Are you speaking for all of GSC or just Galen when you say "we don't care what your rank is or how you got there"? I don't necessarily care about how you promoted from fry cook to drive thru cashier, either but that wasn't what we were discussing. I merely opened my reply to a post that I disagreed with by stating my rank. I was initially misunderstood, but I believe that I clarified.
I don't believe that I went into detail about how I "got there" either, which, by the way, I did by working hard serving and leading with integrity, long deployments while leaving my wife and kids behind for many months at a time and going into harms way.(Not complaining, I do so freely and proudly) What we were discussing were regulations, rank structure and the proper way for a Sailor to render honors to the the Flag. It was neat to have seen how much has changed since Galen retired! Although when he first enlisted I was 3 years old! (Sorry Galen)
However your snide tone and utter disrespect for me and all of the service members who have worked hard serving their country both angers and concerns me. I notice that you have the moniker "support the troops..." Glad that's working out for you.
Again, I believe your arrogance is a terrible representation of the US military. YOUR tone has been haughty and you have shown not only disrespect but a lack of insight on quite a number of areas of life in America.
In particular, you have made snide comments and apparently made assumptions about your audience. Those assumptions appear to empower your know-it-all attitude.
You said that MY tone reflects disrespect toward "all of the service members." You could NOT be more wrong.
I do not care how many acronyms and/or abbreviations you put beside your name. You have not qualified to properly represent yourself as such an all knowing authority. In fact, it appears you have much room to improve your body of knowledge and even more room to improve your perspective/wisdom. Your comments about me demonstrate that to a very large degree. I'll refrain from spelling out what in my background and experience has given me or prepared me to do or say.
I am well aware of the topic of this thread.
And I appreciate the reference you provided us to your age. It sets your world view in proper perspective for readers here AND it provides clues that lead me to believe you will have (and make good use of) plenty of opportunities to develop a more robust body of knowledge and understanding... which, one day, will earn you the respect you apparently believe you deserve now, without needing to resort to citations of your acronyms and abbreviations.
Well, Senior, you forget one very important thing. You forget that WE really don't care what rank you hold or how you got there.
And while your insight as a member of the Navy is useful, it doesn't necessarily translate to civilian life at this point.
My point remains. You said that "WE don't care what rank you hold or how you got there". Neither was mentioned in my original post, except to say that I am a Senior member which qualifies me to speak on Navy Regulations. How is that self promoting or in any way a "know-it-all" attitude.
While what I don't know or understand I can just about squeeze into the Grand Canyon, I do hope that the past 15 years of military service provides SOME insight to the civilian life I am also a part of. (I married one...)
Thank you for your service, sir.
Thanks, Pop.
I wonder if my two undergraduate degrees and my M.A. in Bioethics will translate to civilian life...??
From what I've read, all LDO USN and Galen were discussing (arguing?) about was specific ranks/offices, which had precedence over the other, and things solely relating to those topics.
I didn't see arrogance on either side.
You forget that WE really don't care what rank you hold or how you got there.
Speak for yourself. I, for one, found the info quite interesting and educational.
From what I've read, all LDO USN and Galen were discussing (arguing?) about was specific ranks/offices, which had precedence over the other, and things solely relating to those topics.
I didn't see arrogance on either side.
Speak for yourself. I, for one, found the info quite interesting and educational.
Thanks, Garth...I really didn't intend to sound arrogant at all. I may have gone over board with the fry cook comment, but at that point I was starting to get a little irratated.
i think you owe that young man a big apolloge {but you won't}
he was trying to educate us
he is serving his country and protecting your sorry arse while you and your family sleep
how many years heve you served your country?{ i apolagize if i am wrong}
that young man,and every other young man and women, who have all of those letters after name,worked and earned them
they are not given out without merit
in my opinion college is easier to put a few letters afteryour name
I realize he's your son. However, he's got a major attitude problem. It's a common problem with young adults that think they are smarter than everyone around them. I'm sure he'll grow out of it. But until he does, he'll probably face plenty of hard knocks from people he thinks should respect him before he earns their respect.
He's the one needing to become contrite.... and doing so will help him expedite that learning process.
And while you're out there name calling.... I AM a veteran. I'd rather not have to spell out how and why I feel I have a right to speak. It is, however, what it is.
Thank you wRonG, for your unwavering support. Ding... You are now free to continue your campaign to bring about anarchy in the US.
I realize he's your son. However, he's got a major attitude problem. It's a common problem with young adults that think they are smarter than everyone around them. I'm sure he'll grow out of it. But until he does, he'll probably face plenty of hard knocks from people he thinks should respect him before he earns their respect.
He's the one needing to become contrite.... and doing so will help him expedite that learning process.
And while you're out there name calling.... I AM a veteran. I'd rather not have to spell out how and why I feel I have a right to speak. It is, however, what it is.
Thank you wRonG, for your unwavering support. Ding... You are now free to continue your campaign to bring about anarchy in the US.
What IS the age when one automatically gains the respect? Frankly I don't see what age has anything to do with it. Hard work, integrity and other such virtues, yes. But certainly not age...
And you prove my point! I realize that you have many years on me but it seems that your arrogance doesn't have an age limit. Seems people that know you here concur, too. Anyway, I tired of this discussion 3 posts ago. Maybe I'll go throw my rank around and make some younger kids do some push-ups. Yeah- that sounds good. Because that's what its all about, Right? I'm older than them, which makes me better...
...Those pesky young adults, always thinking their smarter than everyone around with their music up too loud and always walking on my lawn..:) (Now THAT'S my arrogance and sarcasm...)
Ya know?? This is interesting, and given the *Rocky* factor it's gonna end up in The Soap Opera.
(Sorry Rocky -- just stating a *truism* here.
Again, I believe your arrogance is a terrible representation of the US military. YOUR tone has been haughty and you have shown not only disrespect but a lack of insight on quite a number of areas of life in America.
B as in B and S as in S.
When -- (by citing regulations) is that a "terrible misrepresentation" (YOUR WORDS) of the military??
You were in the service once weren't you? Rocky? Did you follow rules and regs or not???
Or were you above them then, as you seem to appear to be now??
What is wrong with discussing rank, what it requires, what they can or can not do,
and getting into discussion about what is required (these days)???
I realize he's your son. However, he's got a major attitude problem. It's a common problem with young adults that think they are smarter than everyone around them. I'm sure he'll grow out of it. But until he does, he'll probably face plenty of hard knocks from people he thinks should respect him before he earns their respect.
He's the one needing to become contrite.... and doing so will help him expedite that learning process.
And while you're out there name calling.... I AM a veteran. I'd rather not have to spell out how and why I feel I have a right to speak. It is, however, what it is.
Major Attitude Problems are not *Young Adult Specific*.
As has been pointed out -- you also (Rocky) have one that could use a little *work*.
Perhaps you could take YOUR OWN advice to heart, and DEAL with it.
I agree with Garth and all the others here. This wasn't a fight, until YOU made it one.
I thank you for your service to this country, you did more than I ever did.
But you're fighting now, when you don't have to.
Well, Senior, you forget one very important thing. You forget that WE really don't care what rank you hold or how you got there.
And while your insight as a member of the Navy is useful, it doesn't necessarily translate to civilian life at this point.
Speak for yourself Rocky. DON'T include me in that WE.
(P.S. -- I know yer gonna repost this post of mine and make some NASTY comments --
so I'll check for typos now -- in order to NOT have *edited* at the bottom of the page). :)
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Again, I believe your arrogance is a terrible representation of the US military. YOUR tone has been haughty and you have shown not only disrespect but a lack of insight on quite a number of areas of life in America.
In particular, you have made snide comments and apparently made assumptions about your audience. Those assumptions appear to empower your know-it-all attitude.
You said that MY tone reflects disrespect toward "all of the service members." You could NOT be more wrong.
I do not care how many acronyms and/or abbreviations you put beside your name. You have not qualified to properly represent yourself as such an all knowing authority. In fact, it appears you have much room to improve your body of knowledge and even more room to improve your perspective/wisdom. Your comments about me demonstrate that to a very large degree. I'll refrain from spelling out what in my background and experience has given me or prepared me to do or say.
I am well aware of the topic of this thread.
And I appreciate the reference you provided us to your age. It sets your world view in proper perspective for readers here AND it provides clues that lead me to believe you will have (and make good use of) plenty of opportunities to develop a more robust body of knowledge and understanding... which, one day, will earn you the respect you apparently believe you deserve now, without needing to resort to citations of your acronyms and abbreviations.
God bless you young man.
Edited by RockyLink to comment
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i think you owe that young man a big apolloge {but you won't}
he was trying to educate us
he is serving his country and protecting your sorry arse while you and your family sleep
how many years heve you served your country?{ i apolagize if i am wrong}
that young man,and every other young man and women, who have all of those letters after name,worked and earned them
they are not given out without merit
in my opinion college is easier to put a few letters afteryour name
Edited by coolchefLink to comment
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My point remains. You said that "WE don't care what rank you hold or how you got there". Neither was mentioned in my original post, except to say that I am a Senior member which qualifies me to speak on Navy Regulations. How is that self promoting or in any way a "know-it-all" attitude.
While what I don't know or understand I can just about squeeze into the Grand Canyon, I do hope that the past 15 years of military service provides SOME insight to the civilian life I am also a part of. (I married one...)
Thank you for your service, sir.
Thanks, Pop.
I wonder if my two undergraduate degrees and my M.A. in Bioethics will translate to civilian life...??
Love ya.
Edited by LDO USNLink to comment
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From what I've read, all LDO USN and Galen were discussing (arguing?) about was specific ranks/offices, which had precedence over the other, and things solely relating to those topics.
I didn't see arrogance on either side.
Speak for yourself. I, for one, found the info quite interesting and educational.
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I see things on this thread similarly as you do because LDO seems pretty well informed to me. Is it arrogance for a math teacher to teach that 2+2=4?
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Thanks, Garth...I really didn't intend to sound arrogant at all. I may have gone over board with the fry cook comment, but at that point I was starting to get a little irratated.
Senior Chief
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way to go son!!!
love ya
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I was in the navy from 1973-1977 Just a 3rd class petty officer.
The military terminalogy say like the ways has to be explained to people.
Military ceremony goes hand in hand with having a disciplined force,Hey I did not like it then but I
appreciate it a whole lot now
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Ron G.
The only arrogance I saw being demonstrated was from rocky.
as always.
Thank ALL you guys for "standing on the wall" and serving!
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I realize he's your son. However, he's got a major attitude problem. It's a common problem with young adults that think they are smarter than everyone around them. I'm sure he'll grow out of it. But until he does, he'll probably face plenty of hard knocks from people he thinks should respect him before he earns their respect.
He's the one needing to become contrite.... and doing so will help him expedite that learning process.
And while you're out there name calling.... I AM a veteran. I'd rather not have to spell out how and why I feel I have a right to speak. It is, however, what it is.
Thank you wRonG, for your unwavering support. Ding... You are now free to continue your campaign to bring about anarchy in the US.
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What IS the age when one automatically gains the respect? Frankly I don't see what age has anything to do with it. Hard work, integrity and other such virtues, yes. But certainly not age...
And you prove my point! I realize that you have many years on me but it seems that your arrogance doesn't have an age limit. Seems people that know you here concur, too. Anyway, I tired of this discussion 3 posts ago. Maybe I'll go throw my rank around and make some younger kids do some push-ups. Yeah- that sounds good. Because that's what its all about, Right? I'm older than them, which makes me better...
...Those pesky young adults, always thinking their smarter than everyone around with their music up too loud and always walking on my lawn..:) (Now THAT'S my arrogance and sarcasm...)
Take care...
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your reply to me me was just as i expected
i am almost 59 years old and not afraid to leard something from younger men and women
evidently you are
and if ldo were not my son my post on this subject would be the same
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Ya know?? This is interesting, and given the *Rocky* factor it's gonna end up in The Soap Opera.
(Sorry Rocky -- just stating a *truism* here.
B as in B and S as in S.
When -- (by citing regulations) is that a "terrible misrepresentation" (YOUR WORDS) of the military??
You were in the service once weren't you? Rocky? Did you follow rules and regs or not???
Or were you above them then, as you seem to appear to be now??
What is wrong with discussing rank, what it requires, what they can or can not do,
and getting into discussion about what is required (these days)???
Major Attitude Problems are not *Young Adult Specific*.
As has been pointed out -- you also (Rocky) have one that could use a little *work*.
Perhaps you could take YOUR OWN advice to heart, and DEAL with it.
I agree with Garth and all the others here. This wasn't a fight, until YOU made it one.
I thank you for your service to this country, you did more than I ever did.
But you're fighting now, when you don't have to.
Speak for yourself Rocky. DON'T include me in that WE.
(P.S. -- I know yer gonna repost this post of mine and make some NASTY comments --
so I'll check for typos now -- in order to NOT have *edited* at the bottom of the page). :)
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