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In my 'hood

Dot Matrix

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Things in the ’hood

Well, this is interesting….

1. I get a call at work from, which sounds like a young ethnic man, telling me he found a dog and it had “our rabies tag” on it.

2. I tell him I will take care of it and call him back. I look up the tag number and it is a client I recognize

3. I have Betty call the client on the front phone as I call the “kid” back to tell him he can bring the dog over to the hospital and we will

return it to our client, Jessica.

I HEAR through his cell phone a girl yelling. It is her dog, the kid says “Why are you having attitude with me?”

A verbal fight ensues.

I hang up and go to the front where Betty is hearing the fight through Jessica’s cell phone.

Turns out Jessica’s home had been broken into and she had a “tag” on the dog with her name and her phone number. She had been sent pictures to her cell phone, of her dog, demanding a ransom if she wanted her dog back, in the picture, were gang signs not sure if they were just exposed hands or what.

Her 2nd dog and two cats were also missing. They are unsure if the gang has them, or if they left out the broken window.

The kid who called me, called again, and said he was in a "heap of trouble and he just found the dog." I felt badly ‘cause he sounded innocent and why would he call us to return the dog if he were involved with the gang?

As it stands the police have taken in two gang members, Jessica got her dog back, the kid that called us DID find the dog who may have gotten away from the gang. The two cats Cotton, Meeshie, and little dog “Happy” are still missing.

These are the only facts I have so far.

For those who pray – please pray. Pray she gets her pets back.

I guess I now live and work in the ’hood.

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I hear ya Dot. Our house was broken into a couple of times last year (we know who did it, but of course cannot prove it in a courtroom). This year, someone came through and opened our back gate and let the dogs out of the yard while we were at work.

Our yard is completely fenced in, most of it with privacy fencing. We now keep locks on the gates, the doors of course are locked. All first floor windows are locked except the two facing my neighbor's house. My neighbor watches over our place while we are at work and we watch his place while he is at work (he works nights we work days).

So far, other than the one incident where someone opened the back gate this spring, it has been quiet (knock on wood). :)

I will say this, my experience thus far is if you show no fear, you have fewer problems. I hold my head high and look them in the eye when we go by each other. I take my kids to the parks to play whether they are there or not. One of the kids who broke into my house last summer turns tail and runs when he see's me coming, because I made it very clear to him if he came near my house again he was likely to end up in a wheel chair.

Edited by Abigail
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A few months back, bow jr.'s house was broken into. They live on a corner with traffic lights in St. Pete, FL. He got a call from the next door neighbor after the meter reader that noticed what was going on while he was reading jr's meter and took down the license plate of the car the robbers loaded all his and his fiance's most valuable and most treasured possessions.

The license plate came back to a stolen car.

Within 10 minutes of the robbers leaving, bow jr was home, the police arrived shortly thereafter. He has 6 or 8 ecurity cameras around his house, which had beautiful shots of the bad boys' faces. The detective took the printed copies of the pictures around some informants and were given names and addresses.

Within a week they had the first guy and it wasn't too long after that they had the second. They were held on around a quarter million dollars each. The police said they'd never see their laptop, plasma tv, family heirlooms, oh I don't remember what all, again. The robbers were crackheads and there'd just be no way to trace the loot.

Bow jr's fiance had seen those two rats casing their place the day before, she recalled, after seeing the video the cameras had. She even remembered getting the creeps as the boys walked past their home, obviously looking in their windows.

The good part is that the police restored bow jr's faith in their ability.

It's sure sad what people will do to others.

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In Charleston, SC, we lived for a few years in a snooty, upscale subdivision. The woman across the street and down one house took an intense dislike to our dogs, who as a general rule minded their own business, but the big boy, Brandy, had in fact once "claimed his territory" on her shrubbery before I retrieved him. If she saw us out in the front yard with our dogs she would come over and scream and complain that they were ruining her yard, when they weren't even on her side of the street.

One day while we were at work, "someone" opened the back door to our garage, where Brandy and our other dog, Haifa, resided. The "someone" then called the dog catcher, gave our address as hers, and stated there were two stray dogs hanging around her house and would he please come get them. Now my dogs don't normally wear collars at home because they wear a collar ring in the fur around their necks, so Brandy and Haifa were naked. So they did look like stray dogs.

I know all this because that very evening the dog catcher came back to report the incident to me, and learn if he had made a mistake in leaving them. When he pulled up, they were both lying on the front porch. Brandy, being a friendly sort, came down to greet him with tail wagging. Haifa, being rather shy, simply ran around the back and went back into the garage. The catcher figured it out, and put Brandy back in the garage with her, then shut and locked the door.

The next morning, Brandy marched straight over to the woman's front yard and "claimed his territory" again, only in a much more obvious manner. My husband stood and watched and laughed. The woman never spoke to me again, and I made a point of locking the doors so she couldn't repeat her performance.

Crimes against pets and children are just the cruelest.


Edited by Watered Garden
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If anyone wants to see a woman go totally nuts, crazyland, breakdown, just try to steal my dog. I would act first and think of the consequenses later. I seriously would start going out on the streets shooting punks. That is what scares me. I wonder if they have any kind of GPS device for dogs. Like a LoJack for critters.

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Cool. But the problem is that is only good if the dog gets lost. If someone steals your dog, you would want more of a microchip divice. Planted along the shoulder blades. That is what I'm thinking of.

I have that Grrl... well, Dixie has that, I just paid for it :)

quick and painless, your vet has all of the info I'm sure...

good for peace of mind... as well as finding the dog.

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Crime is painful. against kids and animals, to me it is worseWe micro chhip -- but it is only found if the dog goes to a place where the "wand" the dog and see there is a chip. Tom, you have one that THEY can be found?

Bumpy, yes I live in ATL. half of us - both black and white want to see him go to prison. I heard on the news that Vic is playing the race card -- I am not sure how someone does that in this case? What would you say, you are picking on me 'cause I am black? No, it is because you ARE horrible and tortured animals....

We have black clients who are totally committed to their pets and they hope he gets the max. It isn't about race, it is about crime. One of our black clients has a cat with cancer. He just spent a a small fortune to have the cancer removed. This big guy holds his cat like one might hold a son before they go off to college. Tears in his eyes, he says how can Vic do the things he did to animals? So, clearly it is NOT a racial line that was crossed. It is humans with hearts for pets trying to understand/punish humans who torture them.

Rottie -

I feel you.

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haha Dot, It took me awhile to figure out why you were making it so clear that Vick's case was not racial. Bumpy said "in a black suit", he did not make reference to his race. me thinks you might have misread him? My only surprise is that only 1/2 of Atlanta wants the max for him. I think the percentage is even higher here in CO.


Edited by HAPe4me
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We had a beautiful German Wire Haired Pointer (GWP) pup disappear from us awhile back. Broke our hearts at the time, my wife's in particular. Later after the dog was disappeared, a man called and tells us that he'd found our dog, and was responding to an internet notice about him that we'd placed through out various Northwest US websites. Turns out, the guy had "Salty" at his home down in San Francisco (SF), but that when he found him when touring Alaska north of where we lived, he (Salty) had sustained a broken leg somehow. But, being the animal lovers that they were, they traveled on to Anchorage, got him fixed up with surgery at the vet, then flew home with him to SF. When they called us, my wife fielded the call, and, when I heard her weeping tears of joy, stood near to listen. We were so thankful that Salty Dawg had been found! But then, the guy went on to say that the vet bill was fifteen hundred dollars, and that it would cost him five hundred dollars to put him on a plane to us, and could we please just give him our credit card number?.

At this, my wife, pricked with suspicion, told him that she would talk with her husband, and that she would call him back. She got his phone number, said goodbye, and then my wife and I reviewed the conversation. And, we concluded that it was a scam, completely and totally. And so, my wife called the number back, and after a few pointed questions, the guy said abruptly that he had to go, and hung up. We then traced the number, and the location of the phone turned out to be a pay phone at the SF International Airport! What a piece of dang! We called the SF cops, and they told us that there really wasn't much they could do about it, which we figured. And then my wife, who had finally stopped weeping after the first week of our loss, went into another nose dive, and I prayed to God that He would hurt that bastard some how. I know, it was a wrong headed prayer, but I was so angry and felt so violated, that I prayed it anyway. Unfortunately, we had no micro chip implanted into him. The micro chip proves who the original owner of a dog is, and a call is made to see if there had been any disappearance or foul play involved with the dog. We are pretty sure that Salty was stolen as we reviewed the circumstances surrounding his disappearance. So sad...

And, Salty Dawg never did come home. Now we have "Jake, another GWP, who is wonderful. Getting a new pup helps. Funny thing is, we got Jake from a woman who owned him and lived in an apartment in San Francisco! Jake was an apartment dog, who never got to run! But, that's why the gal wanted to find Jake a home, and now he gets to run like the wind and he also gets to dance with the wolves...


Sure wish I could just post the picture and not just the link...

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We had an AMAZING German Schaefer Hund named Bogie! He was over 50kg with typical Bayerish colors of shades of brown and black...a long pedigree to go with him.

Two years ago about this time in July, we were going to take him to Austria from France in a new 4x4 which we really bought for him due to his size. Since we had a farm of about 40 acres he was always free. The night before we left, he went across a distant road and a French driver, (probably a truck and for sure driving to fast) cut him in half. He never stopped. Bastard!

The village mayor came by and said where we could find Bogs. He took his first & last ride in that vehicle in ten minutes. We dug his grave in tears, about two meters long and one wide to lay him down with all his toys. It was the saddest car trip we ever took.

One more bit of irony...we were going to Schladmig in Austria to visit the wife of one of our closest friends, whose husband had just been killed in an avalanche in BC, Canada!

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i'm so sorry bumpy

Yea, he was an amazing dog, a big softie with BIG teeth! He ran the whole property and anyone (priest included!) who drove up, never got out of the car until Boges was convinced the guy wasn't a creep! Anyway, it takes me about 5 years to get over these damn German dogs. They're too smart, get to know you too well, like your every move.

I'm trying to figure out what the point of this radio thing is? Any clue??

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OMG, I am in shock. My neighbor told me this morning that a group of teens (boys and girls) raped his daughter on his front porch a couple weeks ago. She was home watching the little one, he was out. I am just shocked and freaked. We were home and didn't hear a thing. I can only figure we must have been sound asleep or something.

He just found out about it. His oldest daughter (an adult) took J to the hospital. They were afraid to tell him and her brother because they will be out looking for these kids now. holy dang - I am just blown away. That poor girl!

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"Welcome" to the Hood I guess. :realmad:

And, that sitewith my dog picture and the wolf is at my Myspace place, and I guess you can't access it without my password. I tried to just post the picture by doing the "insert image" thing here where we type up posts at GS, but it never works for me. Plus, I don't understand why you couldn't just go to my Myspace place, because My Myspace place is "open" for anyone to go to, unlike my fifteen year old son's Myspace place and that of my twenty year old son's Myspace place. So, sorry, but I guess I can't post the pic. I do have the pics somewhere else in my computer, but I couldn't begin to figure out how to post them here. Such a shame to have a computer that can do a million things, but I only know how to make it do about thirty things. :rolleyes:

And Bumpy, so sorry about your dog man, really.

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