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Thr fruit is in the pudding

polar bear

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To put it bluntly, my life inside twi got worse and worse as time went on.

I felt like the life and joy I once had was being sucked out of me. Yet I was afraid to leave due to the fear of being out of the household that was instilled into my thinking.

Yet sound thinking prevailed when I realized that my life was being gradually pulled down.

So I left. Since then have felt better and better.

The joy and enthusiasm for life is starting to return.

This shouldn't be the case since I left the household and the ministry that taught the "so called" truth.

But I now free from the burden of oppression and law that twi seemed to go deeper and deeper into.

Thanks to all here who have helped me be free from the heavy burden twi laid on my life.

I want to know do others here think their joy and peace in life has been better since leaving twi?

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Hmm. I think spiritually bankrupt people are like a black hole of sorts.. take, and take, and take..

Believe it or not..

I've always been at peace. Even with the life suckers around me..

sometimes, the best strategy.. is to give them EXACTLY what they want.. by their very nature, they will eat until they choke..

maybe that's too cruel..


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[quote name='polar bear' date='Aug 15 2007, 09:36 PM' post='359041'

I want to know do others here think their joy and peace in life has been better since leaving twi?


There is no comparison the joy filled, accomplished life I live now. Yeah sure, I fall on my bu tt now and then...I fail and fall short of my goals occasionally....the thing is...there generally isn`t anybody to kick me while I am down...as was so prevalent in my twi life.

Life is good outside of twi :)

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We left in the late nineties.

Life improved immediately--no 3x per week fellowship to attend, with the subtle and not so subtle put downs, jibes, corrections, disapproval attitudes. Plus the actual time factor--no rushing, hectic evenings for an event that was not friendly or healing, but instead a few hours of walking on eggshells.

A month out we-gasp!-got rid of the junker car and took out a loan on a van. Wow--no more weekends with hubby patching that car back together. More time! And, since we both had decent jobs by then--the payment wasn't a big noose around our necks, plus we were no longer doing the 15% ABS so Craig could wear Italian Loafers.

We moved our large hairy outdoor dog into the house, too. It just seemed more 'decent and in order' than keeping things dog hair free! Plus, being in a big city with break-ins in the area, I slept better knowing the big guy was in the house.

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One of the first things that I noticed was that when a coworker smiled at you...they meant it....there was no hidden agenda or feeling that another shoe was about to be dropped.

Oh yes nearly forgot the rift between my brother and I just seemed to get bigger. And I just found out from my other brother that despite reports otherwise the first bro is still an innie...hmmm...something he forgot to mention the last time I saw him. Imagine that.

But life outside twi...awsome!

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One of the first things that I noticed was that when a coworker smiled at you...they meant it....there was no hidden agenda or feeling that another shoe was about to be dropped.

Oh yes nearly forgot the rift between my brother and I just seemed to get bigger. And I just found out from my other brother that despite reports otherwise the first bro is still an innie...hmmm...something he forgot to mention the last time I saw him. Imagine that.

But life outside twi...awsome!

"Innies" and "Outies" - OMG!

:biglaugh: :blink: They've become THE FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAVELITES! :blink: :biglaugh:

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Rascal-"no one is there to kick me when I'm down"-That's right

They were always there to do that. Then they would tell you where you went wrong and how you messed up and how you have to get your'e thinking straight and on and on.

Makes me more happy I got out of that "nut house".

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