Personally, I look back at my time in twi as a waste of time...I am not a "has been"...I am a "Now is".
Come on now Groucho, I do not consider my whole life as a "has been". You took what I said out of context. The context of the statement I made was about someone saying to me that I could "get back in gear" as a minister again, and even more specifically about praying for or ministering healing. I am a "Now Is" guy too. :)
Come on now Groucho, I do not consider my whole life as a "has been". You took what I said out of context. The context of the statement I made was about someone saying to me that I could "get back in gear" as a minister again, and even more specifically about praying for or ministering healing. I am a "Now Is" guy too. :)
GrouchoMarxJr said:
Hey, if Jonny wants to consider himself a "has been", who are we to disagree?
All joking aside, to look back at your time with twi and to now consider yourself a "has been" because you no longer are doing what you did in very revealing in and of itself.
Personally, I look back at my time in twi as a waste of time...I am not a "has been"...I am a "Now is" life is better in every regard...financially, spiritually, mentally, etc, etc.
Jonny, I put these two side by side for a purpose. I know that Groucho was poking fun, but he also made a valid point.
I know that what Dot said to you resonated in me as well. When I left "The Mother Ship Nash" I felt freed. I was free to minister wherever and to whomever. (Excuse the bad grammar.)
No more branches, twigs, false divisions. My ministry was released (and I say that NOT as ordained clergy - because I wasn't - but a daughter of God that wanted to really serve.)
I see myself as "ministering where I'm at." There are no boundaries, no assignments, no nametags, no classes, no forms to fill out.
That makes every moment a "now" moment and the "good ole days" are the days I'm living right now - not sometime 30 plus years ago.
Come on now Groucho, I do not consider my whole life as a "has been". You took what I said out of context. The context of the statement I made was about someone saying to me that I could "get back in gear" as a minister again, and even more specifically about praying for or ministering healing. I am a "Now Is" guy too. :)
I didn't say that you considered your whole life as a "has been" comments were within the context that you were talking point was that being a "minister" in twi was bogus to begin with.
Suda your analysis should go into a new GreaseSpot category required reading before labeling anyone as a “pfal/twi/vpw” fan/lover/defender/apologist worshiper.
This is a similar argument to what WhiteDove gives later in the thread. From WhiteDove’s posts, I gather that he strongly believes the abuse happened, but cautions against the misuse of legal terms such as proof/verification/judgment with non-legal definitions.
Thank you Suda I just knew someone would get the point eventually I'll also add nor did I ever ask anyone to prove or for proof either just that there was only one side of the record on the table and it without the other was inconclusive for me to verify. What my personal opinion is or is not may differ but my opinion is not verifiable either.
Groucho how can you possibly disagree that (at least for) Deciderator "The Word and nothing but the Word" was what he took from PFAL?
You may NOT have taken that from PFAL but you can't say you disagree that that was what Deciderator took from it. Or do you disagree that his comment solicited negative reactions?
Again...this is NOT a Christian website...if you want to open your bible, go to church, twig or an actual Christian website
Sheesh! It may NOT be a "Christian website" but there sure is A LOT of discussion about Christianity and doctrinal matters -- even in a forum that's NOT suppose to cater to it. If you don't like it perhaps YOU should go somewhere else.
A major reason I have refrained from the all-out attack on Mr. Wierwille, Mr. Martindale and others is not because I idolize them.
I try (with varying success) not to make personal attacks on Christians because even the worst of them are God's children and stand righteous and holy without blame in love before Him.
To say otherwise is to commit idolatry by exalting my word above that of my heavenly Father.
So who says they are Christians?...holy and without blame? My bible says that we SHOULD be holy and without blame...unfortunately Mr. Wierwille and Mr. Martindale are/were NOT holy and were to blamed for the damage done to other people.
I refuse to sweep under the rug, the truth of what happened via religious platitudes.
That is more than a cliche or even a principle, there is also a lesson in it, especially for those who were loyal to a person or an organization.
That is the greatest lesson I took from PFAL, followed closely by the research principles.
Here's my story:
About '85 I met a couple of WOWs and began going to a twig here in Northern Virginia. I wasn't interested in joining anything, I just needed and wanted answers and wasn't getting them elsewhere.
The chap running the twig taught me well. Mostly it was material from the collaterals. He taught me what I needed to know and soon gave me a Strong's and I got to working the Word on my own.
I was getting answers and understanding and at times that teaching would ring like a bell.
It was 2 years before I took PFAL and by then I'd been taught it all and a bunch more.
John Lynn came down and there were branch and limb things going on, but I wasn't that interested so when changes were made they didn't affect me much.
I just wanted the Word, the Word and nothing but the Word.
I didn't view certain people as celebrities the way some did. Belonging to the right club wasn't something I was pursuing, either.
Later I realized that twig coordinator was protecting us from it all.
All I wanted to know was the Bible.
Time went by and the twig coordinator moved on and appointed me to takeover.
The branch and limb weren't too happy about that, but too bad.
I was the man for the job, period.
They weren't too happy with the way I filled out the blue ABS forms because I didn't say who gave what (unless it was a check). I eventually told the people in the twig the branch and limb wanted the details and how I just thought it was none of their business.
The guy who taught me also gave me a bunch of material taught by Chris Geer and a few others, but it was a while, just before he left, that he told me about the politics and upheaval going on.
I just stayed out of it and did my best to bless the twig and keep them out of it all as well and keep the focus on puting forth the light of the Word.
What was taking place wasn't blessing anyone nor was it making God's Word known.
Sometime in there I got to understand that the Word must not just be rightly divided academically in terms of the Bible, but it must also be rightly divided in terms of when and where and how it is presented. Imagine Peter and John teaching perfectly on the Return to the guy they healed.
What I was getting from the limb and branch was not helping me or my twig know God's Word. I did, however get blessed by Larry Panarello when he was there.
Then in 1990 they wanted us to make banners for the Rock and I put on that bad boy what I wanted people to read. It read "THE WORD! THE WORD! NOTHING BUT GOD'S WONDERFUL MATCHLESS WORD!" That was my message to HQ. Nothing more needed to be said.
It was put on display up there and soon after I went to the limb and branch and told them I was going to Gartmore for 6 weeks to get what they were no longer offering, and what I knew I needed to help me bless my twig.
I didn't quit.
I told them I would be happy to stay with them but noooooo, that just wouldn't do. I was hoping to stick around and maybe things would get better.
So I went to Gartmore and learned a lot and had a great time and met some wonderful people. I got the light I needed.
The twig had some people peel off to TWI and it was fine with me. In America we've got to be free to do as we want.
I still fellowship with some who I met at Gartmore and others I have met since then.
There were difficult times, but by concentrating on what was important - the Word, the Word and nothing but God's wonderful matchless Word, I was spared some of what others went through.
That twig coordinator who taught me wasn't perfect, none of us are. But he taught me to work the Word and not work the collaterals or anything else unlss I looked on them as just what one person worked which may or may not be in error.
There were some things that took me longer to understand and some things I did not agree with. But one of the things that has stuck with me that I'd like to share is something that twig coordinator used to say.
I'd go by his house and maybe want to tell hm about some ridiculous thing from the religious realm. Maybe something wrong a particular denomination or a tv preacher had said. He'd stop me and say,"Wait a minute. Is this going to bless me?"
Of course invariably the answer was no and he refused to listen to any more.
Focusing on darkness doesn't bring light andpicking on the errors of others only satisfies the ego.
As VP would say, That's right!
I haven't read where the church in Ephesus went around criticizing and arguing with and dwelling on the error of the worshippers of Diana. None of their wisecracking survives and if they disrupted meetings to "rescue" people from that cult, I am unaware of it.
No, the church grew and prospered and was blessed by focusing on the light.
They held forth the Word and taught it the best they could and those seeking the light found it.
I have always believed that if someone is really hungry that God will get someone to them to feed that hunger and they will leave darkness to come to the light.
I found this board by accident and it is my opinion that those who spend so much time and energy cracking on The Way and various individuals and what was published and in PFAL are largely spinning their wheels and feeding their ego more than anything else. Tha time and effort could be better spent holding forth the light of the Word and blessing God's people that way.
I believe the thing to do is concentrate on holding forth what is right and believing God to get you in front of those in the Way or any other outfit you think is in error.
Be confident in the Truth and be confident that God will help people get to it.
Here's one more thing I learned on the way to trust God to do - cover my eff-ups. I'm not relying on Him to do so - let me explain.
One time that really sticks out in my mind, I had taught something that was wrong - really wrong. I can't recall just what it was (and I'm not saying it was my only mistake), but later that day or the next I realized I had really pulled a boner.
I felt rotten and embarrassed.
So I got on the phone to everyone right away to tell them to scratch out what I had said in the middle of a teaching and to explain what I should have said and all.
Get this - not a one of them heard my mistake or wrote down the verse I had plopped in there wrongly or anything.
I don't know what took place other than about a half dozen people didn't hear what I said. It wasn't because I'm a boring teacher. I'm pretty good.
But there is a lesson here about God working to get His people the Truth.
I've looked around here and seen a bunch of what's been put out and I just don't see how it is profitable.
Why not just hold forth the Truth to the best of your abilities and trust God to get people to you who are hungry?
After all, the ones who aren't hungry for the Truth of God's Word you hold aren't going to listen anyhoodles.
I don't care if what I was taught was plagiarized from someone - hell, that chap probably stoled it from someone else for all I know.
All I want is God's Word, and if I hear it from VP Wierwille or L. Craig Martindale or Benny Hinn, I don't care because I'm not into the celebrity worship nor am I a good person because of the religious club I belong to.
And we make it worse when we hold them up like rock stars because that works against any inclination they may have to be a servant.
I am reminded of something that Chris Geer said on one of those History of the Mystery tapes. He said the church is still hurting from Barnabas going astray and I believe people are stil hurting over events of the last 25 years. In the six weeks I was at Gartmore I never heard Geer, Townsend or any of the others make cracks about what was going on and in fellowship with the other 40 students it wasn't discussed either, at least not in my earshot. I recall being a little frustrated because there was a question or two I had. What happened when I asked or tried to broach the topic was the light of th Word was held forth, and not on that topic, either. I didn't need to know any of that stuff and I don't have a need to read these documents and other stuff posted here.
Slinging tomatoes just makes it worse, no matter how much cause you have to do so.
There is only one thing to do, and that is to get back to
I pulled up Deciderator's post just so that we all know the context he put it in.
I won't credit TWI with a lot of the good in this post. I will say that there were some really, really good people in "Cid's" life during that time.
Deciderator - God took care of you and your heart. I know you say "The Word, the Word and Nothing but The Word," - but from where I stand, I'd be saying, "God is God and Jesus is Lord."
It's more than "The Word." You gotta have heart and a willingness to love and learn. You had that and God honored it.
Groucho how can you possibly disagree that (at least for) Deciderator "The Word and nothing but the Word" was what he took from PFAL?
You may NOT have taken that from PFAL but you can't say you disagree that that was what Deciderator took from it. Or do you disagree that his comment solicited negative reactions?
Sheesh! It may NOT be a "Christian website" but there sure is A LOT of discussion about Christianity and doctrinal matters -- even in a forum that's NOT suppose to cater to it. If you don't like it perhaps YOU should go somewhere else.
Point taken...I read into his remarks. I do not agree that it's "The word, the word and nothing but the word"...from my point of view, that's what's called making the bible your idol instead of experiencing God in your life. If that's what Deciderator took away from it, good for him.
As far as your other remarks...Many people here attempt to justify their actions by stating their opinions on what the bible says and oftentimes, the implication is that we should all heed those exhortations...I am merely pointing out that there are many here who no longer subscribe to this theology (or their version of it), and that "preaching" to the other posters is oftentimes an annoyance...this is NOT far as me going somewhere else, I would prefer to stay here and point out that I don't like it. :)
People are free to post their opinions can sing the praises of twi and applaud the virtues of pfal all day can talk about the wonderful things that Vic Wierwille did for you in your life and you can encourage people to "renew their minds"...go for it!...HOWEVER, I am free to post my opinions also...which is what I do.
My suggestion to find a Christian website, go to church or find a twig was not an exhortation to leave the was an attempt to encourage people to find a more "user friendly" place for their religious views in addition to posting here.
and by the way...there is a doctrinal forum here for those who enjoy discussing their necro destiny and other matters of a religious nature.
HOWEVER, I am also free to post my opinions also...which is what I do.
You most certainly are "free to post [your] opinion. And sometimes that opinion includes biblical doctrine such as:
My bible says that we SHOULD be holy and without blame
Any time you voice what YOU think the Bible says you're doing what you're telling others not to do here at GS.
I've seen several threads started in this particular forum which actually belongs down (called the basement) Doctrinal forum. I've only seen one of them moved down there. Personally, I think if you're going to enforce that rule on one topic you should enforce it on all topics that touch on doctrinal matters. But then, that can be very time-consuming for an Administrator -- so I wouldn't nit-pick over such trivial stuff.
"I try (with varying success) not to make personal attacks on Christians because even the worst of them are God's children and stand righteous and holy without blame in love before Him."
I think this type of sentiment is where religion REALLY starts to go wrong. So what about the rest of the inhabitants of earth? Well, they're dogpoop. Do whatever you like with them, rape, pillage, make war on 'em, after all, it's not like they WORTH anything like us good (insert your dogmatic affiliation here).
And as for the "It's the Word, word, word, word, .... " screed, does that even mean anything? It's just a slogan that imparts little or no real commincation, near as I can tell. But, whatever blows your skirt up...
My suggestion to find a Christian website, go to church or find a twig was not an exhortation to leave the was an attempt to encourage people to find a more "user friendly" place for their religious views in addition to posting here.
This place may not be so user friendly to people who still believe in the Bible, but, you must admit that the Bible, wrongly taught or not was very much central to our experiences while in The Way. So, don't be surprised if the subject pops up over and over here at the GSCafe. This site is not dedicated to those who now no longer believe in the Bible. As you know, we find people from A to Z here. From Mike To George Arr, and naturally, we should all be welcome here, along with our opinions. And, I did note that you, Groucho said; "in addition to posting here". I know you didn't say "leave". But no doubt the Bible will come up very often here, and with passion no doubt...
"I try (with varying success) not to make personal attacks on Christians because even the worst of them are God's children and stand righteous and holy without blame in love before Him."
I think this type of sentiment is where religion REALLY starts to go wrong. So what about the rest of the inhabitants of earth? Well, they're dogpoop. Do whatever you like with them, rape, pillage, make war on 'em, after all, it's not like they WORTH anything like us good (insert your dogmatic affiliation here).
And as for the "It's the Word, word, word, word, .... " screed, does that even mean anything? It's just a slogan that imparts little or no real commincation, near as I can tell. But, whatever blows your skirt up...
George, correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't you an atheist? If so -- has any Christian participating on GS called you "dogpoop" or not worth anything?
I very seldom quote bible verses in this forum...I chose that opprotunity to do so because there seemed to be a "rebuke" directed towards those of us who were pointing out the evils of twi...he misquoted the verse and I was merely correcting him as to what the verse actually said.
Besides...I never told anyone not to quote bible verses...I may have expressed my opinion about them doing so...but in reality, I have no authority here to tell anyone not to do something.
This place may not be so user friendly to people who still believe in the Bible, but, you must admit that the Bible, wrongly taught or not was very much central to our experiences while in The Way. So, don't be surprised if the subject pops up over and over here at the GSCafe. This site is not dedicated to those who now no longer believe in the Bible. As you know, we find people from A to Z here. From Mike To George Arr, and naturally, we should all be welcome here, along with our opinions. And, I did note that you, Groucho said; "in addition to posting here". I know you didn't say "leave". But no doubt the Bible will come up very often here, and with passion no doubt...
Right you are Jonny...the idea that the bible was wrongly taught in twi is a reoccuring theme here at the GreaseSpot...
and again, there's a doctrinal forum for those who wish to discuss biblical doctrine...which I think is a valuable service for people.
I would guess that most posters here are still Christians (myself included)...but irregardless of a person's belief system (or lack thereof), they are welcome here. I began my discussion here with addressing the question why people who say positive things about twi are criticized...I drew the analogy of saying positive things about war in an anti war website...perhaps it would be more appropriate for me to draw the analogy of speaking positive things about Hitler in a holocaust survival website?
...and I understand that the bible was central to experiences in twi and that's why I passionately like to point out that twi taught wrong doctrine that hurt a lot of people...and when someone defends twi doctrine, I am free to state an opposing view...I do not state my opinions on atheism here, nor wicca, nor catholicism...nor Hari Krishna, nor the religion of Hank worship...I come to the "About the Way" forum to discuss the Way...and attempting to stay within the context of the mission statement, I point out the "other side" of twi...those who defend twi are like the guy who sticks his head through the wall at the carnival and everyone throws tomatoes at him...and no one should be surprised when that happens.
I suppose that's always something worth remembering whenever you're inclined to tell someone else what they can or cannot post.
If you suppose that my words are worth remembering, then by all means, remember them...however, I don't think that I have ever told anyone what they can or cannot post.
Perhaps you are confusing my disagreement with what they post as me telling them what they can post...
And as for the "It's the Word, word, word, word, .... " screed, does that even mean anything? It's just a slogan that imparts little or no real commincation, near as I can tell. But, whatever blows your skirt up...
One of the problems with this slogan, cliche, that far removed from its context in pfal, its ambiguity has no real meaning. IIRC in the pfal format, vpw was talking about the importance of studying the Scripture and no reading around it by this commentary and that article, and this guy and that Dr. so-and-so.
40 years removed from its pfal filming ---- "It's the Word, the Word and nothing but the Word" ---- this cliche has been butchered hundreds of times AND leveraged against believers to refrain from independent study/research and....dadgummit, just re-research pfal.
After the 1978 episode wherein wierwille and martindale confronted three 8th corps guys and their research work...... MORE INTENSE SCRUTINY from the bigwigs to keep others "within the framework of wierwille's pfal class material." Emphatically, corps were told to keep their thinking and research papers bordered around work that vpw had already done..!!! things evolved, IT REALLY WASN'T The Word, the Word, and nothing but the its slight-of-hand reference, it really meant..."It's PFAL, PFAL and nothing but PFAL."
Add to this the absent-Christ doctrine in twi.........and WIERWILLE WAS SHELVING MUCH OF THE WHOLE TRUTH that true believers are to abide in. Check out the Book of Acts and see if Jesus Christ is absent!!!
Guess I just never believed in the wholesale indoctrination of academic/bible study as an end-all approach to God's approval. YMMV
those who defend twi are like the guy who sticks his head through the wall at the carnival and everyone throws tomatoes at him...and no one should be surprised when that happens.
I'm not surprised but, I would question the appropriateness of the action IF your stated purpose is to help others get out from under the influence of TWI. What profit is there in lobbing tomatoes at someone who still has a TWI mindset if what you want to do is sincerely help someone? I mean, if I was still under the TWI mindset and someone started tossing tomatoes at me for being so my natural (instinctual) reaction would be to pull my head back out. All you've accomplished by throwing tomatoes at someone of that mindset is cut off the possibility that eventually they might come to see it from your perspective.
If you suppose that my words are worth remembering, then by all means, remember them...however, I don't think that I have ever told anyone what they can or cannot post.
Perhaps you are confusing my disagreement with what they post as me telling them what they can post...
Are these . . .
Again...this is NOT a Christian website...if you want to open your bible, go to church, twig or an actual Christian website
. . . not your words Groucho? If they are, I don't see how you can interpret them any other way then telling someone to go elsewhere or trying to limit what they choose to post.
You're doing a bit of a back-peddling act -- in my opinion. Own your words.
I disagreed with a post...a SINGLE post cid did about the word the word and nothing but the word was all that was important any more...I gave my reason for disagreement......I told why...that if it was a big deal..or even remotely important...then one supposed that those who lived by that creed wouldn`t have been capable of indulging/endorsing/perpetrating such heinous acts against our innocent brothers and sisters....assuming that maybe the poster was ignorant of vp`s dirty little secrets.
THIS was where it got nasty....
I was attacked as a liar By cid ....for saying these men did this. I was THEN attacked as someone unable to allow something nice to be said about twi.....not so....(this was one point of one post I addressed...I didn`t disagree with any others) A few references were thrown in concerning my mental health and stability...
You then had people come forward and say that I wasn`t lying and provided links to marshas story
You then had people calling marsha an annonymous account of a probable liar...
You had people come forth and I knew her and her account rings true...
You had people call into question THESE peoples veracity..
MORE people came forth with stories of heartbreaking personal abuse at the hands of these coorborate the original account....
and when it becomes obvious that the stories are irrefutable....
Then you have the people who were first called liars...THEN attacked for derailing the thread when defending themselves and points....THEN attacked as intolerant whiners and have posters unable to accept vp`s damnable guilt....accusing the rape victims of poor judgement, of lack of something for not walking away...of just plain being stupid basically....(this callousness still boggles my mind)
SOMEWHERE sandwitched in between all of that there were people getting necessary information to begin healing from years of silent shame...People after decades were finally understanding for the first time *why me* and that it wasn`t just me....tears ...healing...pieces of the puzzle falling into place....
You have bullies that post for no other reason than to obstruct the information being presented and try to bring into question the veracity/sanity/spirituality of the people who presented the information....
You CAN disagree without trying to slaughter someone...It never was a pi$$ing contest the one who shouts the loudest or intimidates people into silence...strikes the most blows ...etc is the winner...
I personally think that the bullying here was extreme and the harassment ugly. It was inexcusable coming from supposed christian brothers and sisters.
It never ceases to suprise me ... the deliberately cruel hurtfull things that are said because someone doesn`t like your pov. I just don`t get it.
Yeah it hurts feelings to be called delusional, pychotic, attention seeking, liar, perpetually whining victim, pig making farting have ones motives, character and veracity called into question from folks that claim to be my brothers and sisters...part of the same body...the hurt becomes espescially keen...I don`t know...maybe it ties in with how one is able to excuse the evidence of vpw and leaders lives.
So now finally....this thread comes down to people coming along and with the nobelest of intentions....some how attempting to present the inexcusable behavior...some how understandable...and acceptible...
Wake up friends....IF we want to claim to be christian...IF we want to be something more than just one who brandishes the lable....
Love God and love your neighbor...if we aren`t doing Those two matter what we percieve that provocation....doctrine....(the word the word and nothing BUT the word) ..then something is wrong with our priorities, our understanding, our motives, etc.
I have to say...that in spite of it all....people managed to get information presented that brought healing and closure to other people. ....for that I personally am humbly gratefull.
Let me give an example here that has applied here as well in many other threads. When a new poster comes along, uses some “Way Speak” verbiage and hits the hot buttons of “good associated with PFAL” and “due respect accorded to vpw as teacher of PFAL”, they are pigeon-holed as a “pfal/twi/vpw” fan/lover/defender/apologist.
I disagree with you there. Not that these labels aren't used pecipitously at times, but my observation is that those newbies who "uses some “Way Speak” verbiage and hits the hot buttons of “good associated with PFAL” and “due respect accorded to vpw as teacher of PFAL”, get tarred and feathered and labelled predominantly when they make a judgement against those of us who have no use for Wierwille and PFAL, or offer some "helpful" advice about how we should "get back to the Word", or move on or be positive or whatever, with no consideration as to why we feel the way we do, and with the condescending attitude that we have somehow "lost our way".
I wish there were a place for newbies to go to kind of get a catch up, or sense of the history of this place.
I don't care what peoples opinions are on anything - I really don't, but, it just never fails, the nasty, condescending crusader "fighting for the Lord" against those who don't wear the same rose colored glasses always shows up to set us straight.
those who defend twi are like the guy who sticks his head through the wall at the carnival and everyone throws tomatoes at him...and no one should be surprised when that happens.
*Tomatos, tomatos.. can't have a thread without tomatos..*
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Mark Clarke
I still believe those few things, with one qualification. We were taught we didn't go to heaven "right away" as you put it. But they were rather vague about what happens in the end. I believe we do
Since leaving TWI, I have kind of devolved back almost to where my beliefs were just before getting into TWI. Although in my family we were raised Southern Baptist, we never believed Jesus was God.
Unlike oldies, I believe that the majority of what was taught in pfal was wrong... However, as a Christian, I do believe in "eventual" eternal life and I believe that Jesus was the son of God and not
Suda, Thanks for your analysis posts. Your attitude and approach reminds me of some of the beatitudes!
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J0nny Ling0
Come on now Groucho, I do not consider my whole life as a "has been". You took what I said out of context. The context of the statement I made was about someone saying to me that I could "get back in gear" as a minister again, and even more specifically about praying for or ministering healing. I am a "Now Is" guy too. :)
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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Jonny, I put these two side by side for a purpose. I know that Groucho was poking fun, but he also made a valid point.
I know that what Dot said to you resonated in me as well. When I left "The Mother Ship Nash" I felt freed. I was free to minister wherever and to whomever. (Excuse the bad grammar.)
No more branches, twigs, false divisions. My ministry was released (and I say that NOT as ordained clergy - because I wasn't - but a daughter of God that wanted to really serve.)
I see myself as "ministering where I'm at." There are no boundaries, no assignments, no nametags, no classes, no forms to fill out.
That makes every moment a "now" moment and the "good ole days" are the days I'm living right now - not sometime 30 plus years ago.
I'm pretty certain you feel about the same way...
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I didn't say that you considered your whole life as a "has been" comments were within the context that you were talking point was that being a "minister" in twi was bogus to begin with.
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Suda your analysis should go into a new GreaseSpot category required reading before labeling anyone as a “pfal/twi/vpw” fan/lover/defender/apologist worshiper.
Thank you Suda I just knew someone would get the point eventually I'll also add nor did I ever ask anyone to prove or for proof either just that there was only one side of the record on the table and it without the other was inconclusive for me to verify. What my personal opinion is or is not may differ but my opinion is not verifiable either.
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I disagree with the point.
Again...this is NOT a Christian website...if you want to open your bible, go to church, twig or an actual Christian website
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Larry N Moore
Groucho how can you possibly disagree that (at least for) Deciderator "The Word and nothing but the Word" was what he took from PFAL?
You may NOT have taken that from PFAL but you can't say you disagree that that was what Deciderator took from it. Or do you disagree that his comment solicited negative reactions?
Sheesh! It may NOT be a "Christian website" but there sure is A LOT of discussion about Christianity and doctrinal matters -- even in a forum that's NOT suppose to cater to it. If you don't like it perhaps YOU should go somewhere else.
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So who says they are Christians?...holy and without blame? My bible says that we SHOULD be holy and without blame...unfortunately Mr. Wierwille and Mr. Martindale are/were NOT holy and were to blamed for the damage done to other people.
I refuse to sweep under the rug, the truth of what happened via religious platitudes.
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I pulled up Deciderator's post just so that we all know the context he put it in.
I won't credit TWI with a lot of the good in this post. I will say that there were some really, really good people in "Cid's" life during that time.
Deciderator - God took care of you and your heart. I know you say "The Word, the Word and Nothing but The Word," - but from where I stand, I'd be saying, "God is God and Jesus is Lord."
It's more than "The Word." You gotta have heart and a willingness to love and learn. You had that and God honored it.
VPW and LCM were just footnotes in it all...
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Point taken...I read into his remarks. I do not agree that it's "The word, the word and nothing but the word"...from my point of view, that's what's called making the bible your idol instead of experiencing God in your life. If that's what Deciderator took away from it, good for him.
As far as your other remarks...Many people here attempt to justify their actions by stating their opinions on what the bible says and oftentimes, the implication is that we should all heed those exhortations...I am merely pointing out that there are many here who no longer subscribe to this theology (or their version of it), and that "preaching" to the other posters is oftentimes an annoyance...this is NOT far as me going somewhere else, I would prefer to stay here and point out that I don't like it. :)
People are free to post their opinions can sing the praises of twi and applaud the virtues of pfal all day can talk about the wonderful things that Vic Wierwille did for you in your life and you can encourage people to "renew their minds"...go for it!...HOWEVER, I am free to post my opinions also...which is what I do.
My suggestion to find a Christian website, go to church or find a twig was not an exhortation to leave the was an attempt to encourage people to find a more "user friendly" place for their religious views in addition to posting here.
and by the way...there is a doctrinal forum here for those who enjoy discussing their necro destiny and other matters of a religious nature.
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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Larry N Moore
You most certainly are "free to post [your] opinion. And sometimes that opinion includes biblical doctrine such as:
.Any time you voice what YOU think the Bible says you're doing what you're telling others not to do here at GS.
I've seen several threads started in this particular forum which actually belongs down (called the basement) Doctrinal forum. I've only seen one of them moved down there. Personally, I think if you're going to enforce that rule on one topic you should enforce it on all topics that touch on doctrinal matters. But then, that can be very time-consuming for an Administrator -- so I wouldn't nit-pick over such trivial stuff.
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George Aar
"I try (with varying success) not to make personal attacks on Christians because even the worst of them are God's children and stand righteous and holy without blame in love before Him."
I think this type of sentiment is where religion REALLY starts to go wrong. So what about the rest of the inhabitants of earth? Well, they're dogpoop. Do whatever you like with them, rape, pillage, make war on 'em, after all, it's not like they WORTH anything like us good (insert your dogmatic affiliation here).
And as for the "It's the Word, word, word, word, .... " screed, does that even mean anything? It's just a slogan that imparts little or no real commincation, near as I can tell. But, whatever blows your skirt up...
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J0nny Ling0
This place may not be so user friendly to people who still believe in the Bible, but, you must admit that the Bible, wrongly taught or not was very much central to our experiences while in The Way. So, don't be surprised if the subject pops up over and over here at the GSCafe. This site is not dedicated to those who now no longer believe in the Bible. As you know, we find people from A to Z here. From Mike To George Arr, and naturally, we should all be welcome here, along with our opinions. And, I did note that you, Groucho said; "in addition to posting here". I know you didn't say "leave". But no doubt the Bible will come up very often here, and with passion no doubt...
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Larry N Moore
George, correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't you an atheist? If so -- has any Christian participating on GS called you "dogpoop" or not worth anything?
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I very seldom quote bible verses in this forum...I chose that opprotunity to do so because there seemed to be a "rebuke" directed towards those of us who were pointing out the evils of twi...he misquoted the verse and I was merely correcting him as to what the verse actually said.
Besides...I never told anyone not to quote bible verses...I may have expressed my opinion about them doing so...but in reality, I have no authority here to tell anyone not to do something.
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Larry N Moore
I suppose that's always something worth remembering whenever you're inclined to tell someone else what they can or cannot post.
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Right you are Jonny...the idea that the bible was wrongly taught in twi is a reoccuring theme here at the GreaseSpot...
and again, there's a doctrinal forum for those who wish to discuss biblical doctrine...which I think is a valuable service for people.
I would guess that most posters here are still Christians (myself included)...but irregardless of a person's belief system (or lack thereof), they are welcome here. I began my discussion here with addressing the question why people who say positive things about twi are criticized...I drew the analogy of saying positive things about war in an anti war website...perhaps it would be more appropriate for me to draw the analogy of speaking positive things about Hitler in a holocaust survival website?
...and I understand that the bible was central to experiences in twi and that's why I passionately like to point out that twi taught wrong doctrine that hurt a lot of people...and when someone defends twi doctrine, I am free to state an opposing view...I do not state my opinions on atheism here, nor wicca, nor catholicism...nor Hari Krishna, nor the religion of Hank worship...I come to the "About the Way" forum to discuss the Way...and attempting to stay within the context of the mission statement, I point out the "other side" of twi...those who defend twi are like the guy who sticks his head through the wall at the carnival and everyone throws tomatoes at him...and no one should be surprised when that happens.
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If you suppose that my words are worth remembering, then by all means, remember them...however, I don't think that I have ever told anyone what they can or cannot post.
Perhaps you are confusing my disagreement with what they post as me telling them what they can post...
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One of the problems with this slogan, cliche, that far removed from its context in pfal, its ambiguity has no real meaning. IIRC in the pfal format, vpw was talking about the importance of studying the Scripture and no reading around it by this commentary and that article, and this guy and that Dr. so-and-so.
40 years removed from its pfal filming ---- "It's the Word, the Word and nothing but the Word" ---- this cliche has been butchered hundreds of times AND leveraged against believers to refrain from independent study/research and....dadgummit, just re-research pfal.
After the 1978 episode wherein wierwille and martindale confronted three 8th corps guys and their research work...... MORE INTENSE SCRUTINY from the bigwigs to keep others "within the framework of wierwille's pfal class material." Emphatically, corps were told to keep their thinking and research papers bordered around work that vpw had already done..!!! things evolved, IT REALLY WASN'T The Word, the Word, and nothing but the its slight-of-hand reference, it really meant..."It's PFAL, PFAL and nothing but PFAL."
Add to this the absent-Christ doctrine in twi.........and WIERWILLE WAS SHELVING MUCH OF THE WHOLE TRUTH that true believers are to abide in. Check out the Book of Acts and see if Jesus Christ is absent!!!
Guess I just never believed in the wholesale indoctrination of academic/bible study as an end-all approach to God's approval. YMMV
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Larry N Moore
I'm not surprised but, I would question the appropriateness of the action IF your stated purpose is to help others get out from under the influence of TWI. What profit is there in lobbing tomatoes at someone who still has a TWI mindset if what you want to do is sincerely help someone? I mean, if I was still under the TWI mindset and someone started tossing tomatoes at me for being so my natural (instinctual) reaction would be to pull my head back out. All you've accomplished by throwing tomatoes at someone of that mindset is cut off the possibility that eventually they might come to see it from your perspective.
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Larry N Moore
Are these . . .
. . . not your words Groucho? If they are, I don't see how you can interpret them any other way then telling someone to go elsewhere or trying to limit what they choose to post.
You're doing a bit of a back-peddling act -- in my opinion. Own your words.
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Well HERE are things from MY perspective....
I disagreed with a post...a SINGLE post cid did about the word the word and nothing but the word was all that was important any more...I gave my reason for disagreement......I told why...that if it was a big deal..or even remotely important...then one supposed that those who lived by that creed wouldn`t have been capable of indulging/endorsing/perpetrating such heinous acts against our innocent brothers and sisters....assuming that maybe the poster was ignorant of vp`s dirty little secrets.
THIS was where it got nasty....
I was attacked as a liar By cid ....for saying these men did this. I was THEN attacked as someone unable to allow something nice to be said about twi.....not so....(this was one point of one post I addressed...I didn`t disagree with any others) A few references were thrown in concerning my mental health and stability...
You then had people come forward and say that I wasn`t lying and provided links to marshas story
You then had people calling marsha an annonymous account of a probable liar...
You had people come forth and I knew her and her account rings true...
You had people call into question THESE peoples veracity..
MORE people came forth with stories of heartbreaking personal abuse at the hands of these coorborate the original account....
and when it becomes obvious that the stories are irrefutable....
Then you have the people who were first called liars...THEN attacked for derailing the thread when defending themselves and points....THEN attacked as intolerant whiners and have posters unable to accept vp`s damnable guilt....accusing the rape victims of poor judgement, of lack of something for not walking away...of just plain being stupid basically....(this callousness still boggles my mind)
SOMEWHERE sandwitched in between all of that there were people getting necessary information to begin healing from years of silent shame...People after decades were finally understanding for the first time *why me* and that it wasn`t just me....tears ...healing...pieces of the puzzle falling into place....
You have bullies that post for no other reason than to obstruct the information being presented and try to bring into question the veracity/sanity/spirituality of the people who presented the information....
You CAN disagree without trying to slaughter someone...It never was a pi$$ing contest the one who shouts the loudest or intimidates people into silence...strikes the most blows ...etc is the winner...
I personally think that the bullying here was extreme and the harassment ugly. It was inexcusable coming from supposed christian brothers and sisters.
It never ceases to suprise me ... the deliberately cruel hurtfull things that are said because someone doesn`t like your pov. I just don`t get it.
Yeah it hurts feelings to be called delusional, pychotic, attention seeking, liar, perpetually whining victim, pig making farting have ones motives, character and veracity called into question from folks that claim to be my brothers and sisters...part of the same body...the hurt becomes espescially keen...I don`t know...maybe it ties in with how one is able to excuse the evidence of vpw and leaders lives.
So now finally....this thread comes down to people coming along and with the nobelest of intentions....some how attempting to present the inexcusable behavior...some how understandable...and acceptible...
Wake up friends....IF we want to claim to be christian...IF we want to be something more than just one who brandishes the lable....
Love God and love your neighbor...if we aren`t doing Those two matter what we percieve that provocation....doctrine....(the word the word and nothing BUT the word) ..then something is wrong with our priorities, our understanding, our motives, etc.
I have to say...that in spite of it all....people managed to get information presented that brought healing and closure to other people. ....for that I personally am humbly gratefull.
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I think Oakspear had a very valid point here:
Let me give an example here that has applied here as well in many other threads. When a new poster comes along, uses some “Way Speak” verbiage and hits the hot buttons of “good associated with PFAL” and “due respect accorded to vpw as teacher of PFAL”, they are pigeon-holed as a “pfal/twi/vpw” fan/lover/defender/apologist.
I disagree with you there. Not that these labels aren't used pecipitously at times, but my observation is that those newbies who "uses some “Way Speak” verbiage and hits the hot buttons of “good associated with PFAL” and “due respect accorded to vpw as teacher of PFAL”, get tarred and feathered and labelled predominantly when they make a judgement against those of us who have no use for Wierwille and PFAL, or offer some "helpful" advice about how we should "get back to the Word", or move on or be positive or whatever, with no consideration as to why we feel the way we do, and with the condescending attitude that we have somehow "lost our way".
I wish there were a place for newbies to go to kind of get a catch up, or sense of the history of this place.
I don't care what peoples opinions are on anything - I really don't, but, it just never fails, the nasty, condescending crusader "fighting for the Lord" against those who don't wear the same rose colored glasses always shows up to set us straight.
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*Tomatos, tomatos.. can't have a thread without tomatos..*
*I'll take a dozen*
*here mister, that's ten bucks..*
*Tomatos, tomatos.. gotta have your tomatos...*
Sorry.. I ran out of bricks and purses..
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