Are Squirrels Evil?
Are they really evil?
20 members have voted
1. Squirrel experiences:
Never had a problem. They are my friends7
They are a minor inconvenience. Ate my bulbs and tulips7
They are nasty. Attacked my car. Filled the breather tube and engine with acorns.0
They are destructive. Removed roof/siding/insulation from my house.2
They are pure evil. I was attacked by a squirrel.4
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where's the "entertaining insane fuzzy rodents" option?
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Well, can't change it without messing a few things up..
put that under number two
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You forgot the option that says:
"Squirrels are the best toys for cats or dogs -and they're FREE!"

Edited by doojableLink to comment
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well.. that's an idea!
But the main point of the poll is to give a rating to various squirrel experience, in terms of their evil or lack therof.
Maybe I'll do anoither one, "rate their entertainment value"
remember, more than one choice is allowed with your vote. Some poor soul may have had experiences three through five..
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Squirrels are in my opinion tree rats.
They can be fun to watch.
If you have a pecan tree and want any pecans they are evil. I have yet to get a single one from either of my two trees.
The two methods of dealing with them are trapping and shooting.
One lady was trapping them and then painted them to see if they came back. Yes they do. Remove them more than 10 miles.
Shooting works great to a point. (local pd told him to use a shotgun). I get nervous when the neighbour starts blasting away in town.
It only takes the power company an hour and a half to get out and replace the fuse when they step the wrong way up the pole. Sounds like a cannon going off.
Edited by ex70'shoustonLink to comment
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Hmm. Ever find "anything" left, a tail, or something?
sometimes that happens when they lay across the terminals of older transformers. Of course the transformer is a little more costly to replace than a fuse..
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The deer are the worst here though, as far as garden destrucion is concerned. The people in the county had a "marvelous" idea about ten or so years ago.. construct massive cage traps, and relocate the deer five counties north..
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Probably the guy five houses down the block, who is cursing the name of the moron who's feeding them, allowing them to breed well beyond their normal proportions.
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Watered Garden
When we lived in NC, we had a pecan tree in our back yard. We also had a huge silver maple, which was hollow and full of squirrels. OUr house had been empty for 11 years, then lived in by the woman who sold it to us for a year or two, then we bought it. Naturally, the squirrels thought the pecan tree was theirs. Our cocker spaniel, Maxx the Wonder Dog, and I soon convinced them there was a new bully in town. They would shake the tree top to knock the pecans down. Maxx and I would hear them fall, and run out the back door. Maxx would keep the little tree rats up in the tree while I gathered the nuts.
Our house was brick, and the squirrels used to climb up the bricks. One even was climbing a window screen much to my surprise.
I totally agree about the deer. They have eaten two cherry trees we planted right down to the ground. Ditto the willows. There is a herd of from 10-20 in the woods back of our house, which belongs to our next door neighbor, who feeds the damn things! They come over to my side for dessert. They are pretty though. Both my brothers-in-law offered to come thin the herd the first hunting season we lived here, but there are too many kids around, and I really like my neighbors and wouldn't want them upset.
You can get stuff to spray on your plants and trees to keep them off. And Ro-Pel will protect your bulbs.
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You could always put out a better "spread" for them. Then maybe they'd go over to the neighbor's for "dessert"..
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Watered Garden
Well, more cherry trees might make them happy. I would feed them to fatness if there was some natural birth control I could put in their feed.
But then I wouldn't have seen the doe out back with her tottering, tiny little fawn, probably only a couple days old.
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I think somebody thought of it first.. at least the birth control part.
"Only in California"
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They are cute little critters. I have nothing for them to destroy. If you look at my yahoo 360 (goinsolo4631) I have pictures of them in my photostream. I sat as still as possible and they came right up to my face. I sat on the picnic table in the park very still and these little critters came right up on top of the table and stared me down until my kids saw it and came running over. It was the most amazing encounter I have ever had.
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Hmmmph. and you, "I was attacked by a cwazy squirrel.."
I remember you.
If you tease the squirrel with a bag of nuts, what do you expect???
Hmmm? Hmmph.
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Can a Squirrel eat through this thread and in the process "de-rail" whatever the point of this thread is supposed to be?
Only Kidding Ham. Squirrels aren't so bad unless they take over your winter home while you're away!
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Well, even if they take over the house, it can't be that bad. Think of the alternative, a person could come home to find that bears have taken it over..
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Hey here's the link to the critter pics.
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Ham, I just read that even the French think squirrels are totally 100% EVIL! So there you have it, the Tour de France, doping and evil squirrels drinking French wine on the stairwell talking up the girls!
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Cute pictures Free.
Hey Bump.. maybe it's just the French Squirrels..
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Thanks Ham, took them with my cell phone.
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Sorry Ham, in this world of frogs, squirrels and their nuts, tell no tales...Liberte', Franternite' & Egalite!
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Squirrels is vile.
Squirrels is vermin.
Except when they're on waterskis
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If a squirrel was God – could he create a nut that he cannot lift?
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maybe a nut that can not be cracked?
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