My gravy - there are over a 1,000 posts about this PFAL and nothing is new here. I'm not getting blessed. It's been side tracked so many times. I am so sick of seeing it at the top of the thread. I'm beginning to really wonder about you all.
Okay, instead of wondering, here's a suggestion (not being a smart alec here, I PROMISE!)
What do you want to know about us? (then you won't have to wonder )
What would you rather NOT know about us?
If it doesn't have anyting to do with TWI - you might want to start the thread in "Open."
Oh BTW- there IS thread about "Gravy" in the "In The Kitchen" forum. You might want to post "your gravy" there...
Let's talk about your gravy. Never let it be said that I, socks, would deliberately stray from the clear cut path of a thread topic. First in, last out. It's Gravy Time!
Gravy rocks, and I'm serious about that. Mashed potatoes - a pile of gray moosh without gravy. Nothing better than making a gravy volcano in a mountain of hot mashed potatoes, with smoldering butter floating around in the middle. Big swack of butter, doing a back stroke in a lake of gravy. Oh yeah.
Turkey gravy has the best memories for me, childhood stuff. No matter what the economic climate there was always money at holiday time for a turkey, mashed potatoes and that Gravy. Big bowl of it. Throw in a big pile of Bisquick biscuits, some vegetables and Santa Claus is going to be late cus he's Gravying Up at our place. That's the STUFF.
My Mom made killer gravy. Literally. Hearts would pound like sledge hammers after going a round with her gravy. No match, no distance, no legs after several doses of the stuff.
Outfield…you might want to check out the rest of Grease Spot…My goodness - - there’s the Just Plain Silly forum, the Doctrinal forum [two of my favorites], there’s all kinds of topics in the Open forum…take a break…have some fun…dialogue with folks in one of those forums. Gee wiz…there’s the Friend Tracker, Prayer Room, Reading Room, etc. There’s A LOT MORE that goes on here than just that one thread!!! Great counsel, positive, healing, enlightening, empowering, loving, stuff! Relax....enjoy!
white versatile can be used as a base for sausage gravy and biscutes....add some velveta and a smidge of garlic and poof it becomes the cheese sauce for mac and cheese...or potatoes ham carrots and you have broccoli cheese soup....a little wine and sour cream and tuna fish and you have tuna on goes well over country fried steak and taters....
Never let it be said that rascal can`t stay on topic :)
Awwweee, don't give up on us that easy. Stick around a while and we'll begin to grow on you. Ya know, my Sushi says, you can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave. :D
Tell us about you, perhaps? How long were you in TWI? How long you been out? Or whatever you care to share.
I did 10 years, been out almost 7. I don't frequent the "About the Way Forums" too often anymore. Couple times a year a thread pops up that gets my attention. I spend quite a bit of time in the basement, in the doctrinal section. Hit tacks from time to time. I like to chat, but there doesn't seem to be people there when I'm still awake very often anymore. :)
I'm a relative newby to the art of making gravy, myself. Fortunately, rascal taught me over a few years, beginning at the second Weenie Roast. I believe I make rather good biscuits and sausage gravy now.
The first time I ever ate biscuits and gravy was at a roa in the early 80s. Imagine that!
My daughter prefers brown gravy and asks for it whenever we eat out and she gets mashed taters.
I did make turkey gravy for the first time last Thanksgiving - I'm looking forward to next years - I imagine I'll improve considerably.
No more jars of Heinz gravy for me! Rascal - you set me free! I'll never be able to thank you for all your kindness upon my family. (((((Rascal)))))
My gravy - there are over a 1,000 posts about this PFAL and nothing is new here. I'm not getting blessed. It's been side tracked so many times. I am so sick of seeing it at the top of the thread. I'm beginning to really wonder about you all.
I know.. it seems sometimes it's nothing more than 1001 ways to beat a dead horse. But It isn't the people's fault here, really.
Just when you think the beast is properly dispatched, you look carefully.. darn thing starts twitching again..
I know.. it seems sometimes it's nothing more than 1001 ways to beat a dead horse.
Horse Gravy? I'm game.. Biscuits and Horse Gravy for breakfast. I've eaten boiled Yak with lentils and potatoes, Bulls penis soup, Blood soup, Breaded Llama. Horse gravy will be a welcome change from the mundane diet I've had recently
I think you get Red Eye Gravy when the gravy's so good you just start hitting yourself in the face with your spoon.
The first time I ever ate biscuits and gravy was at a roa in the early 80s. Imagine that!
I first ate B's and G on the road, somewhere after a long van ride with the man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Gravy Himself, Ted F.
I'd had gravy and I'd had biscuits, but never in a combo like "Biskits 'n' Gravy". So there we were, ordering at a small truck stop restaurant and Ted took about 2 seconds to order after glancing at the menu - "I'll have the Biscuits 'n' Gravy!"
I was still reading the greasy green "Specials" clipped to the front of the menu when it came my turn, or would have been I'm sure if there was one, and there's a better than average possiblity that if there was a menu there'd have been a Specials clipped on the front, so I'm pretty sure I was still reading it. Rather than come between the group and their orders any longer, I ordered the Skits and Gravy too. And I have been glad ever since that day I did.
I never actually ordered them again, if memory serves, anywhere. Once was enough. I realized right then and there that I'd come mouth to fork with something special. Like a beautiful Trout seen swimming off in the water just feet from my lure, colors flashing in the sunlight, proud and strong, I had to let it go. I hauled my line back in. the better to let the fond remembrance of that Meal swim forever in my heart, where it still lives, hot, brown and beautiful. If you love someone, set 'em free, and I did. If I ever do meet that heavenly meal again I'm sure it will in a different land, under a different sky, as the song says. Any reasonable man would think the same, honestly, knowing what I know.
Horse Gravy? I'm game.. Biscuits and Horse Gravy for breakfast. I've eaten boiled Yak with lentils and potatoes, Bulls penis soup, Blood soup, Breaded Llama. Horse gravy will be a welcome change from the mundane diet I've had recently
Perhaps (just perhaps---) Out There can start a topic about Mountaintop Gravy!!
Reading this gravy discussion is blowing my mind! Just today, while getting my dog's dinner ready, I thought about a dog food that was popular when I was a kid. The selling point was all you had to do was add water and it makes its own gravy. I think it was called Gravy Train or something like that? Is that stuff still around?
Reading this gravy discussion is blowing my mind! Just today, while getting my dog's dinner ready, I thought about a dog food that was popular when I was a kid. The selling point was all you had to do was add water and it makes its own gravy. I think it was called Gravy Train or something like that? Is that stuff still around?
Wait a minute, he is US! He just hasn't been "here" as long. But he was in TWI, just like us, so, he is US. I know he said "You all", but he is us and we are He. Or maybe She.
My gravy - there are over a 1,000 posts about this PFAL and nothing is new here. I'm not getting blessed. It's been side tracked so many times. I am so sick of seeing it at the top of the thread. I'm beginning to really wonder about you all.
Outfield --- Hey there! :)
I don't know about you -- but pfal was a focal point in my life.
I happened to embrace it (and the ministry that taught it) wholeheartedly.
So did most (if not all) of the rest of us here.
Now -- having said that -- I'll say this -- and it's NO accusation towards you -- OK?? :)
This site is for those who need to recover from twi, and the effects of having been there.
This site is comprised of folks who've been out of twi for a while,
and some who have just recently left twi, and those that are still in.
Nother words -- we're pretty much Alpha to Omega, twi experience-wise.
Folks who have been out for (many years), may still have an *unscratched itch*,
and are looking for some sort of clarification, thus the redundancy (seemingly)
of topics here, when it comes to twi, and pfal.
Those that have just left (or were M & A'd), want to know what the H*** is going on.
Those that are still in (who have doubts), search this site for info.
There's MANY topics discussed here, that have NOTHING to do with pfal.
But -- here in the *About the Way* Forum, it's a topic that keeps coming up --
because it's impacted so many of us, in so many differrent ways, over all these years.
And not only the class -- but the folks who ran it, the directives they were under to produce results,
the stuff they did to attain those results, the mandates from headquarters, etc., etc., etc.
So -- there's plenty of other forums on this (the GSC site) that deal with everything BUT pfal.
Have you visited those, or seen the diversity here?? There's some mighty fine folks here.
Wait a minute, he is US! He just hasn't been "here" as long. But he was in TWI, just like us, so, he is US. I know he said "You all", but he is us and we are He. Or maybe She.
Jonny - you almost sounded like Pogo for a second there...
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Uh huh---Uh huh
And how do you perceive this situation?
Make yourself comfortable on the couch and tell me about your childhood.
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Okay, instead of wondering, here's a suggestion (not being a smart alec here, I PROMISE!)
What do you want to know about us? (then you won't have to wonder
What would you rather NOT know about us?
If it doesn't have anyting to do with TWI - you might want to start the thread in "Open."
Oh BTW- there IS thread about "Gravy" in the "In The Kitchen" forum. You might want to post "your gravy" there...
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Let's talk about your gravy. Never let it be said that I, socks, would deliberately stray from the clear cut path of a thread topic. First in, last out. It's Gravy Time!
Gravy rocks, and I'm serious about that. Mashed potatoes - a pile of gray moosh without gravy. Nothing better than making a gravy volcano in a mountain of hot mashed potatoes, with smoldering butter floating around in the middle. Big swack of butter, doing a back stroke in a lake of gravy. Oh yeah.
Turkey gravy has the best memories for me, childhood stuff. No matter what the economic climate there was always money at holiday time for a turkey, mashed potatoes and that Gravy. Big bowl of it. Throw in a big pile of Bisquick biscuits, some vegetables and Santa Claus is going to be late cus he's Gravying Up at our place. That's the STUFF.
My Mom made killer gravy. Literally. Hearts would pound like sledge hammers after going a round with her gravy. No match, no distance, no legs after several doses of the stuff.
Gravy is cool.
I don't get out enough, that's clear.
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Outfield…you might want to check out the rest of Grease Spot…My goodness - - there’s the Just Plain Silly forum, the Doctrinal forum [two of my favorites], there’s all kinds of topics in the Open forum…take a break…have some fun…dialogue with folks in one of those forums. Gee wiz…there’s the Friend Tracker, Prayer Room, Reading Room, etc. There’s A LOT MORE that goes on here than just that one thread!!! Great counsel, positive, healing, enlightening, empowering, loving, stuff! Relax....enjoy!
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Choo! Choo!
( getting a bit "off track" here.)
Anybody know why red-eye gravy is called---red-eye gravy?
Just wondering.
I mean, I've consumed plenty of it in the wee hours of the morning when my eyes were quite red but always wondered about the origin of the name.
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white versatile can be used as a base for sausage gravy and biscutes....add some velveta and a smidge of garlic and poof it becomes the cheese sauce for mac and cheese...or potatoes ham carrots and you have broccoli cheese soup....a little wine and sour cream and tuna fish and you have tuna on goes well over country fried steak and taters....
Never let it be said that rascal can`t stay on topic :)
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Awwweee, don't give up on us that easy. Stick around a while and we'll begin to grow on you. Ya know, my Sushi says, you can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave. :D
Tell us about you, perhaps? How long were you in TWI? How long you been out? Or whatever you care to share.
I did 10 years, been out almost 7. I don't frequent the "About the Way Forums" too often anymore. Couple times a year a thread pops up that gets my attention. I spend quite a bit of time in the basement, in the doctrinal section. Hit tacks from time to time. I like to chat, but there doesn't seem to be people there when I'm still awake very often anymore. :)
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I'm a relative newby to the art of making gravy, myself. Fortunately, rascal taught me over a few years, beginning at the second Weenie Roast. I believe I make rather good biscuits and sausage gravy now.
The first time I ever ate biscuits and gravy was at a roa in the early 80s. Imagine that!
My daughter prefers brown gravy and asks for it whenever we eat out and she gets mashed taters.
I did make turkey gravy for the first time last Thanksgiving - I'm looking forward to next years - I imagine I'll improve considerably.
No more jars of Heinz gravy for me! Rascal - you set me free! I'll never be able to thank you for all your kindness upon my family. (((((Rascal)))))
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I know.. it seems sometimes it's nothing more than 1001 ways to beat a dead horse. But It isn't the people's fault here, really.
Just when you think the beast is properly dispatched, you look carefully.. darn thing starts twitching again..
reminds me of an old Eagles song..
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Well I'm from Cajun country we never had any
of that red eye stuff. i visited or passed through a few
places and saw it on the menu. Didn't know what it be so
I didn't get it.
Never heard of biskets and gray until I left home.
My grandma Ma Me as we called her made this sweet
red gravy we put on rice. Nothing like Ma Me's and Sunday
dinner. Lunch for you non cajuns.
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Out There
Horse Gravy? I'm game.. Biscuits and Horse Gravy for breakfast. I've eaten boiled Yak with lentils and potatoes, Bulls penis soup, Blood soup, Breaded Llama. Horse gravy will be a welcome change from the mundane diet I've had recently
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"Red Eye Gravy" is made from pouring coffee (strong coffee!) in the pan after you've browned some ham steaks.
I suspect it has something to do with ...ummm... NEEDING the coffee to wake up from the night before. ;)
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I think you get Red Eye Gravy when the gravy's so good you just start hitting yourself in the face with your spoon.
I first ate B's and G on the road, somewhere after a long van ride with the man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Gravy Himself, Ted F.
I'd had gravy and I'd had biscuits, but never in a combo like "Biskits 'n' Gravy". So there we were, ordering at a small truck stop restaurant and Ted took about 2 seconds to order after glancing at the menu - "I'll have the Biscuits 'n' Gravy!"
I was still reading the greasy green "Specials" clipped to the front of the menu when it came my turn, or would have been I'm sure if there was one, and there's a better than average possiblity that if there was a menu there'd have been a Specials clipped on the front, so I'm pretty sure I was still reading it. Rather than come between the group and their orders any longer, I ordered the Skits and Gravy too. And I have been glad ever since that day I did.
I never actually ordered them again, if memory serves, anywhere. Once was enough. I realized right then and there that I'd come mouth to fork with something special. Like a beautiful Trout seen swimming off in the water just feet from my lure, colors flashing in the sunlight, proud and strong, I had to let it go. I hauled my line back in. the better to let the fond remembrance of that Meal swim forever in my heart, where it still lives, hot, brown and beautiful. If you love someone, set 'em free, and I did. If I ever do meet that heavenly meal again I'm sure it will in a different land, under a different sky, as the song says. Any reasonable man would think the same, honestly, knowing what I know.
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Perhaps (just perhaps---) Out There can start a topic about Mountaintop Gravy!!
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hmmm.. red eye gravy, red eye gravy..
I think you only get red eye with the right kind of "herb" in the gravy..
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Uhhhhh -- would that be *stretched* coffee would it????
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"Stretched" coffee only belongs on a stretcher..
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Reading this gravy discussion is blowing my mind! Just today, while getting my dog's dinner ready, I thought about a dog food that was popular when I was a kid. The selling point was all you had to do was add water and it makes its own gravy. I think it was called Gravy Train or something like that? Is that stuff still around?
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J0nny Ling0
Wait a minute, he is US! He just hasn't been "here" as long. But he was in TWI, just like us, so, he is US. I know he said "You all", but he is us and we are He. Or maybe She.
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Outfield --- Hey there! :)
I don't know about you -- but pfal was a focal point in my life.
I happened to embrace it (and the ministry that taught it) wholeheartedly.
So did most (if not all) of the rest of us here.
Now -- having said that -- I'll say this -- and it's NO accusation towards you -- OK?? :)
This site is for those who need to recover from twi, and the effects of having been there.
This site is comprised of folks who've been out of twi for a while,
and some who have just recently left twi, and those that are still in.
Nother words -- we're pretty much Alpha to Omega, twi experience-wise.
Folks who have been out for (many years), may still have an *unscratched itch*,
and are looking for some sort of clarification, thus the redundancy (seemingly)
of topics here, when it comes to twi, and pfal.
Those that have just left (or were M & A'd), want to know what the H*** is going on.
Those that are still in (who have doubts), search this site for info.
There's MANY topics discussed here, that have NOTHING to do with pfal.
But -- here in the *About the Way* Forum, it's a topic that keeps coming up --
because it's impacted so many of us, in so many differrent ways, over all these years.
And not only the class -- but the folks who ran it, the directives they were under to produce results,
the stuff they did to attain those results, the mandates from headquarters, etc., etc., etc.
So -- there's plenty of other forums on this (the GSC site) that deal with everything BUT pfal.
Have you visited those, or seen the diversity here?? There's some mighty fine folks here.
Seek, and ye shall find.
God bless.
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Jonny - you almost sounded like Pogo for a second there...
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Larry N Moore
Can I have some biscuits with my gravy? Gravy by itself isn't very appetizing.
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