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Speed Dating


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I was reading the local newspaper yesterday and saw an advertizement on speed dating..Speed dating is a new form of mass interviews of selected singles that get together in local bars..You are given an interview sheet and you go to each table and sit down and get interviewed by your next possible"Dream Date"....wow..the men take turns as the interviewer and then they step away and the women take a seat individualy at the tables to interview the men..

This sounds so out there..I would do it for fun...

what do you think?

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I've never tried it, but I love the idea. On the dates I've been on, it doesn't take that long to figure out if this is someone you would like to get to know better, or someone you'd like to walk away from. If it's the latter, on a conventional date you are stuck making small talk for hours, and having to graciously say "no, I don't want to see you again". Speed dating seems both practical and fun.

If you do it, please let us know what you think afterward!

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  likeaneagle said:
other than the normal questions that would be asked...what type of question would one ask to deeper reveal the personality..

Even though you probably can get a fairly reasonable first impression in a five minute interview, I doubt you'd get much of the genuine insight that only time can provide you on how well they handle/cope with stresses and challenges of everyday life.

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  excathedra said:
i'm speechless

well almost, do they have men dolls

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h aha

~EX~ After 15.869 million postings...Speechless?? :biglaugh:

I'll look around for what you're looking for! Any particular SIZE?@! :biglaugh:

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  doojable said:
ANYONE can make themselves look good for five minutes...

I guess all that time would tell you is if you'd want to spend an hour with the person.

That's exactly my point... if I can't stomach the first five minutes with you, I'd rather not spend an hour or two with you. But, if I like you well enough in the first five minutes, then, yes... let's make a lunch date and talk some more.

I don't think you should ask anything too deep at a speed dating session. I've always assumed it was a lot more about that immediate "click" or "eeewww" you get with someone.

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  TheHighWay said:
That's exactly my point... if I can't stomach the first five minutes with you, I'd rather not spend an hour or two with you. But, if I like you well enough in the first five minutes, then, yes... let's make a lunch date and talk some more.

Aaaaahh, but you may be judging the book by its' cover? & Who pays for the lunch?

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To me, judging a book by its cover would be walking past someone and making a snap judgement without even saying a word.

A five minute chat isn't judging a book by its cover, it's reading the cover jacket and maybe even the introduction; looking at the chapter titles; reading a random paragraph. Much information can be gathered in just those few moments: what is the subject of the book? the intent of the author? the style of art accompanying the story? is it a mystery, comedy, drama? is it modern or set in the future or past?

Speed dating might tell you: do you like the way the person conducts themselves with others? do they look and smell clean? what do they want to talk about? what do they find interesting? do they engage you in the conversation or just talk about themself? do they have kids? pets? a job? do they have a sense of humor?

Just these few bits of info can tell you if five minutes is all you care to spend with the person, or if you'd like to get to know them better. Just like flipping through a book tells you if you want to put it back on the shelf or check it out of the library.

I repeat: I like the idea. I'd love to hear some peoples' real life experiences with it.

Who pays for lunch? And doesn't that tell you something about the person as well? (lol)

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A bit of a sidetrack, but "speed dating" is showing up in movies and TV shows. The scene in "The Forty Year Old Virgin" was pretty funny.

In an episode of "Psych" (new TV show on USA Network), a scam artist used it to get likely passwords: "Oh, you have a dog, too? What's his name?" "I'm half-German. My mother's maiden name was Weiss. How about yours?" etc. I hadn't thought of that, before. Be careful not to give away information like that. At least until a real date! :biglaugh:


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  George Aar said:
"The man, who says he has had sex with five women but prefers the dolls, is one of a gradually increasing, though secretive, group of Japanese men who have given up on women."

Hmmm, makes sense to me...

Just think of the benefits...no lying, no cheating, they never ask for money, they're always at home waiting for you, they never nag, they never complain, they never have a "headache", you don't have to meet their family, you can put different colored wigs on them and call them by different names, and best of all...

...they never tie up the computer! :biglaugh:

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I might be a little weird, but does anyone out there besides me think there has to be some sort of chemistry, aka sexual attraction between two mates? Maybe it's different for guys, who can do it with anything but women seem to be a bit discriminating about who they have sex with.

It's not like a lottery like the old wayfers used to do and line up two unmarried believers cause according to the word you can marry anyone.

Yeah..............right. Especially if I'd rather french kiss my rott. Of course, people would pay money to see that too.

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