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The External vagina fix

Dot Matrix

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On the editorial page of Greasespot was this article I NEVER read before:

Martindale's "eternal vagina fix"

Written by Staff

To the best of our knowledge, this is an exact transcription from a portion of a Corps Morning in May or June of 1998. Apparently, Martindale authored this and subsequently read it to the entire Way Corps. It appears to be Martindale's take on the basic spiritual problem of man versus woman, and supposedly the godly (?) solution. By not raising any objections, it seems the other Trustees endorsed this disgusting diatribe. It reads like a tawdry sex novel:

Transcription begins here:

The woman's problem is in authority of the commandment where she tends towards the senses and her own mis-guided opinions moved by emotional passion. Mans problem is weakness in light of the woman's opening.

The cure all of all, the eternal vagina fix. It's the reason goddess worship is

so popular, mans basic craving for a mother and a vixen.

Best possible scenario, in a base passionate attitude: his erection buried deep and pulsating in the source of his life, the external vagina, while at the same

time sucking his thumb in a fetal position being told everything will be

alright, just leave it to me.

The renewed mind in Christ Jesus the Lord delivers a woman from the spiritually savage mindset of terminal bitchiness, thinking the sun rises out of her vagina, and the moon and stars out of her brain. While a man is delivered in the Lord of the constant threat of being neutered; while he whimpers to feed me and .... me every other minute.

Transcription ends here:

What the heck?

Best possible scenario, in a base passionate attitude: his erection buried deep and pulsating in the source of his life, the external vagina, while at the same

time sucking his thumb in a fetal position being told everything will be

alright, just leave it to me

I am sure this has been discussed -- anyone else seeing this for the first time?


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OMG - just reading it creeps me out, because I could hear it in my head in his voice!!!!

And you wonder why TWI drew so many men (please note I did not say all men) who were creeps?????

oh Dot, there is much I could say on this topic, but not in a public setting.

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I heard many a strange thing to that effect from more than one MOG.

Quite frankly, when I read that I thought he must've been drunk when he said it.

And just what is an "External vagina" anyway???? :o I'm not even sure I want to think about what he could have meant...

Edited by doojable
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On a related subject, I just ordered R. Crumb's complete comix from Waldenbooks today.

Feed me/f### me. Yes, I can relate.

Wait a minute. How is it possible to be in the missionary position and be in fetal position at the same time? Sure! OK. If you're in fetal position, then your head is low enough to breast feed. Aw, this is too weird.

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Freud would have a field day with such a character. And when you wrote "external vagina" and seeing that the female organ is internal and the male organ is external, I thought it was a typo, but evidently not. I can only describe his persona thusly. "That is one dude with his head deeply wedged up his A$$."

Edited by Mark Sanguinetti
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The renewed mind in Christ Jesus the Lord delivers a woman from the spiritually savage mindset of terminal bitchiness, thinking the sun rises out of her vagina, and the moon and stars out of her brain. While a man is delivered in the Lord of the constant threat of being neutered; while he whimpers to feed me and .... me every other minute.

I'd say this LCM was feeling ".....whipped":


terminal bitchiness

thinking the sun rises out of her vagina

and the moon and stars out of her brain.


Delivered from the constant threat of being neutered

While he whimpers to feed me and .... every other minute.

I don't know any man that lives with the constant threat of being neutered....

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  doojable said:
I'd say this LCM was feeling "p****whipped":


terminal bitchiness

thinking the sun rises out of her vagina

and the moon and stars out of her brain.


Delivered from the constant threat of being neutered

While he whimpers to feed me and .... every other minute.

I don't know any man that lives with the constant threat of being neutered....

This is right out of Sigmund Freud's silly "castration anxiety" ideas.

No sensible Psychologist has considered it for the past CENTURY.

As a student who had to hear it in college (he got his Bachelors in Psych),

he heard this.

As a major dipstick, he didn't dismiss it, but actually used it as some sort

of answer for the feelings he had.

(He did reformulate it a bit, since the classic version doesn't support his

ridiculous ideas, but what else is new?)

Besides, at the time he was saying this, he WAS effectively the puppet of

women- Donna and Rosa-lie-- letting them make all the decisions, and

arrange for him to get food and sex- not from either of THEM, of course,

but they arranged for others to provide both. This was lcm's own neuroses

and inadequacies, writ large and extrapolated to refer to ALL men and

women-and not just the dysfunctional ones causing the problem.

(All 3 of them were/are sick, just in different ways, IMHO.)

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Besides, at the time he was saying this, he WAS effectively the puppet of

women- Donna and Rosa-lie-- letting them make all the decisions, and

arrange for him to get food and sex- not from either of THEM, of course,

but they arranged for others to provide both. This was lcm's own neuroses

and inadequacies, writ large and extrapolated to refer to ALL men and

women-and not just the dysfunctional ones causing the problem.

(All 3 of them were/are sick, just in different ways, IMHO.)

I was trying to find a way to ask if that was the case...

Isn't it ironic that he quoted Freud, but VPW insisted that Freud was possessed?

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  doojable said:
Isn't it ironic that he quoted Freud, but VPW insisted that Freud was possessed?

Strictly speaking, he didn't QUOTE Freud, since he didn't cite a source.

(He PLAGIARIZED Freud.) :biglaugh:

Ok, seriously, though....

This isn't STRICT Freud. He borrowed some FROM Freud and added it to

his own neuroses to form this.

Strict Freud would place castration anxiety in the framework of the Oedipal Complex.

In short, Freud claimed that all boys sought to have sex with their mother, and that

they saw their father as a rival, with the potential thread from that rival being

his possible castration BY his father. Thus, the castration would be LITERAL,

and the castrator would be the father.



It wouldn't surprise me if lcm forgot where he heard that from,

and, frankly, I'd half-expect him to think he originated it, or at least claim

he did. (Remember who his role-model was.)

Edited by WordWolf
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External vagina? I don’t think I want to know what that is, and I darn sure don’t want to see it. There is good reason for covering some things up…imo.

Does anyone remember the movie, “Everything you Wanted to Know About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask?” (Drat, I can’t remember if you put a movie title in parentheses or underline. I think it’s underline.)

Anyway, there was one scene where a giant boob was traveling across the landscape. It was larger than a sixteen wheeler. Everyone was running from it in panic. Maybe lcm should hook up with Woody Allen and make a movie with a giant vagina swallowing up trees and rocks. He could prance around in tights and deliver us from it (with prayer and fasting...gotta fit into those tights somehow...).

Just a thought.

Edited by another spot
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When he talks about a man being inside a vagina pulsating where his life came from -- He sounds conflicted.

As if he cannot derive pleasure (true pleasure) cause he is thinking about his mother --- thus he believes woman are bit ches or something

Yes, folks here was one of our leaders.... I never really ever understood him, and this confirms it wasn't me!

Where is Shellon, Catcup or Suda? Take a look at this and tell me what you read?

What I read is I followed a lunatic

A. S.

I recall that movie - it was a hoot!


For the men; I have NEVER thought the sun rose and set out of my vagina. Not once, not ever.

Do you think from all the women he boffed he is suffering from vagina overload?

Edited by Dot Matrix
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It isn't about sexual desire, it is about power. It is about a man who feels completely powerless and his desire to overpower someone else as a result. He is a sick, sick man.

I could pity him, if I weren't so thoroughly creeped out by him.

Sushi suggests it could also be about denying a homosexual tendency - hence "Athletes of the Spirit" :biglaugh:

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Dot, that always reminds me of Freuds Psychosexual Stages of Development Theory. As wordworlf began to explain.

But then again Martindale always put me to thoughts of 'what in the world must that man's childhood have been like?'

The Five stages according to Freud

The oral stage

The anal stage

The phallic stage

The latency stage

The genital stage

Additionally Maslows Hierarchy of Needs might enter in here as well.

Freud, especially, suggests that our actions are based on childhood trauma, lack, excess.... And my saying that VERY minimally explains it. Basically he suggested that if a child gets 'stuck' at one of those stages or doesn't get the gratification it's supposed to provide to a child, it effects his/her entire life.

I'm more inclined to keep it much simpler and offer that Martindale had power and control issues, saw women as less and espoused to the belief that if his life somehow sucked, it must be a woman's fault, certainly someone else's fault, anyone's but his own, but his copout was to blame someone with a vagina. One women caused some problem so all women will do so as well kind of thinking.

Carl Jung would be my theorist or choice because he chose to look less at the medical journals and more at the human being and the obvious. The person isn't the problem, the problem is the problem.

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Best possible scenario, in a base passionate attitude: his erection buried deep and pulsating in the source of his life, the external vagina, while at the same

time sucking his thumb in a fetal position being told everything will be

alright, just leave it to me.

I wonder if he copied some of this out of a cheap "romance" novel..

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The renewed mind in Christ Jesus the Lord delivers a woman from the spiritually savage mindset of terminal bitchiness,

terminal? as in dead? hmm. I've seen this in a couple of females on staff around good ole hq.. the few times I went. It really really made me wonder.. they were kind of soft, beaten down.. a better description would be lobotomized..

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  Mr. Hammeroni said:
I wonder if he copied some of this out of a cheap "romance" novel..

Now that you mention it, it does seem to share a cadence with "Lady Chatterley's Lover." by D.H. Lawrence

(Though I would never classify that particular book as a cheap, romance novel.)

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Just a couple thoughts.

THis is the LCM version of the Vagina Monologues

LCM is one sicko weird puppy.

Anyone who is an innie who can listen to this stuff, take notes and believe this is part of the more abundant life is really a loser.

This man has a future as a comedian. reading some of his stuff has made me laugh

He sure spent alot of time obsessing about penises, vaginas and breasts

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Just confirms that this guy is insane, IMO. This stuff doesn't even make sense!

It just amazes me that anyone would say such stuff and then claim to be The Man of God For This Day and For This Time and For This Hour to the Entire World.

And he used to get soooo angry if he thought anyone was even remotely suggesting he was anything other than the world's great living Bible Expert.

This is some of the most hateful ungodly stuff I've ever read.


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