Well then, maybe you are right there Oakspear! One could, without conscience, go out and get all of the p u s sy one wanted! One could partay big time and as long as no one got hurt by it, it would be okay! Wow! Why didn't I think of that! You are right, it's not that bleak after all! But.....I could never go there, because I still believe in the Invisible Sky Giant, and I think that His precepts are right on with Life...
Abso-frikkin'-lutely amazing how Jonny takes Oakspear's comment about "one could grab for all the gusto now, make life worth living now, cram as much living as can be crammed into the years one has now!" and totally *distort* it into something immoral, unethical, and abusive -- a rendering that is totally in line with how a lot of Christians are *blindly* indoctrinated (almost tempted to say 'brainwashed' ;) ) that atheists are without morals and ethics, and simply because said atheists don't believe in a god.
Ie, Jonny, dispite your 100+% dedication to your religious beliefs (or maybe I should say because of such dedication <_< ), you have NO idea of what you're talking about when you speak about atheists and how they view things.
NO idea whatsoever. ((shakes head)) ... and I oughtta know, as I used to have the same distorted viewpoints regarding atheists.
Well, you see David, when the Roman Catholic brand of Christianity finally takes over the world, all will be Italian.
When this happens (as it has been fortold) the Pope will summon the return of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
This time is well known as "Al Dente".
He will decend riding a refigerator made of gold and we will all be judged by being thrown against it. If you stick you will shead you earthly body and live eternally in your spiritual spaghetti state. If you don't stick you will be sent to the boiling lake of water, where you will be eternally boiled.
Jonny................You never cease to amaze me, why is it everytime someone posts something and you want to add your two bits to it, it's always something perverted or you boinking someone.
You said " One could, without conscience, go out and get all of the p u s sy one wanted! One could partay big time and as long as no one got hurt by it, it would be okay!" and yet you say "I could never go there, because I still believe in the Invisible Sky Giant, and I think that His precepts are right on with Life..." but you sure do go there in the words that you write in your posts on GS.
One could look at it as bleak, or one could grab for all the gusto now, make life worth living now, cram as much living as can be crammed into the years one has now!
Bingo! I try to live my life how I want to because there will be no time to make it up later.
Well then, maybe you are right there Oakspear! One could, without conscience, go out and get all of the p u s sy one wanted! One could partay big time and as long as no one got hurt by it, it would be okay! Wow! Why didn't I think of that! You are right, it's not that bleak after all! But.....I could never go there, because I still believe in the Invisible Sky Giant, and I think that His precepts are right on with Life...
...or you could devote your life to doing good and helping people because it is the right thing to do, and because there is only one shot at this. It's easier to deal with poor, suffering, or terminally ill people if you are religious because you can believe that everything will be ok with them later. Not so for an atheist. You have to help these people NOW because otherwise they will suffer throughout their entire lives. Also, since we don't believe in the eternal funland (which would probably be abstinent, since unlike in Islam Christianity makes no mention of a sexual afterlife) we have to do other things to make sure we are remembered after we are gone. These things could be being a good parent so you leave a moral impact on your kids and they grow up well, or you work in medicine and save lives, or you become an artist, or many other things.
I think part of the problem is that the people who are most religious tend to feel the most repression, and have the strongest desires to be immoral. That's why you always hear about Christian leaders molesting children or having sex with gay prostitutes, while you pretty much never hear of stuff like that when it comes to atheists. Atheists are usually more comfortable with their morality because we don't require threats of eternal torture to do the right thing.
I think therapists have become the "exorcists" of the modern era - casting out legions of them pesky "Jesii" sky-giants
How right you are, glad I have the sky giant to help me in life so I don't need to spend my time and money on one. That leaves more for other things in life, being in bondage to pay a therapist is sorta like being in bondage to tithe every month isn't it?
Cowgirl, why don't you tell us another story of your naked body, skinny dipping in the evening twilight?
But, I do apologize for using that word folks. Inappropriate fer sher. But, one of the things that does accompany the Humanist view is that one doesn't have to believe in a God or His precepts, as long as one "does good" in this world and doesn't "do bad" And if one lives this way, one can do what one wants, which also includes partying and having multiple relations with the opposite or even same sex. Poor way to illustrate that though. Sorry.
Jonny you can be such a jerk sometimes...................I checked out the post you were referring to and all I mentioned was going for a skinny dip, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT A NAKED BODY !!!!!!! And besides that, it was over a yr ago. Geeeeeze Get a life!!!!!
How right you are, glad I have the sky giant to help me in life so I don't need to spend my time and money on one. That leaves more for other things in life, being in bondage to pay a therapist is sorta like being in bondage to tithe every month isn't it?
Sure, WhiteDove - everyone who needs a therapist is in bondage because they aren't getting the help they need from from the Sky Giant.
Is that because they aren't believing big enough?
Cowgirl, why don't you tell us another story of your naked body, skinny dipping in the evening twilight?
But, I do apologize for using that word folks. Inappropriate fer sher. But, one of the things that does accompany the Humanist view is that one doesn't have to believe in a God or His precepts, as long as one "does good" in this world and doesn't "do bad" And if one lives this way, one can do what one wants, which also includes partying and having multiple relations with the opposite or even same sex. Poor way to illustrate that though. Sorry.
Sure Jonny. And believing iin a God guarantees one is moral and upright and never parties or engages in multiple relations with the opposite or even same sex. :blink:
Ever hear about the concept of 'being a gentleman'? :huh: What's up with you anyway, dude? Why the infantile, sophomoric, locker room talk to Cowgirl? I mean, does that fit in more with your concept of "believing in God and His precepts"? Hell, as much as I'm a cranky, argumentative, old fart in politics n' tacks (and elsewhere even), I have NEVER (and would never) engage in trash talk of such nature. ..... Hhmmmmm, now how can that be I wonder, since I'm supposedly this "do anything I want, screw anyone I want, and to he11 with the consequences" humanist infidel, hmmmm?
I wonder if you would say that crap to her face, ... and with some of her friends (like a good number of us) around within earshot, ..... hhmmmm? So you don't like atheists and all. ... So go take a chill pill and get over it.
Updated to say: Humanist, atheist, ... and *damn* proud of it!
But, one of the things that does accompany the Humanist view is that one doesn't have to believe in a God or His precepts, as long as one "does good" in this world and doesn't "do bad" And if one lives this way, one can do what one wants, which also includes partying and having multiple relations with the opposite or even same sex.
says who, jonny? why would you automatically equate "humanist" with "hedonist?" do you really believe (and i say "believe" rather than "think," because i can't imagine this premise is the product of thinking) that if someone doesn't believe in God they must be immoral?
To the Christians and other theists who have kept their posts respectful, thank you. You don't have to agree with atheism, agnosticism, humanism, paganism, or anything else to treat its adherants properly.
To the atheists, agnostics, humanists, pagans, and other non Christians, don't rise to the bait of the s h i t h e a d s and sink to their level. The presence of a moron shouldn't cause us to malign our Christian fellow posters.
One could look at it as bleak, or one could grab for all the gusto now, make life worth living now, cram as much living as can be crammed into the years one has now!
Well then, maybe you are right there Oakspear! One could, without conscience, go out and get all of the ******** (language edited) one wanted! One could partay big time and as long as no one got hurt by it, it would be okay! Wow! Why didn't I think of that! You are right, it's not that bleak after all! But.....I could never go there, because I still believe in the Invisible Sky Giant, and I think that His precepts are right on with Life...
Where did you get that from what I posted? Sure, there are atheists who do live like that, just as there are Christians who live that way, certain that their slate will be wiped clean and they'll enjoy a cool afterlife.
My point was that an atheist wouldn't necessarily look at the lack of an afterlife, or the absolute certainty of death, as bleak.
There is a difference (yes there is) between maligning our fellow (Christian) posters, ... and duly chastising certain ones who damn well deserve it, not only for a total and gross mischaracterization of a group (and that for no better reason than that group doesn't believe in the same god that the maligner believes in), but for then uttering gutteral crap, and in a manner that betrays the 'godly morality' that they _say_ they believe in.
And all he had to do was to avoid a thread that apparently 'offended his religious sensabilities'. (Yeah. Right! )
I wish you well Seth, and, I think you used to be AeroSeth? I took it to mean that you like Aerosmith? Well, those guys may well be one of my favorite bands, and I liked it that you liked them enough to incorporate their name into your original handle. Cool name it was. Take care and Godspeed.
There is a difference (yes there is) between maligning our fellow (Christian) posters, ... and duly chastising certain ones who damn well deserve it, not only for a total and gross mischaracterization of a group (and that for no better reason than that group doesn't believe in the same god that the maligner believes in), but for then uttering gutteral crap, and in a manner that betrays the 'godly morality' that they _say_ they believe in.
And all he had to do was to avoid a thread that apparently 'offended his religious sensabilities'. (Yeah. Right! )
I agree Garth. I'm just suggesting that we don't get carried away and tar all of Christians with the same brush as those who deserve it.
maybe you should change change your name here to "Jonny Weasel."
(while i'm at it, jonny-boy, there's nothing Steven Wright-like about your little sign-off. Wright's one-liners work because of some wordplay or ironic twist. yours has neither.)
"Sky Giant", wasn't that an Eric Burdon song? (Cue the electric bagpipes)
(You know Jonny, if I were a Bible-believing man still, I'd mention something about Matthew 12:34 "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." But I"m not, so forget I said anything)
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Abso-frikkin'-lutely amazing how Jonny takes Oakspear's comment about "one could grab for all the gusto now, make life worth living now, cram as much living as can be crammed into the years one has now!" and totally *distort* it into something immoral, unethical, and abusive -- a rendering that is totally in line with how a lot of Christians are *blindly* indoctrinated (almost tempted to say 'brainwashed' ;) ) that atheists are without morals and ethics, and simply because said atheists don't believe in a god.
Ie, Jonny, dispite your 100+% dedication to your religious beliefs (or maybe I should say because of such dedication <_< ), you have NO idea of what you're talking about when you speak about atheists and how they view things.
NO idea whatsoever. ((shakes head)) ... and I oughtta know, as I used to have the same distorted viewpoints regarding atheists.
Edited by GarthP2000Link to comment
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Among all the giants inhabiting the heavenly pantheon, I had always since my youth a special place
in my heart for "Gigantor, the Space-Age Robot", even though he wasn't invisible.
With a simple press on a remote control beaming forth oscillating waves, there he'd come,
flying through the air.
When I think "sky giants" - I think "Gigantor".
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Where does the Flying Spaghetti Monster fit into all of this?
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Well, you see David, when the Roman Catholic brand of Christianity finally takes over the world, all will be Italian.
When this happens (as it has been fortold) the Pope will summon the return of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
This time is well known as "Al Dente".
He will decend riding a refigerator made of gold and we will all be judged by being thrown against it. If you stick you will shead you earthly body and live eternally in your spiritual spaghetti state. If you don't stick you will be sent to the boiling lake of water, where you will be eternally boiled.
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Jonny................You never cease to amaze me, why is it everytime someone posts something and you want to add your two bits to it, it's always something perverted or you boinking someone.
You said " One could, without conscience, go out and get all of the p u s sy one wanted! One could partay big time and as long as no one got hurt by it, it would be okay!" and yet you say "I could never go there, because I still believe in the Invisible Sky Giant, and I think that His precepts are right on with Life..." but you sure do go there in the words that you write in your posts on GS.
What's up with that, I don't get it!!
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Mister P-Mosh
Bingo! I try to live my life how I want to because there will be no time to make it up later.
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Mister P-Mosh
...or you could devote your life to doing good and helping people because it is the right thing to do, and because there is only one shot at this. It's easier to deal with poor, suffering, or terminally ill people if you are religious because you can believe that everything will be ok with them later. Not so for an atheist. You have to help these people NOW because otherwise they will suffer throughout their entire lives. Also, since we don't believe in the eternal funland (which would probably be abstinent, since unlike in Islam Christianity makes no mention of a sexual afterlife) we have to do other things to make sure we are remembered after we are gone. These things could be being a good parent so you leave a moral impact on your kids and they grow up well, or you work in medicine and save lives, or you become an artist, or many other things.
I think part of the problem is that the people who are most religious tend to feel the most repression, and have the strongest desires to be immoral. That's why you always hear about Christian leaders molesting children or having sex with gay prostitutes, while you pretty much never hear of stuff like that when it comes to atheists. Atheists are usually more comfortable with their morality because we don't require threats of eternal torture to do the right thing.
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How right you are, glad I have the sky giant to help me in life so I don't need to spend my time and money on one. That leaves more for other things in life, being in bondage to pay a therapist is sorta like being in bondage to tithe every month isn't it?
Edited by WhiteDoveLink to comment
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J0nny Ling0
Cowgirl, why don't you tell us another story of your naked body, skinny dipping in the evening twilight?
But, I do apologize for using that word folks. Inappropriate fer sher. But, one of the things that does accompany the Humanist view is that one doesn't have to believe in a God or His precepts, as long as one "does good" in this world and doesn't "do bad" And if one lives this way, one can do what one wants, which also includes partying and having multiple relations with the opposite or even same sex. Poor way to illustrate that though. Sorry.
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Yes please do ..........:P
P.S. I know! I know! I'm going to be hurtin ,so what else is new? I'll just go over here and assume the position......
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Jonny you can be such a jerk sometimes...................I checked out the post you were referring to and all I mentioned was going for a skinny dip, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT A NAKED BODY !!!!!!! And besides that, it was over a yr ago. Geeeeeze Get a life!!!!!
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Sure, WhiteDove - everyone who needs a therapist is in bondage because they aren't getting the help they need from from the Sky Giant.
Is that because they aren't believing big enough?
Sure Jonny. And believing iin a God guarantees one is moral and upright and never parties or engages in multiple relations with the opposite or even same sex. :blink:
Edited by AbigailLink to comment
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Ever hear about the concept of 'being a gentleman'? :huh: What's up with you anyway, dude? Why the infantile, sophomoric, locker room talk to Cowgirl? I mean, does that fit in more with your concept of "believing in God and His precepts"? Hell, as much as I'm a cranky, argumentative, old fart in politics n' tacks (and elsewhere even), I have NEVER (and would never) engage in trash talk of such nature. ..... Hhmmmmm, now how can that be I wonder, since I'm supposedly this "do anything I want, screw anyone I want, and to he11 with the consequences" humanist infidel, hmmmm?
I wonder if you would say that crap to her face, ... and with some of her friends (like a good number of us) around within earshot, ..... hhmmmm?
So you don't like atheists and all. ... So go take a chill pill and get over it.
Updated to say: Humanist, atheist, ... and *damn* proud of it!
Edited by GarthP2000Link to comment
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sprawled out
says who, jonny? why would you automatically equate "humanist" with "hedonist?" do you really believe (and i say "believe" rather than "think," because i can't imagine this premise is the product of thinking) that if someone doesn't believe in God they must be immoral?
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To the Christians and other theists who have kept their posts respectful, thank you. You don't have to agree with atheism, agnosticism, humanism, paganism, or anything else to treat its adherants properly.
To the atheists, agnostics, humanists, pagans, and other non Christians, don't rise to the bait of the s h i t h e a d s and sink to their level. The presence of a moron shouldn't cause us to malign our Christian fellow posters.
Where did you get that from what I posted? Sure, there are atheists who do live like that, just as there are Christians who live that way, certain that their slate will be wiped clean and they'll enjoy a cool afterlife.My point was that an atheist wouldn't necessarily look at the lack of an afterlife, or the absolute certainty of death, as bleak.
Edited by OakspearLink to comment
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There is a difference (yes there is) between maligning our fellow (Christian) posters, ... and duly chastising certain ones who damn well deserve it, not only for a total and gross mischaracterization of a group (and that for no better reason than that group doesn't believe in the same god that the maligner believes in), but for then uttering gutteral crap, and in a manner that betrays the 'godly morality' that they _say_ they believe in.
And all he had to do was to avoid a thread that apparently 'offended his religious sensabilities'. (Yeah. Right!
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J0nny Ling0
I wish you well Seth, and, I think you used to be AeroSeth? I took it to mean that you like Aerosmith? Well, those guys may well be one of my favorite bands, and I liked it that you liked them enough to incorporate their name into your original handle. Cool name it was. Take care and Godspeed.
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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Jonny, I read what you wrote before you edited it, pretty rude !
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J0nny Ling0
Have a nice day.
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Yeah Cowgirl, I read it too. ... Sad. Guess this is part of him living according to the 'non-hedonistic precepts' of his 'Sky Giant'.
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sprawled out
maybe you should change change your name here to "Jonny Weasel."
(while i'm at it, jonny-boy, there's nothing Steven Wright-like about your little sign-off. Wright's one-liners work because of some wordplay or ironic twist. yours has neither.)
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George Aar
"Sky Giant", wasn't that an Eric Burdon song? (Cue the electric bagpipes)
(You know Jonny, if I were a Bible-believing man still, I'd mention something about Matthew 12:34 "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." But I"m not, so forget I said anything)
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David, I thought this was the All-Seeing Spaghetti Eye..
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