures of rosie the fox
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know it's gonna be all right
I am very sorry to john lennon and the rest of the beatles I killed your song
This was the first overtly political Beatles song. It was John Lennon's response to the Vietnam War.
John Lennon wrote this in India while The Beatles were at a transcendental meditation camp with The Maharishi.
The original slow version appears on The White Album. The fast, loud version was released as a single. In the slow version, Lennon says "count me in" as well as "count me out" when referring to violence. This gives the song a dual meaning.
no duel meaning her no matter who is in charge they all lose.
The entire Moneyhands family worshipped the ground craiggers walked on. They emulated him to the Nth degree and Bobby has his own narcisstic megalomaniac tendencies which little Brip no doubt assimilated into his own personality.
TWIts who are bored want another craig. Truth is, they probably want craig back but won't admit it. If Brian is arrogant, calculated and systematically as charming as a politician, then he is certainly the best man for the job. He's exactly what they want.
Brian, of course, wants it because he's lived high on the hog thanks to his parents never having to really work a day in their life. He knows first hand the privileges of being near the top of the food chain and, no doubt, sees that easy lavish lifestyle threatened if TWI continues to decline. I mean - GOLLY GEE - why get a real job in the real world when there's this established, easy meal ticket right there in front of you for the taking?
Belle, my goodness... haven't you read the "lady sharks" thread?
Now let's do it the right way..... JK! JK!
but seriously, though. I knew Bob from afar until around 1989, right in the the middle of POOP. At that time, I had some detailed and fairly long term discussions with him. He and I "worked" all the notes of various CG things together... it was a great blessing to me to get to know him. I know, he's stayed when I've left. I can't even imagine what he's been through. It would be easy for me to dismiss him, as you appear to do (maybe you know things that I don't... I admit that) but my impression was of a fine, loving man whose heart was bound up with the Word of God and a desire to see it live in people's lives, including his own. And especially, in children. I've never met RR, again, I knew her from afar. Because of things said against Bob, though, I wonder if GSC people just have a "diss" attitude.
I agree with the exposure of pride and vanity and certainly when others take advantage of God's "little ones". I take that very seriously. But I always bring my saltshaker to GSC.
I do not think it's a case of a "diss" attitude, but more a case of seeing various things from different perspectives and areas. We've all been witness to a lot of the BS that went down over the years, but from varying angles and this gives us a chance to sound off and compare notes. Also, to share a tear or two together.
By the way, welcome back Belle. It has been weird not hearing from you on some of these items.
I've never met RR, again, I knew her from afar. Because of things said against Bob, though, I wonder if GSC people just have a "diss" attitude.
I agree with the exposure of pride and vanity and certainly when others take advantage of God's "little ones". I take that very seriously. But I always bring my saltshaker to GSC.
No -- (speaking for myself), -- my *attitude* (as such) is not in DISS mode.
Personally --- I've never met him, but I've met the type.
If other's *in the know* say he's leaning a certain way,
their experience trumps my ignorance.
They were on the scene, whereas I was not.
I have met RR, when she was in charge of the U of L classes.
Some of us know her from the *old days*, versus the here and now.
I'm guessing that those of us who know her from then,
would agree she hasn't changed much over the years -- unless it is for the worst.
*Observations* from a factual point of view -----
don't qualify as *dissing*.
And yes -- take that salt shaker with you everywhere.
:) Thanks for the kind words, y'all. I appreciate it.
Dan, Darlin', you're talking about nearly 20 years ago AND you're talking about a TWI leader. It's pretty much common knowledge that leadership treats people according to their perceived value. ;)
I'm not going to spend a lot of time re telling stories and experiences here but if you do a search for "Moneyhands", you'll find my unpleasant encounters with the man. He married my ex and me. He was our LC and lived in our town for nearly 10 years, starting in 1994. He and Dottie were still the LC's when I left / was allowed to leave in 2004. I had quite a bit of one-on-one time with Bob and Dottie through all those years and I'm speaking from a position of knowledge and experience - facts, not speculation. Perception? Certainly. But even my perception has been validated by folks who have had the same kind of experience, seen the same kinds of behavior and read the correspondence with Bob that I have posted here at the cafe.
Like I said, do a search and you'll most likely see that Bob is not/was not the man you thought him to be.
I stand behind my post and, no, I haven't read the Lady Sharks Thread, but if it gives me permission to tell what I really think about Bob & Dottie, then, by all means, please point me to that booth. I actually toned down what I really think about Bob.
BTW, you DO know that Dottie has known for years about vee pee and craiggers raping women, don't you? She actually counseled many women who were destroyed by those two men throughout the years and yet continued, and still continues, to support that god forsaken wanna be group.
...(sorry I didn't finish) I can't sit here and read this crap and not say anything for him... he has God's word in his heart and wants things to change out there. (Keeping in mind this is still hearsay)
doojable--There. Consider yourself enlightened. BTW I've had plenty a cup of coffe here at GSC and I know damn well where the cream and sugar are.
Uhhh....I wasn't in the dark. I was thinking that maybe you could give a few more details about his character. I apologize, but telling me that "he has God's word in his heart and wants to change things out there" really tells me nothing.
The standard for "having God's work in his heart" is based on TWI's teachings - which I believe to be highly inaccurate. He wants to change things - that can be both good and bad. Just take a look at the Old Testament kings and you'll get my drift.
You'll notice that I never joined the fray concerning B M*y.......
I try not to go after any of the children - even if they are full grown adults now.
What I saw of the dad I never cared for. I have heard mixed stories from folks concerning he and his wife. I never knew them personally.
You know this guy personally - fine. I'd say that "his friends" have done more to thwart his alleged plans than anyone here....but time will tell. I hope for his sake that he's a good guy with a heart instead of a small nuclear device in his chest.
Since you know where the cream and sugar are, perhaps you'll bring some down to the prayer room.
Perception is everything and people change over time; that's all. I am all too familiar with how personable, charismatic and charming the Moneyhands can be. Believe me, I was their biggest fan for the longest time. My parents even liked them a lot. Enough so that whenever they would come to visit, we'd invite the Moneyhands out to dinner with us.
I just think that somewhere down the pike they started loving the lifestyle more than God and His people. They worshipped craig and I do mean worshipped him! Bob copied every little thing craig did. They aren't nice people.
You should hear some of the things Bob told us about some of the people in TWI..... awful things.... Dottie, well, I just don't know how she can justify her actions. She could have prevented so many women from being raped (all the way back to early vee pee days) and yet she kept her mouth shut. <_<
They are wolves in sheep's clothing and not everyone got to see that side of them. I realize that. And, we're all hurt, or we were at one time. That's how we ended up at the cafe, no? If sharing that pain and/or sharing the nasty stuff we know helps others, then I plan to keep on sharing. I know for a fact that it's helped quite a few people in my time here and I'm glad for that.
I heard about this a while back. Didn't like it then don't like it now. You have a problem with the way things are run? Speak up now, do something now, try to effect change now, or leave NOW. If the things that are wrong are so big that you think you need to be president to change them then, every day that you wait to be president will be another day that those things affect another person on some level. The effect of that over 5- 10 years while you wait to maybe become president to maybe change things dosn't sink in, all that hurt and wrong teaching dosn't matter? Do something now or leave now, do what is right, RIGHT NOW, anything else looks like an egotistical power play.
You don't have to know someone personally to see what is right and wrong about that. In fact, not knowing them probably helps.
I just left about a year ago. They are the same. I love the good people that still exsist in there, and they still have some good leaders. However, they still haven't really fixed what allowed LCM to do what he was able to do. They have not fixed their issues with sexual misconduct. If they have really lost membership that badly (and from what I remember they have) what they really should do is look in the mirror. They have not dealt with the underline issues. They tell their followers to stay off the net. My Way Core leader in 2002 stated, "Don't come to me if you look at that internet junk and it makes you all confused." Well I looked at it, and I'm not confused anymore. Why did I look at it (since I know they read this)? Because everyone I witnessed to looked at it, and then stated, "Hey man do you know what's on the internet about your church?" So I looked at it for myself. What did I find: story's of sexual misconduct, harrassment, suicide, rape, child predators, cover up, plagerism, and many other goodies. In the end any company, church, or entity (if they were truly innocent) that would not stage a counter to those types of attacks. Plus their was one web site that put V.P. Wierwille's Receiving The Holy Spirit Today right along J.E. Stiles book, and showed that it was a word for word copy of Stiles book. I learned a lot of great things from TWI. However, who can trust any organization that doesn't come CLEAN? Admit to a mistake and I will forgive you. Cover it up, and I will not trust you. Deceive me? I'm out the door.
Been out about 3 years here. :) And I was only "in" during the 90's, so I missed all the "good ole' days" most folks wax nostalgic about, too.
And, like you, it was them insisting that we NOT look on the internet that got my dander up. I wanted to know what they must be hiding to be so adamant about controlling yet one more aspect of our lives. The more you (rhetorical) learn, the worse it gets. There's just sooooo much that it's absolutely disgusting.
You make a good point, too about trying to cover things up. IF the ministry is so corrupt and so putrid that they have to stage a "coup" to fix it, does that not tell them something about the quality and worthiness of trying to "fix" something like that - much less going about it in such an "ungodly" way?? You'd think........... but, then again, common sense has never been a strong suit for TWIts - me included.
Thank goodness we're free from all that so we CAN think for ourselves now... I've taken my chances of living outside the alleged "protection of the household" and ya know what? Life has been a ba-zillion times better - even when it's not been all butterflies and rainbows. In the words of Mary Chapin Carpenter, I'll take my chances.....
I sat alone in the dark one night, tuning in by remote
I found a preacher who spoke of the light but there was brimstone in his throat
He'd show me the way according to him in return for my personal check
I flipped my channel back to CNN and I lit another cigarette
I take my chances, forgiveness doesn't come with a debt
I take my chances, I take my chances every chance I get
I've crossed lines of words and wire and both have cut me deep
I've been frozen out and I've been on fire and the tears are mine to weep
Now I can cry until I laugh and laugh until I cry
So cut the deck right in half, I'll play from either side
I take my chances, I pay my dollar and I place my bet
I take my chances, I take my chances every chance I get
I take my chances, I don't cling to remorse or regret
I take my chances, I take my chances every chance I get
As I mentioned, I knew Bob quite a while ago - from 1972 to about 1980. I left in 85 or 86 but didn't have much contact with him in those last years. My impression was that he was a very nice guy, sort of an ideal middle manager type. Could play the game, brown nose when needed and quietly move up in the ranks. But I also think he was a wuss. I knew of a couple of incidents when people above him or the system didn't sit right and he never did anything about it. He was probably different to people "under" him than he was to those above. Like I said a middle manager, don't make waves, try and move up the ladder kind of guy.
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okay then he has my vote
big snort
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You say you want a revolution
Well you know little b is the answer
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction just keep your eyes closed and wallet open
Don't you know you can count on the fox to fight
Don't you know it's gonna be all right just keep the abs coming
You say you got a real solution
Well you know we don't care what u think
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well you know
We're doing what we can to suck the life out of u
But when you want money for people with minds that THINK
All I can tell you is brother M&A is coming
Don't you know it's gonna be all right
You say you'll change the constitution
Well you know
We all want to change your head just renew your mind to 35% abs
You tell me it's the institution
Well you know
You better keep your mind on twi doctrine instead
But if you go carrying pictures of rosie the fox
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know it's gonna be all right
I am very sorry to john lennon and the rest of the beatles I killed your song
This was the first overtly political Beatles song. It was John Lennon's response to the Vietnam War.
John Lennon wrote this in India while The Beatles were at a transcendental meditation camp with The Maharishi.
The original slow version appears on The White Album. The fast, loud version was released as a single. In the slow version, Lennon says "count me in" as well as "count me out" when referring to violence. This gives the song a dual meaning.
no duel meaning her no matter who is in charge they all lose.
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The entire Moneyhands family worshipped the ground craiggers walked on. They emulated him to the Nth degree and Bobby has his own narcisstic megalomaniac tendencies which little Brip no doubt assimilated into his own personality.
TWIts who are bored want another craig. Truth is, they probably want craig back but won't admit it. If Brian is arrogant, calculated and systematically as charming as a politician, then he is certainly the best man for the job. He's exactly what they want.
Brian, of course, wants it because he's lived high on the hog thanks to his parents never having to really work a day in their life. He knows first hand the privileges of being near the top of the food chain and, no doubt, sees that easy lavish lifestyle threatened if TWI continues to decline. I mean - GOLLY GEE - why get a real job in the real world when there's this established, easy meal ticket right there in front of you for the taking?
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Hey Belle, welcome back. Been wondering where you were.
Thanks for your input on this thread. I didn't think you could resist this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Belle, my goodness... haven't you read the "lady sharks" thread?
Now let's do it the right way..... JK! JK!
but seriously, though. I knew Bob from afar until around 1989, right in the the middle of POOP. At that time, I had some detailed and fairly long term discussions with him. He and I "worked" all the notes of various CG things together... it was a great blessing to me to get to know him. I know, he's stayed when I've left. I can't even imagine what he's been through. It would be easy for me to dismiss him, as you appear to do (maybe you know things that I don't... I admit that) but my impression was of a fine, loving man whose heart was bound up with the Word of God and a desire to see it live in people's lives, including his own. And especially, in children. I've never met RR, again, I knew her from afar. Because of things said against Bob, though, I wonder if GSC people just have a "diss" attitude.
I agree with the exposure of pride and vanity and certainly when others take advantage of God's "little ones". I take that very seriously. But I always bring my saltshaker to GSC.
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railroader II
I do not think it's a case of a "diss" attitude, but more a case of seeing various things from different perspectives and areas. We've all been witness to a lot of the BS that went down over the years, but from varying angles and this gives us a chance to sound off and compare notes. Also, to share a tear or two together.
By the way, welcome back Belle. It has been weird not hearing from you on some of these items.
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No -- (speaking for myself), -- my *attitude* (as such) is not in DISS mode.
Personally --- I've never met him, but I've met the type.
If other's *in the know* say he's leaning a certain way,
their experience trumps my ignorance.
They were on the scene, whereas I was not.
I have met RR, when she was in charge of the U of L classes.
Some of us know her from the *old days*, versus the here and now.
I'm guessing that those of us who know her from then,
would agree she hasn't changed much over the years -- unless it is for the worst.
*Observations* from a factual point of view -----
don't qualify as *dissing*.
And yes -- take that salt shaker with you everywhere.
Wherever I go -- whatever I hear --
needs to be taken with a grain of salt. :)
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:) Thanks for the kind words, y'all. I appreciate it.
Dan, Darlin', you're talking about nearly 20 years ago AND you're talking about a TWI leader. It's pretty much common knowledge that leadership treats people according to their perceived value. ;)
I'm not going to spend a lot of time re telling stories and experiences here but if you do a search for "Moneyhands", you'll find my unpleasant encounters with the man. He married my ex and me. He was our LC and lived in our town for nearly 10 years, starting in 1994. He and Dottie were still the LC's when I left / was allowed to leave in 2004. I had quite a bit of one-on-one time with Bob and Dottie through all those years and I'm speaking from a position of knowledge and experience - facts, not speculation.
Perception? Certainly. But even my perception has been validated by folks who have had the same kind of experience, seen the same kinds of behavior and read the correspondence with Bob that I have posted here at the cafe.
Like I said, do a search and you'll most likely see that Bob is not/was not the man you thought him to be.
I stand behind my post and, no, I haven't read the Lady Sharks Thread, but if it gives me permission to tell what I really think about Bob & Dottie, then, by all means, please point me to that booth. I actually toned down what I really think about Bob.
BTW, you DO know that Dottie has known for years about vee pee and craiggers raping women, don't you? She actually counseled many women who were destroyed by those two men throughout the years and yet continued, and still continues, to support that god forsaken wanna be group.
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Dan here are a few for you and I brought one up to the top:
My post about them tracking me down
Bob's Way Rag Article
Covering up the rapes
Vacation Cancelled
Limb Homes
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Uhhh....I wasn't in the dark. I was thinking that maybe you could give a few more details about his character. I apologize, but telling me that "he has God's word in his heart and wants to change things out there" really tells me nothing.
The standard for "having God's work in his heart" is based on TWI's teachings - which I believe to be highly inaccurate. He wants to change things - that can be both good and bad. Just take a look at the Old Testament kings and you'll get my drift.
You'll notice that I never joined the fray concerning B M*y.......
I try not to go after any of the children - even if they are full grown adults now.
What I saw of the dad I never cared for. I have heard mixed stories from folks concerning he and his wife. I never knew them personally.
You know this guy personally - fine. I'd say that "his friends" have done more to thwart his alleged plans than anyone here....but time will tell. I hope for his sake that he's a good guy with a heart instead of a small nuclear device in his chest.
Since you know where the cream and sugar are, perhaps you'll bring some down to the prayer room.
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Belle, I apologize. Waysider, fair enough.
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No apology necessary. Really! :)
Perception is everything and people change over time; that's all. I am all too familiar with how personable, charismatic and charming the Moneyhands can be. Believe me, I was their biggest fan for the longest time. My parents even liked them a lot. Enough so that whenever they would come to visit, we'd invite the Moneyhands out to dinner with us.
I just think that somewhere down the pike they started loving the lifestyle more than God and His people. They worshipped craig and I do mean worshipped him! Bob copied every little thing craig did. They aren't nice people.
You should hear some of the things Bob told us about some of the people in TWI..... awful things.... Dottie, well, I just don't know how she can justify her actions. She could have prevented so many women from being raped (all the way back to early vee pee days) and yet she kept her mouth shut. <_<
They are wolves in sheep's clothing and not everyone got to see that side of them. I realize that. And, we're all hurt, or we were at one time. That's how we ended up at the cafe, no?
If sharing that pain and/or sharing the nasty stuff we know helps others, then I plan to keep on sharing. I know for a fact that it's helped quite a few people in my time here and I'm glad for that.
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I heard about this a while back. Didn't like it then don't like it now. You have a problem with the way things are run? Speak up now, do something now, try to effect change now, or leave NOW. If the things that are wrong are so big that you think you need to be president to change them then, every day that you wait to be president will be another day that those things affect another person on some level. The effect of that over 5- 10 years while you wait to maybe become president to maybe change things dosn't sink in, all that hurt and wrong teaching dosn't matter? Do something now or leave now, do what is right, RIGHT NOW, anything else looks like an egotistical power play.
You don't have to know someone personally to see what is right and wrong about that. In fact, not knowing them probably helps.
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I just left about a year ago. They are the same. I love the good people that still exsist in there, and they still have some good leaders. However, they still haven't really fixed what allowed LCM to do what he was able to do. They have not fixed their issues with sexual misconduct. If they have really lost membership that badly (and from what I remember they have) what they really should do is look in the mirror. They have not dealt with the underline issues. They tell their followers to stay off the net. My Way Core leader in 2002 stated, "Don't come to me if you look at that internet junk and it makes you all confused." Well I looked at it, and I'm not confused anymore. Why did I look at it (since I know they read this)? Because everyone I witnessed to looked at it, and then stated, "Hey man do you know what's on the internet about your church?" So I looked at it for myself. What did I find: story's of sexual misconduct, harrassment, suicide, rape, child predators, cover up, plagerism, and many other goodies. In the end any company, church, or entity (if they were truly innocent) that would not stage a counter to those types of attacks. Plus their was one web site that put V.P. Wierwille's Receiving The Holy Spirit Today right along J.E. Stiles book, and showed that it was a word for word copy of Stiles book. I learned a lot of great things from TWI. However, who can trust any organization that doesn't come CLEAN? Admit to a mistake and I will forgive you. Cover it up, and I will not trust you. Deceive me? I'm out the door.
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Welcome agape99! Nice to have you here at GSC. Have a seat, kick your feet up, and relax a while. GSC has lots to offer. Enjoy yourself.
Here's the morning special, my treat.
See you around!
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That looks yummy! Do you have time to make another?
Welcome Agape99! It's good to be out of the cult. I can't believe it's been almost 5 years for me.
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Welcome, Agape!!
Been out about 3 years here. :) And I was only "in" during the 90's, so I missed all the "good ole' days" most folks wax nostalgic about, too.
And, like you, it was them insisting that we NOT look on the internet that got my dander up. I wanted to know what they must be hiding to be so adamant about controlling yet one more aspect of our lives. The more you (rhetorical) learn, the worse it gets. There's just sooooo much that it's absolutely disgusting.
You make a good point, too about trying to cover things up. IF the ministry is so corrupt and so putrid that they have to stage a "coup" to fix it, does that not tell them something about the quality and worthiness of trying to "fix" something like that - much less going about it in such an "ungodly" way?? You'd think........... but, then again, common sense has never been a strong suit for TWIts - me included.
Thank goodness we're free from all that so we CAN think for ourselves now... I've taken my chances of living outside the alleged "protection of the household" and ya know what? Life has been a ba-zillion times better - even when it's not been all butterflies and rainbows. In the words of Mary Chapin Carpenter, I'll take my chances.....
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As I mentioned, I knew Bob quite a while ago - from 1972 to about 1980. I left in 85 or 86 but didn't have much contact with him in those last years. My impression was that he was a very nice guy, sort of an ideal middle manager type. Could play the game, brown nose when needed and quietly move up in the ranks. But I also think he was a wuss. I knew of a couple of incidents when people above him or the system didn't sit right and he never did anything about it. He was probably different to people "under" him than he was to those above. Like I said a middle manager, don't make waves, try and move up the ladder kind of guy.
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so this change will happen in three weeks?
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so this change will happen in three weeks?
Guessing or any inside info?
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I don't know anything.
The anniversary is coming up and I thought that's when these things are done.
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Well.. if there is a change of guard, innies will probably find out about it here first..
Staffers.. if you think rosie's loins are thick, wait till the next generation has a crack at you..
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I thought the anniversary is 2 weeks away. It is usually the first Sunday of October, unless I've been gone so long that I don't care to remember!!

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