I attend a church that is called a "Church of God of Abrahamic Faith" They don't believe that Jesus is God., They don't believe the dead are alive. Baptism is a little confusing but not a requisite. I teach Sunday School and recently taught what are the nine manifestations and how do we operate them. It was very well recieved. You can get to their homepage by going to the Atlanta Bible College website.
St MArk's on the Mesa -- an Episcopal church leaning toward the Anglican ...
Ours has a great children and teens program...not true of all of them in our diocease.
yes it does the 2 doctrinal things you might find difficult, but it has been wonderful in so many other ways and I don't get as caught up in JCNG or DAN stuff anymore
I am always amazed at what we keep in our suitcases when we leave TWI. JC is not God and are the Dead Alive Now were probably the two doctrines that split us from our former church affiliations. What if they were the very two doctrinal things that could be wrong? I wrestle with those more than anything and lately am realizing, at least with JCNG, that it may not be a valid premise to argue. I do find that it divides people even amongst the exway community.
I am always amazed at what we keep in our suitcases when we leave TWI. JC is not God and are the Dead Alive Now were probably the two doctrines that split us from our former church affiliations. What if they were the very two doctrinal things that could be wrong? I wrestle with those more than anything and lately am realizing, at least with JCNG, that it may not be a valid premise to argue. I do find that it divides people even amongst the exway community.
I am sure this must have been discussed elsewhere, but it has been a long time since I have been to the GS Cafe and couldn't find this topic.
I now have 2 children who I would like to experience worshipping and fellowshipping outside our family. Sure, my wife and I can teach them the Bible, but they really need to see other Christians/Believers. One is eight yo and the other just about 5 yo. But I am not sure of all the beliefs of all the denominations out there. As far as some of the basic TWI taught doctrines that I still believe are Biblical (besides the Bible being the revealed word of God):
1. Jesus Christ is not God.
2. The dead are not alive now.
Number 1 is usually the big sticking point. Any suggestions? Thanks for any help!
PS Also, I have recently completed two books regarding Roger Williams. One was a biographical novel, "I, Roger Williams" by Mary Lee Settle, and the other was "Liberty of Conscience: Roger Williams in America" by William Gustaud. Very good reads, very enlightening, and very inspiring. I wish I had half the courage of Roger Williams!
Tom, how long were you a member of TWI? During that time did you believe and agree with everything you were taught? If not, maybe you can use whatever method you used then in your current situation. I know when I was raising my family and my children would ask me a question concerning what TWI taught that I didn't agree with I was honest with them. But I emphasized that it's the heart and not the head you need to focus on.
There are a lot of really good local churches all over the country....I don't recomend "mega churches"...I prefer smaller independant churches, not answerable to some "corporate denominational board of directors", that strive towards providing programs that focus on a variety of different needs...including youth programs...
...don't be overly concerned with doctrinal differences, look for the heart...look for the love and the fruit...and don't confuse it with religious piety. There are great folks in whom the Lord works in a lot of different ways. Keep your mind open to different viewpoints.
If you find a church that you are considering, I would check it out myself first before I take the kids...ask questions about what they do...not so much about what they believe...you can always find a mission statement on some pamphlet to consider their doctrinal views...I think it's healthy when kids interact together within a Christian setting...
...and who knows, you might even find some adults that you like. ;)
I was in the 1st grade when my parents became involved in TWI and about 13 or 14 when we left. So I never really went to a church. I have had a hard time with this myself since I didn't "grow up in a church". But I have recently been attending a Church of God. A friend introduced me to the church and I've only been a few times. I'm not 100% sure what the church as a whole believes. But my friend does believe that Jesus Christ is not God and that the dead are not alive now. But she also went to a Christian school and was taught the Bible on a daily basis. I have found that she has a great knowledge of the Bible. More that any other person I have meet outside of TWI. But I also question things that were taught in TWI. But the one thing that TWI did teach me was how to research the Bible. I don't think that was wrong teaching since it's just like doing research in school. So if there is something I question either in church or by TWI I look for myself, toss what I disagree with and keep going. I have missed the fellowshipping and enjoy going to church even if I don't agree with everything. God knows my heart and my knowledge and he is the only one I have to answer to. My advise is to attend a church your friends might attend, one you feel comfortable in and enjoy the fellowship. If you find it's way out there, keep trying until you find one that you feel comfortable in. You can visit without being a member. You can start visiting your local church's until you find the right one.
Hey Tom, glad to see you. I agree with Groucho that there are a lot of good churches out there. But you know, darn it, they all seem to have something WRONG with them! <_< One of the biggest challenges I've faced since leaving the Way (I never really left the Way, if you know what I mean) was working out my salvation in regard to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Liz and I departed from "the party line" on a number of matters with our local splinter group, and we started visiting all kinds of churches. We did this for a number of years, and we still go "jaunting" from time to time. At the time, our children were teens, and we experienced the grace of God together. Often, we'd go out for lunch afterwards and review how we felt about the various services. We were kind of adventurous, and visited quite a diversity of churches, from big mega churches with the full orchestra (fading in right on cue as the pastor wound up his sermon) to Pentecostal Holiness Deliverance Tabernacle, with the preacher handling the tamborine, his daughter's boyfriend (about 16) on the drum kit, and "Martha" on the organ. We visited Methodist, COG, Lutheran, Evangelical Free... numerous others. God taught us a lot about ourselves, and about "His people." When you are healed by a man of God preaching the Word, who doesn't know one tenth of the "Word" that you know, it suddenly becomes clear: maybe knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifies! When the spirit of God literally blows through a tiny church of simple believers, and you have the grace to see it, I believe you're getting somewhere.
Sure, doctrinal issues are important. But the trinitarian question and "soul sleep" is periferal to love and grace and peace. TWI taught us to be nitpickers. The trinitarian formula is nothing more than man trying to "figure out" God, and the "mystery of godliness" that Paul talked about. "...which was manifest in the flesh..."
You may find congregations that accept homosexuality as something that God has done. You'll find churches that believe that if you don't worship on Saturday, you're "outside the pale." And you'll find some that God dwells among.
A lot of times, people assumed that we were "shopping" for a church, but it was really just an exercise in godliness for us. God taught us SO many things! One time, Liz asked me after a service if I'd like to go back at 2 PM for a presentation that the visiting preacher was going to do. I told her "WILD HORSES could not drag me back there at 2 PM!" But many times, we were humbled by the grace of God evident in His presence, and His love for the believers, regardless of their not-right-on-ishness.
I would recommend visiting a number of fellowships, large and small. You may find something right in your back yard that works for you.
I am always amazed at what we keep in our suitcases when we leave TWI. JC is not God and are the Dead Alive Now were probably the two doctrines that split us from our former church affiliations. What if they were the very two doctrinal things that could be wrong? I wrestle with those more than anything and lately am realizing, at least with JCNG, that it may not be a valid premise to argue. I do find that it divides people even amongst the exway community.
I wonder about that sometimes, too, Paw, but more about if the dead go somewhere right away or sleep for a long time. I mean, where do our souls go to "rest" until Christ returns if spirit returns to spirit?
Did any of us join TWI because they already taught what we had decided to believe? No, in most cases what we learned in TWI was a marked departure from what we believed previously, we wanted a change. Maybe TWI was right on those 2 "main" points, maybe not. I would venture to say that the meager research skills that we learned in TWI were insufficient for us to be able to discern truth from error with a 100% accuracy.
Did any of us join TWI because they already taught what we had decided to believe? No, in most cases what we learned in TWI was a marked departure from what we believed previously, we wanted a change. Maybe TWI was right on those 2 "main" points, maybe not. I would venture to say that the meager research skills that we learned in TWI were insufficient for us to be able to discern truth from error with a 100% accuracy.
Love it, Oakspear. But, I never knew JC was supposed to be God until The Way even though my denomination believed in the trinity. They never taught it. So, I wasn't unhappy with the doctrines. What I didn't like was the judgmentalism and the better than thou attitude by the people who went every Sunday. Maybe what I was looking for and thought I'd found was the love of Jesus, not pharisaical snobbery.
All of us after we left have had to decide what we believe and what we don't.
My answer to what church to go to. Find any church where God enters. If you can fell the spirit when you come in the door, stay and worship. If he stays and you grow pray about it. The one BIG thing I got out of TWI is make up my own mind on what I believe, question everything, read and study. There are things I find wrong in a sermon all the time. I grow from annilizing what was said.
The big answer is just find a place to worship and fellowship. Fellowship is important to growth. Sharing war stories of witnessing and sharing. When have you gotton out of your comfort zone.
I wrestle with those more than anything and lately am realizing, at least with JCNG, that it may not be a valid premise to argue.
Ever thought about this in relation to "seed after its own kind"? If Jesus was the "only begotten" of God, what kind was/is He? Food for thought anyway. LKRS
The unitarian churches have been kinda hippie type odd places so I backed away from them
I got to the place where if God will still bless a group -- if they believe Jesus is God -- and if he is still among them -- then I can handle going and not really care that I differ in what I think. I do not announce what I think.
I do not want to argue, I want to see the ACTION of love, hear some Bible and know the power of God again.
Here is a note I sent to some friends -- you may or may not be interested.
Looking for somewhere to hook up with people who LOVE God and have the power –
I found churches that were warm, tepid and cold. But I never found a church where in the lobby people discussed healing and answers to prayers. Even when I tried to talk about my miracle of the guy in Greece who called me and God delivered my hand – I was met with lukewarm smiles. This “bath water” response kept me searching to find other people who knew the power of the Lord.
(Cause I wanted to hang with them)
Rev. Poster here, started studying other people’s ministries. He also hungered to find the POWER of God in operation. He hooked up with Dale Sides for a little while but continued to search. In 1994 he studied John G Lake and then Smith Wigglesworth and saw their brazen walk with God. He told God to protect him as he wanted to “go deep”.
Well, he called and told me that John G Lake had “healing rooms” where people would go and be prayed for. When he died around – I forget 1935 or something – the healing rooms died as well.
Cal Pierce, like Rev. Poster here, had been searching for healing. He went to John G Lake’s grave to pay respects. Cal opened the healing rooms again.
I went.
Not wanting a TWI, a boring church or a weirdo group.
(I wrote down somethings to be prayed for, but I did NOT write down the following)
Three people prayed for me. The first lady prayed and as I was picturing myself as a little girl, SHE said, “I am seeing you as a little girl." Then, asked about, "the woods by a lake.”
It was where I had been molested. She prayed for any open wounds to be sealed.
And they each prayed for me saying “hit the mark” stuff.
So, last night I went to their church.
Not wanting a TWI, boring church or weirdo group.
When I first went in I saw people with water bottles and one guy rubbing a woman’s back – I thought CRAP.
But I stayed during a very unstructured worship portion. Then, came the teaching.
It HAD been my experience that Pentecostals “wing it” and that always bugged me.
This guy had done research on David and Goliath – drew parallels with the number of man being “6” and the book of revelations.
Because I had been so ill prepared I did not have a pen or paper so I cannot give to you the scriptures, Greek words etc. But the teaching was really hot.
Anyway, Cal Pierce is coming to ATL at the Mariott in 2 weeks and I am going to go.
I do not know if anyone is interested or if the healing rooms are as great in YOUR area as they are here, but here is the link if you are interested in being prayed for or a different church.
Personally, when I feel the need to worship, I attend the First Church of the Double-Haul, or, occasionally, The Reformed Church of the Upstream Mend.
No sermons, no guilt, and no need to pretend you give a dang about anybody else in attendance. Just the sound of running water and the odd shore bird. And you can sleep in Sunday morning if you like. Afternoon service is generally more rewarding anyway...
The unitarian churches have been kinda hippie type odd places so I backed away from them
I got to the place where if God will still bless a group -- if they believe Jesus is God -- and if he is still among them -- then I can handle going and not really care that I differ in what I think. I do not announce what I think.
I do not want to argue, I want to see the ACTION of love, hear some Bible and know the power of God again.
Here is a note I sent to some friends -- you may or may not be interested.
Looking for somewhere to hook up with people who LOVE God and have the power –
I found churches that were warm, tepid and cold. But I never found a church where in the lobby people discussed healing and answers to prayers. Even when I tried to talk about my miracle of the guy in Greece who called me and God delivered my hand – I was met with lukewarm smiles. This “bath water” response kept me searching to find other people who knew the power of the Lord.
(Cause I wanted to hang with them)
Rev. Poster here, started studying other people’s ministries. He also hungered to find the POWER of God in operation. He hooked up with Dale Sides for a little while but continued to search. In 1994 he studied John G Lake and then Smith Wigglesworth and saw their brazen walk with God. He told God to protect him as he wanted to “go deep”.
Well, he called and told me that John G Lake had “healing rooms” where people would go and be prayed for. When he died around – I forget 1935 or something – the healing rooms died as well.
Cal Pierce, like Rev. Poster here, had been searching for healing. He went to John G Lake’s grave to pay respects. Cal opened the healing rooms again.
I went.
Not wanting a TWI, a boring church or a weirdo group.
(I wrote down somethings to be prayed for, but I did NOT write down the following)
Three people prayed for me. The first lady prayed and as I was picturing myself as a little girl, SHE said, “I am seeing you as a little girl." Then, asked about, "the woods by a lake.”
It was where I had been molested. She prayed for any open wounds to be sealed.
And they each prayed for me saying “hit the mark” stuff.
So, last night I went to their church.
Not wanting a TWI, boring church or weirdo group.
When I first went in I saw people with water bottles and one guy rubbing a woman’s back – I thought CRAP.
But I stayed during a very unstructured worship portion. Then, came the teaching.
It HAD been my experience that Pentecostals “wing it” and that always bugged me.
This guy had done research on David and Goliath – drew parallels with the number of man being “6” and the book of revelations.
Because I had been so ill prepared I did not have a pen or paper so I cannot give to you the scriptures, Greek words etc. But the teaching was really hot.
Anyway, Cal Pierce is coming to ATL at the Mariott in 2 weeks and I am going to go.
I do not know if anyone is interested or if the healing rooms are as great in YOUR area as they are here, but here is the link if you are interested in being prayed for or a different church.
Great testimony, Dot. Sure is great to fellowship with people who are excited about the power of God!
We go to a Foursquare Gospel church that just opened in March in our area. It's a new campus of a large established church called Church on the Way. We go to the new North Campus location.
I was thinking this morning as we were worshipping God in church and crying out as a congregation for "more of you, Lord", about how VP taught how you can't pray the Holy Spirit in to a meeting. I beg to differ. When people cry out for the presence of God, He shows up. That's what's so great about finding a church where the presence of God is invited and welcome. I've had so much healing come just during the worship times that the preaching and teaching are icing on the cake.
I like what ex70's said:
"Find any church where God enters. If you can feel the spirit when you come in the door, stay and worship. "
I've settled into Catholic for doing good ($ put there goes to build schools and orphanages, hospitals and feed the poor).
Been to (including membership classes and getting baptized) United Pentec*stal Church, Church of G*d in Christ, B*ptist, Unitarian, foot*mbly of God, a few non-denominational. Haven't found my place in a charismatic/holy spirit filled church. That's what I long for. A lot of them are nice.
Catholics are consistent: they don't yell, people are more concerned with how they are doing before the Lord than how you are doing, so they are more apt to be kind hearted and not nosey -- they do what they do in a predictable way. It's nice for me.
My wife and I attend a United Brethren church. This particular church seems more like a social club than actually helping people. We have faithfully attended over four years now financially giving and serving in all capacities. When we ran into a family situation where our daughter-in-law almost died with the baby, I called the head pastor asking for prayers, and in this situation we had to get the one year old grandson Ethan and take care of him. Since we both work full time jobs and are strapped financially helping our mentally challenged adult son, we also asked for babysitters in case we needed them and shared that we could not afford to pay anyone, so if people in the church could switch on and off, if it came to that, that would be appreciated.
One retired pastor of the church stopped calling us. The head pastor did not call back or send an email or send a prayer chain.
My wife worked out a deal where her boss would allow her to take Ethan to work with her and take care of him there while she worked. We called back the church and let them know a deal was worked out so no babysitters needed, but not after several people in the church, seeing us coming to services with the baby, avoided us.
Funny thing is...my wife babysits for the church in the nursery during services. She babysits all their kids.
Not done yet. We only got prayer when we actually filled out a form for it at church. Then we were on a prayer chain, which is appreciated, but the head pastor never did any contact back so I let it known to those under him, since I couldn't catch him during services, that he was a lousy communicator. He has a history of hanging around social big wigs and paying a lot of attention to them.
My wife was absolutely devastated, especially after we faithfully served the church so long, and in particular my wife. The head pastor had no excuse. He was not on vacation, it was a life and death situation, and I got more prayer from GreaseSpot than from our own church.
We did not give to the church this paycheck. We are looking around again. My wife did get a long distance call from my father-in-law's pastor's wife, on her own dime, and prayed on the phone together. It was a small country pentacostal church. The church is filled with older people with a lot of health problems. It is a poor church. We had given nothing to it. She just found out about our family and called.
That pastor's wife doesn't know it, but she is getting a check we normally would have given our church.
And my wife and I are grateful to those at GS Cafe that are praying. We are truly thankful for that after this, and the situation still goes on and will until at least mid-September.
that's why i like greasespot. pajamas, smoking, etc., are okay
and you don't have to be here any specific time
Sometimes we just don't get it together to get out of the house on Sun. morn. or we decide to stay home. Sometimes we have family prayer time and/or we tune in to the webcast of the service from Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, CA. We used to go to church there, but it's 40 miles away and we decided to look for a more local church.
But Harvest Rock is a great church and if anyone here wants to check it out, even in their pajamas, they webcast their 11am (Pacific Time) service to anyone who wants to tune in. (PS Their worship leader used to be in TWI, he doesn't lead every week but more often than not.When Danny G*lino leads worship with his two daughters, it rocks.)
Here's the URL if you want to check it out. Just click on Live Webcast, at the bottom right.
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Out There
I attend a church that is called a "Church of God of Abrahamic Faith" They don't believe that Jesus is God., They don't believe the dead are alive. Baptism is a little confusing but not a requisite. I teach Sunday School and recently taught what are the nine manifestations and how do we operate them. It was very well recieved. You can get to their homepage by going to the Atlanta Bible College website.
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St MArk's on the Mesa -- an Episcopal church leaning toward the Anglican ...
Ours has a great children and teens program...not true of all of them in our diocease.
yes it does the 2 doctrinal things you might find difficult, but it has been wonderful in so many other ways and I don't get as caught up in JCNG or DAN stuff anymore
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Good question.
Lemme know when you get a good answer.... I'm sorta in the same place as you...
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Good to see you.
I am always amazed at what we keep in our suitcases when we leave TWI. JC is not God and are the Dead Alive Now were probably the two doctrines that split us from our former church affiliations. What if they were the very two doctrinal things that could be wrong? I wrestle with those more than anything and lately am realizing, at least with JCNG, that it may not be a valid premise to argue. I do find that it divides people even amongst the exway community.
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Well, yeah.
That and the pineapple on pizza thing.
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Larry N Moore
Tom, how long were you a member of TWI? During that time did you believe and agree with everything you were taught? If not, maybe you can use whatever method you used then in your current situation. I know when I was raising my family and my children would ask me a question concerning what TWI taught that I didn't agree with I was honest with them. But I emphasized that it's the heart and not the head you need to focus on.
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There are a lot of really good local churches all over the country....I don't recomend "mega churches"...I prefer smaller independant churches, not answerable to some "corporate denominational board of directors", that strive towards providing programs that focus on a variety of different needs...including youth programs...
...don't be overly concerned with doctrinal differences, look for the heart...look for the love and the fruit...and don't confuse it with religious piety. There are great folks in whom the Lord works in a lot of different ways. Keep your mind open to different viewpoints.
If you find a church that you are considering, I would check it out myself first before I take the kids...ask questions about what they do...not so much about what they believe...you can always find a mission statement on some pamphlet to consider their doctrinal views...I think it's healthy when kids interact together within a Christian setting...
...and who knows, you might even find some adults that you like. ;)
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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I was in the 1st grade when my parents became involved in TWI and about 13 or 14 when we left. So I never really went to a church. I have had a hard time with this myself since I didn't "grow up in a church". But I have recently been attending a Church of God. A friend introduced me to the church and I've only been a few times. I'm not 100% sure what the church as a whole believes. But my friend does believe that Jesus Christ is not God and that the dead are not alive now. But she also went to a Christian school and was taught the Bible on a daily basis. I have found that she has a great knowledge of the Bible. More that any other person I have meet outside of TWI. But I also question things that were taught in TWI. But the one thing that TWI did teach me was how to research the Bible. I don't think that was wrong teaching since it's just like doing research in school. So if there is something I question either in church or by TWI I look for myself, toss what I disagree with and keep going. I have missed the fellowshipping and enjoy going to church even if I don't agree with everything. God knows my heart and my knowledge and he is the only one I have to answer to. My advise is to attend a church your friends might attend, one you feel comfortable in and enjoy the fellowship. If you find it's way out there, keep trying until you find one that you feel comfortable in. You can visit without being a member. You can start visiting your local church's until you find the right one.
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Hey Tom, glad to see you. I agree with Groucho that there are a lot of good churches out there. But you know, darn it, they all seem to have something WRONG with them! <_< One of the biggest challenges I've faced since leaving the Way (I never really left the Way, if you know what I mean) was working out my salvation in regard to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Liz and I departed from "the party line" on a number of matters with our local splinter group, and we started visiting all kinds of churches. We did this for a number of years, and we still go "jaunting" from time to time. At the time, our children were teens, and we experienced the grace of God together. Often, we'd go out for lunch afterwards and review how we felt about the various services. We were kind of adventurous, and visited quite a diversity of churches, from big mega churches with the full orchestra (fading in right on cue as the pastor wound up his sermon) to Pentecostal Holiness Deliverance Tabernacle, with the preacher handling the tamborine, his daughter's boyfriend (about 16) on the drum kit, and "Martha" on the organ. We visited Methodist, COG, Lutheran, Evangelical Free... numerous others. God taught us a lot about ourselves, and about "His people." When you are healed by a man of God preaching the Word, who doesn't know one tenth of the "Word" that you know, it suddenly becomes clear: maybe knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifies! When the spirit of God literally blows through a tiny church of simple believers, and you have the grace to see it, I believe you're getting somewhere.
Sure, doctrinal issues are important. But the trinitarian question and "soul sleep" is periferal to love and grace and peace. TWI taught us to be nitpickers. The trinitarian formula is nothing more than man trying to "figure out" God, and the "mystery of godliness" that Paul talked about. "...which was manifest in the flesh..."
You may find congregations that accept homosexuality as something that God has done. You'll find churches that believe that if you don't worship on Saturday, you're "outside the pale." And you'll find some that God dwells among.
A lot of times, people assumed that we were "shopping" for a church, but it was really just an exercise in godliness for us. God taught us SO many things! One time, Liz asked me after a service if I'd like to go back at 2 PM for a presentation that the visiting preacher was going to do. I told her "WILD HORSES could not drag me back there at 2 PM!" But many times, we were humbled by the grace of God evident in His presence, and His love for the believers, regardless of their not-right-on-ishness.
I would recommend visiting a number of fellowships, large and small. You may find something right in your back yard that works for you.
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I wonder about that sometimes, too, Paw, but more about if the dead go somewhere right away or sleep for a long time. I mean, where do our souls go to "rest" until Christ returns if spirit returns to spirit?
Edited by waterbuffaloLink to comment
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Did any of us join TWI because they already taught what we had decided to believe? No, in most cases what we learned in TWI was a marked departure from what we believed previously, we wanted a change. Maybe TWI was right on those 2 "main" points, maybe not. I would venture to say that the meager research skills that we learned in TWI were insufficient for us to be able to discern truth from error with a 100% accuracy.
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Love it, Oakspear. But, I never knew JC was supposed to be God until The Way even though my denomination believed in the trinity. They never taught it. So, I wasn't unhappy with the doctrines. What I didn't like was the judgmentalism and the better than thou attitude by the people who went every Sunday. Maybe what I was looking for and thought I'd found was the love of Jesus, not pharisaical snobbery.
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All of us after we left have had to decide what we believe and what we don't.
My answer to what church to go to. Find any church where God enters. If you can fell the spirit when you come in the door, stay and worship. If he stays and you grow pray about it. The one BIG thing I got out of TWI is make up my own mind on what I believe, question everything, read and study. There are things I find wrong in a sermon all the time. I grow from annilizing what was said.
The big answer is just find a place to worship and fellowship. Fellowship is important to growth. Sharing war stories of witnessing and sharing. When have you gotton out of your comfort zone.
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I wrestle with those more than anything and lately am realizing, at least with JCNG, that it may not be a valid premise to argue.
Ever thought about this in relation to "seed after its own kind"? If Jesus was the "only begotten" of God, what kind was/is He? Food for thought anyway.
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so glad you've been on here posting
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Dot Matrix
The unitarian churches have been kinda hippie type odd places so I backed away from them
I got to the place where if God will still bless a group -- if they believe Jesus is God -- and if he is still among them -- then I can handle going and not really care that I differ in what I think. I do not announce what I think.
I do not want to argue, I want to see the ACTION of love, hear some Bible and know the power of God again.
Here is a note I sent to some friends -- you may or may not be interested.
Looking for somewhere to hook up with people who LOVE God and have the power –
I found churches that were warm, tepid and cold. But I never found a church where in the lobby people discussed healing and answers to prayers. Even when I tried to talk about my miracle of the guy in Greece who called me and God delivered my hand – I was met with lukewarm smiles. This “bath water” response kept me searching to find other people who knew the power of the Lord.
(Cause I wanted to hang with them)
Rev. Poster here, started studying other people’s ministries. He also hungered to find the POWER of God in operation. He hooked up with Dale Sides for a little while but continued to search. In 1994 he studied John G Lake and then Smith Wigglesworth and saw their brazen walk with God. He told God to protect him as he wanted to “go deep”.
Well, he called and told me that John G Lake had “healing rooms” where people would go and be prayed for. When he died around – I forget 1935 or something – the healing rooms died as well.
Cal Pierce, like Rev. Poster here, had been searching for healing. He went to John G Lake’s grave to pay respects. Cal opened the healing rooms again.
I went.
Not wanting a TWI, a boring church or a weirdo group.
(I wrote down somethings to be prayed for, but I did NOT write down the following)
Three people prayed for me. The first lady prayed and as I was picturing myself as a little girl, SHE said, “I am seeing you as a little girl." Then, asked about, "the woods by a lake.”
It was where I had been molested. She prayed for any open wounds to be sealed.
And they each prayed for me saying “hit the mark” stuff.
So, last night I went to their church.
Not wanting a TWI, boring church or weirdo group.
When I first went in I saw people with water bottles and one guy rubbing a woman’s back – I thought CRAP.
But I stayed during a very unstructured worship portion. Then, came the teaching.
It HAD been my experience that Pentecostals “wing it” and that always bugged me.
This guy had done research on David and Goliath – drew parallels with the number of man being “6” and the book of revelations.
Because I had been so ill prepared I did not have a pen or paper so I cannot give to you the scriptures, Greek words etc. But the teaching was really hot.
Anyway, Cal Pierce is coming to ATL at the Mariott in 2 weeks and I am going to go.
I do not know if anyone is interested or if the healing rooms are as great in YOUR area as they are here, but here is the link if you are interested in being prayed for or a different church.
May or may not be what you are looking for.
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George Aar
Personally, when I feel the need to worship, I attend the First Church of the Double-Haul, or, occasionally, The Reformed Church of the Upstream Mend.
No sermons, no guilt, and no need to pretend you give a dang about anybody else in attendance. Just the sound of running water and the odd shore bird. And you can sleep in Sunday morning if you like. Afternoon service is generally more rewarding anyway...
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that's why i like greasespot. pajamas, smoking, etc., are okay
and you don't have to be here any specific time
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Great testimony, Dot. Sure is great to fellowship with people who are excited about the power of God!
We go to a Foursquare Gospel church that just opened in March in our area. It's a new campus of a large established church called Church on the Way. We go to the new North Campus location.
I was thinking this morning as we were worshipping God in church and crying out as a congregation for "more of you, Lord", about how VP taught how you can't pray the Holy Spirit in to a meeting. I beg to differ. When people cry out for the presence of God, He shows up. That's what's so great about finding a church where the presence of God is invited and welcome. I've had so much healing come just during the worship times that the preaching and teaching are icing on the cake.
I like what ex70's said:
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Kit Sober
I've settled into Catholic for doing good ($ put there goes to build schools and orphanages, hospitals and feed the poor).
Been to (including membership classes and getting baptized) United Pentec*stal Church, Church of G*d in Christ, B*ptist, Unitarian, foot*mbly of God, a few non-denominational. Haven't found my place in a charismatic/holy spirit filled church. That's what I long for. A lot of them are nice.
Catholics are consistent: they don't yell, people are more concerned with how they are doing before the Lord than how you are doing, so they are more apt to be kind hearted and not nosey -- they do what they do in a predictable way. It's nice for me.
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Dot Matrix
There are charasmatic Catholic churches. I was going to take a friend to one, have you tried one of them?
I like this:
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My wife and I attend a United Brethren church. This particular church seems more like a social club than actually helping people. We have faithfully attended over four years now financially giving and serving in all capacities. When we ran into a family situation where our daughter-in-law almost died with the baby, I called the head pastor asking for prayers, and in this situation we had to get the one year old grandson Ethan and take care of him. Since we both work full time jobs and are strapped financially helping our mentally challenged adult son, we also asked for babysitters in case we needed them and shared that we could not afford to pay anyone, so if people in the church could switch on and off, if it came to that, that would be appreciated.
One retired pastor of the church stopped calling us. The head pastor did not call back or send an email or send a prayer chain.
My wife worked out a deal where her boss would allow her to take Ethan to work with her and take care of him there while she worked. We called back the church and let them know a deal was worked out so no babysitters needed, but not after several people in the church, seeing us coming to services with the baby, avoided us.
Funny thing is...my wife babysits for the church in the nursery during services. She babysits all their kids.
Not done yet. We only got prayer when we actually filled out a form for it at church. Then we were on a prayer chain, which is appreciated, but the head pastor never did any contact back so I let it known to those under him, since I couldn't catch him during services, that he was a lousy communicator. He has a history of hanging around social big wigs and paying a lot of attention to them.
My wife was absolutely devastated, especially after we faithfully served the church so long, and in particular my wife. The head pastor had no excuse. He was not on vacation, it was a life and death situation, and I got more prayer from GreaseSpot than from our own church.
We did not give to the church this paycheck. We are looking around again. My wife did get a long distance call from my father-in-law's pastor's wife, on her own dime, and prayed on the phone together. It was a small country pentacostal church. The church is filled with older people with a lot of health problems. It is a poor church. We had given nothing to it. She just found out about our family and called.
That pastor's wife doesn't know it, but she is getting a check we normally would have given our church.
And my wife and I are grateful to those at GS Cafe that are praying. We are truly thankful for that after this, and the situation still goes on and will until at least mid-September.
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I never found God in twi or much of anything till I really read what was written and started seeing that it was true.
You know it's funny that it says that God was in Christ.
I've asked a few times "where is God' on this forum and have gotten a few good responses. But most people in general don't know where God is.
Everywhere? hmmmmm That would be every where I go or you go I'd expect.
If one is to believe that he is everywhere, then there is nowhere one can go that he isn't.
I don't think God is an outside entity primarily.
But an inside reality more so, as well as outside.
But what is outside of us?
Isn't what we see taken into ourselves?
I can easily side with the atheist on the question of God.
They actually have some good perspectives.
Anyone ever check out some of their most interesting sites?
Very informative. They studied more then the way ever had.
So if God is in Christ, then where is Christ?
Supposedly to return some day?
No 'return of Christ' in the bible, but a coming.
Coming from within and everywhere.
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Sometimes we just don't get it together to get out of the house on Sun. morn. or we decide to stay home. Sometimes we have family prayer time and/or we tune in to the webcast of the service from Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, CA. We used to go to church there, but it's 40 miles away and we decided to look for a more local church.
But Harvest Rock is a great church and if anyone here wants to check it out, even in their pajamas, they webcast their 11am (Pacific Time) service to anyone who wants to tune in. (PS Their worship leader used to be in TWI, he doesn't lead every week but more often than not.When Danny G*lino leads worship with his two daughters, it rocks.)
Here's the URL if you want to check it out. Just click on Live Webcast, at the bottom right.
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