Ahhhh-HAAAA!! Another infidel to crucify and persecute!! ... ((picking up my stone to cast at the infidel ))
J-U-S-T kidding, Seth. (Got ya going there fer a moment. didn't I? ;) )
Welcome to the growing community of child-eating--errr, ahh Communist---ummm, I mean---lively-in-debate, and stuanchly rude curmudgeons known as atheists, agnostics, 'Brights' ((ugghh! I HATE that term )), and other assorted freethinkers.
Yeah, "brights"? Ugh, what a bogus, self-serving term that was. Fortunately, I don't think it caught on.
Welcome to the club Seth. The superstition and intellectual dishonesty gets to ya after awhile, don't it?
I'm not sure life is all that much rosier on the unbelieving side (well, except for being and to rape and murder without the slightest twinge of conscience - that comes in handy) but at least we don't have to do all the goddam mental gymnastics anymore. I was getting a brain cramp...
Yeah, "brights"? Ugh, what a bogus, self-serving term that was. Fortunately, I don't think it caught on.
Welcome to the club Seth. The superstition and intellectual dishonesty gets to ya after awhile, don't it?
I'm not sure life is all that much rosier on the unbelieving side (well, except for being and to rape and murder without the slightest twinge of conscience - that comes in handy) but at least we don't have to do all the goddam mental gymnastics anymore. I was getting a brain cramp...
Right I had my conscience removed when I became Atheist... WTF? LOL! My conscience and moral center are firmly intact and even more so now that I don't have confusing lies telling me why I should act so. Morality is an evolutionary feature of all primates, we don't need a god or religion to tell us how to act we are hardwired by evolution for it.
There is much confusion over what an Atheist is, I just don't believe there is an all powerful single guiding intelligence that runs the universe. I do believe something powers this universe I just don't think it's all powerful or intelligent, it could be explained by quantum theory or string theory.
Some people think Atheists are against religion, not really, but if you push me I might push back. It's religion that is against Atheism, because religion aims at population control, and the powers that be don't care what brand you use, just so long as you consume their product and think how they want you to think, basically they want cattle, fat dumb and happy grazers. Ask no questions, and they will tell you no lies.
Is it so much to ask people to seriously look at what they believe and investigate the facts of the origins of their religion? I mean the real origins not what the bible says about itself, (it's so stupid people really think this tiny little book is god's will.) of course the book's author is going to tell you how great the book is, hello!
Thanks for sharing the link, Seth. I watched it twice. Now you're a GreaseSpotter times two, and still not a grease-spot-spot-by-midnight. I wish you well!
sounded like George Carlin.... "but He LOVES you!"
And hey Seth! Now you can say with a sage nod amongst your esteemed colleagues that "I don't talk to "sky giants" any more". I think that P-Mosh used that term one time. At least I think it was Mr. P-Mosh. Anyway, cracked me up! A whole brave new world awaits you...
Well, Seth...I do hope by being an atheist that means you believe in something, even if that something is nothing. Join the Seinfeld group!
Well, being an atheist doesn't mean you believe in nothing. Can't describe it.
Well, being an atheist, huh? I think your therapist is not needed. Instead just tell God about not believing in Him.
No, wait. That's like telling my father I didn't break the picture window with a baseball when I was twelve. Or drink his beer just to find out what it taste like. Or brag about having sex when I was in fact, a virgin.
Well, whatever, I hope you find God again. I won't judge.
You're going to burn in hell.
(No, perhaps not. I wouldn't really not know that unless I actually saw it. And if I saw it, it means that I went to hell, too.)
Well, Seth...I do hope by being an atheist that means you believe in something, even if that something is nothing. Join the Seinfeld group!
Well, being an atheist doesn't mean you believe in nothing. Can't describe it.
Ya know, it really amuses me seeing how some people try to describe atheism or atheists. Especialy when they use that old canard that VPW himself once used: "An atheist is one who doesn't believe in anything, and everybody believes in something. Therefore you can't really be an atheist."
Basically put, an atheist is one who doesn't believe in a god or supernatural being(s). ... Period. ... That's all she wrote. Simple.
Basically put, an atheist is one who doesn't believe in a god or supernatural being(s). ... Period. ... That's all she wrote. Simple.
I see no problem with that. I remember that thing VP said, and even though I thought it clever at the time, I also felt that it wasn't accurate with what I'd always believed about atheists, that simply put, they didn't believe in God. I remember in fifth grade meeting my first atheist. His name was/is Martin Collier. Actually, I'd known him since kindygarden, but one day, when talking with him he told me that he was an atheist. I asked him what that was, and he said that he didn't believe in God. I was really surprised by that! I had never heard the term, and I thought everyone believed in God. And so, I was begining to learn a few things about this old world. Martin and I are still friiends. Over the net, I still tease him about how he would call my house once in awhile back in high school and ask; "Jonny, do you have any pot?" And I would almost always say; "Yes Martin, I do". And he would say; "Would you like to come over to my house and get me high"? Very matter of fact and unabashed about it. And I would usually say; "Sure Martin, I'll be right over". And we'd get high and listen to Todd Rundgren...
And hey Seth! Now you can say with a sage nod amongst your esteemed colleagues that "I don't talk to "sky giants" any more". I think that P-Mosh used that term one time. At least I think it was Mr. P-Mosh. Anyway, cracked me up! A whole brave new world awaits you...
I have used the term in the past, although I didn't invent it. People refer to the "Invisible Sky Giant" to show others how foreign and wrong belief in the bible feels for those of us that are not religious. If I were to tell you, "I don't believe in God" you would look at it from the Christian perspective because of all the meaning the term "God" has in our society, but if I tell you, "I don't believe in the Invisible Sky Giant", you have no preconceived notions about that term, and might understand my views better. In any case, I'm glad you found it amusing.
As far as the "brave new world" awaiting Seth, it's not that great. As an atheist, I would be thrilled to discover some evidence of an afterlife, for example, because that would make life easier. Unfortunately I don't see any evidence of such a thing, meaning that I have to go through life believing that this is all there is, that my life ends, eventually my nation ends, my family ends, my planet ends, my solar system ends, and most likely the whole universe ends. Death is absolute and becomes even moreso over time.
Another bad thing about being an atheist, and why I don't go out proclaiming it alot is because it does make you a target for ultra-religious creeps. Most Christians may not like atheism or think it's wrong, but they at least tolerate us. Others, who seem to be part of a growing minority of Christians, view us as practically "seed boys" who could mass-murder at any moment and are not to be trusted. People treat you with more respect if you go to church.
I would be thrilled to discover some evidence of an afterlife, for example, because that would make life easier. Unfortunately I don't see any evidence of such a thing, meaning that I have to go through life believing that this is all there is, that my life ends, eventually my nation ends, my family ends, my planet ends, my solar system ends, and most likely the whole universe ends. Death is absolute and becomes even moreso over time.
Wow. Bummer. You are right. Tha does sound pretty bleak. Oh well, good luck!
Ya know, it really amuses me seeing how some people try to describe atheism or atheists. Especialy when they use that old canard that VPW himself once used: "An atheist is one who doesn't believe in anything, and everybody believes in something. Therefore you can't really be an atheist."
Basically put, an atheist is one who doesn't believe in a god or supernatural being(s). ... Period. ... That's all she wrote. Simple.
As an atheist, I would be thrilled to discover some evidence of an afterlife, for example, because that would make life easier. Unfortunately I don't see any evidence of such a thing, meaning that I have to go through life believing that this is all there is, that my life ends, eventually my nation ends, my family ends, my planet ends, my solar system ends, and most likely the whole universe ends. Death is absolute and becomes even moreso over time.
Wow. Bummer. You are right. Tha does sound pretty bleak. Oh well, good luck!
One could look at it as bleak, or one could grab for all the gusto now, make life worth living now, cram as much living as can be crammed into the years one has now! Edited by Oakspear
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Ahhhh-HAAAA!! Another infidel to crucify and persecute!! ... ((picking up my stone to cast at the infidel
Welcome to the growing community of child-eating--errr, ahh Communist---ummm, I mean---lively-in-debate, and stuanchly rude curmudgeons known as atheists, agnostics, 'Brights' ((ugghh! I HATE that term
)), and other assorted freethinkers.
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Congrats on making a desicion. I still can't do that.
Fiddle or banjo??? Mandolin or Guitar???
Piano or Organ??? Bouzouki or Dobro???
So many instruments --- So little time!!
Am glad you found your space in this thing we call life. :)
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[pulling Seth aside: I sure hope you checked with your leadership first, before doing something like this].
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Mister P-Mosh
Congratulations and welcome to the club.
The first rule of the club is that there really is no club. No, seriously.
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Sorry, just had to take the shot.
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J0nny Ling0
Seth, you are so brave.
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George Aar
Yeah, "brights"? Ugh, what a bogus, self-serving term that was. Fortunately, I don't think it caught on.
Welcome to the club Seth. The superstition and intellectual dishonesty gets to ya after awhile, don't it?
I'm not sure life is all that much rosier on the unbelieving side (well, except for being and to rape and murder without the slightest twinge of conscience - that comes in handy) but at least we don't have to do all the goddam mental gymnastics anymore. I was getting a brain cramp...
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You have no idea. ;)
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Seth R.
Right I had my conscience removed when I became Atheist... WTF? LOL! My conscience and moral center are firmly intact and even more so now that I don't have confusing lies telling me why I should act so. Morality is an evolutionary feature of all primates, we don't need a god or religion to tell us how to act we are hardwired by evolution for it.
There is much confusion over what an Atheist is, I just don't believe there is an all powerful single guiding intelligence that runs the universe. I do believe something powers this universe I just don't think it's all powerful or intelligent, it could be explained by quantum theory or string theory.
Some people think Atheists are against religion, not really, but if you push me I might push back. It's religion that is against Atheism, because religion aims at population control, and the powers that be don't care what brand you use, just so long as you consume their product and think how they want you to think, basically they want cattle, fat dumb and happy grazers. Ask no questions, and they will tell you no lies.
Is it so much to ask people to seriously look at what they believe and investigate the facts of the origins of their religion? I mean the real origins not what the bible says about itself, (it's so stupid people really think this tiny little book is god's will.) of course the book's author is going to tell you how great the book is, hello!
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Seth R.
Thanks! [Actually my leadership suggested it 12 years ago when I was asked not to come back to twig, I'm a really bad procrastinator, LOL!]
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Thanks for sharing the link, Seth. I watched it twice. Now you're a GreaseSpotter times two, and still not a grease-spot-spot-by-midnight. I wish you well!
sounded like George Carlin.... "but He LOVES you!"
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I highly encourage independant thought...my conclusions are different but that's ok... :)
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And all this time I thought an ATHEIST was a hot Italian sports car.
Campaign slogan: "Goes like a bat outta he!!"
I really need to get out more often.
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J0nny Ling0
And hey Seth! Now you can say with a sage nod amongst your esteemed colleagues that "I don't talk to "sky giants" any more". I think that P-Mosh used that term one time. At least I think it was Mr. P-Mosh. Anyway, cracked me up! A whole brave new world awaits you...
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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well many of my faves here are
i have faith but i've always been a little "off"
ha !
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Well, Seth...I do hope by being an atheist that means you believe in something, even if that something is nothing. Join the Seinfeld group!
Well, being an atheist doesn't mean you believe in nothing. Can't describe it.
Well, being an atheist, huh? I think your therapist is not needed. Instead just tell God about not believing in Him.
No, wait. That's like telling my father I didn't break the picture window with a baseball when I was twelve. Or drink his beer just to find out what it taste like. Or brag about having sex when I was in fact, a virgin.
Well, whatever, I hope you find God again. I won't judge.
You're going to burn in hell.
(No, perhaps not. I wouldn't really not know that unless I actually saw it. And if I saw it, it means that I went to hell, too.)
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I think therapists have become the "exorcists" of the modern era - casting out legions of them pesky "Jesii" sky-giants
Edited by TheInvisibleDanLink to comment
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Ya know, it really amuses me seeing how some people try to describe atheism or atheists.
Especialy when they use that old canard that VPW himself once used: "An atheist is one who doesn't believe in anything, and everybody believes in something. Therefore you can't really be an atheist."
Basically put, an atheist is one who doesn't believe in a god or supernatural being(s). ... Period. ... That's all she wrote. Simple.
See how easy that was? :)
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J0nny Ling0
I see no problem with that. I remember that thing VP said, and even though I thought it clever at the time, I also felt that it wasn't accurate with what I'd always believed about atheists, that simply put, they didn't believe in God. I remember in fifth grade meeting my first atheist. His name was/is Martin Collier. Actually, I'd known him since kindygarden, but one day, when talking with him he told me that he was an atheist. I asked him what that was, and he said that he didn't believe in God. I was really surprised by that! I had never heard the term, and I thought everyone believed in God. And so, I was begining to learn a few things about this old world. Martin and I are still friiends. Over the net, I still tease him about how he would call my house once in awhile back in high school and ask; "Jonny, do you have any pot?" And I would almost always say; "Yes Martin, I do". And he would say; "Would you like to come over to my house and get me high"? Very matter of fact and unabashed about it. And I would usually say; "Sure Martin, I'll be right over". And we'd get high and listen to Todd Rundgren...
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Mister P-Mosh
I have used the term in the past, although I didn't invent it. People refer to the "Invisible Sky Giant" to show others how foreign and wrong belief in the bible feels for those of us that are not religious. If I were to tell you, "I don't believe in God" you would look at it from the Christian perspective because of all the meaning the term "God" has in our society, but if I tell you, "I don't believe in the Invisible Sky Giant", you have no preconceived notions about that term, and might understand my views better. In any case, I'm glad you found it amusing.
As far as the "brave new world" awaiting Seth, it's not that great. As an atheist, I would be thrilled to discover some evidence of an afterlife, for example, because that would make life easier. Unfortunately I don't see any evidence of such a thing, meaning that I have to go through life believing that this is all there is, that my life ends, eventually my nation ends, my family ends, my planet ends, my solar system ends, and most likely the whole universe ends. Death is absolute and becomes even moreso over time.
Another bad thing about being an atheist, and why I don't go out proclaiming it alot is because it does make you a target for ultra-religious creeps. Most Christians may not like atheism or think it's wrong, but they at least tolerate us. Others, who seem to be part of a growing minority of Christians, view us as practically "seed boys" who could mass-murder at any moment and are not to be trusted. People treat you with more respect if you go to church.
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J0nny Ling0
Wow. Bummer. You are right. Tha does sound pretty bleak. Oh well, good luck!
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yeah people do trust you more if you go to church.
which is frightening to me in and of itself.
the worse is if you claim to be a christian and do not go to church.
that means you really did something bad ya know.
or got a bad taste from a cult or something, it is worse than saying there is no God.
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Hi Garth.
It was just a joke.
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