At least I'M still around but you know... lots of folks come and go. Your post made me think of folks I hadn't thought about for some time. Now stick around, you hear??
So glad to hear from you. I know it might seem strange, but I got so use to seeing you all and I missed you!
Okay, there is something I have to say, its something I told Sudo already, and I know it will be asked, so here goes:
My husband died two years ago, he was killed, I will not say where, cause it was in the news, so anyway, I have had a lot of grief, a lot of counseling, a lot of crying and soul searching, so now I want slowly start my life again, to do things I use to enjoy and I did enjoy posting here.
I'm glad you've had the counseling, done the lots of crying and soul searching, but if I can help from my own experience, I'd be happy to. My husband has been dead 10 years and the normal is new but the loss is still daily. If you don't need to talk, that's ok too! You've already learned to take care of you and do what you need to do, as it's unique.
"Here's rosemary, that's for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember."
Ophelia is a perfect new name, given your situation.
I am so very, very sorry for your loss. You are very wise to be getting counselling and doing what needs to be done to heal. Please pm me if there's absolutely anything that I can do for you. You sound like a strong and determined person. I thought that your posts as AdiosMiCorazon were wise and uplifting, and am glad to see you here again.
No doubt your journey has been rough of late. It's good to see you. I hope you get loads and bunches of comfort and friendship, here or anywhere for that matter.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. May God continually comfort year heart and heal it. You are always welcome here. It's great to see you back. I've changed names a few times since you've been here. I started as Wayferlookin (when I was still an innie), then I went to WayferNot!, and now I'm just Nottawayfer.
Mandii has not posted for YEARS. I have her email, and I drop her a line every once in awhile.
Thank you so much for your kindness. I am overwhelmed. I will write more later, I just can't right now. I have so many thoughts going through my mind right now. sometimes, its odd and I have definately avoided talking to people who knew me and my husband. Knew me whent I was completely and utterly in love with this man. I adored him and miss him so much that it causes physical pain at times. AT times its hard to realize what happened. I am however, so very glad to be here again.
Again, thanks so much, you have no idea how much your kindness has touched my heart.
I'm so sorry I missed this when you first posted. I know you, but I didn't start posting till recently, so I doubt you would know me. What you know about me and don't realize is my pain, I'm sorry to say I've been where you were 2 years ago, when my first husband was murdered in 1977. It breaks my heart to hear that anyone else, especially someone as sweet as you, has also been thru such a tragic turn in your life.
As Shellon said, anytime you need to talk, vent, whatever, please feel free to drop me a line. When she and I are in chat at the same time we run 'the widows club', it's a club we never want to see anyone else have to join, it's easy to see why, but all our love is there if you choose to stop in one night and talk. I've been busy lately with a lot of medical stuff from my various doctors, so don't get in every night as I used to, but try to stop in as often as I can. I'd love to say hi to you in real time.
I did post back during the TraceChat days, if you go back that far, using a different nickname. There is a chance you might know me by that if you had found that site or later on in Waydale. I can run it past you when we talk one day, I'd prefer not to post it openly, since I don't use it anymore and so much has changed since then. :)
It's good seeing you here again, you've been missed. Again I'm so sorry for your loss, I was only 19 when I became a widow and I'm 50 now. It still hurts when I think about it and I cry still every year on the anniversary of his passing. I moved on with my life though and God has always been there to give me one thing to smile or laugh at every day. I found it's the little things that help me keep moving on, I try not to be too caught up in something or myself and miss them daily. Not sure if that's your way or not, but it's what helps me and I thought I'd tell you. Soooo, welcome back to the cafe, grab a cup of coffee and settle in with us. :)
I was only 19 when I became a widow and I'm 50 now.
BB, You're a strong one. IMHO any woman who admits to being that old knows there are more important things that caring who knows. Life throws enough at us to get depressed about without letting getting older add to it. Whether or not you feel you have no choice, I'll bet you are one who knows how to take care of yourself. And without that, it's almost impossible to give much to others.
Maybe it doesnt mean as much for men, but I'm 56. And that will go up another notch before long.
Thank you so much for your kindness. I am overwhelmed. I will write more later, I just can't right now. I have so many thoughts going through my mind right now. sometimes, its odd and I have definately avoided talking to people who knew me and my husband. Knew me whent I was completely and utterly in love with this man. I adored him and miss him so much that it causes physical pain at times. AT times its hard to realize what happened. I am however, so very glad to be here again.
Again, thanks so much, you have no idea how much your kindness has touched my heart.
Take care of yourself. I just know you are a current and former poster, but I also know that behind the cyber posts, there is a real person who has hurts. I have no brilliant words of comfort. I try to imagine myself in your place and it helps, though people like BB obviously better how hard it is for you. I know words, even in cyberland, can still help or hurt, and I figure the best I can do now is add myself as one more who wants to see your life go well.
Dear Ophelia, please know my heart goes out to you, too. Although I'm a new poster (but an old greaser at heart) I send you hugs, which are most inadequate but are intended to comfort you.
So good to see you here and beginning a new life. So sorry to hear about your great loss but it appears you are working through it and are moving forward. Death is such a hard thing to deal with with someone who was such a great part of our life. My love to you, dear one.
Woah! Hang on here, Tempe? Adios was a Zonie at one time too? How totally cool, I'm in Phoenix now holding down the fort ... should any of you ever decide to come back. :) Remember, it's a *dry heat*, bwhahahahahaha. I'm still recovering after riding the 4.12 mile round trip to my GP doc and back home last Thursday on my mountain bike. LOL. It was actually a cool day too, only 100 out there.
I can't wait for winter to get here when it will be down to the 80's daytime. LOL. I better shut up now, before all of you above the mason dixon line start lobbing snow balls at me asap.
Here's just a shout out, to tell you that I love you. I cannot imagine the depths of heart that it has taken you to get through these challenges. I support you, I support you.
I hope that today is a good day for each and all of you.
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Well hello hello!
At least I'M still around but you know... lots of folks come and go. Your post made me think of folks I hadn't thought about for some time. Now stick around, you hear??
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I miss Orange Cat...
Where -o- where can our irreverant Cat be?
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Hiya Adios!! It is great to see you! How have you been? Where have you been?
Haven't seen GingerTea or Mandii in ages and ages. CoolWaters isn't around anymore either.
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Hello Yall,
So glad to hear from you. I know it might seem strange, but I got so use to seeing you all and I missed you!
Okay, there is something I have to say, its something I told Sudo already, and I know it will be asked, so here goes:
My husband died two years ago, he was killed, I will not say where, cause it was in the news, so anyway, I have had a lot of grief, a lot of counseling, a lot of crying and soul searching, so now I want slowly start my life again, to do things I use to enjoy and I did enjoy posting here.
Thank you for the warm welcome.
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I'm so sorry for you loss!
Welcome back to this bunch.
I'm glad you've had the counseling, done the lots of crying and soul searching, but if I can help from my own experience, I'd be happy to. My husband has been dead 10 years and the normal is new but the loss is still daily. If you don't need to talk, that's ok too! You've already learned to take care of you and do what you need to do, as it's unique.
Praying and thinking of you. :)
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Hi Adios!
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I've missed you also.
Great to see your font again. :)
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"Here's rosemary, that's for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember."
Ophelia is a perfect new name, given your situation.
I am so very, very sorry for your loss. You are very wise to be getting counselling and doing what needs to be done to heal. Please pm me if there's absolutely anything that I can do for you. You sound like a strong and determined person. I thought that your posts as AdiosMiCorazon were wise and uplifting, and am glad to see you here again.
Welcome back, welcome back.
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No doubt your journey has been rough of late. It's good to see you. I hope you get loads and bunches of comfort and friendship, here or anywhere for that matter.
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Great to see you again (((Ophelia))) I remember you fondly. I am so very sorry for your difficult time.
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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. May God continually comfort year heart and heal it. You are always welcome here. It's great to see you back. I've changed names a few times since you've been here. I started as Wayferlookin (when I was still an innie), then I went to WayferNot!, and now I'm just Nottawayfer.
Mandii has not posted for YEARS. I have her email, and I drop her a line every once in awhile.
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I too am sorry for your loss. I replied to you in the thread about what we do for relaxing where we both posted about knitting.
Anyway, welcome back.
Maybe we can share knitting patterns or something!!!
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Thank you so much for your kindness. I am overwhelmed. I will write more later, I just can't right now. I have so many thoughts going through my mind right now. sometimes, its odd and I have definately avoided talking to people who knew me and my husband. Knew me whent I was completely and utterly in love with this man. I adored him and miss him so much that it causes physical pain at times. AT times its hard to realize what happened. I am however, so very glad to be here again.
Again, thanks so much, you have no idea how much your kindness has touched my heart.
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I am truly sorry for your loss.
I still "pop"in from time to time. It is good to "see" you again.
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ohmygod my dear adios, your heart
i don't even know what to say
all my love,ex
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there isn't enough bandwidth to give you all the hugs (((((((((((((((((((((((((( ophelia ))))))))))))))))))) i want to give you
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I'm so sorry I missed this when you first posted. I know you, but I didn't start posting till recently, so I doubt you would know me. What you know about me and don't realize is my pain, I'm sorry to say I've been where you were 2 years ago, when my first husband was murdered in 1977. It breaks my heart to hear that anyone else, especially someone as sweet as you, has also been thru such a tragic turn in your life.
As Shellon said, anytime you need to talk, vent, whatever, please feel free to drop me a line. When she and I are in chat at the same time we run 'the widows club', it's a club we never want to see anyone else have to join, it's easy to see why, but all our love is there if you choose to stop in one night and talk. I've been busy lately with a lot of medical stuff from my various doctors, so don't get in every night as I used to, but try to stop in as often as I can. I'd love to say hi to you in real time.
I did post back during the TraceChat days, if you go back that far, using a different nickname. There is a chance you might know me by that if you had found that site or later on in Waydale. I can run it past you when we talk one day, I'd prefer not to post it openly, since I don't use it anymore and so much has changed since then. :)
It's good seeing you here again, you've been missed. Again I'm so sorry for your loss, I was only 19 when I became a widow and I'm 50 now. It still hurts when I think about it and I cry still every year on the anniversary of his passing. I moved on with my life though and God has always been there to give me one thing to smile or laugh at every day. I found it's the little things that help me keep moving on, I try not to be too caught up in something or myself and miss them daily. Not sure if that's your way or not, but it's what helps me and I thought I'd tell you. Soooo, welcome back to the cafe, grab a cup of coffee and settle in with us. :)
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My heart goes out to all of you who have lost a loved one in such a tragic way. Hugs to you all.
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Lifted Up
BB, You're a strong one. IMHO any woman who admits to being that old
knows there are more important things that caring who knows. Life throws enough at us to get depressed about without letting getting older add to it. Whether or not you feel you have no choice, I'll bet you are one who knows how to take care of yourself. And without that, it's almost impossible to give much to others.
Maybe it doesnt mean as much for men, but I'm 56. And that will go up another notch before long.
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Lifted Up
Take care of yourself. I just know you are a current and former poster, but I also know that behind the cyber posts, there is a real person who has hurts. I have no brilliant words of comfort. I try to imagine myself in your place and it helps, though people like BB obviously better how hard it is for you. I know words, even in cyberland, can still help or hurt, and I figure the best I can do now is add myself as one more who wants to see your life go well.
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Dear Ophelia, please know my heart goes out to you, too. Although I'm a new poster (but an old greaser at heart) I send you hugs, which are most inadequate but are intended to comfort you.
Peace to you.
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Ah, dear sweet Adios ~
So good to see you here and beginning a new life. So sorry to hear about your great loss but it appears you are working through it and are moving forward. Death is such a hard thing to deal with with someone who was such a great part of our life. My love to you, dear one.
Much love,
(from your Tempe days)
aka, Jardinero
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Woah! Hang on here, Tempe? Adios was a Zonie at one time too? How totally cool, I'm in Phoenix now holding down the fort ... should any of you ever decide to come back. :) Remember, it's a *dry heat*, bwhahahahahaha. I'm still recovering after riding the 4.12 mile round trip to my GP doc and back home last Thursday on my mountain bike. LOL. It was actually a cool day too, only 100 out there.
I can't wait for winter to get here when it will be down to the 80's daytime. LOL. I better shut up now, before all of you above the mason dixon line start lobbing snow balls at me asap.
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Really Mandii
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Ophelia, BikerBabe, Shellon:
Here's just a shout out, to tell you that I love you. I cannot imagine the depths of heart that it has taken you to get through these challenges. I support you, I support you.
I hope that today is a good day for each and all of you.
Love, niKa
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