My nephew lives a few blocks from that bridge. When he called to tell me he was safe, he also told me he and his roommates had gone to the site of the collapse to see if they could help. He said it was horrible to see the destruction, but amazing to see the people on the bank helping the injured and others get to safety. They got there before the rescue and medical workers so they were putting people in their own cars or the back of pick up trucks and taking them to the hospitals. They were going into the river to help people they didn't even know, helping them get out of cars that were in the river, taking off their shirts to use for bandages. The injured got to the hospitals and were treated amazingly quickly and released. I think he said the number of critical patients was 5 or 6 which is amazing for the collapse of a nearly 2000 foot bridge 60+ feet above the river.
Private citizens were directing traffic and keeping order on both sides of the bridge so the rescue vehicles could get in quickly. It was an incredibly unified effort to save lives. Shortly after the collapse, private citizens in the neighborhoods were bringing cold drinks and food to the rescue workers. Fire stations from all surrounding suburbs had sent crews to help. People in those neighborhoods took food to the firestations in their neighborhoods.
Nephew did see a dead person taken from the river which was a shock to him, but the amazing support of the community seems to have touched him as well.
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(I put some pics of it in the prayer thread that Rocky started).
NOT a fun day around Minney-soda.
Purt near everyone in the state has been over that bridge at least once.
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Dot Matrix
Glad you are okay, anyone hear from Vickles?
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I hope we hear from Dougie pretty soon. I understand he lives in or near the Twin Cities...
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Doug --- and Mary Cate (who no longer posts here), live in the Metro area.
Vickles used to live south of the Twin cities (down near the Iowa border),
but she moved north (I think) -- but nowhere near the Metro area of Mnpls./ St. Paul.
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I've heard from Dougie... he and his family are fine. :)
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Amazing only 5 or 10 died. My nephew said he went across about 5 minutes before it collapsed :o
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Dot Matrix
WOW that makes one thankful!
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so sad
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Dot Matrix
Anyone hear anything?
Who else is from that state?
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I'm here and yes I do live in the metro area. I heard it and thought it was thunder. It really is horrible.
Dot, I'm pretty sure that Griz and Anna live in this area too.
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Boy was I ever wrong about your location!!
Didn't realize you were IN the twin cities now.
Glad to hear you're ok. :)
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Scout Finch02
My nephew lives a few blocks from that bridge. When he called to tell me he was safe, he also told me he and his roommates had gone to the site of the collapse to see if they could help. He said it was horrible to see the destruction, but amazing to see the people on the bank helping the injured and others get to safety. They got there before the rescue and medical workers so they were putting people in their own cars or the back of pick up trucks and taking them to the hospitals. They were going into the river to help people they didn't even know, helping them get out of cars that were in the river, taking off their shirts to use for bandages. The injured got to the hospitals and were treated amazingly quickly and released. I think he said the number of critical patients was 5 or 6 which is amazing for the collapse of a nearly 2000 foot bridge 60+ feet above the river.
Private citizens were directing traffic and keeping order on both sides of the bridge so the rescue vehicles could get in quickly. It was an incredibly unified effort to save lives. Shortly after the collapse, private citizens in the neighborhoods were bringing cold drinks and food to the rescue workers. Fire stations from all surrounding suburbs had sent crews to help. People in those neighborhoods took food to the firestations in their neighborhoods.
Nephew did see a dead person taken from the river which was a shock to him, but the amazing support of the community seems to have touched him as well.
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Thanks for telling us about the goodness of the people. It comforts us as we pray for such a disater. The goodness of people is a healing balm.
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Dot Matrix
Thanks for the reports!
Vickles - Gee you could hear it?
Scout - WOW
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