Seth, I think it's great you made such a decision for yourself, however I don't share your belief thats fine.
I don't know if you have noticed but not only is GS a group of ex-TWIers and a few others, but most importantly it is a group of Christians. Everybody who posts here posts as a Christian. We are pretty comfortable talking and even reproving one another (ie., Jonny and Cowgirl) because we are all part of one big family of Christians. I'm glad you are comfortable without hope and without God in this world. The rest of us here are not, And we found that the "little Baby Jesus" brought us hope and gave us a way to get back to God.
If you are not a Christian I don't believe you have any reason to post here any longer except to attempt to harass or to attempt to provoke us.
Seth, do us all a favor and sign off. go find a GS that is for athiest, you'll be much happier there. Don't come back here. People don't need to discuss such idiotic ideas. You are not doing anyone any service by posting here on this Christian site (same goes for any other Athiest who posts here)
No one has said that he doesn't have the right to post here. Nor that he shouldn't discuss his beliefs. What HAS been said, at least by me, is he does NOT have the right to belittle Christian beliefs. Any more than a Christian has the right to belittle HIS beliefs.
And YES Seth, I would defend your right to post about your beliefs wheather I belive as you do or not, as long as you do not insult anyone else for their's.
You've been misinformed. This is not a Christian forum. At least you just want to ban those who don't believe the way you do. That's a step in the right direction. Your predecessors would have preferred to have boiled the heretics in oil. Dang infidels. How DARE they show their font around good Christian folk like yourself?
Trust me, you don't want to go toe to toe with me. Would be the biggest mistake of your life.
And yeah, I got you beat on IQ's.
Too bad you didn't have enough class to just apologize for being offensive, but this post of yours tells a lot about your (lack of) character.
First I didn't say I wanted to go toe to toe with you I said if you and I did you'd have your Christian friends to back you up.
Second I didn't say what my IQ was now, just that back in 2nd grade it was 130.
Third I don't have to apologize for what was in your opinion "offensive" I think lies and myths are offensive, especially when dressed up like the truth. OK I offend you, on a topic by characterizing religion as lies and that I think the bible being the will of god is stupid, why? Why does this offend you? Why go for the flank, can't you attack from the front, instead of going for the "you offended me" tactic, why not counter my argument? Bring up your proof as to why I'm wrong about my statements. Then maybe we can have a discussion about character.
Seth, I think it's great you made such a decision for yourself, however I don't share your belief thats fine.
I don't know if you have noticed but not only is GS a group of ex-TWIers and a few others, but most importantly it is a group of Christians. Everybody who posts here posts as a Christian. We are pretty comfortable talking and even reproving one another (ie., Jonny and Cowgirl) because we are all part of one big family of Christians. I'm glad you are comfortable without hope and without God in this world. The rest of us here are not, And we found that the "little Baby Jesus" brought us hope and gave us a way to get back to God.
If you are not a Christian I don't believe you have any reason to post here any longer except to attempt to harass or to attempt to provoke us.
Seth, do us all a favor and sign off. go find a GS that is for athiest, you'll be much happier there. Don't come back here. People don't need to discuss such idiotic ideas. You are not doing anyone any service by posting here on this Christian site (same goes for any other Athiest who posts here)
Bluz and Sudo - When did I ever say 'BAN'? A gentleman would have came out and then seen that he doesn't really have anything in common with us here and would have left. and Sudo your how dare they bit shows what a lack of a thinker you must be. Are you an athiest. lets use percentages. if we used a poll with a two simple questions 1. is this a christian forum yes or no and 2. are you a christian yes or no. what do you think the results would be
Aahh I can't believe I am replying to the such stupid remarks you made. Hey have you visited the what church do you go to thread. there is a cannabis smokin, anglo-lovin, black person hatin, mushroom poppin guy over there. I wonder how many people have died as a result of his "christian beliefs".
BMan, I am insulted by his promotion of his non-belief here and the defense thereof, what are you going to do about it?
Be an insulting a$$ all you like. I won't stoop to your level and insult athiest's for not believing the same as I do.
See, I think it is the most insulting thing in the world to belittle someone for what they belive or don't believe when it comes to spiritual matters. YOU on the other hand think it's perfectly all right to do so.
Seth, I think it's great you made such a decision for yourself, however I don't share your belief thats fine.
I don't know if you have noticed but not only is GS a group of ex-TWIers and a few others, but most importantly it is a group of Christians. Everybody who posts here posts as a Christian. We are pretty comfortable talking and even reproving one another (ie., Jonny and Cowgirl) because we are all part of one big family of Christians. I'm glad you are comfortable without hope and without God in this world. The rest of us here are not, And we found that the "little Baby Jesus" brought us hope and gave us a way to get back to God.
If you are not a Christian I don't believe you have any reason to post here any longer except to attempt to harass or to attempt to provoke us.
Seth, do us all a favor and sign off. go find a GS that is for athiest, you'll be much happier there. Don't come back here. People don't need to discuss such idiotic ideas. You are not doing anyone any service by posting here on this Christian site (same goes for any other Athiest who posts here)
That's not the impression I get Bluzeman, I think he's being fer real. Well, whatever. I thought it was a humorous diversion.
I guess if I took any religious tenets seriously I could muster up some outrage, but - I don't. I just find it funny.
"I don't know if you have noticed but not only is GS a group of ex-TWIers and a few others, but most importantly it is a group of Christians. Everybody who posts here posts as a Christian. "
Oh really?
"If you are not a Christian I don't believe you have any reason to post here any longer except to attempt to harass or to attempt to provoke us. "
Mighty egalitarian of you!
"Seth, do us all a favor and sign off. go find a GS that is for athiest, you'll be much happier there. Don't come back here. People don't need to discuss such idiotic ideas. You are not doing anyone any service by posting here on this Christian site (same goes for any other Athiest who posts here)"
Bramble, I have no problem with Seth discussing his beliefs. What I have a problem with is his post where he calls Chritian Belief's LIES, insinuates that Christian's are all brainwashed zombies, and comments how STUPID it is to believe "that little book" is the word of God.
For those who don't see that as insulting to those of us who believe in God and the bible, then I don't know what to tell you. His post was HIGHLY insulting and he owes Christians an apology but he doesn't have enough class. Fine, he has shown his lack of character.
My "goosestep ... goosestep ..." response was a characterization of your post that I was responding to. As Sudo so rightly pointed out, this is NOT a Christian forum. There are Christians here, true. But they do not make up ALL of the folks here. There is enough of widespread smattering of people of different beliefs/opinions here to make totally bogus this 'Christian board' claim of yours. ... And that you basically tell us non-Christians to leave because of your MIS-statement, because we aren't Christians is why I portrayed/illustrated it like I did. Ie., goosestepping. Getting with the Christian program, or leave.
Perhaps my application of 'Godwin's Law' here was a little over the top, but not by much. And we infidels ain't going anywhere, so you might as well get used to us being in your neighborhood.
By the way, are you sure that it is you and your fellow Christians that are being attacked here in this thread? Or the ideas that you convey? ... Think about that for a moment. I've read over the comments by Seth and other atheists here, and it seems to me that what they were initially deriding was the ideas that religion perpetuated, ... NOT the believers themselves. Yes Virginia, there is a distinction between the two, no matter how much the believers in said concepts wish to identify with them. And keep in mind that the criticism/attack of ideas are *always* open game, ..... just as much as atheist ideas are (and always have been) open game to Christians, particularly when they are in apologetic/evangelical mode in an attempt to win over people to their side. It's just now you are getting a (comparatively) little taste of what we often go through, and you don't like it. ... Welcome to the club!
And I hope that none of your post was directed at me because, as I've stated, I have no problem with anyones beliefs.
But I damn sure have a problem with ANYONE belittleing ANYONE's beliefs, wheather I subscribe to that belief or not.
And YES, if there was an athiest posting here and he/she was being belittled for that belief, I would defend that person. But I will NOT sit by and keep my mouth shut when MY belief's are being belittled.
Bluzeman, I understand your feeling insulted. I have certainly had the same thing happen to me over and over, even here at GSC.
I think it is possible for people to change and hold different beliefs and even discuss them with out being insulting--but our doctrinal forum is one of the few places where I have seen people attempt it, and even then there are 'attacks.'
Sometimes those 'attacks' though, are just clumsy ways someone expresses themself.
Be an insulting a$$ all you like. I won't stoop to your level and insult athiest's for not believing the same as I do.
See, I think it is the most insulting thing in the world to belittle someone for what they belive or don't believe when it comes to spiritual matters. YOU on the other hand think it's perfectly all right to do so.
Still wanna talk about character?
I'm glad you get my point, I absolutely think it's OK to belittle someone for what they believe especially on spiritual matters, because eventually the truth may come out. If it's true then no amount of belittling will matter. Why should it matter what I say? If I'm wrong then so be it I am willing to take that risk.
So many people have taken advantage of others in the name of Christianity, it boggles the mind when you see it for what it is, not what it should be. This is the essence of the problem, the followers are taught this is how it should be, the leaders do what ever they want, and the few that complain are silenced. So it perpetuates itself because the followers talk about how it should be and everyone agrees, yes it should be this way, but it isn't so we need to work towards it being that way. A couple millenniums go by and it's still not the way it should be, but let's keep working at it, after all he's watching and is coming back soon, so you know just in case we better keep trying to make it the way it should be. All the while the leaders are still doing what ever they want to do, which by now is so mysterious nobody questions it, and if they do they are excommunicated.
I guess if nobody wants me to talk about the emperors clothes or that large Pachyderm in the living room I won't, nah forget that I'll still talk about it. I'm not a lemming I don't need to blindly follow a leader over a cliff, who made that guy the leader any way? I'm not saying I'm sorry for what I said or even how I said it.
Seth, I think it's great you made such a decision for yourself, however I don't share your belief thats fine.
I don't know if you have noticed but not only is GS a group of ex-TWIers and a few others, but most importantly it is a group of Christians. Everybody who posts here posts as a Christian. We are pretty comfortable talking and even reproving one another (ie., Jonny and Cowgirl) because we are all part of one big family of Christians. I'm glad you are comfortable without hope and without God in this world. The rest of us here are not, And we found that the "little Baby Jesus" brought us hope and gave us a way to get back to God.
If you are not a Christian I don't believe you have any reason to post here any longer except to attempt to harass or to attempt to provoke us.
Seth, do us all a favor and sign off. go find a GS that is for athiest, you'll be much happier there. Don't come back here. People don't need to discuss such idiotic ideas. You are not doing anyone any service by posting here on this Christian site (same goes for any other Athiest who posts here)
What the H E L L?????
This is NOT a Christian website. There are many posters here who are NOT Christian, including me and I have NEVER attempted to harass or provoke someone!!!!! If you can't handle that, perhap you are the one who should just NOT COME BACK HERE
First I didn't say I wanted to go toe to toe with you I said if you and I did you'd have your Christian friends to back you up.
Second I didn't say what my IQ was now, just that back in 2nd grade it was 130.
Third I don't have to apologize for what was in your opinion "offensive" I think lies and myths are offensive, especially when dressed up like the truth. OK I offend you, on a topic by characterizing religion as lies and that I think the bible being the will of god is stupid, why? Why does this offend you? Why go for the flank, can't you attack from the front, instead of going for the "you offended me" tactic, why not counter my argument? Bring up your proof as to why I'm wrong about my statements. Then maybe we can have a discussion about character.
Ya know, Seth, it is one thing to come here and say what you believe. It is another thing entirely to be rude and obnoxious to those who believe differently. Not much different than being in TWI, IMO. TWI liked to put down people who believed differently too, or did you forget that lesson?
And Out There, I dsagree. There is nothing wrong with him starting a thread announcing that he is an athiest. There is also nothing wrong with discussing what he believes or disbelieves.
Where he is wrong is his belittleing what other's believe. He is showing what a jerk he is by doing THAT, not by being an athiest.
Wanna talk about God? Eternity? how about really getting a life (Rom10:9,10)?
Still wanna talk about character?
Garth, I must be kinda slow, I don't understand your post at all, would you please explain or restate it for me?
Gee Out there, as a non-Christian, I spend far more time in the doctrinal forum discussing God and Eternity than you do. In fact, I rarely see you down there. hmmmmmm
So when is it you talk about God and Eternity? How is it your behavior on this thread is any better than Seth's?
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No one has said that he doesn't have the right to post here. Nor that he shouldn't discuss his beliefs. What HAS been said, at least by me, is he does NOT have the right to belittle Christian beliefs. Any more than a Christian has the right to belittle HIS beliefs.
And YES Seth, I would defend your right to post about your beliefs wheather I belive as you do or not, as long as you do not insult anyone else for their's.
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Sigh... this is getting out of hand....
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Out There,
You've been misinformed. This is not a Christian forum. At least you just want to ban those who don't believe the way you do. That's a step in the right direction. Your predecessors would have preferred to have boiled the heretics in oil. Dang infidels. How DARE they show their font around good Christian folk like yourself?
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Seth R.
First I didn't say I wanted to go toe to toe with you I said if you and I did you'd have your Christian friends to back you up.
Second I didn't say what my IQ was now, just that back in 2nd grade it was 130.
Third I don't have to apologize for what was in your opinion "offensive" I think lies and myths are offensive, especially when dressed up like the truth. OK I offend you, on a topic by characterizing religion as lies and that I think the bible being the will of god is stupid, why? Why does this offend you? Why go for the flank, can't you attack from the front, instead of going for the "you offended me" tactic, why not counter my argument? Bring up your proof as to why I'm wrong about my statements. Then maybe we can have a discussion about character.
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Out There
Bluz and Sudo - Hello
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Seth R.
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Be an insulting a$$ all you like. I won't stoop to your level and insult athiest's for not believing the same as I do.
See, I think it is the most insulting thing in the world to belittle someone for what they belive or don't believe when it comes to spiritual matters. YOU on the other hand think it's perfectly all right to do so.
Still wanna talk about character?
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goosestep ... goosestep ... goosestep ... goosestep goosestep goosestep goosestep goosestepgoosestepgoosestepgoosestepgoosestepgoosestepgoosestepgoosestepgooseste
"Springtime for Hitler, and Germany, ... Winter for England and France, ..."
All we need now is some Monty Python actors, and we'll have ourselves one helluva skit!
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Out There
Folks, In keeping with what I said I am deleting all my posts that I can find on this topic, whether they really reflect what I believe or not
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Time to invoke Godwin's Law!
I REALLY think Out There is being facetious. But I COULD be wrong.
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This is an ex twi forum. Not all ex TWIs are Christian. There are a few posters here who are not. I'm not.
I did not see Seth's post as an advertisement, but as an attempt to explain who he now is...
I do not think the non Christian Ex TWI' feel the need to leave. Paw hasn't banned us and declared this a Christian only forum.
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George Aar
That's not the impression I get Bluzeman, I think he's being fer real. Well, whatever. I thought it was a humorous diversion.
I guess if I took any religious tenets seriously I could muster up some outrage, but - I don't. I just find it funny.
"I don't know if you have noticed but not only is GS a group of ex-TWIers and a few others, but most importantly it is a group of Christians. Everybody who posts here posts as a Christian. "
Oh really?
"If you are not a Christian I don't believe you have any reason to post here any longer except to attempt to harass or to attempt to provoke us. "
Mighty egalitarian of you!
"Seth, do us all a favor and sign off. go find a GS that is for athiest, you'll be much happier there. Don't come back here. People don't need to discuss such idiotic ideas. You are not doing anyone any service by posting here on this Christian site (same goes for any other Athiest who posts here)"
Wow, where's the love, man?
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Bramble, I have no problem with Seth discussing his beliefs. What I have a problem with is his post where he calls Chritian Belief's LIES, insinuates that Christian's are all brainwashed zombies, and comments how STUPID it is to believe "that little book" is the word of God.
For those who don't see that as insulting to those of us who believe in God and the bible, then I don't know what to tell you. His post was HIGHLY insulting and he owes Christians an apology but he doesn't have enough class. Fine, he has shown his lack of character.
Rick I said, I could be wrong. :)
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Out There,
My "goosestep ... goosestep ..." response was a characterization of your post that I was responding to. As Sudo so rightly pointed out, this is NOT a Christian forum. There are Christians here, true. But they do not make up ALL of the folks here. There is enough of widespread smattering of people of different beliefs/opinions here to make totally bogus this 'Christian board' claim of yours. ... And that you basically tell us non-Christians to leave because of your MIS-statement, because we aren't Christians is why I portrayed/illustrated it like I did. Ie., goosestepping. Getting with the Christian program, or leave.
Perhaps my application of 'Godwin's Law' here was a little over the top, but not by much. And we infidels ain't going anywhere, so you might as well get used to us being in your neighborhood.
By the way, are you sure that it is you and your fellow Christians that are being attacked here in this thread? Or the ideas that you convey? ... Think about that for a moment. I've read over the comments by Seth and other atheists here, and it seems to me that what they were initially deriding was the ideas that religion perpetuated, ... NOT the believers themselves. Yes Virginia, there is a distinction between the two, no matter how much the believers in said concepts wish to identify with them. And keep in mind that the criticism/attack of ideas are *always* open game, ..... just as much as atheist ideas are (and always have been) open game to Christians, particularly when they are in apologetic/evangelical mode in an attempt to win over people to their side. It's just now you are getting a (comparatively) little taste of what we often go through, and you don't like it. ... Welcome to the club!
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Garth, I was kidding about Godwin's Law.
And I hope that none of your post was directed at me because, as I've stated, I have no problem with anyones beliefs.
But I damn sure have a problem with ANYONE belittleing ANYONE's beliefs, wheather I subscribe to that belief or not.
And YES, if there was an athiest posting here and he/she was being belittled for that belief, I would defend that person. But I will NOT sit by and keep my mouth shut when MY belief's are being belittled.
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Bluzeman, I understand your feeling insulted. I have certainly had the same thing happen to me over and over, even here at GSC.
I think it is possible for people to change and hold different beliefs and even discuss them with out being insulting--but our doctrinal forum is one of the few places where I have seen people attempt it, and even then there are 'attacks.'
Sometimes those 'attacks' though, are just clumsy ways someone expresses themself.
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Thanks Bramble! I really appreciate your comments.
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Out There
Folks, In keeping with what I said I am deleting all my posts that I can find on this topic, whether they really reflect what I believe or not
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Seth R.
I'm glad you get my point, I absolutely think it's OK to belittle someone for what they believe especially on spiritual matters, because eventually the truth may come out. If it's true then no amount of belittling will matter. Why should it matter what I say? If I'm wrong then so be it I am willing to take that risk.
So many people have taken advantage of others in the name of Christianity, it boggles the mind when you see it for what it is, not what it should be. This is the essence of the problem, the followers are taught this is how it should be, the leaders do what ever they want, and the few that complain are silenced. So it perpetuates itself because the followers talk about how it should be and everyone agrees, yes it should be this way, but it isn't so we need to work towards it being that way. A couple millenniums go by and it's still not the way it should be, but let's keep working at it, after all he's watching and is coming back soon, so you know just in case we better keep trying to make it the way it should be. All the while the leaders are still doing what ever they want to do, which by now is so mysterious nobody questions it, and if they do they are excommunicated.
I guess if nobody wants me to talk about the emperors clothes or that large Pachyderm in the living room I won't, nah forget that I'll still talk about it. I'm not a lemming I don't need to blindly follow a leader over a cliff, who made that guy the leader any way? I'm not saying I'm sorry for what I said or even how I said it.
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What the H E L L?????
This is NOT a Christian website. There are many posters here who are NOT Christian, including me and I have NEVER attempted to harass or provoke someone!!!!! If you can't handle that, perhap you are the one who should just NOT COME BACK HERE

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OK, so there you have it folks. Seth say's it perfectly acceptable to belittle others for what they believe. How many agree with that?
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Ya know, Seth, it is one thing to come here and say what you believe. It is another thing entirely to be rude and obnoxious to those who believe differently. Not much different than being in TWI, IMO. TWI liked to put down people who believed differently too, or did you forget that lesson?
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And Out There, I dsagree. There is nothing wrong with him starting a thread announcing that he is an athiest. There is also nothing wrong with discussing what he believes or disbelieves.
Where he is wrong is his belittleing what other's believe. He is showing what a jerk he is by doing THAT, not by being an athiest.
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Gee Out there, as a non-Christian, I spend far more time in the doctrinal forum discussing God and Eternity than you do. In fact, I rarely see you down there. hmmmmmm
So when is it you talk about God and Eternity? How is it your behavior on this thread is any better than Seth's?
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