I don't have a TV, but was able to watch it thanks to David. I see it as the 3rd guy was imitating the sounds the DJ at the club he dreamed about was making and the ahhhh at the end meant he had a great date with Sunny.
It also made me remember why I don't have a TV. I miss all the stupid commercials like this one they put out and which seem to get worse each year.
Honestly they did give me free basic cable, only 22 lousy channels, none of the good ones you really want, for that you have to pay like 60 bucks more each month for extended basic. I have a winTV unit that enables me to watch TV on my computer, I just haven't gotten around to installing it again since I moved here 9 months or so ago. Guess that shows how much TV means to me. LOL.
I don't have a TV, but was able to watch it thanks to David. I see it as the 3rd guy was imitating the sounds the DJ at the club he dreamed about was making and the ahhhh at the end meant he had a great date with Sunny.
By chance, I just caught the end of that commercial.
Yes, he was imitating the reverb and sound off the speakers at a club.
You know you have forgotten what TV was like during the 60's when you hear "... only 22 lousy channels".
(old geezer mode on)
ONLY 22 lousy channels? Why, back in my day, they had *3* regular networks and a public television channel, and having them in color was the cool thing to have! ... Now you young whipper-snappers gotta have yer 200-300 channels with programmable saving your shows to DVD and all!!
Anybody remember how, when color T.V. first came out, you could buy a plastic sheet that had green on the bottom for grass, blue on the top for the sky and something else(I'm thinking red) in the middle?
It was for people who couldn't afford color T.V.(which would have been my family)
What a hoot!
I think I was about 35 before I ever had a color T.V.(bought it used.)
OK--- I know that was but, HEY!, we're only talkin' about Raisin Bran!
I do not know if the memory is real or because you described it so well, but I think I may have been 4 ish and my Mom was telling my Dad to take that stuff off the TV The close ups on the faces made them all weird looking on the people
Later, we were one of the first in the area to have a color TV; my Dad was a big wig at RCA
As things were in the 50's in Queens, we were pretty poor - - not dirt poor - one step up. BUT we had a TV because my dad built it. He brown bagged it to lunch every day for a year and saved about $100. Then one hot humid awwful day we went into downtown Manhattan to buy the kit from Heath. We sat in the car broasting, and he came running out saying to my mother "Babe, (his pet name for her) please tell me you have your Christmas money on you (she nearly always did for reasons we won't discuss here) and I need you to give me $10 because then I can get a 12" screen! She did, so that's what he got. (the other was 10".)
It took a long long time. Dad took his time and did it right. Mom and dad sort of did it together. He would build it at night, and when he finished each step he put a check mark next to it and it was her job the next day to check over his work and put a hatch mark through the check if it was right and leave it alone if she wasn't sure or if she thought it was wrong. All the parts had colored banding patterns and numbers on them so it was pretty easy to tell.
When he got it all done, one Saturday nite after dinner it was a family event, he put in the picture tube, plugged it in and it worked. The very first time! The poor Pederxxen's had TV!!! And our house was child Mecca for cartoons ever after....and westerns on Saturday afternoons too.
I don't remember everything from the beginning, though. The first I do remember was we had ch 2,4,5,7 and 9. Seven and Nine were kind of flukey sometimes. Channel 13 (PBS) wasn't there right away I don't think. Maybe we had so "many" because we lived so close to the broadcast towers.
Danny - - The Fly also scared me out of my pantaloons too. Excathy - - THEM did almost the same thing to me...those huge giant and very sinister black shiny ants...(shiver). And Waysider - - yes, I remember that screen. My Grandfather had one..but he only used it for watching baseball. He also had a magnifier on a separate stand that he used for watching boxing (which used to be a regular event back in those days) (it was not nearly as dangerous as it appears to be today).
I remember Small-Fry Club every afternoon with "Uncle Ed" and it's theme song was "Zip-pity do dah zip-pity-yayy...." I remember "Captain Video and his Video Rangers" (cardboard props and all - only on Saturday)). Howdy Doody (with Clarabelle and company) was another daily wonder. I was Clarabelle for Halloween more than one year in my life.
To quote Archie Bunker....actually to quote Edith - - - "Those were the ddaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyys!!!!!!!"
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He's in love with a character on a cereal box - and he's NUTS!
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Yea - he's a weirdo. He says they went dancing and then I think he tries to imitate "scratching" on a record player - like would happen in a club.
Bottom line - he's crazy.
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Now HERE is a guy who, not only thinks a similar Raisin Bran Crunch commercial is funny, but becomes *obsessed* with it.
This is known as, GET A LIFE, DUDE!
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Dot Matrix
I do not get that from watching it --
First I thought there was a glitche
Then, I thought it was some kind of Bleep as because they had said something sexual.
I do not hear/see it as a record noise.
I do not get it....
DMiller I cannot pull it up
Garth, I must have something missing on my 'puter as I see nothing on yours either
Dooj I get that he likes Sunny -- but the weird noises - I dunno.
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I don't have a TV, but was able to watch it thanks to David. I see it as the 3rd guy was imitating the sounds the DJ at the club he dreamed about was making and the ahhhh at the end meant he had a great date with Sunny.
It also made me remember why I don't have a TV. I miss all the stupid commercials like this one they put out and which seem to get worse each year.
Honestly they did give me free basic cable, only 22 lousy channels, none of the good ones you really want, for that you have to pay like 60 bucks more each month for extended basic. I have a winTV unit that enables me to watch TV on my computer, I just haven't gotten around to installing it again since I moved here 9 months or so ago. Guess that shows how much TV means to me. LOL.
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By chance, I just caught the end of that commercial.
Yes, he was imitating the reverb and sound off the speakers at a club.
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Dot Matrix
Okay, Dooj is right!
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You know you have forgotten what TV was like during the 60's when you hear "... only 22 lousy channels".
(old geezer mode on)
ONLY 22 lousy channels? Why, back in my day, they had *3* regular networks and a public television channel, and having them in color was the cool thing to have! ... Now you young whipper-snappers gotta have yer 200-300 channels with programmable saving your shows to DVD and all!!
(old geezer mode off)
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Growing up in my family, I didn't see any "color" TV till somewhere in the mid 70s.
We were able to receive quite a few NY stations through means of an antenna mounted
off the roof and hanging outside my window (my brother and I had a small B&W in our room).
All those late night movies (esp. the ones shown on "Creature Feature" and "Chiller Theatre" on
Friday and Saturday nights) took their toll on my fragile little mind.
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chiller theatre!!!!! ha !!!! now i understand your fragile mind
now danny, do you remember the movie, "the attack of the crab monster" ?
i was sure it lived in my closet
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Oh yeah - but the movie that scared me most was "The Fly". Especially the end, with the fly with the guy's head, caught
in the web, screamin in a high pitch voice, "Help me....help me...."
Creeped me out!
Other favorites were "Attack of the Killer Shrews", "The Tingler", "Terror from the Year 5000!" and "The Giant Claw".
While Creature Features on the other channel played the old 40s Universal monster flicks and all their sequels
(Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman, the Mummy).
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help me help me
oh i can hear the squeaky little man right now !!!! scary !!!!
that giant lady !!!!!! calling her husband, what was his name ?
later roy thinnes - the invaders. can everyone please post their fingers !!!!!!!
the tingler.... stop trying to scare me danny
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OK---While the old geezer mode is still on.
Anybody remember how, when color T.V. first came out, you could buy a plastic sheet that had green on the bottom for grass, blue on the top for the sky and something else(I'm thinking red) in the middle?
It was for people who couldn't afford color T.V.(which would have been my family)
What a hoot!
I think I was about 35 before I ever had a color T.V.(bought it used.)
OK--- I know that was
but, HEY!, we're only talkin' about Raisin Bran!
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waysider, i can't remember that, and we were the poorest people we ever met !!!!!!!
i do remember that my brothers would say ~
"let's play FBI in living color"
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Dot Matrix
The Fly freaked me
So did those dang Monkyes in the Wizard of Oz
I do not know if the memory is real or because you described it so well, but I think I may have been 4 ish and my Mom was telling my Dad to take that stuff off the TV The close ups on the faces made them all weird looking on the people
Later, we were one of the first in the area to have a color TV; my Dad was a big wig at RCA
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As things were in the 50's in Queens, we were pretty poor - - not dirt poor - one step up. BUT we had a TV because my dad built it. He brown bagged it to lunch every day for a year and saved about $100. Then one hot humid awwful day we went into downtown Manhattan to buy the kit from Heath. We sat in the car broasting, and he came running out saying to my mother "Babe, (his pet name for her) please tell me you have your Christmas money on you (she nearly always did for reasons we won't discuss here) and I need you to give me $10 because then I can get a 12" screen! She did, so that's what he got. (the other was 10".)
It took a long long time. Dad took his time and did it right. Mom and dad sort of did it together. He would build it at night, and when he finished each step he put a check mark next to it and it was her job the next day to check over his work and put a hatch mark through the check if it was right and leave it alone if she wasn't sure or if she thought it was wrong. All the parts had colored banding patterns and numbers on them so it was pretty easy to tell.
When he got it all done, one Saturday nite after dinner it was a family event, he put in the picture tube, plugged it in and it worked. The very first time! The poor Pederxxen's had TV!!! And our house was child Mecca for cartoons ever after....and westerns on Saturday afternoons too.
I don't remember everything from the beginning, though. The first I do remember was we had ch 2,4,5,7 and 9. Seven and Nine were kind of flukey sometimes. Channel 13 (PBS) wasn't there right away I don't think. Maybe we had so "many" because we lived so close to the broadcast towers.
Danny - - The Fly also scared me out of my pantaloons too. Excathy - - THEM did almost the same thing to me...those huge giant and very sinister black shiny ants...(shiver). And Waysider - - yes, I remember that screen. My Grandfather had one..but he only used it for watching baseball. He also had a magnifier on a separate stand that he used for watching boxing (which used to be a regular event back in those days) (it was not nearly as dangerous as it appears to be today).
I remember Small-Fry Club every afternoon with "Uncle Ed" and it's theme song was "Zip-pity do dah zip-pity-yayy...." I remember "Captain Video and his Video Rangers" (cardboard props and all - only on Saturday)). Howdy Doody (with Clarabelle and company) was another daily wonder. I was Clarabelle for Halloween more than one year in my life.
To quote Archie Bunker....actually to quote Edith - - - "Those were the ddaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyys!!!!!!!"
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