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False Prophet or Good Minister with problems?

now I see

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  Tom Strange said:
Please allow me to flog this equine beast for a moment...

IF being born again depends upon Romans 10:9.10... then have you REALLY believed (action?), made, accepted Jesus as Lord in your life IF YOUR LIFE IS STILL (in reality) RULED BY THE 'LUST OF THE FLESH'???

Just wondering...

...and afterwards, what if you change your mind and hit the delete button??

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From the heart, I don't know if he was a heartbreakingly flawed Billy Graham or a twisted, evil P.T. Barnum.

Yeah.. the sad thing, is how someone can so blatantly violate basic principles and deceny in life, and actually get people to debate how far over the line person went, in christian terms.. for decades.

I think evil is, evil does.

at fifty years old.. I wouldn't even dream of drugging or taking advantage of anybody.

Caldwell wrote that little play about one of these hucksters in the depression days.. he is so descriptive, it has to be based on a true story or two..

the economy isn't SO bad right now.. now they don't travel around, they start a little home church, then some kind of outreach complex.. and people have enough money and resources to come to THEM. Not the other way around..

I think if the economy really sours, we'll see the hucksters roaming the land for sustenance, like in the days of Judges, once again..

God have mercy on America..


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  Tom Strange said:
I'm not certain, but I think LORDSHIP requires more than a passing moment... but that just me (too) :)

(1) Then salvation would be of works; and

(2) Victor Paul Wierwille was in fellowship with God for more than a passing moment.

(one wouldn't know it by some posters' opinions but he did manage to do some good works too, over the years.)

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  Mr. Hammeroni said:
Yeah.. the sad thing, is how someone can so blatantly violate basic principles and deceny in life, and actually get people to debate how far over the line person went, in christian terms.. for decades.

I think evil is, evil does.

at fifty years old.. I wouldn't even dream of drugging or taking advantage of anybody.

Caldwell wrote that little play about one of these hucksters in the depression days.. he is so descriptive, it has to be based on a true story or two..

the economy isn't SO bad right now.. now they don't travel around, they start a little home church, then some kind of outreach complex..

Yeah......on NBC's Dateline last night, they detailed this Dallas woman's life and her dark side.

Long story short......husband went missing, later found dead in OKC, detectives couldn't pin the murder on her, she gets insurance money, remarries, divorces the guy, more money...moves and stays on the prowl to find rich men in California, buys another home.....keeps staying one step ahead of justice

At age 62, she starts up a scam as a Christian woman waiting to go on a mission trip, has plenty of pictures of African kids, gives detailed examples of "healings and miracles", moves in with an older lady, redirects her SS checks to her own account, and is siphoning off her other accounts, etc. etc.

Those in her local church in North Carolina were totally fooled.

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Yeah.. I was just thinking. I'm not laying blame to the leader of that church, primarily because I'm not acquainted with the whole story. But what is the real purpose of a pastor? At least a REAL one?

For one, I'd expect him to watch my back.. not give in to every religious scam this side of the Mississippi.. off chasing prophecies, other kinds of nonsense.

Somebody has to figuratively club the wolves.

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  Mr. Hammeroni said:
... Somebody has to figuratively club the wolves.

The problem is, most tend to leave that up to someone else. The reason people love inspecting the "fruit" in someone else's life is because it keeps the focus off of them having to inspect the fruit in their own - otherwise somebody would take a club to them. I prefer to club my own wolves, thank you.

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What The Hey,

In the context of our conversation, Hamm and I were posting on the Dateline scenario....where the Dallas woman had a dark side and kept moving from place to place. Years later, she moved into a North Carolina community and was siphoning off finances from a little old lady and others in the church.

Hamm commented on the pastor's duties; his purpose to protect the flock.

The following is the context:

  Mr. Hammeroni said:
Yeah.. I was just thinking. I'm not laying blame to the leader of that church, primarily because I'm not acquainted with the whole story. But what is the real purpose of a pastor? At least a REAL one?

For one, I'd expect him to watch my back.. not give in to every religious scam this side of the Mississippi.. off chasing prophecies, other kinds of nonsense.

Somebody has to figuratively club the wolves.

After a couple of sarcastic remarks, you state......."I prefer to club my own wolves, thank you."

Context, wth......these church people in North Carolina might NEED a pastor (a shepherd) who helps them and protects the the people. Obviously, you o' wise one....don't.


PS ......just another arrogant answer by mr. pfal enthusiast.

Can't even read it IN THE CONTEXT......yeah, you learned alot in pfal. :rolleyes:

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Ok, I confess to being not in flow with the current wave this thread is taking, but I've been thinking about the topic because others have sparked my fading memory of events long passed. So here goes, and please pardon me for my total left turn.... :thinking:

But now I see, early on in this thread mentioned something about Geer being in the running for the top spot in TWI during Advanced Class '79. Without spending alot of time explaining alot about myself and the how and why of how I ended up backstage at that event, which probably is a total sidetrack involving way too much about ME, hear are my musings.....mostly about Geer.

I don't remember Geer being present at all backstage. But that could be my faulty memory. He and his wife didn't graduate from the corps til later that same summer. As Skyrider, I think mentioned, he (Geer) and his wife were all about sucking up (pardon my french, it's the best way I know how to put it) to VP. But they were in-rez corps up until July 1979.

In March of 1980, during my first year in-rez in the way corps, (just a few months after Adv. Class '79) VP was not happy about the way things were getting done, or not getting done, in Gunnison. So he sent Geer to Gunnison to straighten things out. It was a test of sorts. VP wanted to see if Geer could "handle" the Way Corps and the work involved in getting the place ready to be inhabited by in-rez corps, as well as, believers who wanted to visit. (Remember here VP's "vision" for the place.) VP figured the in-rez Corps would be the slave labor to keep the place going. That was part of his plan. (I heard this from someone who was in the know, I didn't make it uo. I know it's hearsay, Lord forgive me.)

Anyway, to make a long story short, Geer somehow managed to pass the test. Then he got promoted to being bus driver extraordinaire and most favored sidekick of VP. Yet, VP STILL chose craighead to replace him.

Other "top leaders" of the era, felt threatened by Geer. He seemed to have an "in" with VP, that others who had been around for ages didn't have. My own personal opinion is that Geer used his closeness with VP, to full advantage. He wasn't in a top position as far as leadership, making decisions, having to work with people went, but he had VP's ear. Geer had no "research or teaching" skills whatsoever, that were publicly evident. (VP was always impressed by those who could "work the word," and had academic credentials.) Somehow Geer snaked his way into becoming VP's companion in crime, and confidant. And when VP wanted someone who he felt could "get the job done, and whom he could trust implicitely, he called on Geer. Hence, Geer's assignment to Gartmore. I'm sure VP thought that he was someone who "shared the vision."

Ok, my brain hurts. Can anybody else fill in some dots here?

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Hey Ex10,

I didn't mean to infer that Chris Geer was backstage at Adv class '79, just that he was in the running for "top positon" status, what I was meaning was more that he was in the group of men vying for the job, tht they all were very competetive about it.  The person I heard it from was backstage at that event, and remarked how competitive it really was.  Of course not being in contention myself, I was oblivious to the rivalry that apparently existed, and pretty amazed that it boiled down to a competition, pretty carnal.

Tonto, I seem to recall that Robert Duv*l took the foundational class back in the day, maybe that's where he got his inspiration to write the screenplay for "The Apostle" and to star in the role.  I wouldn't be suprised.

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  Bumpy said:
...and afterwards, what if you change your mind and hit the delete button??

I don't know Bump... do you have to go back to square one?

  ex10 said:

Hey, Tommy, we could discuss it over a Shiner at the BBQ if you want. :beer: Seriously, can't wait to see your smiling face in real time.

me too... I'll bring the Shiner... I know where the store is!

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  oldiesman said:
(1) Then salvation would be of works; and

(2) Victor Paul Wierwille was in fellowship with God for more than a passing moment.

(one wouldn't know it by some posters' opinions but he did manage to do some good works too, over the years.)

1) I don't know that I can agree with "then salvation would be of works"... because (using that logic) you'd be "working" to confess and believe...

2) I don't know that you can honestly say that either, you can say that you believe that, but then I'd tell you that there's just as much a chance that my thoughts on that are just as valid (yes, I'm "some posters")


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Hey, Tommy, we could discuss it over a Shiner at the BBQ if you want. :beer: Seriously, can't wait to see your smiling face in real time.
  Tom Strange said:
me too... I'll bring the Shiner... I know where the store is!

I wanna come! ;)

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The time line missing pieces.

Whoever was running Gunny sack got canned in the middle

of 78. A F3 couple was chosen to run the place. they weren't the

bowing type. C greer was at Hq for his intrim year 77-78.

That's how he got close to vp. Geer was 7th C.

After his C G graduation vp's bus driver ran off with one of the flock.

He was non-corpse. So vp wanted a corpse kind of guy (suck-up) for

the job.

Being he already had started proving himself and knew how to drive he got the shoe.

I was at hq at the time and knew most of the players.

Very stab you back kind of stuff.

Just say the other person had something to do with the devil and if you didn't bow

to vp it was the death nail.

If you wanted to rise to the top just be there to fill the void. and be able to keep secrets.

Many a story was told in the sugar shack.

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Danny, I hear ya brother. I was on staff the year the 7th were on their interim year. I don't remember CG being there. But then again, it was the year of t"Uncle Harry's" death, the faith seminar in Gunnison, as well as some kind of class? the Advanced class maybe? in Bristol. And the first year of "International Summer School." Lotza stuff happened, and he coulda been there? but I don't remember him. If he was there, he didn't hang out with us non-important persons. And I worked back room at the BRC among other things. He wasn't there.

The 3rd corps were "back in-rez." I babysat alot.

Yeah, I know about Chuck and his married girlfriend. I worked with her. Oi vey. I guess I should add, I kept a jounal. Some dates and stuff I am absolutely positive of. Other, stuff, not so sure.

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If you have to plagiarize another man's fruit to get people to pick from your branches – you might be a bad tree.

If you think the Way Tree takes the place of the absent Christ – you might be a bad tree.

If your root is in the 45871 Zip Code – you might be a bad tree.

If you think the way to prune a tree is to mark and avoid – you might be a bad tree.

If you're rotten to the Corps and anyone else that supports your system – you might be a bad tree.

If you find you spook the flock when you forget to put on your sheep's clothing – you might be a bad tree.

If you prefer fleecing the sheep over helping the sheep – you might be a bad tree.

If you think women's fellowship is a target-rich environment – you might be a bad tree.

If you drug the females of the flock to have your way with them – you might be a very bad tree.

Brother Foxworthy

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