Your piggy picture looks like he's about ready to sneeze ... so ...
I don't know if causing one to get a chuckle out of something someone says qualifies as blessing someone but, darn, if laughter is the best type of medicine -- you just gave me a healthy dose of it.
Rascal you are an amazingly intuitive woman with a heart of gold. You are gentle and caring a woman of incredible strength who isn’t afraid to stand up for the weaker folks who would shelter under her formidable wings. And no I ain’t blowing smoke!
Abi you are just as gentle and full of understanding. Your heart just pours over onto everyone. Your honesty and straight forward way of thinking has at many times put me in awe of you. Don’t you think for one second that you are not capable of staring down Attila the Hun?
Exie, I see in you a profound gentleness and fierce determination mixed with incredible strength of character. I think that you would be the type of person that could bring a room to silence upon entering.
Catcup, wow you just blow me away with your "in your face" confidence and then you have that soft squishy side that makes you loveable.
Doojable you are so much like me…I never thought the world could handle two of us…I love you gal!
ChattyKathy sweetie I just love to watch you grow!
Word Wolf you always have the information necessary when needed. Way too cool!
Jonny Lingo-speaking of cool! You are awesome…but don’t hide your heart so much.
Dot Matrix you’re a powerful force of compassion and courage.
Year2027 I just love the way you just step outside of the box and come up with some very profound thoughts.
Suda- the kind and considerate lady. You just make me feel comfortable.
Temple Lady, your wisdom and insight are a continual source of learning for me. I just love it when you share.
Belle your personal kindness towards me will never be forgotten. It is the same kindness that oozes into your posts.
Nottawayfer you are like an old friend that brings continuous joy to my heart.
Another Spot you are also like an old friend but you help me dig the change out of my couch and understand what it all means.
T-Bone you make me think in directions that I didn’t think were possible.
Ductape you are always in the background but a gentle presence all the same.
Ok that’s enough for one post! I don’t want anyone thinking that I’m a giant marshmallow! :o <_< :P
(Yup I took a couple from another thread. Didn't see any reason to type 'em again.)
Well, I think I'll start with Larry, who has become a good friend in a short time; Chatty Kathy, another spot, and Word Wolf, whom I shared a doctrinal thread with; Eyesopen, who tolerates my childish behavior when I master a new feature of greasespot; T-Bone, whose posts are often food for thought. There are too many others to mention who have been a great pleasure and privilege to interact with.
Great thread, exwaycorps - thanks for starting it!
I'll add just one at a time.
DotMatrix, your example of prayer is astounding! Your words jump off the page. I can hear the confidence and authority in your voice, and feel the fervency of your spirit and it's power. Your words of tenderness and compassion towards the one you are praying for feels like a strong, comforting hug that cradles them and keeps them safe from the storm blowing about them. As you cradle them, you command the storm to stop and disperse. Then you call on the rescue squad to surround the one you are praying for, and transfer them for your loving arms to theirs. I can see the deliverance taking place. Your prayers are so powerful, that as I read them, I feel compelled to join in them, speaking in tongues and I read them, and apply the same confidence, authority, power, and fervency you modeled. Prayer must be one of your long suits. Please keep blessing us here with them. You are one dynamite woman!
Wordwolf: Exemplary thinking skills. I really wish you’d do more in the doctrinal section and start threads of your own…I reckon you have your reasons. Beyond that, I have doubts I would have ever put twi into perspective without your threads. I don’t know you personally, but certainly wouldn’t mind it. VP in Wonderland by WW, must read as far as I am concerned. There is another I can’t think of right now. Wish both of those were put somewhere easy to find. You have me beat in the brains department, yet you are always nice and respectful to me. I appreciate that.
JavaJane: Interesting, thought provoking, and good hearted.
Hammeroni: You can nail in one sentence what takes me several paragraphs to say. I enjoy your posts, and your sense of humor. Hope you defeat the Borg…
Dmiller: Level headed and balanced.
Bolshevic: I enjoy your posts also.
Eyesopen: Wow. One of the few people I’ve known that can handle shoes off, let your hair down and be honest and caring at the same time. Smart too. Also, you’ve helped me a lot in numerous ways. You really are wonderful.
T-bone: Funny, intelligent, and brings a lot to the table in any discussion.
ChattyKathy: A sweetheart.
Rascal: Fiesty and profound.
Jeaniam: Get her in an arena that involves sheer thinking skills, and she shines.
Others I enjoy reading: Catcup, Dooj, Year2027, Waysider, anotherDan, Templelady, Abigail, Ex10, I dunno. Listener. Where have you been? That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. I know there are others.
There are some good people here. We were before, and we are still. Twi was just a suit of something we realized we didn’t want to wear at some point. It pinched, confined, it did a lot of things. It was…well, can’t be described in one paragraph. It hurt, it was confusing. Some experienced greater pain than others. Some experienced pain I can’t even imagine.
Love is a lot of things. Most of all I think it is acceptance. As is.
You don’t have to be some certain way to be OK with me. I hope I don’t have to be either. Can I make some mistakes in front of you? I hope so. I’m just me, I can’t be anything else. My performance days are over. So are yours, as far as I am concerned.
Eyesopen: Wow. One of the few people I’ve known that can handle shoes off, let your hair down and be honest and caring at the same time. Smart too. Also, you’ve helped me a lot in numerous ways. You really are wonderful.
Love is a lot of things. Most of all I think it is acceptance. As is.
You don’t have to be some certain way to be OK with me. I hope I don’t have to be either. Can I make some mistakes in front of you? I hope so. I’m just me, I can’t be anything else. My performance days are over. So are yours, as far as I am concerned.
I just knew that video cam was a bad idea! <_< :lol: Glad you didn't mention seeing me pic my nose, that would have been embarassing...ooopps!
True enough tho, love is a lot of things. And yes you can let your hair down around me too.
Eyesopen, who tolerates my childish behavior when I master a new feature of greasespot;
What can I say? We grow old if we forget how to play like a go discover something else and never grow up. :P
Jonny's story about his father has been with me for quite some time now.
I've been blessed with a couple of pm exchanges in the last few days. One Spotette has been particularly nice to me and helped me see a thing or two about this place...
She speaks from a position of first hand knowledge most of the times. She presents her facts in a logical calm matter. And she usually only gets involved in the whole "sex" threads when she feels she can help keep the balance of things from tipping toward the cult. She is level headed. She is experientially educated in the things of which she reports, and she has the guts to report them. I like her brave heart and her kindness, while she draws a line in the sand. She is gutsy but still all woman.
I am thankful for too many of you to mention. You have all opened my eyes to new ways of looking at life and what I believe. You have explained things in my life that I never even knew existed. You all help me understand myself with your words.
Belle - you are kind and sweet, but a fighter nonetheless. You have shown me that you can still love people and stand up for yourself.
Eyes - You make me think! That's always good.
Bolshevik and Hammeroni - always make me laugh and get my geeky sci-fi jokes.
Dooj and Bramble - you have both helped me so much in my creative endeavors. I am forever grateful.
Chas - sometimes I think you are my twin!
The Iams - you make me think through what and why I believe what I do.
Shifra - thank you for the wonderful birth story!!
WordWolf - your skill at debate leaves me speechless!
Skyrider, Socks, ASpot, Abi, TBone, Raf - your relationships with God are evident in your post. They make my relationship deeper as well.
Oldies - you remind me of the "good ole days" when things seemed so much different than now... You frame current thoughts in light of the old and give me a reason to remember why I was part of twi.
First of all, I want to thank Pawtucket for taking over when waydale ended.
Thank you, Chattykathy, for befriending me and even coming to my house for visits a couple of different times. What fun we had and heart-to-heart talks that lasted for HOURS.!!!.
Thank you, Excathedra, for being so gentle and kind in so many instances. Thank you also for telling your story. Your story and others like it are what YANKED the blinders off my eyes. For that alone, I will be forever grateful.
Thank you, Raf, for helping me deal with issues concerning my sister. She has finally seen the light with the blinders off also.
Thank ALL OF YOU for putting your stories out there and for telling it how YOU see it whether I or anyone else agrees or sees it that way.
She is so intelligent! She can see both sides and walk in peace through a crap storm. She is an ethical, good woman.
She takes time from her busy day to try to "create world peace". She is clever, has a great sense of humor, and always goes the extra mile in understanding.
For his humor and insight. When he speaks I always listen. He is funny, kind and intelligent.
You move me to be a better person by your gracious example.
I have never seen anyone who had to put up with so much crap and continue to do so without getting a dime from most people here. He has patience I could never hope to have. I have seen people call him names, be rude, and go off on him with lies, and he still opens the cafe each day to offer hope and healing to clents who may or may not be thankful. That is love.
You would have to know her personally to appreciate how rip roaring funny she is. She is cheery and delightful. She has a good ear to listen and a big heart with which to love.
She is another one who is a hoot. She is intelligent and has a very giving loving heart. I enjoy her immensley
Is so open with her life and her heart it is hard to remember we are merely writing on a board. She makes me comfortable. Whe wrote about her cat Ernie, which brought me to tears, and her love for him still warms my heart.
Washington Weather
What a well rounded wonderful woman who brings a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart. (Love you!)
Act 2
For her kindness and love. She reminds me of someone who is so sweet and pure, I feel as though I am having pie and ice cream
Polar Bear
I am unclear how a person so warm and inviting can live in such a cold climate.
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ChattyKathy 9 posts
Dot Matrix 6 posts
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Larry N Moore
Well, I think it's a wonderful thing that you wanted to do this (start this thread). That blesses me.
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Your piggy picture looks like he's about ready to sneeze ... so ...
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Larry N Moore
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You asked for it:
Rascal you are an amazingly intuitive woman with a heart of gold. You are gentle and caring a woman of incredible strength who isn’t afraid to stand up for the weaker folks who would shelter under her formidable wings. And no I ain’t blowing smoke!
Abi you are just as gentle and full of understanding. Your heart just pours over onto everyone. Your honesty and straight forward way of thinking has at many times put me in awe of you. Don’t you think for one second that you are not capable of staring down Attila the Hun?
Exie, I see in you a profound gentleness and fierce determination mixed with incredible strength of character. I think that you would be the type of person that could bring a room to silence upon entering.
Catcup, wow you just blow me away with your "in your face" confidence and then you have that soft squishy side that makes you loveable.
Doojable you are so much like me…I never thought the world could handle two of us…I love you gal!
ChattyKathy sweetie I just love to watch you grow!
Word Wolf you always have the information necessary when needed. Way too cool!
Jonny Lingo-speaking of cool! You are awesome…but don’t hide your heart so much.
Dot Matrix you’re a powerful force of compassion and courage.
Year2027 I just love the way you just step outside of the box and come up with some very profound thoughts.
Suda- the kind and considerate lady. You just make me feel comfortable.
Temple Lady, your wisdom and insight are a continual source of learning for me. I just love it when you share.
Belle your personal kindness towards me will never be forgotten. It is the same kindness that oozes into your posts.
Nottawayfer you are like an old friend that brings continuous joy to my heart.
Another Spot you are also like an old friend but you help me dig the change out of my couch and understand what it all means.
T-Bone you make me think in directions that I didn’t think were possible.
Ductape you are always in the background but a gentle presence all the same.
Ok that’s enough for one post! I don’t want anyone thinking that I’m a giant marshmallow! :o <_< :P
(Yup I took a couple from another thread. Didn't see any reason to type 'em again.)
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Well, I think I'll start with Larry, who has become a good friend in a short time; Chatty Kathy, another spot, and Word Wolf, whom I shared a doctrinal thread with; Eyesopen, who tolerates my childish behavior when I master a new feature of greasespot; T-Bone, whose posts are often food for thought. There are too many others to mention who have been a great pleasure and privilege to interact with.
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Great thread, exwaycorps - thanks for starting it!
I'll add just one at a time.
DotMatrix, your example of prayer is astounding! Your words jump off the page. I can hear the confidence and authority in your voice, and feel the fervency of your spirit and it's power. Your words of tenderness and compassion towards the one you are praying for feels like a strong, comforting hug that cradles them and keeps them safe from the storm blowing about them. As you cradle them, you command the storm to stop and disperse. Then you call on the rescue squad to surround the one you are praying for, and transfer them for your loving arms to theirs. I can see the deliverance taking place. Your prayers are so powerful, that as I read them, I feel compelled to join in them, speaking in tongues and I read them, and apply the same confidence, authority, power, and fervency you modeled. Prayer must be one of your long suits. Please keep blessing us here with them. You are one dynamite woman!
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Hee Hee thanks
I like to think the pig is laughing out loud.
He's "up" for the role of Arnold in the remake of "Green Acres"
That's why he got his teeth "done"
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I was "blessed" to meet you in chat.
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another spot
In no particular order:
Wordwolf: Exemplary thinking skills. I really wish you’d do more in the doctrinal section and start threads of your own…I reckon you have your reasons. Beyond that, I have doubts I would have ever put twi into perspective without your threads. I don’t know you personally, but certainly wouldn’t mind it. VP in Wonderland by WW, must read as far as I am concerned. There is another I can’t think of right now. Wish both of those were put somewhere easy to find. You have me beat in the brains department, yet you are always nice and respectful to me. I appreciate that.
JavaJane: Interesting, thought provoking, and good hearted.
Hammeroni: You can nail in one sentence what takes me several paragraphs to say. I enjoy your posts, and your sense of humor. Hope you defeat the Borg…
Dmiller: Level headed and balanced.
Bolshevic: I enjoy your posts also.
Eyesopen: Wow. One of the few people I’ve known that can handle shoes off, let your hair down and be honest and caring at the same time. Smart too. Also, you’ve helped me a lot in numerous ways. You really are wonderful.
T-bone: Funny, intelligent, and brings a lot to the table in any discussion.
ChattyKathy: A sweetheart.
Rascal: Fiesty and profound.
Jeaniam: Get her in an arena that involves sheer thinking skills, and she shines.
Others I enjoy reading: Catcup, Dooj, Year2027, Waysider, anotherDan, Templelady, Abigail, Ex10, I dunno. Listener. Where have you been? That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. I know there are others.
There are some good people here. We were before, and we are still. Twi was just a suit of something we realized we didn’t want to wear at some point. It pinched, confined, it did a lot of things. It was…well, can’t be described in one paragraph. It hurt, it was confusing. Some experienced greater pain than others. Some experienced pain I can’t even imagine.
Love is a lot of things. Most of all I think it is acceptance. As is.
You don’t have to be some certain way to be OK with me. I hope I don’t have to be either. Can I make some mistakes in front of you? I hope so. I’m just me, I can’t be anything else. My performance days are over. So are yours, as far as I am concerned.
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I just knew that video cam was a bad idea! <_< :lol: Glad you didn't mention seeing me pic my nose, that would have been embarassing...ooopps!
True enough tho, love is a lot of things. And yes you can let your hair down around me too.
What can I say? We grow old if we forget how to play like a go discover something else and never grow up. :P
BTW Exwaycorps- good idea!
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you ALL are so great
eyes, thank you for starting a thread like this, it shows what you are all about, one awesome human being
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Ahh sweetie I didn't start it but thank you for thinking so anyway. I wish I had thought of it but the credit for this one goes to exwaycorps.
But I am having fun in here!
Hmmmm....does that mean I am a marshmallow after all?
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my thanks to that adorable sow
you're a boy i think
thank you dear piggly wiggly
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"back at ya " Ex 10
Yes...boy pig lol
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Jonny's story about his father has been with me for quite some time now.
I've been blessed with a couple of pm exchanges in the last few days. One Spotette has been particularly nice to me and helped me see a thing or two about this place...
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Even oldies is a blessing in disquise.
I once thought that he might be some kind of psychologist or something, posing as an object for people to take their frustrations out on..
Intentional or not, the effect seems to be the same sometimes..
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Dot Matrix
One at at time for me as well, Suda and thank you
She speaks from a position of first hand knowledge most of the times. She presents her facts in a logical calm matter. And she usually only gets involved in the whole "sex" threads when she feels she can help keep the balance of things from tipping toward the cult. She is level headed. She is experientially educated in the things of which she reports, and she has the guts to report them. I like her brave heart and her kindness, while she draws a line in the sand. She is gutsy but still all woman.
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Dot Matrix
She is a pitbull with a good cut of meat. When she knows that she knows something she will not let go of it. (Nor should she)
She is full of energy. Yet, there is a peace and a calm around her to which even the animals respond.
She is fire and water(falls). She defends the underdog and will draw fire away from them so they can heal. She is a very wonderful woman.
Charged and gentle. She is a picture of wholeness.
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What a wonderful thread!
I am thankful for too many of you to mention. You have all opened my eyes to new ways of looking at life and what I believe. You have explained things in my life that I never even knew existed. You all help me understand myself with your words.
Belle - you are kind and sweet, but a fighter nonetheless. You have shown me that you can still love people and stand up for yourself.
Eyes - You make me think! That's always good.
Bolshevik and Hammeroni - always make me laugh and get my geeky sci-fi jokes.
Dooj and Bramble - you have both helped me so much in my creative endeavors. I am forever grateful.
Chas - sometimes I think you are my twin!
The Iams - you make me think through what and why I believe what I do.
Shifra - thank you for the wonderful birth story!!
WordWolf - your skill at debate leaves me speechless!
Skyrider, Socks, ASpot, Abi, TBone, Raf - your relationships with God are evident in your post. They make my relationship deeper as well.
Oldies - you remind me of the "good ole days" when things seemed so much different than now... You frame current thoughts in light of the old and give me a reason to remember why I was part of twi.
Notta - one day we should have coffee.
And to so many more!
Thanks, Paw!!
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polar bear
Great thread Ex-We can't do enough for each other.
My hat goes off to Skyrider-his posts have healed my heart and helped escape twi thinking.
Templelady and Lindyhopper-your insight has always opened my eyes.
Hammy and Tbone-you crack me up.
Ala P, Doogie, Dooj. ,Dmiller-thanks for all the great music.
Socks and Waysider-great insight in the guitar thread.
Eyesopen-you are a sweetie.
I had to edit this to add Chatty Cathy-she has helped me greatly in the workings of this site.
Dot-you are a gem.
Free-you are a special one
Rainbowsgirl-you have a heart of gold.
Thanks for all the good times here.
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Cool thread, yes indeed.
First of all, I want to thank Pawtucket for taking over when waydale ended.
Thank you, Chattykathy, for befriending me and even coming to my house for visits a couple of different times. What fun we had and heart-to-heart talks that lasted for HOURS.!!!.
Thank you, Excathedra, for being so gentle and kind in so many instances. Thank you also for telling your story. Your story and others like it are what YANKED the blinders off my eyes. For that alone, I will be forever grateful.
Thank you, Raf, for helping me deal with issues concerning my sister. She has finally seen the light with the blinders off also.
Thank ALL OF YOU for putting your stories out there and for telling it how YOU see it whether I or anyone else agrees or sees it that way.
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Dot Matrix
She is so intelligent! She can see both sides and walk in peace through a crap storm. She is an ethical, good woman.
She takes time from her busy day to try to "create world peace". She is clever, has a great sense of humor, and always goes the extra mile in understanding.
For his humor and insight. When he speaks I always listen. He is funny, kind and intelligent.
You move me to be a better person by your gracious example.
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Dot Matrix
I have never seen anyone who had to put up with so much crap and continue to do so without getting a dime from most people here. He has patience I could never hope to have. I have seen people call him names, be rude, and go off on him with lies, and he still opens the cafe each day to offer hope and healing to clents who may or may not be thankful. That is love.
You would have to know her personally to appreciate how rip roaring funny she is. She is cheery and delightful. She has a good ear to listen and a big heart with which to love.
She is another one who is a hoot. She is intelligent and has a very giving loving heart. I enjoy her immensley
Is so open with her life and her heart it is hard to remember we are merely writing on a board. She makes me comfortable. Whe wrote about her cat Ernie, which brought me to tears, and her love for him still warms my heart.
Washington Weather
What a well rounded wonderful woman who brings a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart. (Love you!)
Act 2
For her kindness and love. She reminds me of someone who is so sweet and pure, I feel as though I am having pie and ice cream
Polar Bear
I am unclear how a person so warm and inviting can live in such a cold climate.
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Dot Matrix
Raf, Word Wolf, Zixar, Bluzman, Garth, Ron, Mark, Rock, Mr. Hammoroni, Onephile, Rum Runner
They add depth to my perspective. Strong men with a variety of opinions, who always teach me something
The thing these threads do is bless people, but I always fear those I have forgotten at this moment. Many many poster have blessed me
Hose a rockin, Orange cat, Alpha cat, Out in 88, Al Poole, Joe Pasqualla - I miss you when you are not here you have added much to discussions
He is so funny and yet very tender with a line in the sand to stand for ethics and morality
Your excitment is contagious
Waysider, T-bone, Dmiller
You add so much of yourselves, the place would not be the same without you
You keep people honest, when they want to pick up the rose color glasses.
A woman who is as Strong as she is kind! So thankful for your recovery
Dovie - whom I miss, with her Doxxies and her playfulness
Wrds and Wrks
Son of the Master
My love for you bth is huge. Thank you for all your sharings, support and love
I just adore the way you splash on the screen with raw honesty and a pure heart
Your posts always put so much of yourselve out there, I feel as though we went LEAD together and the shooting range
Water buffaloe
I miss you. I always loved to hear your views
The sweetest, most supportive, loving friend anyone could have at GSC
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