No surprise to me. They stopped allowing smoking in their parks except in a very few designated areas a few years ago.
Remember they are family oriented, so would want to show evil smokers or allow them in their parks. They do have Gay Day at all their parks though. I'm still trying to figure out how they consider that family, since it's obvious gays can't have a baby together unless they involve a 3rd party of the other sex or use an artificial form to conceive. A few states allow them to adopt too. I have nothing against gays, have friends that are, I just think that it's odd that something legal Disney will say is evil and ban, then go against what is considered family by having Gay Day every year in their parks.
They should leave the old films alone - I don't think any 7 year olds started smoking because Mickey Mouse in Fantasia had smoke around him... whoop dee doo.
Smoking is limited just about everywhere in California, if not most of the United States. At Dodger Stadium, the designated smoking areas are outside the park. At least Disneyland has smoking sections scattered around.
Personally , I'm grateful for it. I can't stand breathing in someones smoke. I quit 20 years ago, and still get nauseated around it. I don't consider smoking a 'basic right'.
I'm also not sure how you can blame Disney for Lindsay Lohen's actions. It's an easy target though.
As far as 'Gay Day' at Disneyland, it's not sponsored, advertised, or encouraged by Disney. It just exists.
Smoking is limited just about everywhere in California, if not most of the United States. At Dodger Stadium, the designated smoking areas are outside the park. At least Disneyland has smoking sections scattered around.
Personally , I'm grateful for it. I can't stand breathing in someones smoke. I quit 20 years ago, and still get nauseated around it. I don't consider smoking a 'basic right'.
I'm also not sure how you can blame Disney for Lindsay Lohen's actions. It's an easy target though.
As far as 'Gay Day' at Disneyland, it's not sponsored, advertised, or encouraged by Disney. It just exists.
Oh, I don't blame Disney for what Lohan does... I just think it's unfortunate that child stars, who are almost universally among the cutest kids around (or else the wouldn't get into the movies), can grow up to be so troubled.
Personally, I'm all for studios banning smoking from their movies. Fifty or sixty years ago, no one seemed to realize just how much havoc smoking could cause in terms of public health. But even then, Big Tobacco knew how much of an influence they could make by buying product placement in movies. Then there was The Insider (one of my all time favorite movies) and the Tobacco Settlement in the 1990s -- to hopefully diminish marketing efforts to kids (i.e. Joe Camel).
Even so, EVERY movie made in the last 10 years seems to have LOTS of smoking in them.
Neither I nor my (ex)-wife are or were smokers. But that didn't stop my daughter from taking up (hopefully only experimenting) with smoking by the time she was 12. And just about everyone, at least in THIS country knows how easy it is to become addicted to it -- and how difficult it is to quit once you're hooked.
So, from a public health standpoint, it's REALLY about time movie makers start waking up and quit being accessories to child endangerment.
As to smoking bans throughout the country... they aren't near as universal as you might think.
It was only last Nov that AZ voters approved a ban for bars and restaurants that went into effect May 1.
And I could not care any less than I already do whether Disneyland or any other theme park has a "gay day". People are NOT going to take up being gay "just because".
I am a smoker, and I hate the fact that I am...and despite what anyone else says, it be a BITCH to quit. I have tried dozens of times, and am ready to try again. I think Biker Babe was the most on track here...yeah, smoking sucks...(you have to suck to be a smoker, right??) But its okay for kids to be forever tanted by all the other subliminal messages of DISNEY. The fairy tale endings to the earlier Disney movies were bad enough, but some of the stuff is just downright evil to the core, no matter how you try to make it NOT. Smoking is bad, yes....but the rest of the messages are as bad if not even worse. I think Joe Camel probably sits down in hell laughing at the hold he has on people....but that should be all the more reason that we try to have compassion and help others who need it.....cutting something out of the movies or telling people....JUST STOP...doesnt really count. THATS my little opinion of it all...and I am trying hard to sort it out in my own life, but let me tell you....its not the answer at all. Again, like BB said, its okay to be gay, sadistic, bloody, adulterous...all of the above in D movies, but oh please, NO SMOKING.
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the point, but just what ARE the 'evil to the core' messages in Disney films, and other 'subliminal messages' ? That's a pretty broad statement to take at face value.
I had a nightmarish time quitting smoking 20 years ago. It's gotta be as bad as heroin, though I can only imagine.
I used to not mind smoking too much, but since it's gone mostly out of style I forgot what it's like to be around smokers. I had a family member visiting last week that smoked, and it was so disgusting. Despite the fact that they smoked outside of my house in an open area with the wind blowing, their clothes still smelled like it and they made the whole house stink as a result. I'm going to change my air filters now and see what I can do to get the smell out of my furniture, but it was shocking to me how much it lingers.
I'm glad that Houston is smoke-free with few exceptions, and I hope this habit can be driven out and be made as much history as snuff. I sympathize with those that do smoke, as I used to smoke when I was in high school, but they have to realize how much it affects everyone around them.
However, it is a dangerous and selfish habit for those that choose to do it. After my visitor last week, I'm going to ban any smokers from entering my house at all, no matter how close of family they are. According to the American Lung Association:
Secondhand smoke is especially harmful to young children. Secondhand smoke is responsible for between 150,000 and 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections in infants and children under 18 months of age, resulting in between 7,500 and 15,000 hospitalizations each year, and causes 430 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) deaths in the United States annually.
I simply don't need my daughter exposed to an unnecessary risk like that, especially one that makes both her and I cough and sneeze (my wife seems to handle it better for some reason.)
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the point, but just what ARE the 'evil to the core' messages in Disney films, and other 'subliminal messages' ? That's a pretty broad statement to take at face value.
I had a nightmarish time quitting smoking 20 years ago. It's gotta be as bad as heroin, though I can only imagine.
There's that thing smoking opium or mushrooms on Alice in Wonderland. . .
When the Lion King sits on the grassy cliff edge a bunch of pollen poofs up. If you look at the dust and pollen you can see the outline of the word "sex". . . And the old monkey has stick with nuts on the end . . .
... its okay to be gay, sadistic, bloody, adulterous...all of the above in D movies, but oh please, NO SMOKING.
And let's not forget as well, ... be courteous. Nothing as politie and civilized as a courteous sado-masochist killer who says "Please" and "Thank you!" before every bloody kill.
The state of Ohio just passed a no smoking law for all public places...including bars.
I think that sucks...The government is imposing upon privately owned estabishments. If you own a bar, it should be your decision as to whether or not you allow smoking inside...what's that you say?...cigarette smoke makes you don't go into the bar!
The government collects PLENTY of tax money on cigarettes...they are sold legally in stores...but I can't light up when I go out for a beer?...I think it's crazy.
...and while I'm at it, I don't buy into this second hand smoke myth either...You say smoking is bad for me? is consuming caffine, sugar and monosodium glutamate...
Welcome to the new regulated society where nobody is allowed to mind their own business.
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Well, Okay...
I'm a smoker.
I hate Disney films. I love classic or well told children's stories/films.
Disney is formulated and classic BS.
Disney also shows sex/nudity/ (Splash) etc. under a different name.
Disney kills off animals and never has a strong male lead.
Disney stinks. I have to get drunk to watch Disney films.
Good for them and their moral stance. I guess they are my new moral leaders cause they are Disney and I have no brain.
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my dear rottie (puff puff) please tell us how you feel
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No surprise to me. They stopped allowing smoking in their parks except in a very few designated areas a few years ago.
Remember they are family oriented, so would want to show evil smokers or allow them in their parks. They do have Gay Day at all their parks though. I'm still trying to figure out how they consider that family, since it's obvious gays can't have a baby together unless they involve a 3rd party of the other sex or use an artificial form to conceive. A few states allow them to adopt too. I have nothing against gays, have friends that are, I just think that it's odd that something legal Disney will say is evil and ban, then go against what is considered family by having Gay Day every year in their parks.
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They should leave the old films alone - I don't think any 7 year olds started smoking because Mickey Mouse in Fantasia had smoke around him... whoop dee doo.
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From a poem by Vincent Quatroche:
"United States of Disneyland"
"Please extinguish all smoking materials here.
Gates open at eight.
Please extinguish all brains and grey matter here.
Gates open at eight.
Thank you, have a nice day, have a nice stay.
Please step right this way
Please extinguish all independant imaginations here.
Please stay in line, keep your seats, gates will open at eight.
Please extinguish all individuality here.
Let's open the gate and masturbate
because it's the United States of Disneyland.
Say hello to Mickey. Why he's got a little white hand for you to hold.
In the other, there's a fist and pal, I think this Mickey has a nice long list over who's allowed in
and who gets the boot..."
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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They're offering a ride on THE MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR.
Try and figure out where they are headed, why, and for what reason.
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Listen to it HERE
Edited by doojableLink to comment
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Dooj --- do you have an asparin (or something)???
That gave me a headache!!!
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...only because you are a fiddler!
...I didn't get a headache!...I thought it was kewl. 
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I liked those ancient 1950s technicolor shorts with the goofy music, which featured mother nature's cute crafty critters breaking into cabin-kitchens
rummaging for food and trashing the place.
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And let's not forget how great a role model that child star who was in the most recent remake of Disney's The Parent Trap has become.
btw, Chas, my understanding (from the article) is that Disney's proclamation pertains only to movies made henceforth and not to ones already made.
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...and so the poem ends with:
"So when you wish upon a star,
it had better be more than with Goofy in a bar.
Please...Extinguish your basic rights here.
Thank you for not smoking...
Thank you for not thinking...
Thank you for not caring...
Thank you for being kindler and gentler...Thank you for being full of WONDER...
Thank you for all the POWER.
Gates will be closing at eight...
Here in the United States of Disneyland.
(Vincent Quatroche)...
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Smoking is limited just about everywhere in California, if not most of the United States. At Dodger Stadium, the designated smoking areas are outside the park. At least Disneyland has smoking sections scattered around.
Personally , I'm grateful for it. I can't stand breathing in someones smoke. I quit 20 years ago, and still get nauseated around it. I don't consider smoking a 'basic right'.
I'm also not sure how you can blame Disney for Lindsay Lohen's actions. It's an easy target though.
As far as 'Gay Day' at Disneyland, it's not sponsored, advertised, or encouraged by Disney. It just exists.
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Oh, I don't blame Disney for what Lohan does... I just think it's unfortunate that child stars, who are almost universally among the cutest kids around (or else the wouldn't get into the movies), can grow up to be so troubled.
Personally, I'm all for studios banning smoking from their movies. Fifty or sixty years ago, no one seemed to realize just how much havoc smoking could cause in terms of public health. But even then, Big Tobacco knew how much of an influence they could make by buying product placement in movies. Then there was The Insider (one of my all time favorite movies) and the Tobacco Settlement in the 1990s -- to hopefully diminish marketing efforts to kids (i.e. Joe Camel).
Even so, EVERY movie made in the last 10 years seems to have LOTS of smoking in them.
Neither I nor my (ex)-wife are or were smokers. But that didn't stop my daughter from taking up (hopefully only experimenting) with smoking by the time she was 12. And just about everyone, at least in THIS country knows how easy it is to become addicted to it -- and how difficult it is to quit once you're hooked.
So, from a public health standpoint, it's REALLY about time movie makers start waking up and quit being accessories to child endangerment.
As to smoking bans throughout the country... they aren't near as universal as you might think.
It was only last Nov that AZ voters approved a ban for bars and restaurants that went into effect May 1.
And I could not care any less than I already do whether Disneyland or any other theme park has a "gay day". People are NOT going to take up being gay "just because".
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and people ain't gonna take up smoking just because
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kids do...
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I think maybe Walt would have approved. He was a chain smoker who died of lung cancer way too early.
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I am a smoker, and I hate the fact that I am...and despite what anyone else says, it be a BITCH to quit. I have tried dozens of times, and am ready to try again. I think Biker Babe was the most on track here...yeah, smoking sucks...(you have to suck to be a smoker, right??) But its okay for kids to be forever tanted by all the other subliminal messages of DISNEY. The fairy tale endings to the earlier Disney movies were bad enough, but some of the stuff is just downright evil to the core, no matter how you try to make it NOT. Smoking is bad, yes....but the rest of the messages are as bad if not even worse. I think Joe Camel probably sits down in hell laughing at the hold he has on people....but that should be all the more reason that we try to have compassion and help others who need it.....cutting something out of the movies or telling people....JUST STOP...doesnt really count. THATS my little opinion of it all...and I am trying hard to sort it out in my own life, but let me tell you....its not the answer at all. Again, like BB said, its okay to be gay, sadistic, bloody, adulterous...all of the above in D movies, but oh please, NO SMOKING.
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I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the point, but just what ARE the 'evil to the core' messages in Disney films, and other 'subliminal messages' ? That's a pretty broad statement to take at face value.
I had a nightmarish time quitting smoking 20 years ago. It's gotta be as bad as heroin, though I can only imagine.
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Mister P-Mosh
I used to not mind smoking too much, but since it's gone mostly out of style I forgot what it's like to be around smokers. I had a family member visiting last week that smoked, and it was so disgusting. Despite the fact that they smoked outside of my house in an open area with the wind blowing, their clothes still smelled like it and they made the whole house stink as a result. I'm going to change my air filters now and see what I can do to get the smell out of my furniture, but it was shocking to me how much it lingers.
I'm glad that Houston is smoke-free with few exceptions, and I hope this habit can be driven out and be made as much history as snuff. I sympathize with those that do smoke, as I used to smoke when I was in high school, but they have to realize how much it affects everyone around them.
However, it is a dangerous and selfish habit for those that choose to do it. After my visitor last week, I'm going to ban any smokers from entering my house at all, no matter how close of family they are. According to the American Lung Association:
I simply don't need my daughter exposed to an unnecessary risk like that, especially one that makes both her and I cough and sneeze (my wife seems to handle it better for some reason.)
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There's that thing smoking opium or mushrooms on Alice in Wonderland. . .
When the Lion King sits on the grassy cliff edge a bunch of pollen poofs up. If you look at the dust and pollen you can see the outline of the word "sex". . . And the old monkey has stick with nuts on the end . . .
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And let's not forget as well, ... be courteous. Nothing as politie and civilized as a courteous sado-masochist killer who says "Please" and "Thank you!" before every bloody kill.
Ahhh, those were the days, weren't they?
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The state of Ohio just passed a no smoking law for all public places...including bars.
I think that sucks...The government is imposing upon privately owned estabishments. If you own a bar, it should be your decision as to whether or not you allow smoking inside...what's that you say?...cigarette smoke makes you don't go into the bar!
The government collects PLENTY of tax money on cigarettes...they are sold legally in stores...but I can't light up when I go out for a beer?...I think it's crazy.
...and while I'm at it, I don't buy into this second hand smoke myth either...You say smoking is bad for me? is consuming caffine, sugar and monosodium glutamate...
Welcome to the new regulated society where nobody is allowed to mind their own business.
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