What are you doing here? This place is not good. And I don't think you need me to tell you that. What are you doing here?
There are better things for you to do than come to this place. Followers of Jesus Christ, be loving and tender, and walk in the ways of Jesus Christ. This place is not your home, and there are better things for you to do.
Healing the brokenhearted, preaching deliverance to captives, helping the blind recover their sight, setting at liberty the bruised, breaking the bonds of wickedness, and letting the oppressed go free . What are you doing here?
This place is not good. And I don't think you need me to tell you that.
Of course this place is good, and no, we don't need for you to tell us that. In this wonderful Cafe, we shine the light into the dark places The Way International would rather remained hidden. We open the windows and air out the dank smell of the lies forced on us by the Way International.
In the booths and on the barstools, you will find a variety of folks who can testify to the healing they have found here when they discovered they were not alone, and the chains with which The Way International had bound them fell to the ground, along with the scales from their eyes, and lo and behold, our tongues were loosed! You will find people who finally found their voice and their freedom, and are willing to concede neither to anyone anymore.
What are you doing here?
See above
There are better things for you to do than come to this place.
We enjoy it, and can't think of anything better to do than to TELL THE TRUTH. We hope you will learn to enjoy it, too.
Followers of Jesus Christ, be loving and tender, and walk in the ways of Jesus Christ.
Luke 4:18.
This place is not your home
I dunno. Paw lets us get pretty comfortable here. He just has a few rules, like no feet on the counter, and keep your hands off the waitresses. Be understanding of the help. And, it's nice to tip them once in a while.
and there are better things for you to do.
I dunno, can't think of anything greater than TO SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE.
and the day you come in there to tell me where I should eat while I'm trying to snack on a finger-lickin'-good original recipe basket is the day I tell you to take a bath and no, I do not have spare change.
What are you doing here? This place is not good. And I don't think you need me to tell you that. What are you doing here?
There are better things for you to do than come to this place. Followers of Jesus Christ, be loving and tender, and walk in the ways of Jesus Christ. This place is not your home, and there are better things for you to do.
Welcome to Grease Spot, Ephesians 4:32, and thank you for the blessing – but I have to ask…What are you doing here? Your advice is not good. And do you really think you should be telling people what they should do? Are you a TWI sympathizer – criticizing GSC, a place that is all for setting the captives free!
GSC folks cover a broad spectrum of beliefs. I for one happen to be a Christian and strive to please my Lord. When it comes to folks who want to be healed and understand more about the poisonous power of TWI – I am loving and tender. When it comes to folks who get on GSC to stir up trouble by whitewashing TWI's hypocrisy, predatory legacy and unchristian viewpoint – I confront them – they are in violation of the ways of Jesus Christ…Now – which group of folks are you in – so I now how to address you in the future.
Ephesians, pardon me, but just who in the heck are YOU to deny great healing and good that God almighty has accomplished for so many many people here on these boards???
There are people here that have been in the trenches for years assisting the beaten and bloodied refugees from twi.
It offends me that you would presume to not only deny his goodness, but attempt to lead people AWAY from the comfort and healing to be found here.
I don`t think that your admonition was Godly at all.
Welcome to the Spot! Congratulations! Most new folks lurk for a while and read whats available here then decide what to do with the information. Some folks decide to open a can of worms and see what falls out...but you my friend have opened a bag of scorpions.
So did you read anything here before you decided to post or did you just throw that out there to see what kind of response you would get?
I at least lurked for a while and read everything before I opened my big mouth. Now they can't get me to shut up....
Ephesians 4:32: Hi, welcome. I understand where you're coming from. This can be a hostile place to those who still respect what TWI taught them. It can be exactly what Eph. 4:32 is NOT. If you stay and continue to post they'll call you a troll or a Wierwille sympathizer/apologist; if you don't post anymore they'll call you a drive by poster. Either way they put you on the defensive and pressure you to apologize for your beliefs. Like Bob Dylan says, "everybody must get stoned!"
I come here because...
1) the positive aspects of being able to freely communicate with other exway people here (up to this point) outweigh the negative aspects of having to read what I consider to be stupidity a lot.
2) the moderators haven't kicked me out yet.
Thank you for posting your message. What you posted is a perfectly legitimate option for anyone to consider. Not appreciated by all, but perfectly legitimate. God bless you.
the negative aspects of having to read what I consider to be stupidity a lot.
Been re-reading your own posts again?
2) the moderators haven't kicked me out yet.
Why would the moderators kick you out? Would getting kicked out confirm your martyr status?
What you posted is a perfectly legitimate option for anyone to consider. Not appreciated by all, but perfectly legitimate. God bless you.
That's right. Anyone can have an opinion. Anyone can post that opinion. Anyone else can disagree with it.
If you stay and continue to post they'll call you a troll or a Wierwille sympathizer/apologist
Or if you change your mind and post something negative johniam will call your posting "stupidity" - or maybe a newer newbie will criticize you for being here
Either way they put you on the defensive and pressure you to apologize for your beliefs
Which is a lot better than criticizing us for our beliefs Edited by Oakspear
What are you doing here? This place is not good. And I don't think you need me to tell you that. What are you doing here?
If you are asking, what am I doing here, in my current physical location, I'm typing. At a keyboard.
ah, but what am I really doing..
I'm trying to pick up the pieces after wasting years in a destructive organization..
I'm picking up my life where I left off over twenty years ago, going back to college, trying to help myself, loved ones and others in my community.
Maybe learning how to value others, basing their true worth on other parameters than what kind of resources they can bring to a particular organization.
I think you misread the sign. This is the Greasespot Cafe. If you're looking for the Pretentious, Self-righteous, Smarmy-Religiosity Cafe, that's down the road a piece.
Agape love is a wonderful thing. I can truly say that, even though I don't "know" you that I "agape" you since you are my brother or sister, a child of Heavenly Father. That isn't to say I will always agree with or like what you say--but I welcome you here.
What are you doing here? This place is not good. And I don't think you need me to tell you that. What are you doing here?
I am here beause I first started posting on the old Waydale. It was there that I finally faced and came to grips with all the pain I suffered during my involvement with TWI. Pain that was emotional, physical and spiritual.
There is a vast difference in any biblical truths that were imparted in TWI and the actual behaviors of certain leadership and followers in their ability, or lack thereof, in following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. It is this dicotomy that I come here to address, to help others come to a place where the pain they may have experienced is lessened. In doing so I have made friends that I can enjoy "talking" to on a variety of subjects, have reconnected with old friends, and met others face -to-face.
Expanding one's understanding of ANY subject, expanding your circle of friends, learning to respectfully disagree with varying viewpoints, learning to critically examine an issue from all points of view are valuable life skills.
These are reasons I come here.
If your belief that this is not a good place to be comes from a belief, on your part, that any site which challenges the teachings of TWI etal HAS TO bad-- I would challenge you to take the time to read and see the other side of the picture-- Truth can ALWAYS face and stand up to contrary viewpoints it is fallacy which crumbles in the face of challenge.
There are better things for you to do than come to this place. Followers of Jesus Christ, be loving and tender, and walk in the ways of Jesus Christ. This place is not your home, and there are better things for you to do.
There is NEVER anything better to do than telling the truth.
Jesus Christ was not always loving and tender in the physical realm. There is a vast vast difference between having agape love toward all children of Heavenly Father in the spritual realm and being loving and tender in the physical realm towards the sins of the world.
Driving the money changers from the temple with a whip was not perceived by the people that whip hit, as their monies fell to the ground under overturned tables, as being either loving or tender.
The sermons and parables that Christ taught were not percieved as loving and tender by those whose sins were exposed in the telling.
THe disciples did not perceive lovng tenderness when Christ rebuked them. Look at Peter after the cock crowed--loving tenderness was not the emotion he felt then or when he was first told it would happen.
Heavenly Father does not expect us to gloss over the truth or avoid facing sin by claiming it is negative to do so. He expects us to stand tall and boldly state the truth--no matter who is offended no matter where the chips land.
As for this not being my home--Nowhere on earth is my HOME. This is merely the testing ground I must tread before going HOME to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. While I sojourn on this earth, in anticipation of that day, there are far far worse places I could spend a part of my time than here.
Prosecutor: The people call as an expert witness, Mr. Waybuh E. Leever.
Defense counsel: Your honor, I renew my objection to this witness...there is no...
Prosecutor: Your honor, this man is a graduate of the Advanced class on Power for abundant living and he has coordinated a fellowship in his home for ten years.
Judge: The objection is overruled; the witness may testify.
Prosecutor: Mr. Leever, how did you become acquainted with the defendant?
Witness: My fellowship was out witnessing in the mall, and I'd seen him several other times we'd done that, so I decided to witness to him.
Prosecutor: Could you please tell the court exactly what this involves?
Witness: Yes. We go talk to people about Jesus Christ; we bear witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Usually, this will involve telling people what good things have happened to us as a result of being a follower of Jesus Christ.
Prosecutor: OK, so what happened when you witnessed to the defendant?
Witness: I immediately perceived that there was something amiss. It wasn't me; it was spiritual. I knew there was something dangerous about this guy.
Prosecutor: Could you please explain that?
Defense counsel: Your HONOR! This is ABSURD! What could possibly be "spiritual" about...
Judge: ORDER! (bangs gavel) This witness may testify; no more outbursts, counsellor!
Witness: God was giving me revelation that the man was dangerous; I didn't know anything more specific than that at first, but it was very clear.
Prosecutor: Thank you. Did you see the defendant after that night?
Witness: Yes, he came to fellowship at my home the next evening.
Prosecutor: You let him in your home after God, uh, showed you he was dangerous?
Witness: Well, I couldn't just send him away; our fellowships are open to the public. Besides, he hadn't done anything wrong and we've had many instances of troubled people coming to fellowship and eventually getting healed and delivered of many things.
Prosecutor: But you were wary of him?
Witness: Yes, that's right.
Prosecutor: Did anything unusual happen with this guy at the fellowship?
Witness: He didn't seem to respond much to what was being presented, but after a few minutes he seemed to be looking at one of the young teenage boys.
Prosecutor: What did you do?
Witness: Nothing at first, but it bothered me. I watched him for the rest of the time he was there, then later that night I called my branch leader and asked him what I should do.
Prosecutor: What did he say?
Defense counsel: Sidebar, your honor. (defense counsel and prosecutor approach the bench) This is extremely prejudicial, your honor; it's just hearsay. Where is this going?
Prosecutor: I'm just about through with this witness, your honor.
Judge: Make it quick, counsellor. (waves them away)
Prosecutor: Now, what did your branch leader tell you.
Witness: He said, "I don't know; ask God."
Prosecutor: So what did you do?
Witness: Well, I prayed about it, and he came back to fellowship a week later and basically did the same thing, so I confronted him about it privately and he got offended and left. I didn't see him again until approximately three weeks later when I saw in the paper that he'd been accused of sexually assaulting the two eight year old children.
Prosecutor: But this man has attended church all his life. He was born in a Christian household. How does something like this happen?
Witness: Well, he may look well groomed right now sitting there in that three piece suit, but he has unclean spirits; spirits of lust, strife, lying, and several others. They follow him wherever he goes. He needs help bad. He should not be allowed around women and children without supervision.
Prosecutor: No more questions; your witness.
Pretty comical, eh? Just for one week I'd like to see what would happen if these expert witnesses were revered above psychologists. That would be interesting.
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where IS my home ?
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And here is yet one more person trying to tell me what to do with my life. I guess my MBA and 136 IQ disqualifies me from thinking for myself.
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Thanks. It's nice to be loved.
Healing the brokenhearted, preaching deliverance to captives, helping the blind recover their sight, setting at liberty the bruised, breaking the bonds of wickedness, and letting the oppressed go free . What are you doing here?
Of course this place is good, and no, we don't need for you to tell us that. In this wonderful Cafe, we shine the light into the dark places The Way International would rather remained hidden. We open the windows and air out the dank smell of the lies forced on us by the Way International.
In the booths and on the barstools, you will find a variety of folks who can testify to the healing they have found here when they discovered they were not alone, and the chains with which The Way International had bound them fell to the ground, along with the scales from their eyes, and lo and behold, our tongues were loosed! You will find people who finally found their voice and their freedom, and are willing to concede neither to anyone anymore.
See above
We enjoy it, and can't think of anything better to do than to TELL THE TRUTH. We hope you will learn to enjoy it, too.
Luke 4:18.
I dunno. Paw lets us get pretty comfortable here. He just has a few rules, like no feet on the counter, and keep your hands off the waitresses. Be understanding of the help. And, it's nice to tip them once in a while.
I dunno, can't think of anything greater than TO SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE.
Welcome to the Cafe, Ephesians.
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Kentucky Fried Chicken is not my home.
And it's not good for me.
and the day you come in there to tell me where I should eat while I'm trying to snack on a finger-lickin'-good original recipe basket is the day I tell you to take a bath and no, I do not have spare change.
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Hello Ephesians 4:32.
How old is the earth?
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polar bear
Why did you join if you think this is not a good place?
You haven't taken the time to get involved, but are quick to judge.
Doesn't sound like you understand love much.
I think people are involved here because they do feel loved.
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Welcome to Grease Spot, Ephesians 4:32, and thank you for the blessing – but I have to ask…What are you doing here? Your advice is not good. And do you really think you should be telling people what they should do? Are you a TWI sympathizer – criticizing GSC, a place that is all for setting the captives free!
GSC folks cover a broad spectrum of beliefs. I for one happen to be a Christian and strive to please my Lord. When it comes to folks who want to be healed and understand more about the poisonous power of TWI – I am loving and tender. When it comes to folks who get on GSC to stir up trouble by whitewashing TWI's hypocrisy, predatory legacy and unchristian viewpoint – I confront them – they are in violation of the ways of Jesus Christ…Now – which group of folks are you in – so I now how to address you in the future.
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Did you want to sit down and order up the blue plate special, Ephesians, or was that order to go?
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Ephesians, pardon me, but just who in the heck are YOU to deny great healing and good that God almighty has accomplished for so many many people here on these boards???
There are people here that have been in the trenches for years assisting the beaten and bloodied refugees from twi.
It offends me that you would presume to not only deny his goodness, but attempt to lead people AWAY from the comfort and healing to be found here.
I don`t think that your admonition was Godly at all.
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Could it be that you haven`t seen God or his goodness here because you simply neglected to look before you started casting accusations?
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Welcome to the Spot! Congratulations! Most new folks lurk for a while and read whats available here then decide what to do with the information. Some folks decide to open a can of worms and see what falls out...but you my friend have opened a bag of scorpions.
So did you read anything here before you decided to post or did you just throw that out there to see what kind of response you would get?
I at least lurked for a while and read everything before I opened my big mouth. Now they can't get me to shut up....
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Ephesians 4:32: Hi, welcome. I understand where you're coming from. This can be a hostile place to those who still respect what TWI taught them. It can be exactly what Eph. 4:32 is NOT. If you stay and continue to post they'll call you a troll or a Wierwille sympathizer/apologist; if you don't post anymore they'll call you a drive by poster. Either way they put you on the defensive and pressure you to apologize for your beliefs. Like Bob Dylan says, "everybody must get stoned!"
I come here because...
1) the positive aspects of being able to freely communicate with other exway people here (up to this point) outweigh the negative aspects of having to read what I consider to be stupidity a lot.
2) the moderators haven't kicked me out yet.
Thank you for posting your message. What you posted is a perfectly legitimate option for anyone to consider. Not appreciated by all, but perfectly legitimate. God bless you.
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If you are asking, what am I doing here, in my current physical location, I'm typing. At a keyboard.
ah, but what am I really doing..
I'm trying to pick up the pieces after wasting years in a destructive organization..
I'm picking up my life where I left off over twenty years ago, going back to college, trying to help myself, loved ones and others in my community.
Maybe learning how to value others, basing their true worth on other parameters than what kind of resources they can bring to a particular organization.
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George Aar
Hey there Eph. 4,
I think you misread the sign. This is the Greasespot Cafe. If you're looking for the Pretentious, Self-righteous, Smarmy-Religiosity Cafe, that's down the road a piece.
Bon Apetit...
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Here ya go
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Agape love is a wonderful thing. I can truly say that, even though I don't "know" you that I "agape" you since you are my brother or sister, a child of Heavenly Father. That isn't to say I will always agree with or like what you say--but I welcome you here.
I am here beause I first started posting on the old Waydale. It was there that I finally faced and came to grips with all the pain I suffered during my involvement with TWI. Pain that was emotional, physical and spiritual.
There is a vast difference in any biblical truths that were imparted in TWI and the actual behaviors of certain leadership and followers in their ability, or lack thereof, in following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. It is this dicotomy that I come here to address, to help others come to a place where the pain they may have experienced is lessened. In doing so I have made friends that I can enjoy "talking" to on a variety of subjects, have reconnected with old friends, and met others face -to-face.
Expanding one's understanding of ANY subject, expanding your circle of friends, learning to respectfully disagree with varying viewpoints, learning to critically examine an issue from all points of view are valuable life skills.
These are reasons I come here.
If your belief that this is not a good place to be comes from a belief, on your part, that any site which challenges the teachings of TWI etal HAS TO bad-- I would challenge you to take the time to read and see the other side of the picture-- Truth can ALWAYS face and stand up to contrary viewpoints it is fallacy which crumbles in the face of challenge.
There is NEVER anything better to do than telling the truth.
Jesus Christ was not always loving and tender in the physical realm. There is a vast vast difference between having agape love toward all children of Heavenly Father in the spritual realm and being loving and tender in the physical realm towards the sins of the world.
Driving the money changers from the temple with a whip was not perceived by the people that whip hit, as their monies fell to the ground under overturned tables, as being either loving or tender.
The sermons and parables that Christ taught were not percieved as loving and tender by those whose sins were exposed in the telling.
THe disciples did not perceive lovng tenderness when Christ rebuked them. Look at Peter after the cock crowed--loving tenderness was not the emotion he felt then or when he was first told it would happen.
Heavenly Father does not expect us to gloss over the truth or avoid facing sin by claiming it is negative to do so. He expects us to stand tall and boldly state the truth--no matter who is offended no matter where the chips land.
As for this not being my home--Nowhere on earth is my HOME. This is merely the testing ground I must tread before going HOME to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. While I sojourn on this earth, in anticipation of that day, there are far far worse places I could spend a part of my time than here.
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another spot
(There is a moral (ok just a point) to this story):
Spouse: I just f*arted in your presence.
Me: Stop that. It makes me mad when you f*art in my presents.
A few days later, I became more enlightened. “Progressive revelation.”
Me: You know, f*art is just art with an “f” in front…
Now I am an art critic.
Nevermind. I’ll just throw the slimy tomatoes at myself…
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Mstar: Thanks for the link. That site is just as funny as Landover Baptist.
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I appreciate the love-bombing.
But not having heard back from you, I fear that it might turn out that you were a suicide love-bomber.
Please let us know that you're doing okay, and everything's cool with you.
If not, grab a sackcloth and join us here at the ash pile.
There's always room for one more.
You need not suffer alone.
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Judge: The people may call their next witness.
Prosecutor: The people call as an expert witness, Mr. Waybuh E. Leever.
Defense counsel: Your honor, I renew my objection to this witness...there is no...
Prosecutor: Your honor, this man is a graduate of the Advanced class on Power for abundant living and he has coordinated a fellowship in his home for ten years.
Judge: The objection is overruled; the witness may testify.
Prosecutor: Mr. Leever, how did you become acquainted with the defendant?
Witness: My fellowship was out witnessing in the mall, and I'd seen him several other times we'd done that, so I decided to witness to him.
Prosecutor: Could you please tell the court exactly what this involves?
Witness: Yes. We go talk to people about Jesus Christ; we bear witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Usually, this will involve telling people what good things have happened to us as a result of being a follower of Jesus Christ.
Prosecutor: OK, so what happened when you witnessed to the defendant?
Witness: I immediately perceived that there was something amiss. It wasn't me; it was spiritual. I knew there was something dangerous about this guy.
Prosecutor: Could you please explain that?
Defense counsel: Your HONOR! This is ABSURD! What could possibly be "spiritual" about...
Judge: ORDER! (bangs gavel) This witness may testify; no more outbursts, counsellor!
Witness: God was giving me revelation that the man was dangerous; I didn't know anything more specific than that at first, but it was very clear.
Prosecutor: Thank you. Did you see the defendant after that night?
Witness: Yes, he came to fellowship at my home the next evening.
Prosecutor: You let him in your home after God, uh, showed you he was dangerous?
Witness: Well, I couldn't just send him away; our fellowships are open to the public. Besides, he hadn't done anything wrong and we've had many instances of troubled people coming to fellowship and eventually getting healed and delivered of many things.
Prosecutor: But you were wary of him?
Witness: Yes, that's right.
Prosecutor: Did anything unusual happen with this guy at the fellowship?
Witness: He didn't seem to respond much to what was being presented, but after a few minutes he seemed to be looking at one of the young teenage boys.
Prosecutor: What did you do?
Witness: Nothing at first, but it bothered me. I watched him for the rest of the time he was there, then later that night I called my branch leader and asked him what I should do.
Prosecutor: What did he say?
Defense counsel: Sidebar, your honor. (defense counsel and prosecutor approach the bench) This is extremely prejudicial, your honor; it's just hearsay. Where is this going?
Prosecutor: I'm just about through with this witness, your honor.
Judge: Make it quick, counsellor. (waves them away)
Prosecutor: Now, what did your branch leader tell you.
Witness: He said, "I don't know; ask God."
Prosecutor: So what did you do?
Witness: Well, I prayed about it, and he came back to fellowship a week later and basically did the same thing, so I confronted him about it privately and he got offended and left. I didn't see him again until approximately three weeks later when I saw in the paper that he'd been accused of sexually assaulting the two eight year old children.
Prosecutor: But this man has attended church all his life. He was born in a Christian household. How does something like this happen?
Witness: Well, he may look well groomed right now sitting there in that three piece suit, but he has unclean spirits; spirits of lust, strife, lying, and several others. They follow him wherever he goes. He needs help bad. He should not be allowed around women and children without supervision.
Prosecutor: No more questions; your witness.
Pretty comical, eh? Just for one week I'd like to see what would happen if these expert witnesses were revered above psychologists. That would be interesting.
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Jesus and Satan were having an on-going argument about who was
better on the computer. They had been going at it for days, and frankly
God was tired of hearing all the bickering.
Finally fed up, God said, "THAT'S IT! I have had enough. I am
going to set up a test that will run for two hours, and from those
results, I will judge who does the better job."
So Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and typed away.
They moused.
They faxed.
They e-mailed.
They e-mailed with attachments.
They downloaded.
They did spreadsheets!
They! wrote reports.
They created labels and cards.
They created charts and graphs.
They did some genealogy reports
They did every job known to man from computer software.
Jesus worked with heavenly efficiency and Satan was lightning
Then, ten minutes before their time was up, lightning suddenly
flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, rain poured, and, of course, the
power went off.
Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse word
known in the underworld.
Jesus just sighed.
Finally the electricity came back on, and each of them restarted
their computers. Satan started searching frantically, screaming:
"It's gone! It's all GONE! "I lost everything when the power
went out!"
Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all of his files
from the past two hours of work.
Satan observed this and became irate.
"Wait!" he screamed. "That's not fair! He cheated! How come he
has all his work and I don't have any?"
God just shrugged and said,
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