As someone that left 20 years ago or so I'm amazed that people are still interested in who runs it. I understand the need to keep in touch with old friends specially since at the age many of us are now but that is about it.
"So in the next few months, expect a move , possibly a coup that would place Rosie as "retired" with all the benefits that come with that. Expect a young, charismatic, visionary, hot shot with an eye on growth, outreach and marketing who looks and acts the part of a charismatic church leader with a TV ready face to be the new persident. He's a 2nd generation wayfer, a lifer. His name is B. Moneyhands. Do not be surprised if this happens. My old pals are angling for it and when they read this (yes they do read the board here) they are probably going to put me back on the black list."
"Young, smart, life long member, 2nd generation, good looking, great public speaker, groomed, charsimatic. I don't think he's a puppet. From what I'm told he's been failry critical of the way things are now. Hence the potential for a coup of sorts. I think he has dilusions of a grandiose lifestyle. He's very motivated and relentless and can be very nasty. A true 80's style wayfer."
I wonder how all of this will play out since it's been exposed here at the cafe. I'm sure this has caused many heads to swirl and maybe even some to roll!!! It will be some interesting months in TWI. It seems weird that these guys called you GJ. They should have KNOWN you would put it on here. They know people in TWI read GSC, and I'm sure even RFR has someone read it for her to keep her informed of things even she may not know.
In all of this, I feel really really sorry for those wayfers who really are in it for the love of God. Too bad they don't think church can offer them anything. Many of them would be be much happier if they changed that mind-set.
Do a "needs" assessment amongst your congregation.
Possibly in survey form, and make it anonymous.
Do it to determine what your peop's feel they need from the Way.
Include in it the questions-
"What do you consider the Way to be? How would you define it, in your own words?"
"What do you consider the primary value that the Way brings to you and your life? Be specific."
"What do you think you need more of?"
"What questions do you have of the Way that you'd like answered?"
"What questions do you have of the bible that you'd like answered?"
"What's the best thing we do, in your opinion?"
"What do we do the worst and could improve at, in your opinion?"
Doing a survey like this will give you a feel for the state of your peop's. What are they thinking? Not what are they saying, but what are they thinking?
What do they need? Yes, yes, bible teaching, that's what the Way does. But does the Way do it well? Is it actually doing what you think it is? What is it actually doing? How can that be articulated in clear terms?
Only those who are the recipients of what you offer can tell you if it's doing what you intend.
Making a survey and setting it up so that the results can be looked at is work, but it's worthwhile. Promoting "change" based on one person's view of what everyone else needs isn't going to be effective.
Dooj, my advice comes cheap! :) Course, the first one's free!
Naw, I seek no future remuneration for my scintillating insight and measurably awesome advice.
People make their choices. If they're there, they're there and they're probably there because they like it. But - what's "it". It may not be what the Way thinks.
If there were any kind of change at the Way, be it a young 2-buck Chuck stepping in and up or anyone of mind and determination to be at the helm, and the intent is to produce "change", that really doesn't amount to anything if it's simply that person's agenda, vision or interests being promoted.
It could be an oldie-moldie who wants to bring back the "original vision" of the Way, it could be some young blood with new ideas, or it could be anyone with any number of bright ideas.
The people that have chose to have involvement with the Way on some level need to be considered, IMO. Those who are already there, with some experience and some interest in the Way's future.
I would suggest - give them a voice. Let them be heard.
Instead of The Way being one or a few people's personal vision that are "at the top", broaden the scope to include everyone.
Why suggest such a thing? Why not? :) There are those Wayfers who are Wayfer who feel they're getting something from it, some who simply aren't going to do anything but go along to get along, but those people might have something to offer if encouraged.
Socks - I have no problem with you sharing...Just wondered if you really thought anyone would listen to you - after all, you're no longer "in the Household," and all...;)
Socks, are you really being serious or pulling our legs? Do you really believe that TWI wants that type of aggravation and self-destruction of "God's wonderful Family and Ministry"? What have you been taking, drug-wise(I want some of what you are smoking)
True, I wouldn't expect to have a voice in their affairs, since I'm no longer a member. It's rhetorical, for the sake of discussion.
I'm offering "advice" with no expectation to be heard by anyone in the Way, unless they're reading here and that's doubtful, but if they were they'd get some free advice they could take the credit for as I have no real interest in getting involved. They could use it and say it's theirs, something the Way's good at doing anyway. So, it would be a good fit. Unlikely but a good one all the same.
Would Waylings do such a thing as I've suggested? If they're on the same track as the last 20 years, no. Course not.
Wayons say "we want to do what the Word says. What's the Word say?"
For instance, they might say "well, where did Jesus Christ ever ask anyone what they thought?"
WayHeads figure if they know a few verses in Ephesians they have "the mind of Christ" and are a sneeze away from knowing God's Mind on any subject you care to bring up. So they don't need to ask, why bother when they can tell.
But if they stopped for a little bit and gave it some thought, they'd realize that if - IF - what they've been doing the last 30 years or so has been so right, why has everything they've done gone so wrong?
If that little seed of light has started to wiggle it's hiney into the brains of anyone still in the Way and they give it some room to grow they might decide to see what they're members think, and find out what they're really doing and if it's really as successful as they think.
This is just me talking to myself. We've tabled a couple items for later, and have break-out sessions scheduled, and the coffee's here. It's going well, we think.
True, I wouldn't expect to have a voice in their affairs, since I'm no longer a member. It's rhetorical, for the sake of discussion.
I'm offering "advice" with no expectation to be heard by anyone in the Way...
But if they stopped for a little bit and gave it some thought, they'd realize that if - IF - what they've been doing the last 30 years or so has been so right, why has everything they've done gone so wrong?
socks......I can appreciate your "advice" given for discussion purposes here at GS, but the pyramid of plethoric plagerism and propaganda [ie....cultville] will NOT allow it.
This MOGdom cannot change its spots, its underbelly, its wares......or its underwear.
I for one, appreciate Socks' sentiment...time and time again, Socks has graced us with his tempered views and heart towards those who have fallen into the "Way warp"...afterall, he once made a joyful noise that many of us were thrilled by...and he continues to do so today... :) ...and here at the GreaseSpot, it's a tough crowd to play to...
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I haven't read much of this thread but without action I'm sorry but I keep it in the rumor file
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As someone that left 20 years ago or so I'm amazed that people are still interested in who runs it. I understand the need to keep in touch with old friends specially since at the age many of us are now but that is about it.
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Well, I can understand. With all these tomatos, a person does have a certain need to know in which general direction to lob them..
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Quotes from Georgio Jessio:
"So in the next few months, expect a move , possibly a coup that would place Rosie as "retired" with all the benefits that come with that. Expect a young, charismatic, visionary, hot shot with an eye on growth, outreach and marketing who looks and acts the part of a charismatic church leader with a TV ready face to be the new persident. He's a 2nd generation wayfer, a lifer. His name is B. Moneyhands. Do not be surprised if this happens. My old pals are angling for it and when they read this (yes they do read the board here) they are probably going to put me back on the black list."
"Young, smart, life long member, 2nd generation, good looking, great public speaker, groomed, charsimatic. I don't think he's a puppet. From what I'm told he's been failry critical of the way things are now. Hence the potential for a coup of sorts. I think he has dilusions of a grandiose lifestyle. He's very motivated and relentless and can be very nasty. A true 80's style wayfer."
I wonder how all of this will play out since it's been exposed here at the cafe. I'm sure this has caused many heads to swirl and maybe even some to roll!!! It will be some interesting months in TWI. It seems weird that these guys called you GJ. They should have KNOWN you would put it on here. They know people in TWI read GSC, and I'm sure even RFR has someone read it for her to keep her informed of things even she may not know.
In all of this, I feel really really sorry for those wayfers who really are in it for the love of God. Too bad they don't think church can offer them anything. Many of them would be be much happier if they changed that mind-set.
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Tis a waste of either good tomatoes or good compost IMO :)
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Who says they are good tomatos?
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:my edit: He is on the ''cabinet'' .........sorry
and Notawayfer, when they got pregnant right out of residence, it was very scary for them. It could be they got to stay because of family connections,
or leaders extended ''grace'' and were in a good mood that day.
Who knows?
You know the Way is/ was NEVER CONSISTANT!
Exceptions/ no exceptions abound!
The only thing not going for him, (BM) is that he has never been on the field. Never ran a twig, branch, limb, nothing.
<_< .
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Sorry your wrong on that one.
He did run something.
He lived here in BR.
My daughter his age met him somehow
I think he called her.
I talked to him asked if his parents came
to let me know I would like to see them.
They did I didn't Which tells me at that time
I was an outcast and he can't understand the bible or they.
God Bless him if he thinks he can put a bow tie on a pig.
It will still be a pig but looks a little better.
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I stand corrected Danny, I think it was while he was in college.
I am only recounting conversations with him, and that it was an issue for them that they never got to use their training on the field.
After college, he went right into the Corps, at Gunnison and now work at HQ.
But as a Way Corps grad (and couple) they haven't run anything.
No matter. Many of the Way big wigs didn't do much field work. I think his parents are the exception.
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Well I think he runs his mouth.
not his brain and surely knows nothing about
much less the bible.
It was typical twi action.
Yeah we need new money plan.
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Dooj Dooj Dooj: What possibly could you mean by Donna on top?
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What do you think I meant?
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Free advice for the Way -
Do a "needs" assessment amongst your congregation.
Possibly in survey form, and make it anonymous.
Do it to determine what your peop's feel they need from the Way.
Include in it the questions-
"What do you consider the Way to be? How would you define it, in your own words?"
"What do you consider the primary value that the Way brings to you and your life? Be specific."
"What do you think you need more of?"
"What questions do you have of the Way that you'd like answered?"
"What questions do you have of the bible that you'd like answered?"
"What's the best thing we do, in your opinion?"
"What do we do the worst and could improve at, in your opinion?"
Doing a survey like this will give you a feel for the state of your peop's. What are they thinking? Not what are they saying, but what are they thinking?
What do they need? Yes, yes, bible teaching, that's what the Way does. But does the Way do it well? Is it actually doing what you think it is? What is it actually doing? How can that be articulated in clear terms?
Only those who are the recipients of what you offer can tell you if it's doing what you intend.
Making a survey and setting it up so that the results can be looked at is work, but it's worthwhile. Promoting "change" based on one person's view of what everyone else needs isn't going to be effective.
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*Dooj wonders why Socks bothers to help them...* :huh:
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Who knows? Maybe Socks would like to see the few remaining Wayfers actually get blessed.
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Dooj, my advice comes cheap! :) Course, the first one's free!
Naw, I seek no future remuneration for my scintillating insight and measurably awesome advice.
People make their choices. If they're there, they're there and they're probably there because they like it. But - what's "it". It may not be what the Way thinks.
If there were any kind of change at the Way, be it a young 2-buck Chuck stepping in and up or anyone of mind and determination to be at the helm, and the intent is to produce "change", that really doesn't amount to anything if it's simply that person's agenda, vision or interests being promoted.
It could be an oldie-moldie who wants to bring back the "original vision" of the Way, it could be some young blood with new ideas, or it could be anyone with any number of bright ideas.
The people that have chose to have involvement with the Way on some level need to be considered, IMO. Those who are already there, with some experience and some interest in the Way's future.
I would suggest - give them a voice. Let them be heard.
Instead of The Way being one or a few people's personal vision that are "at the top", broaden the scope to include everyone.
Why suggest such a thing? Why not? :) There are those Wayfers who are Wayfer who feel they're getting something from it, some who simply aren't going to do anything but go along to get along, but those people might have something to offer if encouraged.
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They could have the survey printed on handy "green" cards that everyone could carry with them!
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Socks - I have no problem with you sharing...Just wondered if you really thought anyone would listen to you - after all, you're no longer "in the Household," and all...;)
Advise away!
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Socks, are you really being serious or pulling our legs? Do you really believe that TWI wants that type of aggravation and self-destruction of "God's wonderful Family and Ministry"? What have you been taking, drug-wise(I want some of what you are smoking)
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could be CG.
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True, I wouldn't expect to have a voice in their affairs, since I'm no longer a member. It's rhetorical, for the sake of discussion.
I'm offering "advice" with no expectation to be heard by anyone in the Way, unless they're reading here and that's doubtful, but if they were they'd get some free advice they could take the credit for as I have no real interest in getting involved. They could use it and say it's theirs, something the Way's good at doing anyway. So, it would be a good fit. Unlikely but a good one all the same.
Would Waylings do such a thing as I've suggested? If they're on the same track as the last 20 years, no. Course not.
Wayons say "we want to do what the Word says. What's the Word say?"
For instance, they might say "well, where did Jesus Christ ever ask anyone what they thought?"
WayHeads figure if they know a few verses in Ephesians they have "the mind of Christ" and are a sneeze away from knowing God's Mind on any subject you care to bring up. So they don't need to ask, why bother when they can tell.
But if they stopped for a little bit and gave it some thought, they'd realize that if - IF - what they've been doing the last 30 years or so has been so right, why has everything they've done gone so wrong?
If that little seed of light has started to wiggle it's hiney into the brains of anyone still in the Way and they give it some room to grow they might decide to see what they're members think, and find out what they're really doing and if it's really as successful as they think.
This is just me talking to myself. We've tabled a couple items for later, and have break-out sessions scheduled, and the coffee's here. It's going well, we think.
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socks......I can appreciate your "advice" given for discussion purposes here at GS, but the pyramid of plethoric plagerism and propaganda [ie....cultville] will NOT allow it.
This MOGdom cannot change its spots, its underbelly, its wares......or its underwear.
The stains remain.
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I for one, appreciate Socks' sentiment...time and time again, Socks has graced us with his tempered views and heart towards those who have fallen into the "Way warp"...afterall, he once made a joyful noise that many of us were thrilled by...and he continues to do so today... :) ...and here at the GreaseSpot, it's a tough crowd to play to...
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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