Ever thought about this in relation to "seed after its own kind"? If Jesus was the "only begotten" of God, what kind was/is He? Food for thought anyway. LKRS
That is an interesting thought, Linda…If memory serves me right [i'm at work right now – can't look it up] the Greek text reads "o monogenes huios" = "the only begotten son." If you look at the word monogenes – it is composed of two words mono = one and genes = kind…..and perhaps could mean Jesus Christ is one of a kind.
I am so sorry you had that happen at that church. I will be praying too. I am thankful that I have found someplace here that does look out for each other.
You need a new church, I am just sick over what happened to you -- Geez
I was going to this Baptist church for awhile. The guy running it really had a gift and was GREAT. Then, he left. We did operation Christmas child where you fill shoe boxes with stuff for poor kids around the world. (Franklin Grahms yhing)
Anywho, I had a lot of boxes. I mean, maybe 14, I was trying to carry in from the parking lot. I had them in a lawn size trash bag and still maybe three under one arm. I would lift the bag with my leg and slide trying not to fall or drop anything.
I walked past many in the parking lot, I tried to open the door and had to negotiate it myself -- while others watched, the 9:30 service let out so groups were talking happy Christian chatter as I drop-kick-slid my way through them... I got to the steps and people going down -- empty handed did not offer help -- just ran around me.
I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Angry, by the time, I passed about 200 people that I decided to NEVER EVER go there again. And I haven't. I figured if 200 people can watch a woman try to carry a heavy bag, and try to keep three shoe boxes under my arm & against my chest and not once say CAN I HELP YOU? Well, then these people don't get it. They don't have it and it wasn't coming soon, IMO
Your ordeal? I would keep looking 'cause that does not sound like the right place
I am thankful there are still a lot of churches out there that really do give a damn for its people. My wife Deb and I would love to be a part of a church like that, where we get to serve people in food lines, distribute goods to the poor and pray for people a lot.
TWI kind of frowned on it, but we have always like that.
You need a new church, I am just sick over what happened to you -- Geez
I was going to this Baptist church for awhile. The guy running it really had a gift and was GREAT. Then, he left. We did operation Christmas child where you fill shoe boxes with stuff for poor kids around the world. (Franklin Grahms yhing)
Anywho, I had a lot of boxes. I mean, maybe 14, I was trying to carry in from the parking lot. I had them in a lawn size trash bag and still maybe three under one arm. I would lift the bag with my leg and slide trying not to fall or drop anything.
I walked past many in the parking lot, I tried to open the door and had to negotiate it myself -- while others watched, the 9:30 service let out so groups were talking happy Christian chatter as I drop-kick-slid my way through them... I got to the steps and people going down -- empty handed did not offer help -- just ran around me.
I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Angry, by the time, I passed about 200 people that I decided to NEVER EVER go there again. And I haven't. I figured if 200 people can watch a woman try to carry a heavy bag, and try to keep three shoe boxes under my arm & against my chest and not once say CAN I HELP YOU? Well, then these people don't get it. They don't have it and it wasn't coming soon, IMO
Your ordeal? I would keep looking 'cause that does not sound like the right place
Gosh, Dot,
That place sounded worse than ours. I am sooooo sorry! I wish I had been there not just to assist but carry that load for you with you just telling me where to set them.
We do that shoe box thing, too. As bad as the hearts were in my church, I do believe guilt would have gotten the best of at least a few here watching you carry that load.
Again, I am so, so sorry to hear this happened to you, Dot.
Yahweh has really guided,and directed my life in my study of The Word of God.
And a lot of my views have changed.
Of course i believe That Jesus Christ is Not God.
And that as a Son of Yahweh(yes,god does have a name lol).
You have Sonship Rights,The Blessings of Abraham,and The promises of Yahweh.
And also there's a lot of other stuff.
Like that the Lost Tribes of Israel(natural),are found in the White Anglo-Saxon Peoples.
Not The Jews,like almost all the churches teach.
Hint:When you check the name White on a job-application,right beside it,it says Caucasion(The Mountain Range in Central Europe where the White People passed over,Which is between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea).
Then i discovered that from Adam,and thruout history(including Jesus Christ),when they burnt Incense.
They inhaled thru the nose,and breathed back out,in which thru the High.
That Yahweh worked thru people,in which rejoice's yahweh's heart.(pro.27:9)
And yes Cannibus(Marijuana) is one of the important Herbs used in Burning incense(Ex.30:23).
Plus i learned that most of your churches have tooken a 501 C3 non-profit.
Which it sounds good but.
1st Your making a pact with the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9)(Rev.3:9),Which are the Zionist Bankers,who own the Federal Reserve Bank,which is not a Government Organization,but a Private Corporation.Look it up,do word Searches.
Plus The Holy Book the Zionist Jews go by,is the Talmud(not the Bible),which Originated in Babylon,not Israel.
2nd They have rules to which you have to obey.
or you lose your Tax-Exempt status.
Which their Obeying the Rules of Man,rather that God.
Soo the Churches i go to are:
1.Believe that the Anglo-Saxon Peoples(White) are God's natural chosen people,Which refuse to believe the Zionist(Jews)
Chosen People Doctrine LIE.
2.Believe that Psychedelics,such as marijuana,and Mushrooms are good(genesis1:11-12),and are Meat(Genesis 1:29) for your mind.
Reason:I Desire The End to The War on Drugs.
Which is Un-Scriptural.
And When you look up on a google search.
Type in:Government the Dope Dealer,plus type in the Words:
Gary Webb
Who investigated the drug trade.
And This War has Cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars,plus it goes against the 4th Amendment of the constitution.
Enough is Enough lol.
3rd.Which Refuses the 501 c3 non-profit Corporation.
Like that the Lost Tribes of Israel(natural),are found in the White Anglo-Saxon Peoples.
Not The Jews,like almost all the churches teach.
They inhaled thru the nose,and breathed back out,in which thru the High.
And yes Cannibus(Marijuana) is one of the important Herbs used in Burning incense(Ex.30:23).
1st Your making a pact with the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9)(Rev.3:9),Which are the Zionist Bankers,who own the Federal Reserve Bank,which is not a Government Organization,but a Private Corporation.Look it up,do word Searches.
Plus The Holy Book the Zionist Jews go by,is the Talmud(not the Bible),which Originated in Babylon,not Israel.
1.Believe that the Anglo-Saxon Peoples(White) are God's natural chosen people,Which refuse to believe the Zionist(Jews)
Chosen People Doctrine LIE.
2.Believe that Psychedelics,such as marijuana,and Mushrooms are good(genesis1:11-12),and are Meat(Genesis 1:29) for your mind.
Wow, AccurateIsrael, I don't want to put down where you're at spiritually, but is sounds to me like you've fallen in with a racist, drug-using, anti-Semitic group. IMHO, it doesn't sound real healthy. If whites-only are the chosen people, what about all the rest of those created in God's image?
Wow, AccurateIsrael, I don't want to put down where you're at spiritually, but is sounds to me like you've fallen in with a racist, drug-using, anti-Semitic group. IMHO, it doesn't sound real healthy. If whites-only are the chosen people, what about all the rest of those created in God's image?
Hey don't matter here if i get put down or not.
If you want to i'll show Chapter and Verse,not my Opinion.
i didn't say only,Cause the new covenant Lord Jesus Christ made is also spiritual.
But yes the Anglo-Saxon Peoples are the natural Israelites.
Also I'm not just saying this The Bible says this,Heck i'll show you.
That even the JEWS say.
And Marijuana and Mushrooms aren't Drugs,but Herbs.
If you want me i can show you Chapter and Verse.
If you not still judging me.
Btw have you read Matt.7:1-5 on judging.
It will do you good.
Soo anytime you want,all of ya want.i can show you,Chapter and Verse to
Both the Israelite identity and Marijuana,Mushrooms over in the Doctrinal Section.
Soo i'm throwing the guantlet down,i would love replies.
Hey don't matter here if i get put down or not.
If you want to i'll show Chapter and Verse,not my Opinion.
i didn't say only,Cause the new covenant Lord Jesus Christ made is also spiritual.
But yes the Anglo-Saxon Peoples are the natural Israelites.
Also I'm not just saying this The Bible says this,Heck i'll show you.
That even the JEWS say.
Btw Marijuana and Mushrooms aren't Drugs,but Herbs.
If you want me i can show you Chapter and Verse.
If you not still judging me.
Btw have you read Matt.7:1-5 on judging.
It will do you good.
Soo anytime you want,all of ya want.i can show you,Chapter and Verse to
Both the Israelite identity and Marijuana,Mushrooms over in the Doctrinal Section.
Soo i'm throwing the guantlet down,i would love replies.
"If you want to i'll show Chapter and Verse,not my Opinion"
Yeah, O.K., fine. Who could argue with that kind of logic? Golly, you've got Almighty God on yer side (where have I heard that before?) and you've got SCRIPTURE to prove it.
"If you want to i'll show Chapter and Verse,not my Opinion"
Yeah, O.K., fine. Who could argue with that kind of logic? Golly, you've got Almighty God on yer side (where have I heard that before?) and you've got SCRIPTURE to prove it.
George,Maybe i do have Almightly God on my side,Maybe i Don't.
This stuff sounds so amazingly like the information that was passed down to us in the mid-1970s and pawned off as revelation from Gawd ( Which, it turns out, was gleaned from White Supremacy propaganda by VeePeePee) that one simply has to wonder---------Have you discovered the secret of *Time Travel*?
1st Your making a pact with the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9)(Rev.3:9),Which are the Zionist Bankers,who own the Federal Reserve Bank,which is not a Government Organization,but a Private Corporation.
Yeah but are these Zionist bankers any match for the Chinese?
First, I allow God to lead me where I need to go. (right now it's a Baptist church).
Dropped all the baby/bathwater and started over. Including whether or not Jesus is God. It is a mistaught doctrine from TWI no matter what the answer is.
So, it's a good idea to allow the holy spirit be your teacher,
(John 14:26) and not your preconceived or wrongly taught opinions on the subject.
Otherwise, you mind as well go back to the Way or an offshoot, since that is the only place you'll be taught these subjects that already agree with your comfort zone.
Second, find a place that worships God ABOVE the bible. (in TWI, I worshipped the''Word'' more than the Author).
Lastly, I usually check for dirty fingernails.
If I am gonna listen to anyone tell (share, teach) me about God and what we should do, I check to see if they get their hands dirty doing what they preach.
After hearing Eagles and Izi's accounts I realize why I avoid churces like the plague.
Even growing up the "wierdest" people I met in school were the phony religious ones who attended churches.
They always acted so nice as to entice you into their religion so they could get "brownie" points.
Then once you got to know them, you found out they were the most backstabbing people you would ever meet.
Why didn't I run when twi came along.
What drew me to twi was the people acted somewhat normal. Now I know why: most of them didn't have religious backgroounds, they were normal peole who wanted to know about God.
It didn't take long for the religion: law, pressure, backstabbing, oppression to set in.
Now if I'm around a religious person I run for the hills.
I am thankful for what I learned, and as many here have said we could have learned it from a number of sources such as
BG Lenard.
Only religion can make God confusing to people.
What about JCNG? Let's get the religious thinking out of it. Of course Jesus Crist was a man. He walked here on earth didn't he. If you want to call him God or part God that's fine by me, but he was still a man.
What about ADAN? What's the point of living if you are alive as soon as you die. Let's get it over with a go to heaven.
Why not forget about all the pedantry that twi got us into and just love God and others.
I think God has given us a great place here on this earth for the most part. Why not worship God in your every day life wherever you are. You don't need a building (too much rent). I teach my kids in my daily life, and by example.
That's what is going to help them anyway as they start to face the pressures of life. They have seen me pray and handle my life.
If you want involvement with a group then join one. It doesn't have to be a church. There are a lot of social groups out there. This will get them to interact with others outside of a religious environment and help them in later life.
We joined a boat club. These people are more loving and forgiving and willing to help than those we knew in twi.
Actually we joined before we left twi. One time we moved and it was the people in our boat club who helped us move.
AH.. The First Church of the Open Seas. Sounds nice, I also enjoy the brotherhood of the nice pirates. Arrrg.
No really. WHat I have gleaned from reading this thread is that most everyone has been searching for a church that is a continuation of our beliefs of JCNG and ADAN, Is truly spirit filled, the fellowship of the saints is evident if not obvious. and promotes healing and we are free to worship God as we see we are to do so. Love has to be the underlying foundation of the whole thing
I agree that we need to discard the wackos and some of the staunch starched collar.
Can we build such a place that is within driving distance to everyone who posts here, is alive 24 hours a day, 365days??
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That is an interesting thought, Linda…If memory serves me right [i'm at work right now – can't look it up] the Greek text reads "o monogenes huios" = "the only begotten son." If you look at the word monogenes – it is composed of two words mono = one and genes = kind…..and perhaps could mean Jesus Christ is one of a kind.
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I am so sorry you had that happen at that church. I will be praying too. I am thankful that I have found someplace here that does look out for each other.
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Dot Matrix
You need a new church, I am just sick over what happened to you -- Geez
I was going to this Baptist church for awhile. The guy running it really had a gift and was GREAT. Then, he left. We did operation Christmas child where you fill shoe boxes with stuff for poor kids around the world. (Franklin Grahms yhing)
Anywho, I had a lot of boxes. I mean, maybe 14, I was trying to carry in from the parking lot. I had them in a lawn size trash bag and still maybe three under one arm. I would lift the bag with my leg and slide trying not to fall or drop anything.
I walked past many in the parking lot, I tried to open the door and had to negotiate it myself -- while others watched, the 9:30 service let out so groups were talking happy Christian chatter as I drop-kick-slid my way through them... I got to the steps and people going down -- empty handed did not offer help -- just ran around me.
I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Angry, by the time, I passed about 200 people that I decided to NEVER EVER go there again. And I haven't. I figured if 200 people can watch a woman try to carry a heavy bag, and try to keep three shoe boxes under my arm & against my chest and not once say CAN I HELP YOU? Well, then these people don't get it. They don't have it and it wasn't coming soon, IMO
Your ordeal? I would keep looking 'cause that does not sound like the right place
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Thanks A-Dan and penguin,
I am thankful there are still a lot of churches out there that really do give a damn for its people. My wife Deb and I would love to be a part of a church like that, where we get to serve people in food lines, distribute goods to the poor and pray for people a lot.
TWI kind of frowned on it, but we have always like that.
Gosh, Dot,
That place sounded worse than ours. I am sooooo sorry! I wish I had been there not just to assist but carry that load for you with you just telling me where to set them.
We do that shoe box thing, too. As bad as the hearts were in my church, I do believe guilt would have gotten the best of at least a few here watching you carry that load.
Again, I am so, so sorry to hear this happened to you, Dot.
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Over the years since,i've left the TWI.
Yahweh has really guided,and directed my life in my study of The Word of God.
And a lot of my views have changed.
Of course i believe That Jesus Christ is Not God.
And that as a Son of Yahweh(yes,god does have a name lol).
You have Sonship Rights,The Blessings of Abraham,and The promises of Yahweh.
And also there's a lot of other stuff.
Like that the Lost Tribes of Israel(natural),are found in the White Anglo-Saxon Peoples.
Not The Jews,like almost all the churches teach.
Hint:When you check the name White on a job-application,right beside it,it says Caucasion(The Mountain Range in Central Europe where the White People passed over,Which is between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea).
Then i discovered that from Adam,and thruout history(including Jesus Christ),when they burnt Incense.
They inhaled thru the nose,and breathed back out,in which thru the High.
That Yahweh worked thru people,in which rejoice's yahweh's heart.(pro.27:9)
And yes Cannibus(Marijuana) is one of the important Herbs used in Burning incense(Ex.30:23).
Plus i learned that most of your churches have tooken a 501 C3 non-profit.
Which it sounds good but.
1st Your making a pact with the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9)(Rev.3:9),Which are the Zionist Bankers,who own the Federal Reserve Bank,which is not a Government Organization,but a Private Corporation.Look it up,do word Searches.
Plus The Holy Book the Zionist Jews go by,is the Talmud(not the Bible),which Originated in Babylon,not Israel.
2nd They have rules to which you have to obey.
or you lose your Tax-Exempt status.
Which their Obeying the Rules of Man,rather that God.
Soo the Churches i go to are:
1.Believe that the Anglo-Saxon Peoples(White) are God's natural chosen people,Which refuse to believe the Zionist(Jews)
Chosen People Doctrine LIE.
2.Believe that Psychedelics,such as marijuana,and Mushrooms are good(genesis1:11-12),and are Meat(Genesis 1:29) for your mind.
Reason:I Desire The End to The War on Drugs.
Which is Un-Scriptural.
And When you look up on a google search.
Type in:Government the Dope Dealer,plus type in the Words:
Gary Webb
Who investigated the drug trade.
And This War has Cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars,plus it goes against the 4th Amendment of the constitution.
Enough is Enough lol.
3rd.Which Refuses the 501 c3 non-profit Corporation.
Which is Obeying Yahweh rather than man.
Which i love to do (Acts 5:29,Col.3:23)
Well if you want me to show you Chapter and Verse
I'll more than willingly,to oblige yas

Sincerely AccurateIsraelite
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Wow, AccurateIsrael, I don't want to put down where you're at spiritually, but is sounds to me like you've fallen in with a racist, drug-using, anti-Semitic group. IMHO, it doesn't sound real healthy. If whites-only are the chosen people, what about all the rest of those created in God's image?
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Wrds, I'd be careful there. He might have something there, when he says,
You might need a toke or two to get it, but it's really profound!
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Hey don't matter here if i get put down or not.
If you want to i'll show Chapter and Verse,not my Opinion.
i didn't say only,Cause the new covenant Lord Jesus Christ made is also spiritual.
But yes the Anglo-Saxon Peoples are the natural Israelites.
Also I'm not just saying this The Bible says this,Heck i'll show you.
That even the JEWS say.
And Marijuana and Mushrooms aren't Drugs,but Herbs.
If you want me i can show you Chapter and Verse.
If you not still judging me.
Btw have you read Matt.7:1-5 on judging.
It will do you good.
Soo anytime you want,all of ya want.i can show you,Chapter and Verse to
Both the Israelite identity and Marijuana,Mushrooms over in the Doctrinal Section.
Soo i'm throwing the guantlet down,i would love replies.
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George Aar
"If you want to i'll show Chapter and Verse,not my Opinion"
Yeah, O.K., fine. Who could argue with that kind of logic? Golly, you've got Almighty God on yer side (where have I heard that before?) and you've got SCRIPTURE to prove it.
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George,Maybe i do have Almightly God on my side,Maybe i Don't.
I'll leave it up to you,my friend :D ;)
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sprawled out
i guess your accuracy doesn't extend to things like punctuation and proofreading, huh, izzy?
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A.as I.
This stuff sounds so amazingly like the information that was passed down to us in the mid-1970s and pawned off as revelation from Gawd ( Which, it turns out, was gleaned from White Supremacy propaganda by VeePeePee) that one simply has to wonder---------Have you discovered the secret of *Time Travel*?
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Well, if you have scripture, please present it. I'd like to see the spin on it.
But, God Bless anyway.
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Yeah but are these Zionist bankers any match for the Chinese?
Welcome A.I.
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In a (feeble) attempt to keep this on topic, and NOT discuss doctrine ---
I've checked out several churches since leaving twi.
I had a good time at all of them, but didn't stick around for the *long haul*.
Coupla Baptist places I went to were the best.
Close knit group, active in the community, that sort of thing.
Hey Geo --
You'd recognize (I think) a few names of some of the folks,
I saw at one of those Baptist churches! ;)
Won't go into details about all of the groups , but suffice it to say ----
Someone said ealier (in this thread), it's all about HEART.
And I have to agree.
I've seen the HEART of what should be acomplished,
in outfits that twi used to so caustically berate as *pawns* of religion.
I like a place that will accept me in t-shirt and jeans, or a suit and tie.
I like a place where name tags are forbidden ------
unless it's at a potluck picnic, and you write your name on one of those
peel-off stickers, to slap on your chest for the day (only).
I like a place where the preacher is open to questions,
honest discussion, and NOT full of himself.
I like a place that welcomes ALL folks, regardless of beliefs.
I like a place that has members going out into the community to help others,
leaving the bible and theology at home, focusing on *Love thy Neighbor*.
The Baptist churches I've attended have out-done twi on every one of these!
(Not recommending any one denomination ---
but I'm just saying --- There are many choices out there!)
Mat. 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you.
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First, I allow God to lead me where I need to go. (right now it's a Baptist church).
Dropped all the baby/bathwater and started over. Including whether or not Jesus is God. It is a mistaught doctrine from TWI no matter what the answer is.
So, it's a good idea to allow the holy spirit be your teacher,
(John 14:26) and not your preconceived or wrongly taught opinions on the subject.
Otherwise, you mind as well go back to the Way or an offshoot, since that is the only place you'll be taught these subjects that already agree with your comfort zone.
Second, find a place that worships God ABOVE the bible. (in TWI, I worshipped the''Word'' more than the Author).
Lastly, I usually check for dirty fingernails.
If I am gonna listen to anyone tell (share, teach) me about God and what we should do, I check to see if they get their hands dirty doing what they preach.
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George Aar
Oh, and Invisible one,
I can't tell you how disappointed I and the rest of the Bilderbergers were at your absence from our yearly convention.
Really, the whole cabal is beginning to wonder about your commitment. Sheesh, are you in favor of Jewish-world-financial domination or not?
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I know you didn't ask me, George, but I have to say, I most certainly am.
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Dot Matrix
Ya know after Kit posted I realized - I had been missing the Holy Spirit in churches.
The Methodist one, the Baptist ones etc -- had something -- but no power.
I am glad I went to the healing rooms and Day Star, They SIT
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polar bear
After hearing Eagles and Izi's accounts I realize why I avoid churces like the plague.
Even growing up the "wierdest" people I met in school were the phony religious ones who attended churches.
They always acted so nice as to entice you into their religion so they could get "brownie" points.
Then once you got to know them, you found out they were the most backstabbing people you would ever meet.
Why didn't I run when twi came along.
What drew me to twi was the people acted somewhat normal. Now I know why: most of them didn't have religious backgroounds, they were normal peole who wanted to know about God.
It didn't take long for the religion: law, pressure, backstabbing, oppression to set in.
Now if I'm around a religious person I run for the hills.
I am thankful for what I learned, and as many here have said we could have learned it from a number of sources such as
BG Lenard.
Only religion can make God confusing to people.
What about JCNG? Let's get the religious thinking out of it. Of course Jesus Crist was a man. He walked here on earth didn't he. If you want to call him God or part God that's fine by me, but he was still a man.
What about ADAN? What's the point of living if you are alive as soon as you die. Let's get it over with a go to heaven.
Why not forget about all the pedantry that twi got us into and just love God and others.
I think God has given us a great place here on this earth for the most part. Why not worship God in your every day life wherever you are. You don't need a building (too much rent). I teach my kids in my daily life, and by example.
That's what is going to help them anyway as they start to face the pressures of life. They have seen me pray and handle my life.
If you want involvement with a group then join one. It doesn't have to be a church. There are a lot of social groups out there. This will get them to interact with others outside of a religious environment and help them in later life.
We joined a boat club. These people are more loving and forgiving and willing to help than those we knew in twi.
Actually we joined before we left twi. One time we moved and it was the people in our boat club who helped us move.
It was about that time we said "bye bye twi".
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Out There
AH.. The First Church of the Open Seas. Sounds nice, I also enjoy the brotherhood of the nice pirates. Arrrg.
No really. WHat I have gleaned from reading this thread is that most everyone has been searching for a church that is a continuation of our beliefs of JCNG and ADAN, Is truly spirit filled, the fellowship of the saints is evident if not obvious. and promotes healing and we are free to worship God as we see we are to do so. Love has to be the underlying foundation of the whole thing
I agree that we need to discard the wackos and some of the staunch starched collar.
Can we build such a place that is within driving distance to everyone who posts here, is alive 24 hours a day, 365days??
I'll donate some lumber.
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