If you are a man, do not, in a public setting, take a woman's hand and put it on your pants in a bid to call attention to your erection. Ever.
If you are a man experiencing an erection in public, keep it to yourself. No one needs to know how "blessed" you are. If you are at a swing club, cool. If you are at CHURCH, remain seated. And if it lasts more than four hours, congratulations.
If you are a man, particularly a Bible instructor, the showing of pornography, particularly involving bestiality, is ALWAYS wrong. ALWAYS. At ALL times.
Call me a legalist.
Although I agree with your rules of etiquette raf, like I said in my post above -- we all say and do things that are inappropriate. Doing something innocently (without thinking) doesn't make it less inappropriate but, I wouldn't judge the man too harshly unless you have never said or done something (without thinking) inappropriate yourself.
At the end of the class a 70 something man took the hand of a 35 year old family corps woman and placed it on his pants where was an erection and calmly said to her, "Ain't had one of these in 20 years." He got some personal healing during the class and shared it with her and IT WAS NO BIG DEAL!!! That's what was beautiful: the atmosphere, not the pictures or the slang terms for body parts.
That's just gross and I think this topic should be CFS -- there are like over 1,000 posts in here.
If a man took a girl's hand and placed it on his genitals (even over pants) she should have kneed him right in the twins (or squeezed REALLY hard).
However, I can understand not knowing what to do in that situation -- poor, poor girl. This is just absurd.
Although I agree with your rules of etiquette raf, like I said in my post above -- we all say and do things that are inappropriate. Doing something innocently (without thinking) doesn't make it less inappropriate but, I wouldn't judge the man too harshly unless you have never said or done something (without thinking) inappropriate yourself.
Ok, I won't judge the man.
What I will judge is the expression that what he did was "beautiful." That wasn't a spur of the moment thought.
If you are a man experiencing an erection in public, keep it to yourself. No one needs to know how "blessed" you are. If you are at a swing club, cool. If you are at CHURCH, remain seated. And if it lasts more than four hours, congratulations.
Healing or no healing, miracle or no miracle, there's no excuse for what he did. And it wasn't beautiful, it was lecherous.
How are these things even arguable?
If you can't separate the two things then I guess there's no sense in "arguing" with you. I'm not defending the man's behavior. It WAS inappropriate imo. However, getting healed is a beautiful thing.
You're right about one thing though -- you are too legalistic.
There are some healings you just keep to yourself!
True, but who should be the judge of that? If I take that role and apply your thinking couldn't I declare that everyone who proclaims their healing as a result of getting out of TWI should keep their mouths shut?
Didn't Christ Jesus even tell some people to never tell -- and when they did there were consequences.
I know of only one example.
And, furthermore, that type of behavior is more appropriate for swingers -- not people going to a Christian Bible class on Sex.
I'm not arguing that the behavior was appropriate. I specifically stated it was not. The question is: What was in the man's heart? Was he hitting on the woman? Or did he just didn't think about what he was doing because he was besides himself with joy. I guess we'll never know for sure.
It never ceases to amaze me, the torturous logic people go through to justify the corruption of TWI.
A man who should know better takes a woman's hand and puts it on his pants to show off his erection, and we're supposed to excuse the behavior because the real point is being blessed that the man was healed. Holy cow! Are you flogging kidding me?
A minister of God shows bestiality porn, and we're supposed to be figuring out what beneficial purpose he must have had in mind for it. Shutthefrontdoor! This a joke?
Hey, here's my reason for VPW showing the bestiality porn. It's not because he was pushing bestiality. It was because HE GOT OFF ON IT. Think about it: it's the only reason that makes sense. There is no Christian reason to show such a thing (don't agree? fine: show it to your kids, and invite the cops to observe you doing it).
If this is legalism, I'm down for more of it. The licentiousness being shown by axcusing such abhorrent behavior is utterly despicable.
It never ceases to amaze my the torturous logic people go through to justify the corruption of TWI.
A man who should know better takes a woman's hand and puts it on his pants to show off his erection, and we're supposed to excuse the behavior because the real point is being blessed that the man was healed. Holy cow! Are you flogging kidding me?
A minister of God shows bestiality porn, and we're supposed to be figuring out what beneficial purpose he must have had in mind for it. Shutthefrontdoor! This a joke?
Hey, here's my reason for VPW showing the bestiality porn. It's not because he was pushing bestiality. It was because HE GOT OFF ON IT. Think about it: it's the only reason that makes sense. There is no Christian reason to show such a thing (don't agree? fine: show it to your kids, and invite the cops to observe you doing it).
If this is legalism, I'm down for more of it. The licentiousness being shown by axcusing such abhorrent behavior is utterly despicable.
Really, Larry, I have to go with Raf on this one. I cannot think of one excuse, short of dementia, that would explain how this could possibly simply be innocent and thoughtless. It shouldn't require thought at 70 years old, it should just be ingrained by then that such behavior is not appropriate.
I know, it sounds harsh and judgmental, and I certainly have no way of knowing the heart and mind of the man in question, but the entire scenario is simply beyond me. Add to that, I cannot imagine ANYONE getting healed by that class. I know, I am not God and do not always understand His ways, so I can leave open the notion that it is possible, I simply can't imagine it.
Would it have been just as "beautiful" if Mr. Erection had placed a man's hand on his pants (containing the erection), remarking that he hadn't had one of those in 20 years?
Would it have been just as "beautiful" if Mr. Erection had placed a man's hand on his pants (containing the erection), remarking that he hadn't had one of those in 20 years?
Oakspear, do you have me on ignore or did you just fail to see my post where I brought up the same question?
I may be mistaken but, I think what John was referring to was the man's healing being a beautiful thing.
Perhaps you are, perhaps you are not, Larry. In the end, only JohnIAm can clarify that. But again, what was the point of relaying the story itself? Would it not have been sufficient to say a man took the class and was healed of impotence? Was it really necessary to tell us about how he put this woman's hand on his pants so she could take note of his erection?
I've known JohnIAm as he presents himself around these forums for a long time now. I've also exchanged some rather pleasant and helpful emails with him in the past. One thing I am pretty certain of, he knew the reaction he would get by posting the story with the detail he did.
How many men "unthinkingly" put ladies hands on their pants to show them their erections?
Is this a pretty common occurence?
Seriously, is it?
I see men scratch their balls and adjust things, but don't see them going around putting other people's hands on that area to feel their erections.
In fact, most men are very protective of that area and do not allow strangers to touch it, nor put people's hands in that area, unless of course, they're getting ready to have sex.
For those calling this normal, beautiful or, hey, the guy just did it unthinkingly, and think this is just quite normal, what kind of crack are you smoking???? Unthinkingly??? Really, men just do this unthinkingly??
So, men, do you "unthinkingly" put strange womens' hands there to feel your erections?
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I still believe those few things, with one qualification. We were taught we didn't go to heaven "right away" as you put it. But they were rather vague about what happens in the end. I believe we do
Since leaving TWI, I have kind of devolved back almost to where my beliefs were just before getting into TWI. Although in my family we were raised Southern Baptist, we never believed Jesus was God.
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Larry N Moore
Although I agree with your rules of etiquette raf, like I said in my post above -- we all say and do things that are inappropriate. Doing something innocently (without thinking) doesn't make it less inappropriate but, I wouldn't judge the man too harshly unless you have never said or done something (without thinking) inappropriate yourself.
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That's just gross and I think this topic should be CFS -- there are like over 1,000 posts in here.
If a man took a girl's hand and placed it on his genitals (even over pants) she should have kneed him right in the twins (or squeezed REALLY hard).
However, I can understand not knowing what to do in that situation -- poor, poor girl. This is just absurd.
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Larry N Moore
That's NOT what John said the man did. If we're going to talk about inappropriate behavior at least get the facts correct.
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Ok, I won't judge the man.
What I will judge is the expression that what he did was "beautiful." That wasn't a spur of the moment thought.
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If it last more than five hours, call a doctor..
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Larry N Moore
I may be mistaken but, I think what John was referring to was the man's healing being a beautiful thing.
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True.. but we all don't exactly make a way of life out of it..
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Oh please, Larry.
Healing or no healing, miracle or no miracle, there's no excuse for what he did. And it wasn't beautiful, it was lecherous.
How are these things even arguable?
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Larry N Moore
Are you so sure? I might find some of your ways of living to be inappropriate (and likewise you might find mine are so).
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Larry N Moore
If you can't separate the two things then I guess there's no sense in "arguing" with you. I'm not defending the man's behavior. It WAS inappropriate imo. However, getting healed is a beautiful thing.
You're right about one thing though -- you are too legalistic.
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YEah, whatever.
Talk about no point arguing.
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biting lip, biting lip.. won't say..
What if mr. I am or another one of the guys was the class instructor..
and the old guy just wanted to give the guy in charge "hands on" proof of his "deliverance"..
I wonder how "beautiful" the moment would have been..
If he wore glasses.. it would have been black, blue, red and glass all over..

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There are some healings you just keep to yourself!
Didn't Christ Jesus even tell some people to never tell -- and when they did there were consequences.
And, furthermore, that type of behavior is more appropriate for swingers -- not people going to a Christian Bible class on Sex.
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Larry N Moore
True, but who should be the judge of that? If I take that role and apply your thinking couldn't I declare that everyone who proclaims their healing as a result of getting out of TWI should keep their mouths shut?
I know of only one example.I'm not arguing that the behavior was appropriate. I specifically stated it was not. The question is: What was in the man's heart? Was he hitting on the woman? Or did he just didn't think about what he was doing because he was besides himself with joy. I guess we'll never know for sure.
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It never ceases to amaze me, the torturous logic people go through to justify the corruption of TWI.
A man who should know better takes a woman's hand and puts it on his pants to show off his erection, and we're supposed to excuse the behavior because the real point is being blessed that the man was healed. Holy cow! Are you flogging kidding me?
A minister of God shows bestiality porn, and we're supposed to be figuring out what beneficial purpose he must have had in mind for it. Shutthefrontdoor! This a joke?
Hey, here's my reason for VPW showing the bestiality porn. It's not because he was pushing bestiality. It was because HE GOT OFF ON IT. Think about it: it's the only reason that makes sense. There is no Christian reason to show such a thing (don't agree? fine: show it to your kids, and invite the cops to observe you doing it).
If this is legalism, I'm down for more of it. The licentiousness being shown by axcusing such abhorrent behavior is utterly despicable.
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Larry N Moore
:) The horror of it all!!!!!!!
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Really, Larry, I have to go with Raf on this one. I cannot think of one excuse, short of dementia, that would explain how this could possibly simply be innocent and thoughtless. It shouldn't require thought at 70 years old, it should just be ingrained by then that such behavior is not appropriate.
I know, it sounds harsh and judgmental, and I certainly have no way of knowing the heart and mind of the man in question, but the entire scenario is simply beyond me. Add to that, I cannot imagine ANYONE getting healed by that class. I know, I am not God and do not always understand His ways, so I can leave open the notion that it is possible, I simply can't imagine it.
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Would it have been just as "beautiful" if Mr. Erection had placed a man's hand on his pants (containing the erection), remarking that he hadn't had one of those in 20 years?
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Larry N Moore
Oakspear, do you have me on ignore or did you just fail to see my post where I brought up the same question?
Abi, I'll respond to you in a bit.
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I don't have anybody on "ignore" - must have missed your mention of it. I just went back and found it 2 pages back.
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Perhaps you are, perhaps you are not, Larry. In the end, only JohnIAm can clarify that. But again, what was the point of relaying the story itself? Would it not have been sufficient to say a man took the class and was healed of impotence? Was it really necessary to tell us about how he put this woman's hand on his pants so she could take note of his erection?
I've known JohnIAm as he presents himself around these forums for a long time now. I've also exchanged some rather pleasant and helpful emails with him in the past. One thing I am pretty certain of, he knew the reaction he would get by posting the story with the detail he did.
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Well, let's ask the question here.
How many men "unthinkingly" put ladies hands on their pants to show them their erections?
Is this a pretty common occurence?
Seriously, is it?
I see men scratch their balls and adjust things, but don't see them going around putting other people's hands on that area to feel their erections.
In fact, most men are very protective of that area and do not allow strangers to touch it, nor put people's hands in that area, unless of course, they're getting ready to have sex.
For those calling this normal, beautiful or, hey, the guy just did it unthinkingly, and think this is just quite normal, what kind of crack are you smoking???? Unthinkingly??? Really, men just do this unthinkingly??
So, men, do you "unthinkingly" put strange womens' hands there to feel your erections?
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No I always think when I grab a woman's hand and show her I'm "in an excited state".
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