Ladies, I think we should start protesting these guys who post naked pics of themselves, BUT THEY ARE HIDING BEHIND SOMETHING! First we had Larry, our beloved lawyer who hid behind his chair. Now we have Exwaycorps who's hiding behind the board of a fence. If *we* tried getting away with doing a picture like that do you think the guys in here would let us get away with it?
LOL. OK, I admit it, it's 8 am PST and I still haven't crawled into bed. Being tired and in my normal warped sense of humor way of thinking ... seeing that naked pig behind the fence board brought back the memory of the pic of Larry. (I kept a copy of that one too Sudo, even though it showed more chair than it did Larry.) I couldn't resist posting and having some fun with the cute piggie.
See those of you in chat who are normally there later tonight, if I wake up at a decent hour. I love everyone here, so put your name here on my list ______ .
Have you ever wondered how to enter a room once you left it behaving foolishly. Wondering if folks would greet you as if you never made a scene or would they just laugh and pat you on the back and tell you they've been there also and just forget it and move on.
In order for me to get to where I have thus far (with room to go, no doubt 'bout it) was to leave the horrors of my life in twi as behind me as I possibly could. Because for me to read in this forum it was like revisiting the crime scene. And I have held pretty fast to that thinking for a couple years now while allowing many a thread and even poster to come and go having never known what they had to share.
I also felt that my holding onto some practical things I learned, as well as biblical things that were actually correct and not tweaked to fit a devious pattern being fed us, was something that some here thought was being abusive to them. And to me that made and still actually makes no sense but it's because I know my heart and when I want to share a moment in time that was sweet while in twi it is in no way discrediting the abused or attempting to lesson the severity of it. I would then be doing so to myself since I certainly qualify as being abused while there.
But a thread brought me back here and at first I pounded my head for a couple of reasons. One because those wishing to state a positive were being attacked and another because someone choosing that thread to finally tell the story was being questioned in ways that were simply cruel. But I stayed on and I read it through and I saw folks working through their passions, whatever side or middle they stood on. And it did something inside me I'd not considered it would.
Then I read ASpots thread on 'Spiritual Abuse and Taking the Lord's Name in Vain' and what I still drug my feet on accepting stared me down and I had to bow my head in acceptance that it was time to stop running away from those things of the past and embrace the fact I could remember and not be brought to my knees in pain anymore.
What a blessing for me personally. But it was because of this web site and for the greater part this particular part of the forum that I am able to even recognize the growth. And the ones that I love as I love my very breath that are a part of my real life. You know who you are and I imagine others might as well. I do tend to wear my heart outwardly.
I am blessed by so many of you that I can't begin to say and some don't even know it which I regret I have allowed to be.
Have you ever wondered how to enter a room once you left it behaving foolishly. Wondering if folks would greet you as if you never made a scene or would they just laugh and pat you on the back and tell you they've been there also and just forget it and move on.
In order for me to get to where I have thus far (with room to go, no doubt 'bout it) was to leave the horrors of my life in twi as behind me as I possibly could. Because for me to read in this forum it was like revisiting the crime scene. And I have held pretty fast to that thinking for a couple years now while allowing many a thread and even poster to come and go having never known what they had to share.
I also felt that my holding onto some practical things I learned, as well as biblical things that were actually correct and not tweaked to fit a devious pattern being fed us, was something that some here thought was being abusive to them. And to me that made and still actually makes no sense but it's because I know my heart and when I want to share a moment in time that was sweet while in twi it is in no way discrediting the abused or attempting to lesson the severity of it. I would then be doing so to myself since I certainly qualify as being abused while there.
But a thread brought me back here and at first I pounded my head for a couple of reasons. One because those wishing to state a positive were being attacked and another because someone choosing that thread to finally tell the story was being questioned in ways that were simply cruel. But I stayed on and I read it through and I saw folks working through their passions, whatever side or middle they stood on. And it did something inside me I'd not considered it would.
Then I read ASpots thread on 'Spiritual Abuse and Taking the Lord's Name in Vain' and what I still drug my feet on accepting stared me down and I had to bow my head in acceptance that it was time to stop running away from those things of the past and embrace the fact I could remember and not be brought to my knees in pain anymore.
What a blessing for me personally. But it was because of this web site and for the greater part this particular part of the forum that I am able to even recognize the growth. And the ones that I love as I love my very breath that are a part of my real life. You know who you are and I imagine others might as well. I do tend to wear my heart outwardly.
I am blessed by so many of you that I can't begin to say and some don't even know it which I regret I have allowed to be.
Hey, there, Kathy
Any room you choose to enter is brightened by your presence.
OOPS! My Granddaughter, Clara Belle( that's short for Helen.) just informed me, "That is WAAAAAAY too EMO", Grandpa.
(I guess that means "emotional".)
OK--- guess I'll just have to settle for one of these:
EMO?--- Where do you suppose these young 'uns get this stuff?
Your post was wonderful. I think it encapsulates the benefit to exposing the underbelly of twi while still being able to celebrate how God reached us during our affiliation with it.
But a thread brought me back here and at first I pounded my head for a couple of reasons. One because those wishing to state a positive were being attacked and another because someone choosing that thread to finally tell the story was being questioned in ways that were simply cruel. But I stayed on and I read it through and I saw folks working through their passions, whatever side or middle they stood on. And it did something inside me I'd not considered it would.
Then I read ASpots thread on 'Spiritual Abuse and Taking the Lord's Name in Vain' and what I still drug my feet on accepting stared me down and I had to bow my head in acceptance that it was time to stop running away from those things of the past and embrace the fact I could remember and not be brought to my knees in pain anymore.
How grand that those threads finally allowed your healing in this are! I am so blessed for you.
I think the 1st thread you may be referring to was "A Few Things I Learned in PFAL . . . do you still believe them?". I, too, was gaining great healing in that thread and going through some immense paradigm shifts I have been working towards for years. Then all of a sudden *POOF* the thread is gone. Hearing that someone else was receiving great healing let's me know I was not "all alone" in receiving great benefits from the thread, and leads to me expect that others may have been experiencing the same. It is my hope and prayer that it will be reinstated so that the healing can continue for all that were receiving it there.
Your post was wonderful. I think it encapsulates the benefit to exposing the underbelly of twi while still being able to celebrate how God reached us during our affiliation with it.
How grand that those threads finally allowed your healing in this are! I am so blessed for you.
I think the 1st thread you may be referring to was "A Few Things I Learned in PFAL . . . do you still believe them?". I, too, was gaining great healing in that thread and going through some immense paradigm shifts I have been working towards for years. Then all of a sudden *POOF* the thread is gone. Hearing that someone else was receiving great healing let's me know I was not "all alone" in receiving great benefits from the thread, and leads to me expect that others may have been experiencing the same. It is my hope and prayer that it will be reinstated so that the healing can continue for all that were receiving it there.
Now, now folks. Let's not turn this thread that is supposed to be an opportunity to bless someone into something else. Dan just started a thread on this question in the "Open" forum on the subject.
I have gone through much healing due to this thread. I chose not to post here during the heat of it because I believed folks were doing what they knew to be best for it and I didn't want to hinder or even encourage because it needed to be your hearts speaking only. And I knew I was in disagreement at points and didn't want to influence anyone here. But it has turned into a wonderful example of individuals working out their own salvation and it would be a tragedy for it to be removed. It has the potential of healing the broken lurkers in life long ways.
And Suda's summations have been simply inspired!
Screw anyone and anything that would hinder this good work.
I know that you did not address me but I am going to take the liberty of answering for my friend. (I am fairly certain that she will not mind) She has a lot to say and a lot to be thankful for. It was necessary for her to share the contents of her post on this thread, in this manner so that she could say in all humility this final statement and know that others will understand where it is coming from:
I am blessed by so many of you that I can't begin to say and some don't even know it which I regret I have allowed to be.
If you do not really understand the heart and love behind the statement it only means that you do not know Kathy very well. But no she did not mean to be posting on any other thread but this one.
I apologize if this sounds harsh or callous or anything else negetive this would not reflect my intent.
I have gone through much healing due to this thread. I chose not to post here during the heat of it because I believed folks were doing what they knew to be best for it and I didn't want to hinder or even encourage because it needed to be your hearts speaking only. And I knew I was in disagreement at points and didn't want to influence anyone here. But it has turned into a wonderful example of individuals working out their own salvation and it would be a tragedy for it to be removed. It has the potential of healing the broken lurkers in life long ways.
And Suda's summations have been simply inspired!
Screw anyone and anything that would hinder this good work.
I know that you did not address me but I am going to take the liberty of answering for my friend. (I am fairly certain that she will not mind) She has a lot to say and a lot to be thankful for. It was necessary for her to share the contents of her post on this thread, in this manner so that she could say in all humility this final statement and know that others will understand where it is coming from:
QUOTE(ChattyKathy @ Aug 10 2007, 09:07 PM)
I am blessed by so many of you that I can't begin to say and some don't even know it which I regret I have allowed to be.
If you do not really understand the heart and love behind the statement it only means that you do not know Kathy very well. But no she did not mean to be posting on any other thread but this one.
I apologize if this sounds harsh or callous or anything else negetive this would not reflect my intent.
BTW Kathy- Great post! I love you too!!
Actually, the first post was me, not John. I noticed it when I was halfway through but decided it was harmless enough to let it stand without correction. I apologize for the confusion. I do understand the heart and love behind the post you quoted, but I am still somewhat confused by the post I quoted. It still seems to be more aimed at the 'things I learned from PFAL' thread then this one (notice the reference to Suda's summations, etc.).
Actually, the first post was me, not John. I noticed it when I was halfway through but decided it was harmless enough to let it stand without correction. I apologize for the confusion. I do understand the heart and love behind the post you quoted, but I am still somewhat confused by the post I quoted. It still seems to be more aimed at the 'things I learned from PFAL' thread then this one (notice the reference to Suda's summations, etc.).
I also did not intend anything harsh or callous.
In truth as I began to read her post I also thought that it was in the wrong place. But as I continued I realized that Kathy was just writing her thought process down. She was summerizing the "events" and posts that brought her to the final decision to even come into this forum and participate. Because of this she felt compelled to express her great love and thankfulness to everyone because in breaking through that barrier she is now realizing a new level of deliverance from the darkness in which she has lived since leaving twi. The beauty of her post is that it would fit nicely into several threads that I can think of off the top of my head.
I do apologize for the confusion caused and I have done this before I regret. But I so appreciate the compassion that both Eyes and Jean have shown me in trying to understand my heart.
It is also possible that when ChattyKathy was making this post, the "A Few things I learned in PFAL . . . do you still believe them?" thread was out in limbo land. It was "deleted" for about an hour yesterday but *POOF* is back again.
I'm very glad it is, as at least a few of us have posted to the healing we received there, so I assume there are others in our same shoes that have chosen not to post.
I do apologize for the confusion caused and I have done this before I regret. But I so appreciate the compassion that both Eyes and Jean have shown me in trying to understand my heart.
You guys have said some incredibly kind things. I haven`t posted here yet because I wanted to gather my thoughts carefully, lest I forget somebody.
Each person here has brought a unique perspective and piece of the puzzle to help me see the bigger picture. SO many have ministered and taught me in so many different ways.
I guess I need to start with the Allens who had the courage to stand up to twi and start waydale...that was the beginning of my journey towards healing...that provided the avenue for me to be able to start thinking outside of the mental prison that I was tightly encased in. They began the lawsuits that woke up so many still IN twi.
I think that it was Groucho and Hills Brother back in waydale that I noticed having the nerve to speak the first *negatives* and I read em without my head spinning and spewing green ...aka getting posessed...Radar and hope provided so much inside cup as name a few. I miss orange cat. I wonder what happened to poor free bird and Dobby...then there was the gal who posted frm behind her shades ..I can`t remember her name, but she left with her whole family finally.
I learned through peoples examples that it was alright to begin to question...
There was the chat room that meant so much to me during that long difficult pregnancy...people who would sit up and talk to me all night when I couldn`t was vinehanger,,that always had towls and boiling water ready...
Pawtucket picked up the ball and provided a safe haven for us to continue our journey...the path to wholeness. Paw if you are reading this...there are a lot of us who didn`t have the money for professional help to sort all of this out...who didn`t have the confidence in doctors to confide the deep fear and anxiety that consumed us after leaving twi...we still thought that it was devil spirits trying to attack and posess us....still believed if we operated the principles just right...was the only way to avoid death and destruction...there was the constant stress of being afraid that we would blow it in just a single are one time and lose everything....
Your perspective in dealing with personal issues also was much appreciated.
There were the morning chatters ...we all enjoyed our cup of coffee together sorting out the problems of the used to like us back then dad used to drop in.....bow that was when you joined us I think....Hope came in one day and scolded us for not posting in the forums..(its all HER fault guys) .....up to that point I had been just reading and learning as a spectator at gs...I finally registered where I could post. Who knew that I would explode all over the forums like I did....I was terrified ...I was so afraid of people knowing what a total retard I was and mostly tried to placate people....
In having a safe haven to discuss these realizing that others were suffering the same doubts...wondering if satan could kill us because we weren`t tithing any more...etc.
What I have seen here is the body of Christ at work ....I have seen people with a particular affinity and understanding in one area ... share of their understanding with others ...those others having their own understanding from the direction that they had been since leaving...sharing that with the people whom that information would benefit.
First...on the top of my list of individual posters would have to be excathedra.... THAT woman stood up...and finally told what happened. She had to tell her story when everyone STILL believed vp was as pure as the wind driven snow and that martindale had been just a tad narrow minded....She had to endure the outrage of people offended by an attack on their *Father in the word*
It was her account that finally cracked the walls in my prison...that let the light begin to shine in...
Then you had Dot who eventually confirmed her story and provided accounts of her own .... powerfull accounts that helped me come to grips with why leadership would declare you posessed....
Catcup and her sister and Dad provided some pretty good perspective from being right up close to the beast....
There were Lindy Hopper and Georgio corpes conscript...who gave us the perspective from the kids pov....there was Cool waters and Temple lady who gave us the accounts of child abuse in ak.
There are those who those gentlemen who came to my defense when being attacked for posting of my own horrors...Zixar, Dave miller, Ron G, alfakat, oakspear, ham, raf, grizz.. are just a few that I remember who comfirmed to me that chivalry was not dead....
There were the folks like dot, shell n bow, cool waters whom sorted me when I was going through my personal melt downs....
There were you ladies that covered my back, time and again offering coorborating testimony when I was being called a liar...there were those of you who defended my veracity and integrity...when others would portray me as a raving lunatic....thanks Belle, and Dot, bow,
All of you who came to my rescue and dug me out when I had stepped into it up to my neck...or kindly helped to extract my foot which I had firmly wedged into my mouth all the way up to my
I loved the courage of our dear bell aka insurgent and abi who posted of life behind the enemy lines...their accounts helped to solidify in my mind that we ahd made the right decision to leave.
Sunesis, your profound thoughts, your scriptural back up to confirm that which I was blindly groping for....have in so many ways helped me to connect the dots....helped me to a healthy understanding.
Word wolf, Geeze....thank you for so many times wading into a fray and sorting things out...helping me to communicate what I MEANT to say in a much better way. You have waded in tossing the the bullies that have dog piled on left and right untill you reached the bottom of the pile and found me huddled in a ball...given me hand up to my feet, dusting me off...offering a steadying arm untill I was ready again ...
I guess as I always saw you as keeping it a fair fight without being partial.
Eyes, you shared openly of yourself, you shared perspective, no matter how uncomfortable that helped a lot of us.
TBone, and sky rider, you have posted some thoughts that really helped me *scratch that itch* so to speak where I didn`t understand put into words that I can grasp...thanks for the added understanding.
Waysider, your grandpa stories always put things in a perspective that I can understand....
Another spot, your posts have added a lot of perspective to the topic at hand....your thread on taking the lords name in vain...has been a classic...I think bringing out some of the most profound thoughts I have read from so many posters...
Rainbows girl...thanks for the timely encouragement .
Shifra, I have enjoyed your perspective and look forward to reading more.
Java Jane, you always add interesting insight to any topic.
SO many many people through the years have had such a profound impact in my life and understanding...I am so afraid that I might have missed some one who might have offered a bit of timely encouragement, shown kindness when I was absolutely devistated at the loss of a pet or a job....
SO many times I would read and re read those compassionate posts and mentally wrap them around myself like a warm blanket to keep out the cold ...I am thinking of kit, dot and linda in the prayer forums.
When I was kicking myself the hardest....someone was always there to come to my aid.
I am so afraid that I have missed someone who offered me a kindness when I was the lowest....there are so many folks that have been such a everyone should be so lucky as to have been blessed by so many they cannot recollect them all...
What I see on this thread is what I have always believed of Greasepot....that each person here is a blessing to somebody, the unique perspective and insight can provide the healing for another....
Dot...eyes.... rainbows girl, I hope that I can see things through your eyes some day.
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ChattyKathy 9 posts
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Too many to continue. I now stop. I feared I would leave someone out. I know I have left many out. Sorry thanks to all.
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Love reading this stuff!
thanks guys
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Ladies, I think we should start protesting these guys who post naked pics of themselves, BUT THEY ARE HIDING BEHIND SOMETHING! First we had Larry, our beloved lawyer who hid behind his chair. Now we have Exwaycorps who's hiding behind the board of a fence. If *we* tried getting away with doing a picture like that do you think the guys in here would let us get away with it?
LOL. OK, I admit it, it's 8 am PST and I still haven't crawled into bed. Being tired and in my normal warped sense of humor way of thinking ... seeing that naked pig behind the fence board brought back the memory of the pic of Larry. (I kept a copy of that one too Sudo, even though it showed more chair than it did Larry.) I couldn't resist posting and having some fun with the cute piggie.
See those of you in chat who are normally there later tonight, if I wake up at a decent hour. I love everyone here, so put your name here on my list ______ .
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Have you ever wondered how to enter a room once you left it behaving foolishly. Wondering if folks would greet you as if you never made a scene or would they just laugh and pat you on the back and tell you they've been there also and just forget it and move on.
In order for me to get to where I have thus far (with room to go, no doubt 'bout it) was to leave the horrors of my life in twi as behind me as I possibly could. Because for me to read in this forum it was like revisiting the crime scene. And I have held pretty fast to that thinking for a couple years now while allowing many a thread and even poster to come and go having never known what they had to share.
I also felt that my holding onto some practical things I learned, as well as biblical things that were actually correct and not tweaked to fit a devious pattern being fed us, was something that some here thought was being abusive to them. And to me that made and still actually makes no sense but it's because I know my heart and when I want to share a moment in time that was sweet while in twi it is in no way discrediting the abused or attempting to lesson the severity of it. I would then be doing so to myself since I certainly qualify as being abused while there.
But a thread brought me back here and at first I pounded my head for a couple of reasons. One because those wishing to state a positive were being attacked and another because someone choosing that thread to finally tell the story was being questioned in ways that were simply cruel. But I stayed on and I read it through and I saw folks working through their passions, whatever side or middle they stood on. And it did something inside me I'd not considered it would.
Then I read ASpots thread on 'Spiritual Abuse and Taking the Lord's Name in Vain' and what I still drug my feet on accepting stared me down and I had to bow my head in acceptance that it was time to stop running away from those things of the past and embrace the fact I could remember and not be brought to my knees in pain anymore.
What a blessing for me personally. But it was because of this web site and for the greater part this particular part of the forum that I am able to even recognize the growth. And the ones that I love as I love my very breath that are a part of my real life. You know who you are and I imagine others might as well. I do tend to wear my heart outwardly.
I am blessed by so many of you that I can't begin to say and some don't even know it which I regret I have allowed to be.
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Hey, there, Kathy
Any room you choose to enter is brightened by your presence.
OOPS! My Granddaughter, Clara Belle( that's short for Helen.) just informed me, "That is WAAAAAAY too EMO", Grandpa.
(I guess that means "emotional".)
OK--- guess I'll just have to settle for one of these:
EMO?--- Where do you suppose these young 'uns get this stuff?
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I swear I still don't even understand this Sponge Bob thing. :blink:
(((hugs fine man)))
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Kathy, you are a gem.
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You coming to me in private and allowing me to work out my offense in public will always be a precious memory of mine dear one.
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Your post was wonderful. I think it encapsulates the benefit to exposing the underbelly of twi while still being able to celebrate how God reached us during our affiliation with it.
How grand that those threads finally allowed your healing in this are! I am so blessed for you.
I think the 1st thread you may be referring to was "A Few Things I Learned in PFAL . . . do you still believe them?". I, too, was gaining great healing in that thread and going through some immense paradigm shifts I have been working towards for years. Then all of a sudden *POOF* the thread is gone. Hearing that someone else was receiving great healing let's me know I was not "all alone" in receiving great benefits from the thread, and leads to me expect that others may have been experiencing the same. It is my hope and prayer that it will be reinstated so that the healing can continue for all that were receiving it there.
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Why is the thread gone? Where did it go???
It was just getting good too...dagnabbit!
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Larry N Moore
Now, now folks. Let's not turn this thread that is supposed to be an opportunity to bless someone into something else. Dan just started a thread on this question in the "Open" forum on the subject.
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polar bear
Back to our reguarly scheduled program.
Kathy-what a heart you have. Thanks for sharing the way you do. "We're not worthy."
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I have gone through much healing due to this thread. I chose not to post here during the heat of it because I believed folks were doing what they knew to be best for it and I didn't want to hinder or even encourage because it needed to be your hearts speaking only. And I knew I was in disagreement at points and didn't want to influence anyone here. But it has turned into a wonderful example of individuals working out their own salvation and it would be a tragedy for it to be removed. It has the potential of healing the broken lurkers in life long ways.
And Suda's summations have been simply inspired!
Screw anyone and anything that would hinder this good work.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
((polar bear))
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Chatty Kathy, I'm a little confused. Did you really mean to post on this thread or 'the big things I learned from PFAL' thread? Just curious...
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I know that you did not address me but I am going to take the liberty of answering for my friend. (I am fairly certain that she will not mind) She has a lot to say and a lot to be thankful for. It was necessary for her to share the contents of her post on this thread, in this manner so that she could say in all humility this final statement and know that others will understand where it is coming from:
If you do not really understand the heart and love behind the statement it only means that you do not know Kathy very well. But no she did not mean to be posting on any other thread but this one.
I apologize if this sounds harsh or callous or anything else negetive this would not reflect my intent.
BTW Kathy- Great post! I love you too!!
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Thank you my dear friend. You can answer for me anytime, I trust you with my life as you well know. ;)
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I know that you did not address me but I am going to take the liberty of answering for my friend. (I am fairly certain that she will not mind) She has a lot to say and a lot to be thankful for. It was necessary for her to share the contents of her post on this thread, in this manner so that she could say in all humility this final statement and know that others will understand where it is coming from:
QUOTE(ChattyKathy @ Aug 10 2007, 09:07 PM)
I am blessed by so many of you that I can't begin to say and some don't even know it which I regret I have allowed to be.
If you do not really understand the heart and love behind the statement it only means that you do not know Kathy very well. But no she did not mean to be posting on any other thread but this one.
I apologize if this sounds harsh or callous or anything else negetive this would not reflect my intent.
BTW Kathy- Great post! I love you too!!
Actually, the first post was me, not John. I noticed it when I was halfway through but decided it was harmless enough to let it stand without correction. I apologize for the confusion. I do understand the heart and love behind the post you quoted, but I am still somewhat confused by the post I quoted. It still seems to be more aimed at the 'things I learned from PFAL' thread then this one (notice the reference to Suda's summations, etc.).
I also did not intend anything harsh or callous.
Edited by JeaniamLink to comment
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In truth as I began to read her post I also thought that it was in the wrong place. But as I continued I realized that Kathy was just writing her thought process down. She was summerizing the "events" and posts that brought her to the final decision to even come into this forum and participate. Because of this she felt compelled to express her great love and thankfulness to everyone because in breaking through that barrier she is now realizing a new level of deliverance from the darkness in which she has lived since leaving twi. The beauty of her post is that it would fit nicely into several threads that I can think of off the top of my head.
Does that help clear up the confusion a little?
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I do apologize for the confusion caused and I have done this before I regret. But I so appreciate the compassion that both Eyes and Jean have shown me in trying to understand my heart.
(((both of you)))
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It is also possible that when ChattyKathy was making this post, the "A Few things I learned in PFAL . . . do you still believe them?" thread was out in limbo land. It was "deleted" for about an hour yesterday but *POOF* is back again.
I'm very glad it is, as at least a few of us have posted to the healing we received there, so I assume there are others in our same shoes that have chosen not to post.
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No apology necessary.
((((((Kathy and Jean))))))
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J0nny Ling0
Umm...Chatty Kathy is my favorite person here.
and hugs to you Kathy...
And, I love all the rest of youz too! But I don't think I should make a list with attributes included, because I might forget someone.
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Y'all are making me
ya know.
And Suda, once again I must tell you that your summations (in that other thread :unsure: of course) have been incredible.
((((( hug-able dude you)))))
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You guys have said some incredibly kind things. I haven`t posted here yet because I wanted to gather my thoughts carefully, lest I forget somebody.
Each person here has brought a unique perspective and piece of the puzzle to help me see the bigger picture. SO many have ministered and taught me in so many different ways.
I guess I need to start with the Allens who had the courage to stand up to twi and start waydale...that was the beginning of my journey towards healing...that provided the avenue for me to be able to start thinking outside of the mental prison that I was tightly encased in. They began the lawsuits that woke up so many still IN twi.
I think that it was Groucho and Hills Brother back in waydale that I noticed having the nerve to speak the first *negatives* and I read em without my head spinning and spewing green ...aka getting posessed...Radar and hope provided so much inside cup as name a few. I miss orange cat. I wonder what happened to poor free bird and Dobby...then there was the gal who posted frm behind her shades ..I can`t remember her name, but she left with her whole family finally.
I learned through peoples examples that it was alright to begin to question...
There was the chat room that meant so much to me during that long difficult pregnancy...people who would sit up and talk to me all night when I couldn`t was vinehanger,,that always had towls and boiling water ready...
Pawtucket picked up the ball and provided a safe haven for us to continue our journey...the path to wholeness. Paw if you are reading this...there are a lot of us who didn`t have the money for professional help to sort all of this out...who didn`t have the confidence in doctors to confide the deep fear and anxiety that consumed us after leaving twi...we still thought that it was devil spirits trying to attack and posess us....still believed if we operated the principles just right...was the only way to avoid death and destruction...there was the constant stress of being afraid that we would blow it in just a single are one time and lose everything....
Your perspective in dealing with personal issues also was much appreciated.
There were the morning chatters ...we all enjoyed our cup of coffee together sorting out the problems of the used to like us back then dad used to drop in.....bow that was when you joined us I think....Hope came in one day and scolded us for not posting in the forums..(its all HER fault guys) .....up to that point I had been just reading and learning as a spectator at gs...I finally registered where I could post. Who knew that I would explode all over the forums like I did....I was terrified ...I was so afraid of people knowing what a total retard I was and mostly tried to placate people....
In having a safe haven to discuss these realizing that others were suffering the same doubts...wondering if satan could kill us because we weren`t tithing any more...etc.
What I have seen here is the body of Christ at work ....I have seen people with a particular affinity and understanding in one area ... share of their understanding with others ...those others having their own understanding from the direction that they had been since leaving...sharing that with the people whom that information would benefit.
First...on the top of my list of individual posters would have to be excathedra.... THAT woman stood up...and finally told what happened. She had to tell her story when everyone STILL believed vp was as pure as the wind driven snow and that martindale had been just a tad narrow minded....She had to endure the outrage of people offended by an attack on their *Father in the word*
It was her account that finally cracked the walls in my prison...that let the light begin to shine in...
Then you had Dot who eventually confirmed her story and provided accounts of her own .... powerfull accounts that helped me come to grips with why leadership would declare you posessed....
Catcup and her sister and Dad provided some pretty good perspective from being right up close to the beast....
There were Lindy Hopper and Georgio corpes conscript...who gave us the perspective from the kids pov....there was Cool waters and Temple lady who gave us the accounts of child abuse in ak.
There are those who those gentlemen who came to my defense when being attacked for posting of my own horrors...Zixar, Dave miller, Ron G, alfakat, oakspear, ham, raf, grizz.. are just a few that I remember who comfirmed to me that chivalry was not dead....
There were the folks like dot, shell n bow, cool waters whom sorted me when I was going through my personal melt downs....
There were you ladies that covered my back, time and again offering coorborating testimony when I was being called a liar...there were those of you who defended my veracity and integrity...when others would portray me as a raving lunatic....thanks Belle, and Dot, bow,
All of you who came to my rescue and dug me out when I had stepped into it up to my neck...or kindly helped to extract my foot which I had firmly wedged into my mouth all the way up to my
I loved the courage of our dear bell aka insurgent and abi who posted of life behind the enemy lines...their accounts helped to solidify in my mind that we ahd made the right decision to leave.
Sunesis, your profound thoughts, your scriptural back up to confirm that which I was blindly groping for....have in so many ways helped me to connect the dots....helped me to a healthy understanding.
Word wolf, Geeze....thank you for so many times wading into a fray and sorting things out...helping me to communicate what I MEANT to say in a much better way. You have waded in tossing the the bullies that have dog piled on left and right untill you reached the bottom of the pile and found me huddled in a ball...given me hand up to my feet, dusting me off...offering a steadying arm untill I was ready again ...
I guess as I always saw you as keeping it a fair fight without being partial.
Eyes, you shared openly of yourself, you shared perspective, no matter how uncomfortable that helped a lot of us.
TBone, and sky rider, you have posted some thoughts that really helped me *scratch that itch* so to speak where I didn`t understand put into words that I can grasp...thanks for the added understanding.
Waysider, your grandpa stories always put things in a perspective that I can understand....
Another spot, your posts have added a lot of perspective to the topic at hand....your thread on taking the lords name in vain...has been a classic...I think bringing out some of the most profound thoughts I have read from so many posters...
Rainbows girl...thanks for the timely encouragement .
Shifra, I have enjoyed your perspective and look forward to reading more.
Java Jane, you always add interesting insight to any topic.
SO many many people through the years have had such a profound impact in my life and understanding...I am so afraid that I might have missed some one who might have offered a bit of timely encouragement, shown kindness when I was absolutely devistated at the loss of a pet or a job....
SO many times I would read and re read those compassionate posts and mentally wrap them around myself like a warm blanket to keep out the cold ...I am thinking of kit, dot and linda in the prayer forums.
When I was kicking myself the hardest....someone was always there to come to my aid.
I am so afraid that I have missed someone who offered me a kindness when I was the lowest....there are so many folks that have been such a everyone should be so lucky as to have been blessed by so many they cannot recollect them all...
What I see on this thread is what I have always believed of Greasepot....that each person here is a blessing to somebody, the unique perspective and insight can provide the healing for another....
Dot...eyes.... rainbows girl, I hope that I can see things through your eyes some day.
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