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Their web site states they are accredited by the "American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions" (AAATI).

While I read Akribos' discussion on accreditation, and agree in general principle that one may not need the rubber stamp of approval if one is truly competent, I wonder whether AAATI is themselves recognized in the field?

Or, is this an example of a "circle of recognition," if you'll pardon the expression, where one non-recognized organization "approves" another?

Just my musings . . .


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  likeaneagle said:

I found this link in a link for Believers websites on CFF?

Does anyone know anything this..this is a big measure being taken of the exway community.

I suggest you look at the accreditation.

It costs all of $100 for accreditation. Damn I paid more for piffle 35 years ago.



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Looks like the same old same old to me with a new name,

Reading a little of the link They charge you $1500 or thereabouts to study the collaterals and other way approved books then they assumingly give you a degree in wayology.

They can call it a 'seminary" or anything they want to call it, It looks about almost the same thing that i was doing with my twig 25 years ago except I didnt charge them or give them anything to hang on their wall to impress their neighbors with....

The stuff seemed semi interesting in my 20's, it baffles and mystifies me how older supposedly more mature folks can stay clung onto "The Words Way", "Gods Magnified Word" etal, as adults...

If they decide to offer a "How to Shut Your Brain Off For Decades" class that explains the process or "Dissociation-- the key to spiritual growth" I may take it for my own personal amusement

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Various Protestant denominations staff and teach their own ways at their own seminaries. This appears to be nothing more than a seminary for what we knew as TWI. Look at the course offerings, they have the same titles as things we "studied".

You enter with at least 2 years of undergraduate work and take these classes (it appears to be at least 2 additional years)and you graduate with a Bachelor of Theology degree. I know we understand that most of the body of knowledge that we were taught was stolen, and much of it was wrong. That does not mean somebody else really wants to chow down on it and take the program.

It may be an answer to those who've said....how can you be called a Reverand...you didn't attend any seminary etc. They are trying to fit in and be just like the rest of the world so they don't stand out so much!

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Steve Levicoff in "Name It and Frame It," states in chapter 4,

"Accreditation mills have only one purpose: to communicate an air of credibility to degree mills. Witness, for example, the claims of the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, Inc., of Rocky Mount, North Carolina, which charges degree mills only a $100.00 application fee and a $75.00 annual renewal fee to gain their "accreditation." The president of A.A.A.T.I. is Cecil Johnson ("D.D., D.R.E., Lit.D., Th.D., Ph.D."), who is also the president of Christian Bible College in Rocky Mount (a degree mill listed in Chapter 12). Johnson proclaims in his association's marketing letter:

After your school is accredited by A.A.A.T.I. for anyone who wishes to check on your status please have them call [our number] daily between 10 & 12 noon. We prefer to talk with individual [sic] personally rather than write to them. Please do not give our address to any individual, only other schools who are interested in being accredited. Accreditation is between the school and the association . .

The basic information we give out is that your school is in good standing with A.A.A.T.I. We do not recommend any school, only lend credibility to those accredited by A.A.A.T.I.

Think about the ramifications in Johnson's pitch. They will "lend credibility" to any school that pays their $100.00 application fee, but they will only do so by phone - they won't put it in writing. They don't want their address (which is the same address as Johnson's degree mill) given out to anyone except other degree mills seeking their alleged accreditation..."


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Afteer we get done joking around...I'm asking a serious question!

How did they get their hands on TWI materials to hold courses like that with identical titles?

Likeaneagle, if possible, could you go back into your history and see where it came from? This is most unusual.

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  krysilis said:
Afteer we get done joking around...I'm asking a serious question!

How did they get their hands on TWI materials to hold courses like that with identical titles?

Likeaneagle, if possible, could you go back into your history and see where it came from? This is most unusual.

Hey there Krys. :)

Good question. I was wondering the same thing.

Take a look at the wording in their logo.


One would think that these guys would be a *prime* lawsuit target by twi.

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  bulwinkl said:
Without naming names or anything there was a certain Vice-President that was a branch leader for one year that lived in Huber Heights.

late 70,s or early 80's


Hey there Bulwikl. :)


And Huber Heights is 53 and 1/2 miles from New Knoxville.

(Mileage info courtesy of Mapquest).

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An old way grad runs that site and he is a good hearted guy just trying to spread God's word. No malice in his heart, also he is still in the processes of taking a seminary course to help him get a greater understanding. PS I live 45 min from Nashua

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I get the website. I understand some of the connections. However, it was my understanding that all of these study materials were copyrited...and TWI held it. So - how can somebody, individually or as a corporation, sell these materials - - unless they are acting FOR the owners of that copyright. Do you understand my quandary?

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  krysilis said:
I get the website. I understand some of the connections. However, it was my understanding that all of these study materials were copyrited...and TWI held it. So - how can somebody, individually or as a corporation, sell these materials - - unless they are acting FOR the owners of that copyright. Do you understand my quandary?

I guess I don't

As far as I know they buy the books from the way bookstore and resell them that does not violate any copyright laws. You can resell books, I think we may still have some left in our bookstore for sale. You can make up a test on any book they may be using the Corps book tests a s a guide?

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On the Cortright's page I found this which I found to be interesting notice the name.

God Bless you all in the wonderful name of Christ Jesus! WOW! What a joy and blessing it was to run across your site. I had no idea. We are putting together a web site for our fellowship. A link to this site will definately be a part of our page design! If the Lord should tarry and you get out this way, stop in and bless our home with your fellowship, but if not... See you in the AIR!

Stephen & Rhonda West <west@siscom.net>

DAYTON, OH USA - Tuesday, February 04, 2003 at 18:32:17 (EST)

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