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Is This Your Cat?


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That was an amazing article about "Oscar the Cat", Thank You Bumpy for it!

Animals seem to also have the ability to sense and to adjust to their own impending death...often better than we do.

I wonder if there is a true basis for TWI's teaching us that animals and pets would not be in heaven with us?...I hope that it is not true!

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  RainbowsGirl said:
That was an amazing article about "Oscar the Cat", Thank You Bumpy for it!

Animals seem to also have the ability to sense and to adjust to their own impending death...often better than we do.

I wonder if there is a true basis for TWI's teaching us that animals and pets would not be in heaven with us?...I hope that it is not true!

I don't want to go to Heaven if there are no dogs...seriously!

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My cats have always sensed when anyone in the family is sick.

I'm also fairly certain I remember reading that cats were able to "predict" earthquakes. This might be true of other animals as well, but I only remember reading about cats.

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  doojable said:
My cats have always sensed when anyone in the family is sick.

I'm also fairly certain I remember reading that cats were able to "predict" earthquakes. This might be true of other animals as well, but I only remember reading about cats.

I don't know about anyone else, but I speak from about 55 years of experience with felines. The cats who are most connected with me and my family have always been able to tell when we are sick, or are emotionally upset, and will seek out our companionship. They can be found curling up next to us and purring, or sitting and gazing directly into our eyes. One of them will actually push his head under our hand, to get us to stroke his head.

Several of my cats have also been sensitive to barometric pressure. I could always tell when a storm was approaching several hours ahead of time, because of their behavior.

I think cats are far more perceptive than we give them credit for.

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I've never had a cat, but my Labrador retriever, Sophie, can tell when I'm sick or upset. After 9/11 when we couldn't contact our son, I was very upset, and she always came over, grunting in distress, pushed me over with her front paws and curled around me, much as a mother dog will curl around her pups. She did that with my husband a lot too.

She's 14 now, and won't be around much longer. I sure hope she's waiting for me when I get wherever I'm going next.


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We had a cat named Emmitt who could always tell when we were sick and always was at our side.

When I was expecting Andreas, the cat we have now, Ginger, was ALWAYS around me. She just bonded with me for 9 months. Prior to that and after that, she could give a rat's @$$ about me...

Cats are very perceptive - interesting creatures...

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  RainbowsGirl said:
I wonder if there is a true basis for TWI's teaching us that animals and pets would not be in heaven with us?...I hope that it is not true!

I'm pretty sure you'll get your wish, RG and Bumpy.

Afterall, Jesus comes back riding a white horse (remember Revelation, the book we were told wasn't important because it wasn't in our administration?).

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